Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2073 Five Spirits Gather

"Xuanyuan, you are not injured!" 'Xie Lusheng' frowned, surprised in her heart, this was beyond her expectation, Xuanyuan was not seriously injured as she imagined, not only that, her own body The strength has also been greatly improved, stronger than that day!

"It is absolutely impossible to let him continue to improve like this. The growth ability of the 'Physical Transformation' is too strong. Now I can still check and balance him. If I let him devour a few more reincarnations of the Holy Emperor and refine them , I’m afraid I’ll be powerless against him then!”

"I'm going to die, Miss Xie, save me!" Xuanyuan clutched his chest, looking half dead, his eyes full of despair.

"Stop pretending, it looks like it's not the 'Qinglong Holy Land', but the five great origins!" Xie Lu's eyes showed a cold light, this Xuanyuan is really disgusting, and he is still acting at this time, obviously he is teasing himself.

Hearing this sentence, Xuanyuan was "resurrected in full condition", his face returned to rosy, he squinted his eyes, smiled brightly, and said: "I'm not sure if it's them, but the 'Shenmen of Longevity' also has the power to promote the calculation of heaven , no one can beat them, at the moment they are holding the 'Sacred Gate of Longevity', hunting saints is a threat to my 'Qinglong Holy Land', but why not to them? Now they have mastered the 'Sacred Gate of Longevity' , I already feel that I have the chance to win, so I naturally want to start hunting for Saint's idea, for them, all they need is time!"

"You make a lot of sense, but I always feel that the possibility of 'Qinglong Holy Land' is more likely, but you are safe and sound, and your cultivation base is not retreating but advancing, so I have no reason to doubt the 'Qinglong Holy Land'." Thank you Slaughter looked at Xuanyuan's cheerful face, and always felt that something was wrong, but if it was the 'Qinglong Holy Land', Xuanyuan's calculation method of mastering it was absolutely impossible not to be severely injured. How could she have thought that there was such a greedy old man? The "Body of Myriad Transformations" carried half of the damage for Xuanyuan. It would be much easier for the two "Body of Myriad Transformations" to combine to eliminate the killing power. Medicine', it is indeed difficult to recover for a while.

"I can only tell you one thing now. In the 'Longevity Gate', the five origin saint emperors began to exchange their experiences, and they communicated their origins through the 'Longevity Gate', hoping to gain the power of their own deity I don’t need to say more about how strong these reincarnated characters of the Holy Emperor will be, I believe Miss Xie will know better than me.” Xuanyuan sighed for a while, wanting to let Lie Sheng understand what he is facing now. What a crisis!

"I think Holy Master Xuanyuan should be more nervous than me about this matter. I can advance or retreat when hunting saints. They can't cause too much damage to us. Instead, they have to guard against us at all times. It's you, 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' Combining with the 'Original Origin of Hongmeng', I can't leave even if I want to. After abandoning the 'Original Origin of Hongmeng', it is simply impossible to obtain its power in the future. In the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', there is a large population, hehe , if the opponent's strength increases, this death will kill many people." Xie Lusheng turned a deaf ear to Xuanyuan's warning, and indeed Hunter Saint has such an advantage.

"So Miss Xie, you are happy. I have to find a way to defeat the enemy in this sea of ​​suffering. You can either help me or don't come to make trouble for me. Otherwise, when the time comes, your hunter will be forced to Migration, I'm afraid it is also a shameful thing, plus the five origins are not waste, especially the 'cursed origin', they just died too many people, it seems a bit useless now, as long as there are enough sacrifices Many, it is not easy to curse and kill you as a hunter. You can withstand 10 billion sacrifices, one trillion, ten trillion? Who dares to say that I can withstand it, this is also my "Qinglong Holy Land" "Why do you need to destroy the 'Origin of the Curse' first!" Xuanyuan shook his head, sighed, and continued to dive into the depths of the sea of ​​bitterness. In the eyes of Xie Lu Sheng, the cold light flickered, and Xuanyuan's eyes were indeed not unreasonable, "Origin of the Curse 'It is true that he has the ability to curse and kill from a distance without seeing the enemy.

The sea of ​​bitterness is wide and unfathomable, and this place is extremely special. Xuanyuan could sense a mysterious force, which echoed the six ancient characters in his body, and his heart moved: "Could it be that the other part of the body of the 'Lord of Order' is Being suppressed in this sea of ​​bitterness, well, let’s see if he can be released so that he can have the full power of his true self, and then my ‘Qinglong Holy Land’ will have another capable general.”

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan, do you really not consider my request?" Xie Lusheng followed closely behind Xuanyuan, his voice suddenly softened and gentle: "As long as you are willing to hand over Peng Fei, I will be with you." Shuangxiu, you can imagine how many memories and supernatural powers of the emperor you and I have refined. As long as we combine them, who else in the world can be our opponent? You enter my hunting saint, and I will give up the position to you. You, you become my man, I will let you hold all the power, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is still yours, as long as you hand over Pengfei, I have already made another step back!"

Although Xie Lusheng was covered with a white veil, her pair of beautiful eyes looked extremely alluring at this moment, making it difficult for people to resist the temptation. It was not only a coveted desire for her body, but more importantly, a desire for strength. Her desire, as long as she promises, she can become the supreme overlord of the "Central World". Her voice contains an extremely terrifying allure, making it difficult for people to extricate themselves from being immersed in it.

"Hey, Miss Xie, you are unparalleled in beauty and strength. Why bother with Peng Fei? If you don't let me do things that violate morals by betraying my friends, I can promise you. Between Peng Fei and me, although There are many grievances and grievances, but at many critical moments, he is in my "Qinglong Holy Land", we have a very good relationship, it is impossible for me to betray him, no matter how great the temptation is No, so you should give up on this determination!" Xuanyuan stared at Xie Lusheng very seriously, and said every word firmly.

"Peng Fei is extremely dangerous and greedy. One day, when he becomes stronger, your 'Qinglong Holy Land' will suffer. Since you have defended him to the death, then you will only be able to eat the bitter fruit yourself. You don't know It's very important!" Xie Daoyun sighed quietly, holding the wood spirit bead in his left hand, his eyes showed regret, and said: "Did you know? The five elements spirit bead is closely related to the origin of the 'Central World'. Once the five elements spirit bead is combined, you will make every move During this time, the power of the five elements in the entire 'Central World' can be mobilized for your use. As long as you promise, my people, the Wood Spirit Orb, and the entire Saint Hunter will fight the world for you. When the time comes, the entire 'Central World' The world'll be yours, can't all of this be exchanged for a Penny?"

"I can't change it. I can't do something against my heart. Miss Xie, if there is nothing wrong, you can let me find a way to defeat the enemy with peace of mind!" It contains an irresistible temptation, and at the same time, invisibly, it is also breaking Xuanyuan's Dao Heart. Once a person does something that goes against his own heart, his own Dao will have gaps and cracks, which will become fatal at that time. Weakness, broken by the enemy!

"Hey, Holy Master Xuanyuan, are you really not going to agree? I've been making compromises, and I've been compromising with you. Since I don't want to eat the toast, I can only treat you to a fine wine." Xie Lusheng sighed quietly. , at this moment, a black shadow appeared, whose strength was equal to hers, only strong but not weak, obviously this was another Saint Hunter Lord, extremely mysterious: "If you still don't agree, you can only die here today It's..."

"I said before that Saint Hunting will not kill me. Otherwise, no one can help you deal with the five origins. They have countless people, praying day and night, communicating with their own origins, deepening cause and effect, and ascending again and again. In time, their Your strength will be expanded by tens of millions of times, and when you let you hunt saints and save countless years, can it compare to them descending hundreds of millions of divine soldiers in an instant?" Xuanyuan sighed with emotion, ignored it, and continued to dive into the sea of ​​suffering.

"Really? It seems that Holy Master Xuanyuan is still too confident in himself, so I'll let you know that without you, we can still deal with the five origins!" Xie Lusheng sighed, and the "Sword of Killing the Holy Way" in his hand exploded infinitely. Shenhua pierced Xuanyuan with a sword, and she rushed out suddenly. The speed of this sword has surpassed everything, making it impossible to dodge!

The berserk 'Slaying the Holy God' was overwhelming, roaring into the void, Xuanyuan turned around and went straight up, without dodging or evading, and directly hit the 'Slaying the Holy Sword'.

boom! He and Xie Lusheng's bodies just bumped into each other. Compared to his physical body, Xie Lusheng was like Xuanyuan. After being hit by him, he spit out a mouthful of blood and was drawn into Xuanyuan's body.

At the same time, the 'Sword of Killing the Saint' pierced through his chest, blood spattered, and the terrifying 'Sword of Killing the Holy Spirit' wreaked havoc within Xuanyuan's body!

Xie Lu's Sacred Heart was shocked, and for a moment, she didn't seem to understand. At this moment, her left hand hurt, and Xuanyuan snatched the Wood Spirit Orb. Holy, it was only at this moment that she came to her senses and retreated. The 'Sword of Killing the Holy Way' that was stained with the blood of Wanhua suddenly slashed down, breaking the 'Wanhua Divine Fist' with just one blow. At this moment , Xuanyuan has integrated the Wood Spirit Orb into his body.

The body pierced by the 'Sword of Slaying the Saint' is recovering rapidly, constantly refining the 'Sword of Slaying the Holy Spirit' raging in the body.

The moment Xuanyuan gathered all the five spirit beads, he felt closer to the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin'. With every gesture, the power of the five elements of the 'Central World' can be mobilized according to his own will and used for himself, and his strength has grown tremendously!

"You!" Xie Lusheng didn't expect that Xuanyuan could even do this kind of thing. She stopped the Lord Hunter who wanted to do something, and looked at Xuanyuan coldly.

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