The "Love Holy Spirit" crashed into Xie Lusheng's sea of ​​consciousness, it was very vivid, comparable to the power of "Slaughter Holy Spirit", but the breath was completely opposite.

In the "Sacred God of Slaughter", there are more coldness, resentment, loss, regret, and madness, but in the "Sacred God of Love", there are thick, soft, warm, deep, wisdom And so on, many breaths are too similar to her master.

In "Origin of Hongmeng", she was reborn and buried her mortal body with her master. In this way, she ended the two people, but she never let herself go, let go of the past. **The person who killed his master.

Her heart, the things imprinted by her spirit, have not changed from the beginning to the end.

"What a Xuanyuan, I originally wanted to question you, break your Dao heart, break it up, and take advantage of a gap to quietly seize the house, so as to completely control the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land' and take it as my own. I didn't expect that you would Going the other way, breaking the questions I left behind, and trying to break my Dao heart, this is the first time someone has touched my weakness in so many years!" Xie Lusheng sensed the words of the "Sacred Spirit of Love" The condensed method is flowing in her body, she wants to expel it, but she doesn't want to.

It's been a long time, and she hasn't sensed this kind of aura. Since her master died, no one of the opposite sex has looked at her again. She is greedy for the unique aura that belongs to her master, and only Xuanyuan can evolve it. Come out, and only the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' can do it!

Since I can't make up my mind to obliterate the "Sacred Principle of Love", I can only let it continue to remain in my sea of ​​consciousness, so that I can get a little bit of comfort in my heart when it happens by chance.

"Xuanyuan, do you want to use my master's aura to destroy my Dao heart? That's impossible. The 'Sacred God of Love' will only sharpen my 'Sacred God of Killing' and let me know that my master The love for me, the people who killed him and forced him to death, all deserve to die, I want to kill the whole world!" Xie Lusheng's eyes were sharp, tearing the void, it was very frightening.

Xuanyuan didn't know about Xie Lusheng's changes after he got the "Holy Rule of Love". He only felt the power of the "Rule of Devouring God" in his body merged into the "Rule of the Holy Spirit" and became stronger and stronger. Surging and surging, the combat power has increased a lot compared to before.

In the "Swallowing God Law", the power of countless gods is included, condensed into one body, making people unable to perceive the means contained in it. This is the most terrifying part of the "Body of Myriad Transformations".

"Presumably the wood spirit orb in the five internal organs also hides the will of Xie Lusheng. If it is not completely refined, for me, there will be dangers erupting around me at all times. No matter, I am not afraid now. For her, she can do whatever she wants!"

Xuanyuan learned from the blood essence of Xie Lusheng that some of her blood essence are not so easy to refine, and it is very difficult to deprive her indestructible will from the blood unless she has a stronger The strength, let alone the Wood Spirit Orb, was condensed by her day and night, which was extraordinary. With Xuanyuan's wisdom, he naturally understood that it must have been tampered with, but he didn't know when it would explode!

He continued to dive into the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, which is extremely deep and bottomless, with a distance of ninety-nine and eighty-one thousand miles. In the depths of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, fighting these powerful beasts, even if the Holy Emperor was reincarnated, he would not be able to gain much advantage.

In the depths of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, the water pressure is extremely high, and there are undercurrents and torrents everywhere. Not everyone can withstand the power of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, and it will have a great impact on the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor. If this is not the case, they would have dived into the depths of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness , Take these fierce beasts as your own and use them for them!

Another point is that being in the sea of ​​suffering is like merging into the land of the "Origin of Primordial Mengmeng". No one can guarantee when Xuanyuan will suddenly come out and give them a fatal blow.

It is also because Xuanyuan owns the Water Spirit Orb that he can walk freely in the sea of ​​suffering without being rejected.

Because the water between the heaven and the earth can be owned and controlled by him, he did not dive blindly, but waved his thoughts out, no matter what, he had to communicate with the creatures in the bitter sea, because in this scene' They will be the biggest victims in the confrontation between the God of Longevity and the Gate of Longevity.

"Sentient beings, can you hear my voice?" Xuanyuan can sense the hearts of all living beings, because he created the "Qinglong Holy Land" to make all races live in peace, and all living beings will continue, even those living in the depths of the sea of ​​suffering Fierce beasts, the blood of 'Origin of Primordial Origin' still flows in their bodies.

Regardless of whether it is a human, a beast, good or evil, now that the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin' is in danger, Xuanyuan will not reject anyone.

"Who are you……"

Almost at the same time, countless ferocious beasts were startled and fed back the information to Xuanyuan. He was able to direct his voice directly into their hearts.

"I am the master of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', Xuanyuan!"

"Xuanyuan, I know you, now you have integrated all the powers of 'Origin of the Primordial Origin', you are a very remarkable young man, what do you want to see us today?" Suddenly a man manifested , his whole body was tightly covered by scales, and his eyes showed solemn treatment.

"That's right, I dived into the sea of ​​suffering this time because I want you to fight side by side with me to expel the five origins. What do you want?" Xuanyuan knew that if he wanted to expel the five origins, he had to combine the power of all beings, otherwise he would only With the current strength of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', I'm afraid it will make even greater sacrifices.

"Okay, I can't stand them anymore. I don't pay attention to us at all. I have killed an unknown number of people. My son, I will never let them go!" He came out and evolved into a human form, his whole body was pitch black, so people couldn't see or touch him. On his hands, there were sharp claws that could tear apart the human-level supreme Taoist weapon.

"It's not easy to attack the five origins. Holy Master Xuanyuan, you don't want us to be dead ghosts, do you? Let us be cannon fodder for your 'Qinglong Holy Land'?" Immediately, some fierce beasts suspected Xuanyuan's thoughts.

"Will I do such a thing? Now I have an extremely close connection with the entire 'Origin of Primordial Origin', I believe you can all feel it!" Xuanyuan explained slowly, it is indeed not easy for people to believe in themselves all at once. one thing.

"In that case, why don't you prove it to us? Unravel a mysterious place for us!" The vicious beast who suspected Xuanyuan laughed strangely, obviously looking forward to it.

"Where can I prove it, I am very happy?" Xuanyuan knew that the other party must have a means to test him.

"In a very corner of the sea of ​​bitterness, there is a suppressed place. If you can break the seal of this place, we will believe you, Holy Master Xuanyuan, what do you think? Can you agree?" Immediately someone said the whole thing. The most powerful seal of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness was inherited from ancient times.

Although he has a lot of resentment towards the five origins, it is not a good thing to blindly believe in a person, and he must show a proof! That mass of dark existence also knew where the suppressed place was.

"Okay, then you take me there!" Xuanyuan manifested his own body, cultivated to his level, the appearance of the body, every pore, every line of the body, every hair, carries a kind of His unique breath.

The moment they saw Xuanyuan's figure, these fierce beasts in the depths of the bitter sea felt an overwhelming majesty, which made them feel an indescribable awe in their hearts, but Xuanyuan was very gentle towards them.

"So powerful?" Thousands of fierce beasts gathered not far from Xuanyuan, and they were shocked.

If Xuanyuan wanted to kill them, he could do so with just a snap of his fingers.

Under their leadership, Xuanyuan came to what they called the sealed place.

This is a huge submarine mountain range. The mountain range itself has existed for an extremely long time, and it is a relic from the ancient times.

When approaching the seabed mountains, the six ancient characters in Xuanyuan's body fluctuated violently, as if in the dark, and the seals deep in the seabed mountains were responding in unison. He knew that these must be the ancient characters calling each other!

I saw six ancient characters appearing on the surface of the seabed mountain range, possessing an extremely terrifying power of suppression.

"It turned out to be an ancient character used to suppress the 'Lord of Order', but these six ancient characters are extremely mysterious, so I will take them back and study them carefully." The six ancient characters in Xuanyuan Yin's body, together with the other six ancient characters , generate a response.

As Xuanyuan carved them one by one and melted them into his heart, the six mysterious ancient characters also disappeared together.

The huge submarine mountain range split apart independently, Xuanyuan saw a huge dragon head, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan..." This is part of the "Lord of Order", so he naturally recognizes Xuanyuan.

"You return to your true self and increase your strength!" Xuanyuan said seriously.

"Okay!" Xuanyuan has been busy with the affairs of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' for a long time. It has not been a day or two since the 'Lord of Order' has been suppressed. He didn't want to disturb Xuanyuan, so he didn't mention this matter again, but he didn't think about it. Today, by mistake, Xuanyuan actually unsealed part of it.

"The 'Dragon of Order', this is the representative of the order of the entire 'Central World' in ancient times, but it has also become a part of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'?" There was a strong man in the sea of ​​bitterness, who was shocked in his heart.

They didn't know how many methods they had exhausted, and there was no way to break the seal, but Xuanyuan broke the seal easily.

"Do you believe it now? Even the 'Lord of Order' is on my side. As long as you are willing to join hands with us, we are confident that we can drive the five origins out of the country!" .

"I believe it!" All the ferocious beasts agreed in unison.

"Okay, I know that the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness has existed since ancient times, and there are formations hidden in the depths, but only the power of your blood can stimulate the power in it. First, gather all the power in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, and then you can first gather all the power in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness. , the most virtuous and respected persons, as well as the leaders of many great powers are gathered here!" Xuanyuan wanted to use the power of the entire sea of ​​suffering to assist him.

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