Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2023 The Heart of a Living Being

"Hey, Duoduo is really a big money fan. I think she can live with Tiancaidibao for the rest of her life. She doesn't need anything else. Now that she is the chief financial officer of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', I think she is much more suitable than Bai Youniang. It's such a joy, she is suitable for dealing with treasures!" Xuanyuan left Duobao City, looked back, such a rich aura, it seemed that because he had given Qian Duoduo a large number of treasures, it seemed to be more intense, he said sincerely emotion.

"Haha, isn't this great? You don't have so much time to spend with other people after living with you." The greedy old man gloated.

"Don't forget, I have an incarnation outside of my body, and I can also transform into a pure body. If I want to accompany you, I still have energy, and ordinary people can't compare with me." Xuanyuan joked.

"That can't be done. You have to be sincere when you accompany a woman. Otherwise, if they confess to each other, you will be able to see them. Don't forget, those women of yours are like the ever-burning lamps in front of the Buddha Hall. One is fuel-efficient." The greedy old man's laughter was particularly cheap.

"Uh, it's true..." Xuanyuan rubbed her nose, she could imagine Ba Ji's angry appearance without others talking, it was very scary, now Ba Ji has stepped into the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

Nowadays, everything in the "Qinglong Holy Land" is developing rapidly, unless it is absolutely necessary, Xuanyuan does not want to make enemies for himself and cause unnecessary troubles, but Xuanyuan still needs to pay attention to the "Origin of Blood" and "Origin of Decay". Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles. Regarding the three new origins, Xuanyuan knows that there is no negotiation at all. Judging from the language of the "Eternal Saint Emperor" and "Eternal Saint Emperor", these three origins are completely based on aggression. For the Lord, reasoning with them is simply not feasible.

"Little Husband..." Just when Xuanyuan was about to leave the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', Huang Yuechan appeared. She was dressed in a fluttering colorful dress, her long hair fluttered, and between her eyebrows, there was a crimson mark of the Divine Phoenix. lifelike.

"Yuechan, aren't you in retreat?" Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, and found that Huang Yuechan had also broken through to the Great Saint Realm.

It's no wonder that all the women who are related to him, among other things, are contaminated with his luck. With the growth of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' today, they are also people who are closely related to Xuanyuan, so they will naturally be greatly affected. Aside from this point, they are all strong-willed women with extraordinary talents. The outstanding ones in the original "Central World" are beyond the reach of ordinary people, only because of innate conditions their development.

Therefore, Xuanyuan was not surprised to be able to step into the realm of the great sage.

"Hasn't it been a long time since I saw you? I miss you a little bit. I came out to see you when I knew you were going back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', but you didn't miss me at all." Huang Yuechan hugged Xuanyuan's arm, wrinkled Nose, Yingying smiled, she didn't blame Xuanyuan, because he really didn't have a moment of leisure.

"Uh, then do you want to go out with me?" Xuanyuan rubbed his nose, looked at Huang Yuechan's resentful appearance, and said self-consciously.

"Okay, okay, my little husband is good." Huang Yuechan's eyes sparkled, like a little girl, happily, anyway, she was alone, nothing happened, in fact, her initial thought was to be with her. Xuanyuan travels together.

"Then let's go." Xuanyuan took Huang Yuechan's catkin by the hand, and the two of them left the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Among these women, Shihou was the 'body of ten thousand medicines', and it was necessary to refine many elixirs. Her essence and blood are used as medicine, which is inseparable at all, and now her medicine refining technique is already an extremely peak existence.

Not to mention a lot of money, busy allocating property every day, distributing the resources needed by all races, and controlling the price market of the entire "Qinglong Holy Land", it can be said that today's "Qinglong Holy Land" is fundamentally inseparable A lot of money.

And Yin Zhenluo wants to train his own Yin family army, or the Tianlong clan, while Ba Ji is in control of the "tyrannical blood royal family" and has never stopped. It can be said that the lady is very busy and enjoys it, so naturally she doesn't have the time to think about other things.

Luo Zixi has the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion', Mochou Zhizhi has the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion', and Tsing Yi stays in the Nuwa clan, they all have various things, Yan Ziyun is in retreat, Fang Yuyou is familiar with With everything about the 'Qinglong Holy Land', everyone knows that she is the former Holy Master of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and it is very likely that she will take over the class of Jingsha again.

After she left the customs, she began to familiarize herself with various things in case of emergencies. Relatively speaking, only Huang Yuechan was the most leisurely. She only needed to practice and had nothing else to do.

The two of them left the 'Qinglong Holy Land', Huang Yuechan was overjoyed, as if being with Xuanyuan was enough.

Xuanyuan also didn't blend into the myriad ways of heaven and earth like when he was traveling alone in the past.

He found that he hadn't calmed down for a long time to look at the scenery of the "Central World" today, and almost all his attention was focused on dealing with the holy emperors of the major origins, as well as improving himself and strengthening the strength of the "Qinglong Holy Land" .

The 'Central World' has become increasingly powerful, and the luck of the human race has become extremely strong, which has driven the development of the entire 'Origin of Hongmeng', which has a vital relationship with the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

In the 'Qinglong Holy Land', the 'Houtu Holy Temple' is worshiped by the people of thousands of races. Their hearts are gathered together, and they are all races of 'Hongmeng Origin'. As they become stronger and stronger, they will naturally make the 'Hongmeng Origin' race It is inevitable that the power of Yuanyuan will be improved, just like there are countless strong people who believe in Xuanyuan and concentrate countless thoughts on Xuanyuan. Invisibly, Xuanyuan is strengthened, and Xuanyuan also gives them feedback, mutual benefit, that's it.

If the ten thousand races kill each other, the 'Origin of Primordial Origin' will soon begin to decline.

In fact, at the end of the chaos, the reason why the "Central World" was torn apart was because of the killing of each other among the ten thousand races, which caused the luck of all the races to decline. The concentration of ideas, and the continuous fighting in this land day and night, how can the power of the "Original Origin" not decline?

This is the main reason for the split of the "Central World". In history, except for the ancient times, there has never been a moment when the "Central World" has been so powerful.

There is green mountains and green waters in front of me, and now it is spring, thousands of flowers are in full bloom, and the flowing water is gurgling, winding to the distance, like a long dragon crawling on the ground, and the whole stream is transpiring with an extremely rich aura of mist. 'Central World' is simply impossible to see.

If this kind of place appeared at that time, it would be a holy place for cultivation. There might be other big forces fighting for this place, but it is not uncommon for such a place now.

It is conceivable that the incomplete "Central China" in the past is not comparable to the current "Central World".

"Yuechan, look, this is the territory of our 'Hongmeng Origin' Ten Thousand Clans, if one day we can drive out all the people who want to destroy this land, and the people of Ten Thousand Clans live here , What kind of scene will it be like?" Xuanyuan said while holding Huang Yuechan's hand, looking ahead, feeling the beauty of the world and creatures.

"Yes, little husband, I will work with you to expel all those who want to destroy this piece of land!" Huang Yuechan's eyes flickered sharply, she was not an ordinary member of the Great Sacred Realm. Existence, although she is not yet able to compete with the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, but uniting with Xuanyuan will make her combat power soar unprecedentedly, and the attacking power of both of them will skyrocket.

Xuanyuan brought Huang Yuechan down from the sky and set foot on the ground. He hadn't experienced this feeling of walking for a long time.

There is a forest in front of you, the winding forest path, the verdant woods stretching into the distance, and the gentle cool breeze blowing, making people feel extremely comfortable.

Living in the woods on both sides of this forest path, there are many creatures poking their heads out one after another, including birds, monkeys, fairy deer, black bears, and even ginseng, villains derived from spiritual medicines. They are all intelligent.

The closeness between Xuanyuan and the 'Original Origin of Hongmeng' made them all feel extremely friendly, intentionally or unintentionally, they approached Xuanyuan by themselves.

The eyes of these creatures looking at Xuanyuan are a kind of reverence. In their eyes, Xuanyuan is the patron saint. He is like a loving father, caressing a cute little black bear who is a little shorter than himself, and Huang Yuechan is teasing. Looking at the birds flying around her is very joyful.

"Little husband, you said that it would be great if there were no wars. Now I heard that there will be other origins coming. In this way, the 'Central World' will become uneasy again." Huang Yuechan said. As soon as it fell, at her feet, a ginseng-derived villain trembled, shaking his little hands, as if saying, don't let war happen.

"Well, I can't promise you anything, but I will do my best to protect it." Xuanyuan can naturally understand the thoughts of these creatures, but he really can't promise, because the origin that will come next will be very powerful.

These creatures listened to Xuanyuan's words and made cheerful voices. From their point of view, as long as the patron saint would try his best to protect them, that would be enough.

Feeling the thought fluctuations emanating from these creatures, Huang Yuechan also understood why Xuanyuan was running around day and night. There are too many beings and spirits in the world, and she pinned all her hopes on him.

So he didn't want to disappoint all living beings and spirits, and couldn't stop at all, and Xuanyuan didn't want to stop either.

Huang Yuechan was at the side, looking at Xuanyuan and looking up at the sky, the vicissitudes and fatigue revealed between her brows made her feel a little pain in her heart.

Taking a deep breath, restraining her emotions, Huang Yuechan raised the corners of her mouth, narrowed her eyes into crescents, and smiled softly.

In her opinion, the happiest thing in the world is nothing more than this.

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