Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2025 The No. 1 Person in the Central World

The 'Origin of Decay' can be said to be a particularly aggressive origin. Their physique reminders, temperament, and supernatural powers are all full of aggression, and they are completely an origin born for aggression.

Among other things, the rotten aura emanating from their bodies can pollute the aura and occupy a piece of heaven and earth, making it impossible for other races to cultivate and take everything as their own.

For them, pure aura is useless, and only polluted aura is a great tonic. However, for other races, once the aura polluted by them is refined into the body, it will never be as good as it used to be. Highly poisonous, it slowly corrodes the body and soul.

Therefore, wherever they go, they will pollute a piece of heaven and earth, slowly erode, and finally pollute the whole world and take it as their own. However, it is difficult to purify the world occupied by the "rotten origin".

To the west of Dongzhou is Zhongzhou. No one occupies this piece of territory. It is empty. Many big clans outside the territory have been included in the major origins, and they no longer hold a wait-and-see attitude to wander outside the territory. At this time, if they are not on the right team, there will be no room for them in the future.

"Origin of Decay" occupies Dongzhou, which can be expanded at will. To the east is "Dongfu Xianzhou", which is occupied by the Protoss, and across the East China Sea to the southeast is "Sky Demon Lingzhou", the territory of the Nuwa clan, which bears the brunt , the south is Nanzhou, and it goes straight down across the South China Sea, which is the 'Nanyan Xianzhou'.

In the northeast direction, after crossing the North Sea, there are the 'Heavenly Demon Spirit State' and 'Beiyue Xianzhou', 'Origin of All Evil' and 'Origin of Blood' can be used as the backup force of 'Origin of Decay', united, this will be an extremely powerful force. Terrible power.

Standing on that beautiful hill, Xuanyuan watched as the 'Origin of Blood' completely occupied the entire 'Heavenly Demon Lingzhou' in just half a month, and became deeply rooted, even if the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' wanted to If you want to invade, you have to pay a huge price, and the "curse origin" is hidden in it, making it unpredictable.

At the same time, the power of "Origin of All Evil" and "Origin of Blood" penetrated into the ground under their feet, blocking the control of the land by "Origin of Hongmeng". The 'Lord of Order' also couldn't clearly observe what happened in these two origins.

Knowing that Xuanyuan can use the power of the 'Hongmeng Origin', it is impossible for the major forces to expose everything about themselves to the broad daylight, including the 'Origin of the Underworld'.

But now this is not a problem for Xuanyuan. 'Tiancha Xuanyuan' has long been able to spy on everything and hold it in his own hands. It can be said that the 'Sage Emperor' of 'Biluo Origin' is monitoring the world. This method is unmatched by the great emperors of all origins. His two subordinates were able to monitor the changes of the 'Central Province Dynasty' that day, so it can be seen.

"Little husband, what are your plans now?" Through Xuanyuan's mind wave, Huang Yuechan knew the plans of 'Origin of Blood' and 'Origin of All Evil' and 'Origin of Curse', her brows slightly frowned. I am afraid that I will fall into a strong turmoil.

"I want to go to the 'Tianchan Lingzhou' first, gather all the reincarnations of the holy emperors, and hold a meeting. If the 'Origin of Decay' arrives, I'm afraid it will be too late, Yuechan, I can't accompany you Now, you go to the Nuwa clan to find Tsing Yi, let her go to the Dragon Demon Hall, and the people in the Sky Demon Palace, first communicate with the people in the first step, explain the pros and cons of the situation, I believe that the "Sky Demon Virgin" and " Emperor Zulong' will make the correct judgment." Xuanyuan assigned Huang Yuechan a task, the place not far from 'Nanyan Xianzhou' is 'Sky Demon Lingzhou', there will not be too much danger, Xuanyuan naturally Don't worry too.

"Okay." Huang Yuechan turned and left.

That time, when Jin Chanzi returned to 'Tianchan Lingzhou', Xuanyuan asked him to communicate with Yang Linger and Di Shitian, hoping that the whole 'Tianchan Lingzhou' could be closely integrated, if they could reach an agreement Agreement, this time, everyone can unite to tear apart the plan of the four origins together. If we add the power of 'Tianchan Lingzhou' and combine the power of 'Yuhua Shenchao', we can have the power to fight against the four origins .

After Huang Yuechan left, Xuanyuan also disappeared into the world. Not long after, he entered a mysterious space in the 'Da Leiyin Temple'.

"It seems that little friend Xuanyuan's strength has gone a step further." Jin Chanzi was not dissatisfied with Xuanyuan's uninvited infiltration, but his words were full of admiration. A supreme relic condensed by the 'Emperor of Ten Thousand Transformations' gave him a deep feeling.

"Brother Jinchan, how do Yang Linger and Di Shitian respond?" Xuanyuan has some contact with Di Shitian. This person has great ambitions, but he still has a strong view of the overall situation. The picture is not small, so he should agree. , but Yang Ling'er didn't know much about it.

"They all agreed, this is indeed a matter of life and death for the major forces of the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist', not to mention the hunting saints watching in the dark, now 'Origin of All Evil', 'Origin of Blood' and 'Origin of Decay' have reached this position one after another On the other hand, it also makes them feel a sense of crisis in their hearts, and if they continue to fight on their own, I am afraid that they will fall into a situation where they will never be restored." Speaking of these three origins, Jin Chanzi's expression is not easy, originally "the origin of Hongmeng" "The great emperors will keep an eye on each other, and now the big foreign forces have also integrated them together, and they will be unified first before talking to the outside world.

Including the previous "Tianchan Lingzhou" and "Tiandao Lingzhou" said that they would not intervene in the war. On the one hand, they felt that "Hongmeng Origin" had the ability to fight against "Biluo Origin" and "Huangquan Origin" and wanted to make the relationship between them Let's fight for a result. In this way, there will be more room for 'Tiandao Lingzhou' and 'Tianchan Lingzhou' to expand.

"Okay, now let's talk about it first, I'm afraid they will make a big move next, so we must make preparations in advance." Xuanyuan said in a deep voice.

"I'll inform them." Jin Chanzi got up, and a ray of holy light radiated out. After a while, the existence of the two holy emperors, Yang Ling'er and Di Shitian, appeared in this mysterious space. Tianchan Lingzhou' has been monolithic, and everyone can understand the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

Yang Ling'er's earlobes are big, her face is handsome, and her eyes are full of compassion and peace, making people want to get close to her involuntarily and feel peaceful.

Di Shitian's face was sharp and sharp, and his eyes were full of majesty, chilling, and his gestures gave people a strong deterrent effect.

"I have seen the two seniors." Xuanyuan smiled softly and bowed. Although he now has the strength to compete with the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, he will not have the slightest arrogance.

"You boy, it's really not easy. Your strength is advancing by leaps and bounds and changing with each passing day. Compared with the day when we saw you, you are much stronger. It is really impressive." Di Shitian said while slapping Xuanyuan in the face. The palm seems to be light and light, but every trace it passes contains the power and wrath of the world. Xuanyuan only feels that thousands of Mount Sumeru are pressing towards him, and it is impossible to avoid it.

However, Xuanyuan naturally didn't want to avoid it, he stood still, his expression remained indifferent, and the "swallowing god" manifested, condensing into a black ancient Buddha, with a peaceful face, no sentient beings, no karma, and raised his hand in his arms , hit a palm.

The speed of palming is extremely slow, but very steady, as if the roulette wheel of history is being pushed, and thousands of years are passing by, when the two palms touch, there is no earth-shattering power fluctuation, only a silent melting, as if it has never happened .

Xuanyuan looked very calm, with a smile on his face. Di Shitian looked at him with a look of amazement, and said, "Very well, Xuanyuan, your strength is no longer that of an ordinary reincarnated saint emperor. It can be compared with yours. Your "Swallowing God Rule" has incorporated many mysterious god rules. It seems that you have learned a lot from the reincarnation of many holy emperors. The "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations" is really strange! Open your eyes."

Xuanyuan's "Wanhua Furnace" is a furnace that refines hundreds of saints. It is their own. The existence of the reincarnation of the saint emperor can be seen at a glance, but even for them, it is difficult to figure out which saint emperor Xuanyuan has condensed. The existence of reincarnation is only because of Xuanyuan's other adventures. If they knew that the 'Bi Luo Origin' was controlled by Xuanyuan, they would be very shocked.

"The number one person in the 'Central World' deserves it all," Yang Linger spoke slowly but clearly, without concealing her admiration for Xuanyuan at all.

"Where, all the seniors have a lot to learn from me." Xuanyuan was very humble.

"Haha, we are from 'Great Origin', and you are from 'Central World', can it be the same? Since ancient times, there have been countless people who have reached your level and have not yet ascended. You are still the first one." Although Di Shitian admired Xuanyuan very much, he didn't pay much attention to it, apparently some holy emperors still had unknown ways to reincarnate.

Now it is easy for Xuanyuan to ascend, but what he brought his family with him was to bring all sentient beings with him, not himself. If he wanted to ascend, at least he would have to wait until the entire "Central World" was completely pacified after.

Xuanyuan rubbed his nose, smiled, and said, "I'll lead the way, let's go!"

He evolved into a part of the heaven and the earth, deliberately leaving a trace of his own breath, and let the three great Buddhist emperors follow closely, otherwise, even if they wanted to capture Xuanyuan's breath, it would be very difficult.

In a short time, they had arrived at the 'Yuhua Shenchao', and the reincarnation of the two great emperors had already received the news from Xuanyuan.

The union of the 'Yuhua Shenchao' and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was expected by the three great Buddhist emperors, but they did not expect it to be so fast.

Xuanyuan used the power of the "body of all transformations" to cover up their aura to prevent the reincarnation of other origins of the emperor from discovering.

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