The armies of the three origins do not love to fight, they gathered in the 'Origin of All Evil' at the fastest speed.

The 'Sacred Emperor of Killing Flame' came prepared and led many holy emperors to form a large formation, desperately resisting the attack of Xuanyuan and the army led by many holy emperors.

At this moment, a divine splendor shot straight into the sky!

"What!" Xuanyuan frowned. On the 'Origin of All Evil', that is, the land of 'Tianmo Lingzhou', a mysterious passage had been constructed long ago, leading directly to the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness. It was planned in private, and almost no other Saint Emperor figure knew about it, even if Xuanyuan was mixed in with the Saint Emperor, they didn't know!

The secrecy of the work of the "Flame Killing Emperor" is so strong that people did not expect it. I saw a wave of elites from the three origins being sent away one after another.

However, the soldiers and horses led by Xuanyuan were repeatedly blocked by the elite led by the "Sacred Emperor of Slaughter Flame".

For a while, it was impossible to break through their defense line, countless avenues collided, and the power of destruction wreaked havoc between heaven and earth.

"Haha, Xuanyuan, no matter what, it's useless for you to be closely integrated with the 'Origin of Primordial Mist'!" the 'Sacred Emperor Killing Flame' laughed.

"Let's go!" Xuanyuan knew that it was meaningless to continue fighting, and now he could only retreat, so he gave an order immediately.

"The 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughter Flame' is too meticulous in his thinking, he has already calculated almost everything!" The 'Sacred Emperor of Feathering' frowned, and his voice was low.

"It would be great if I could realize it sooner." Xuanyuan sighed softly.

"This incident, no wonder you, 'Sacred Emperor Slaughter Flame' was originally an extremely difficult character, leading hundreds of soldiers and horses can turn an origin upside down, it is very headache, you confront him several times, Although it is not very glorious on the surface, but in fact, it is not bad to be able to not fall behind." The 'Chaos Saint Emperor' looked down on the 'Origin of All Evil', it seems that they are stationed on the sea of ​​suffering, it has become a foregone conclusion, there is no Make it impossible to stop.

"The next thing, we still need to think long-term!" The 'Eternal Saint Emperor' sighed, the enemy's doing this is equivalent to concentrating all the core forces in the sea of ​​​​bitterness, and this time the surprise attack only killed a part of the' Decaying Origins', didn't do much damage at all.

"Let's go!" The crowd led the elite and retreated to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

Seeing Xuanyuan leading the army to retreat, the 'Sacred Emperor Killing Flame' couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. If he had to fight to the death, it would be of no benefit to both parties. He also laid a chess piece. The magic circle set up secretly by Zhou' can be fully activated and self-destruct!

It was enough to cause huge damage to the army of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', but it's a pity that Xuanyuan didn't continue to attack, otherwise, it would have come in handy.

"Haha, 'Sacred Emperor Killing Flame', you really have thoughtful calculations, even the possibility of a surprise attack by the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has been counted, it is really amazing, I admire it!" 'Sage Emperor Wujuan' looked at Xuanyuan deflated, and felt very sad. It is carefree.

"That's right, this Xuanyuan has a lot of tricks and tricks, and he never misses the slightest chance, but against you, Shang Luyan, he still looks quite inferior." The 'Wuxie Saint Emperor' is also in a good mood, and Xuanyuan usually leads troops Come out and rarely return without success.

"Everyone, don't be careless. The most important thing now is to make the entire sea of ​​bitterness as solid as gold, so that no one can take advantage of it!" The 'Sacred Emperor of Killing Flames' waved his hands, dealing with Xuanyuan, a junior. , he didn't dare to be careless, and treated him as a person of the same level as him.

"Xuanyuan is just a mortal, and because of this, his future is boundless. There are few people like him who can know how to advance and retreat, and resolutely withdraw from the battlefield when they see things can't be done. , I am afraid that if we can sing all the way, if we step into the realm of the Holy Emperor, we will have another powerful enemy!"

'Sage Emperor Killing Flame' gave Xuanyuan a pertinent evaluation. Obviously, the group of people like 'Sage Emperor Rakshasa' and 'Sage Emperor Asura' were very uncomfortable to hear, but the fact is true, as the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor existence, one should face up to one's enemies.

"It would be great if I could produce such a mortal from the origin of my blood." The red lips of the 'Molten Blood Saint Emperor' slightly parted, her voice was charming, and her eyes were full of heat.

"Xuanyuan is, after all, the 'body of myriad transformations'. Such a person can be met but not sought after. He must have great luck and opportunities!" the 'Huyin Shengdi' sighed.

The "Sacred Emperor of Slaughtering Flames" led an absolute elite and guarded until the end. "Origin of Primordial Mist" did not attack again. They also gave up the land they originally occupied and retreated into the sea of ​​bitterness.

In the following days, the major origins began to construct the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness.

For 'Origin of Blood', it was like a duck to water for them when they arrived at the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness.

A strong man of the "Origin of Blood" lives in the sea of ​​bitterness. In the sea of ​​bitterness, they set up numerous magic circles, which can be combined with the power of their battle formations. Once they explode suddenly, they can cause huge damage to the enemy.

With the passage of time, they can finally control the entire sea of ​​suffering and use it for themselves. One can imagine how powerful it is!

And the power of 'Origin of Decay' is no worse than that of 'Origin of Blood'. They integrated the decaying Dao Qi into the surface of the sea of ​​bitterness.

On the huge sea of ​​bitterness, layers of faint water mist began to float, which contained rotten Dao Qi, which could penetrate the human body and soul, making it melt invisibly.

As for the 'Origin of All Evil', their ability to fight alone is particularly strong, hiding in every corner of the sea of ​​bitterness, just like killers hidden in the dark night, they can give the enemy a fatal attack.

The layout of the entire sea of ​​bitterness is closely linked, even if Xuanyuan is in it, if you observe carefully, you still feel that there is no flaw to be found.

The saint emperors of various origins were summoned to the Longevity Gate by the "Sacred Emperor Killing Flame". He looked at everyone and said in a deep voice: "You have also seen Xuanyuan today, and there are also Saint Hunters. Their individual The combat power must exceed everyone present, what is the reason?"

"They are devouring differently, refining the abilities of other saint emperors, and improving themselves!" The 'Rakshasa Holy Emperor' had seen Xuanyuan at the beginning, and if he had known Xuanyuan earlier, he would have killed Xuanyuan, and there would be no disaster like today.

"That's right, that's exactly the case, so I hope that in the coming days, everyone can share the essence of your cultivation and experience with everyone, don't keep any private possessions, and maximize our own strength. Only in this way, Only in the days to come will we be able to compete with them!" The moment the 'Sage Emperor Killing Flame' put forward this idea, the heart of 'Daohun Xuanyuan' twitched, even if the 'Sage Emperor Jin Ge' was killed, they still had nineteen The existence of the reincarnation of Zun Shengdi and selfless communication will definitely increase their combat power in an extremely terrifying way!

"That's a good idea, I agree!" 'Sage Emperor Wuxie' was the first to agree.

"Although the idea is good, it can't be rushed. Everyone chooses the holy emperor they want to know, communicates with each other, and progresses step by step. The way is the way." 'Tao Soul Xuanyuan' also agrees, communicating selflessly with many holy emperors. For him, There will also be great benefits, as long as he understands all the supernatural powers of these saint emperors, it will also greatly improve him. At that time, he only needs to understand the experience of these saint emperors and share them with other saint emperors!

"Very well, we 'Origin of Blood' have no objections!"

"Our Origin of Decay has no objection either!"

Everyone agreed in unison, and began to choose the Holy Emperor to exchange with each other!

"It seems that the existence of the 'Sacred Emperor' is indeed a great disaster. If there is no him, I am afraid that all the origins will be broken by me one by one!" Xuanyuan felt a little helpless in his heart, but this was also a kind of tempering for himself. I know more about 'Sacred Emperor Killing Flame', and he is more calm!

Xuanyuan returned to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and gathered all the reincarnations of the saint emperors together. He used the 'Multiple Transformation Furnace' to refine the 'Jinge Holy Emperor'.

As a result, many holy emperors have been greatly improved, and everyone's attacking power is much stronger than before.

Xuanyuan also condensed the "Tian Ge Shen Ru" and integrated it into the "Swallowing God Rule", and perfectly integrated the body of the "Golden Ge Shengdi". Now not only his bones are strong, but his body has also made great progress.

You must know that it is not easy for a person who has cultivated to Xuanyuan's level to make great progress.

"The Lord of the Hunting Saint..." After refining the 'Golden Saint Emperor', Xuanyuan proposed to thank the Killing Saint.

Many reincarnated saint emperors could not help but frown. They had never heard of this name, but according to Xuanyuan's description, its strength was strong enough to pose a fatal threat to them.

"That's right, and I think there's not only one Saint Hunter, but three. One of them has already appeared, and two of them are hidden in it. Everyone must be careful, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable!" Xuanyuan Solemnly confess, the killing power of the three Saint Hunter Lords is not as simple as Xuanyuan transforming into Sanqing with one breath, but as terrifying as the three Xuanyuan himself can transform into Sanqing with one breath at the same time. May I ask, in the world, who can resist the combined attack of the three Xuanyuan deities?

Not even the 'Chaos Saint Emperor'!

"Don't worry, we know what's in our hearts. During these days, everyone is communicating with each other, improving themselves, in order to be able to increase to the highest combat power..."'Eternal Saint Emperor' looked solemn. Indeed, in these days, not only 'Qinglong' The strength of the disciples in the Holy Land has greatly increased, and even the many saint emperors exchanged their hearts and virtues with each other without hiding anything, and shared everything about themselves with everyone, which made them all have a very high level of improvement.

"It's a pity that we didn't cause fatal damage to the major origins this time. Otherwise, we would all be able to go straight to the sea of ​​suffering!" Di Shitian sighed helplessly. This is how fighters are. If we don't grasp it well, we will be defeated in an instant , such a powerful figure as the 'Killing Flame Emperor' would naturally not allow this kind of thing to happen.

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