Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2027 Generalissimo

Now Xuanyuan is no longer as simple as a single representative of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. He has assembled the saint emperor figures from all major forces. He is the core, and he must do a good job as the host of this meeting.

With the participation of major forces, his own opinion cannot represent everyone's thoughts, so strategic and tactical matters must be discussed by everyone, and finally come up with the best solution.

Many saint emperors hold different views on Xuanyuan's thoughts, similar to Yang Ling'er, Di Shitian, Jin Chanzi, they all belong to the Buddhist sect, this great power is doomed, they are peaceful, compassionate, Pity the people, know the suffering of all living beings, reduce military disasters, and rarely take the initiative to invade others. Generally speaking, unless the other party has committed a heinous crime and committed all kinds of evils, causing a piece of land to be devastated, otherwise, Buddhism will never take action. In some cases, it is autonomous protection!

Xuanyuan nodded, looked at Jin Chanzi, and asked, "Brother Jin Chan, what's your opinion?"

"For a long time, our Buddhism is not good at war, and we are passively protecting ourselves. As Brother Yang Ling and Brother Shi Tian said, my idea is to protect. After all, 'the origin of all evil'" Blood Origin' didn't invade us, so we attacked them, which doesn't seem very good, and doesn't fit our style." Jin Chanzi sighed, although he knew that the joint aggression of the major origins was inevitable As a result, people in the Buddhist sect have such a mind, they pay attention to cause and effect, and there is cause and effect, and Xuanyuan can understand it!

"Then what do you think of the 'Heavenly Demon Lingzhou'?" After all, they were the ones who were invaded, so on this point, they have greater decision-making power. The restrictions, feng shui, and general layout of Yaoling State' are closely related. If it is a territory like the Protoss, the restrictions laid down are mainly offensive, and it will be difficult to defend!

"The Nuwa clan has never taken the initiative to invade others. We are a group that is not good at invading other clans. My opinion is the same as the three emperors of the 'Tianchan Lingzhou' and stick to the 'Tianyao Lingzhou' !" Nuwa's guardian thought over and over again, but still made his own choice, after all, the Nuwa clan has never taken the initiative to attack others.

The view of 'Zulong Shengdi' is different. Every word and every word is full of murderous air: "I don't think we should wait until the opponent is fully prepared to counterattack passively. Since we are all united, then we should strike first. , hit the enemy hard, and kill them by surprise!"

The 'Ancestral Dragon Sacred Emperor' has a strong heart. Before, it was because of his lack of strength. It was difficult for the Dragon Demon Hall to compete with the major origins. He didn't want to force himself. Now many saint emperors and the 'Hongmeng Origin' are united , if he still flinches, he is not the 'Ancestral Dragon Sacred Emperor'.

"That's right, although the Nuwa clan is not good at aggression, neither the 'Sky Demon Palace' nor the 'Dragon Demon Palace' want to be passive guards. Since we want to fight, we must fight hard, at all costs, until they are scared. Absolutely can't make their arrogance more and more arrogant!" The attitude of the 'Sky Demon Virgin' is very tough, this time they are betting on the future of their respective ethnic groups, and they want to fight against the holy emperors of all origins together, just want to put They are completely expelled!

Xuanyuan pondered for a moment, he was not in a hurry to make a conclusion, and looked at the "Chaos Saint Emperor" and "Emperor Emperor". When it comes to fighting, there is no doubt that the human race is the strongest, and there are endless schemes. The Sun family, The Wu family, the Bai family and many other military families are all from the human race.

"I don't know what the 'Emperor Emperor' thinks?" After Xuanyuan put forward his two ideas, he didn't express his opinion.

"My idea is also to take the initiative. If we stay passive all the time, it is very likely that we will fall into a place of eternal doom. The 'Central World' was originally the territory of the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist'. How can it allow foreigners to invade and occupy them?" "Central World", we have the right to expel them, and now they are allowed to live in the "Central World", but they will intensify their aggression, which is absolutely intolerable!" The "Emperor Emperor" raised his sword eyebrows, extremely sharp, and the expression in his eyes In the middle, the light flickered, and the murderous intent was full. From his battle with the Holy Emperor of "The Origin of All Evil" that day, we can see his character.

Xuanyuan nodded, and looked at the 'Chaos Saint Emperor', this is a respectable figure, one person suppressed the reincarnation of two Saint Emperors, and beat them without the slightest ability to fight back, and there are very few Saint Emperors. , able to be like him.

"Fight!" The 'Chaos Saint Emperor' didn't look at Xuanyuan, and spit out a word, extremely overbearing.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, this is the style of the 'Chaos Saint Emperor', he was silent for a moment, looking at the 'Changsheng Saint Emperor' and the 'Eternal Saint Emperor'.

The opinions of the two of them are also extremely important. The 'Sage Emperor of Longevity' looked at Xuanyuan's eyes and said lightly: "Don't look at me, I'm a casual person, follow the crowd, anyway, I will do whatever you ask me to do What!"

As soon as this remark came out, many saint emperors couldn't help being speechless for a while. On the side, the 'eternal saint emperor' sighed quietly: "Little friend Xuanyuan, I'm afraid you already have a plan in mind. If that's the case, let's talk about it. If we If you think it’s feasible, just implement it according to your ideas, you don’t have to care about the status of us people, young people are no worse than us older generations.”

"Come on, Xuanyuan, I'd like to hear what you think too!" The 'Chaos Saint Emperor' also spoke. Once upon a time, the young man in front of him was an ant that he could crush to death with one hand, but now he can sit on an equal footing. His aptitude, his aptitude, and his luck are all extraordinary. The 'Eternal Saint Emperor' has a high vision, and it is not without thought that he will say this sentence.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I won't be ashamed to say it." Xuanyuan took a deep breath, and at this moment he was the focus of all the saint emperors.

"In fact, everyone's opinions are not in conflict. The offense and defense can be well combined. Since the three major Buddhist sects of 'Tianchan Lingzhou' are all good at defensive methods, from today onwards, the 'Tianyao Lingzhou' and The Nuwa clan secretly united and deployed all kinds of protective measures in the first gate of the 'Tian Yao Lingzhou', while the 'Dragon Demon Palace' and the 'Tian Yao Temple' led the elite and took the initiative to attack. The elites of the court will complement each other!" Xuanyuan was very clear in every word.

"Then what does the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' do?" the 'Sacred Mother of the Sky Demon' asked in surprise.

"I will send a group of holy guards who are good at guarding to station in the 'Tian Yao Lingzhou'. I will also send a group of holy guards who are good at attacking to attack the enemy. You can pay attention to the development of the situation and be ready to respond to us at any time , to achieve a certain degree of offense and defense, and to send and receive freely, how about it?" Xuanyuan said to himself.

"No problem." The three holy emperors of 'Tianchan Lingzhou' were very satisfied with Xuanyuan's arrangement, and Nuwa's guardian couldn't help but nodded heavily. Do it together against the enemy.

"Then which origin should we fight first?" 'Sage Emperor Ancestral Dragon' frowned, the three origins in front of him were not easy to provoke.

"Naturally, it is the origin of the curse. They hide in the dark. The power of the curse is extremely terrifying. Before that, there were many peoples who took refuge in the origin of the curse. If they attacked us with the method of blood sacrifice when we attacked, Then the consequences will be unimaginable, and it will be difficult to avoid even evading..." Xuanyuan said every word, sonorously and loudly.

"But if we attack the 'Origin of the Curse', Buddhism will have an advantage. If it is us, then it is our own weakness, and we are attacking the other's strength." At this time, the 'Emperor Emperor' put forward his own opinion.

"Hehehe, in fact, I don't like people who are passive defensive so much, so I will join your team too!" At this time, Di Shitian was a little itchy. That's why he invaded into the 'Origin of the Underworld' before.

"Okay, with the addition of 'Mount Sumeru', we will use the soldiers and horses of 'Sumeru Mountain' as the main force, and the other soldiers and horses will fully assist!" Xuanyuan was very excited, and he was still a little worried about what to use. Ways to deal with the 'cursed origin' people, these existences are quite difficult to deal with.

"If that's the case, who should be the Marshal of the Army and Horses?" At this time, Tsing Yi asked.

"Since Mount Sumeru is the main force, Senior Di Shitian will naturally be the Grand Marshal," Xuanyuan said.

"Haha, my personal combat ability is good, but I am not good at leading troops to fight. Since you have assembled us, you will be the commander-in-chief of the soldiers and horses. We will obey your orders." Di Shitian He waved his hands, although he had also led troops to fight, but Xuanyuan was a young man, he was very good-looking, and he could not do two things with one mind, since everything was proposed by him, it would be better for Xuanyuan to do it.

"I think so too." The 'Holy Emperor of Chaos' looked at Xuanyuan with sharp eyes, and he couldn't tolerate Xuanyuan's rejection at all.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'd rather be respectful than obedient. It will take some time before the 'Origin of Decay' comes. Jin Chanzi, Yang Linger, the two seniors returned to the 'Tianchan Lingzhou' to dispatch the most elite Soldiers and horses, secretly stationed in the 'Tian Yao Lingzhou', arrange all aspects of posture, feng shui, and prohibition, and I will let Xuanzong, Shi Ting, Dragon King Family, Talisman Tower, and Mohist elites complement each other with you." Xuanyuan began to give the order, and acted vigorously, without the slightest evasion. This is related to the sentient beings of the "Origin of the Primordial Origin". Since many holy emperors are relieved to entrust him with such a big matter, this is affirmation to him!

"As for the 'Sage Emperor of Chaos' and the 'Sage Emperor of Feathering', they also mobilized elite soldiers and horses, returned to the 'Yuhua Shenchao', and listened to my orders. At that time, we will send troops from three directions and take down the 'Origin of the Curse' in one fell swoop!"

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