Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2071 Buddhism exists?

The power of the people is concentrated on Xuanyuan and the greedy old man. Many supernatural powers and thousands of wills are blessed, and they use the "calculation cauldron" to carry out calculations. It can be seen how much they have carried.

It is estimated that the most profound existence in the hunting saints caused the opponent to counterattack with all their strength, and they were the ones who suffered the attack, which was equivalent to them bearing the full blow of the entire hunting saint power. Of course, they also had countless powers to bless themselves, but only two people controlled them. It is inevitable that there are not as many people as Saint Hunters who can control it more powerfully!

Facing the last stand of many powerful Saint Hunters, it is not bad to not die with a blow against the sky. Fortunately, the greedy old man and Xuanyuan are responsible for it together. , Absorb the damage!

If it was replaced by any two holy emperors present, even if they would not really die, they would have to be reincarnated. In terms of fighting ability, no one can surpass Xuanyuan and the greedy old man.

At this moment, both the body and the soul of the two have suffered a lot of damage. A death aura unique to the hunter spreads in their bodies, destroying their vitality. You must know that they have reached this point. There are very few means that can cause harm to them.

Xuanyuan's body is full of vitality, and he recovers much faster than the greedy old man. The "Wanhua God Medicine" contains the power of many supreme medicines, which makes Xuanyuan almost immortal, and refines and counteracts the power that can melt his life. , Xuanyuan got a little understanding from it, mastering the power that can kill the Holy Emperor, this is the power of the "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations", if you don't kill it completely, you can get a taste from the wounds left by the enemy in your body .

Xuanyuan saw that the greedy old man was killing each other with those qi due to his own strength at this moment, so he immediately used the power of the 'Wanhua magic medicine' to speed up the repair of the greedy old man's damage.

The wounded souls were also nourished immediately, and the "Eternal Saint Emperor" at the side was also performing the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" to restore their souls.

"It's okay!" Xuanyuan waved his hand, coughing up blood, and everyone didn't speak, the trauma to them this time was not small, so they didn't ask any more questions.

Xuanyuan fully recovered after two quarters of an hour, the greedy old man was just a little slower than Xuanyuan, and many saint emperors were amazed.

"The power of the 'Emerging Body', such a powerful recovery ability, is unmatched by anyone." The "Emperor Emperor" sighed for a while, and he knew how serious the damage to both of them was.

"Xuanyuan, what clues did you get?" asked the 'Sage Emperor of Longevity'.

In Xuanyuan's palm, a fragment appeared, which was derived by him. On it was a person, who was wearing a Buddhist monk's robe, but he couldn't see the appearance of that person clearly. This was just the part of the costume he was wearing. That's all.

Everyone turned their attention to Jin Chanzi, Yang Linger, and Di Shitian. Obviously, among them was the Lord Hunter, who was a member of the Buddhist sect.

"Who could it be?" Jin Chanzi, Yang Ling'er, and Di Shitian looked at each other in blank dismay. To them, they had never discovered that if someone like the Lord of Saint Hunting was hiding in the Buddhist gate, he must be astonishingly talented. It's just that in recent years, there have not been many outstanding figures in Buddhism.

"It's good for you to know about this matter, investigate secretly, first to see if there is any in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', maybe the Lord Hunter just reincarnated in the Buddhist gate, left long ago, and hid in the outside world Maybe!" Xuanyuan ordered.

"Okay, then let's investigate in secret to avoid any mistakes." Yang Ling'er, Jin Chanzi, and Di Shitian agreed, then turned and left.

"The strength of the hunting saints is not so powerful. The magic circle they set up is the broken heavenly array handed down from the 'Eternal God's Court'. The materials used are unique in the ancient times, even in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. If you are rich, you may not be able to find those materials to construct the magic circle!" The 'Chaos Saint Emperor' knows that for Xuanyuan today, it is not so easy to hurt him. Absorbing damage, any means of attacking the "Body of Myriad Transformations" will first be absorbed and turned into its power, unless the instant eruption is so strong that the "Body of Myriad Transformations" is not enough to absorb, and the instant destruction is enough to deal with it. It does damage.

"It doesn't matter, it's not that we have no gains at all. It can be regarded as destroying one of their strange formations, and we can continue to calculate them. I don't believe that they can have other strange formations to stop us." Xuanyuan was injured this time. In the process, I feel that I have gained a lot.

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan, we can no longer continue to calculate. They have interfered with the operation of the entire Heavenly Dao with the 'Shattered Heavenly Dao Formation'. Countless stars have deviated from their original trajectories, which will make our calculations about them much more difficult." Amaterasu was a little helpless. It had to be said that the means of hunting saints was too powerful, and even this step had already been counted.

"It seems that we have to wait for the entire Heavenly Dao to return to normal operation, how long will it take?" Xuanyuan frowned.

"If we don't control the correction, it will take five hundred years, and if we do our best, it will take a hundred years." Xuanjizi said in a deep voice.

"It's too long. There are enough changes in this hundred years." Xuanyuan shook his head, obviously thinking of other ways to find the other two saint hunter masters. He knows very well that his growth , Not counting the time in the devouring years, it is less than a hundred years.

"Boy, when the opponent made the last blow just now, another powerful existence came down. I think it should be the second Lord Hunter. That is to say, there is still a Lord Hunter, which has not yet appeared!" The greedy old man pondered.

"That's right, I don't know where the last Saint Hunter is hiding?" Xuanyuan stood up and said, "It doesn't matter, now I can only do my best. Duties, take their places, greedy old man, you go to God Huitian, help them use 'Swallowing Years', try to shorten the time for 'Tao Shen Kai Hui Pill' to be released, and I will look for other methods!"

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan disappeared in front of everyone, left the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and merged into the myriad ways of heaven and earth.

In the sea of ​​bitterness, the line of defense is constantly being strengthened, and the major origins are also unable to retreat, showing a steadfast posture.

As for the hunting saint, since ancient times, it has been hidden in it, and has never appeared on the stage, making it impossible to find.

"If it is not resolved as soon as possible, the next war breaks out, and the entire 'Central World' may be torn apart." Xuanyuan pondered. Take his power for himself and use it for himself, and his combat power will become the core of the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land' in the future!

At the same time, in the Sea of ​​Suffering, in the 'Longevity Gate'.

Many saint emperors began to exchange their experiences, and they did not hide from each other, because what they were going to deal with next was an extremely powerful enemy.

The person who communicated with the "Tao Soul Xuanyuan" was the "Sage Emperor of Mount Tai". He was conceived in the vast plane of origin, a spiritual stone on a holy mountain. Shan Yao, after a ray of light flew down and merged into the spirit stone, it made a human being conceived, and he went through one step at a time, and finally cultivated to the realm of the holy emperor. His body contained the secret of the "Eternal God Court".

Xuanyuan knew that it was impossible to dig out the secret of the "Eternal God's Court" from him, but since there was the word Taishan in his name, it must be related to the rumored Taishan.

The two kept exchanging ideas, and Xuanyuan gained a lot from him. Every move contained the true meaning of Mount Tai. If he could fully communicate with the power of the mysterious Mount Tai in the dark, almost no one could stop him, even Xuanyuan himself.

The 'Sage Emperor of Mount Tai' didn't do much by himself, and there are few saint emperors who can compete with him.

Feeling the 'Tao Soul Xuanyuan' body, with every gesture, secretly mobilizing the power of the distant Taishan, blessing his body, the 'Taishan Holy Emperor' felt extremely shocked, and sighed: "The understanding of the 'Soulless Holy Emperor' It’s really extraordinary, I didn’t expect that in a short period of time, I can appreciate this level, and in time, it will not be a problem to surpass me.”

"This is taught well by the 'Sacred Emperor of Mount Tai'. Don't you also have attainments in the soul, which are more profound, blend with the power of Mount Tai, and become stronger? I am also ashamed of myself!" "Tao Soul Xuanyuan" was passed on to the "Sage Emperor of Mount Tai" without the slightest reservation, and the explanations were explained in detail, making it easy for people to comprehend.

"Haha, this is also the result of the 'Soulless Saint Emperor''s teaching. When my soul becomes stronger, I will definitely control some holy corpse puppets and use them for me. These people have collected a lot of holy corpses and put them I'm free, now that I have obtained these secret techniques from the 'Soulless Emperor', I can use them perfectly." 'Taishan Holy Emperor' is also very satisfied with his own improvement.

'Tao Soul Xuanyuan' could feel that the many saint emperors present communicated with each other and taught each other, which made them greatly improved, not that they communicated with each other's original power while practicing.

"Everyone, everyone must hurry up. If we communicate with our respective origins and maintain our connection with our own deity, even if we cannot descend, it will also give us a huge improvement..."'Sacred Emperor Slaughtering Flame' carefully calculated, and now the major origins They are all using their own means to communicate about their own origins. On the one hand, they want to deepen the cause and effect, and on the other hand, they want to strengthen their own strength.

Xuanyuan could only watch these things happen, there was no way to stop them.

At this moment, many holy emperors are practicing and communicating, and Xuanyuan's deity has long been silently integrated into the sea of ​​suffering.

Xuanyuan holds the water spirit orb, and there are many buckets of water, and he is not afraid of the power of the origin of decay and the origin of blood.

He wanted to penetrate into the depths of the sea of ​​bitterness, see if he could find something of value, and make a breakthrough to attack the sea of ​​bitterness. As the master of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', this is what he should do!

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