Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2078 The Power of All Beings

This faint response, to Xuanyuan, was like a ray of light in the darkness, bringing him hope.

"The 'God of the Mist' has finally appeared!" Xuanyuan's heart moved, and with his thoughts, he penetrated into the depths of the sea of ​​bitterness.

The 'God of Mist' doesn't live in any place in the sea of ​​bitterness. For an existence like it, if you want to find it, you can only reach it with your heart, and you can touch its deepest part.

As long as you have a heart, you can meet each other.

Xuanyuan put his heart and soul into comprehension, and before he knew it, he arrived at an extremely mysterious place. Around him, there was a fog of fog, making it difficult for people to tell the direction.

"Huh? 'God of the Mist', I am Xuanyuan, the holy lord of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Now the 'Central World' is in danger, and the 'Original Origin of Hongmeng' is under unprecedented threat. The five origins are tyrannizing the world and harming all beings. Now they gather in the sea of ​​suffering." Above, occupy the Divine Gate of Longevity and stick to it. If it goes on for a long time, I am afraid that all beings in the "Central World" will usher in the end. I hope you will take pity on the common people in the world..." Xuanyuan evolved everything that happened with his mind And come out, the sentences are true, and the pictures are presented one after another.

Just after he finished speaking, a woman came out from the mist. Her figure was soft and her eyes were drooping, making it hard to see clearly. She realized what Xuanyuan said one by one, and sighed leisurely: "You said I can know all these things. You have been recognized by Empress Houtu, so I naturally believe what you said, but I am very weak now, especially after the sea of ​​bitterness is occupied by the five origins. After the suppression, my strength has faded extremely badly , even if I want to help you, I can't help you."

"It doesn't matter. I knew your condition was not good before I came here, so I came here to help you recover to the peak state. I hope that you can preside over the Sea of ​​​​Bitter Formation and help us repel the powerful enemy!" Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"That's the best!" The 'God of Mist' thought fluctuated extremely violently, obviously she really wanted to restore her strength.

The "Central World" was split before, causing the sea of ​​suffering to be damaged. It was divided into three parts, and after a long period of wear and tear, it was difficult to recover. The land of 'Central World' has been completely restored, and the environment has been restored again, but the war broke out again, and the land in the four directions was destroyed again. Naturally, there is no extra power to restore the 'God of Mist'.

Sea of ​​​​Bitterness is located in the core area between Xizhou and "Lingzhou of Heaven" and "Lingzhou of Tianchan". The previous war with the five origins was invisible, which also affected Sea of ​​​​Bitter a lot.

"Sentient beings of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', gather your thoughts, repair the injuries of the 'God of the Mist', and win a glimmer of hope for my 'Origin of the Primordial Mist'!" There are countless people who believe in Xuanyuan and will worship Xuanyuan Temple. This is not blind Faith, crazy belief, but a kind of respect and gratitude from the heart, and belonging in the heart. Xuanyuan stood up to protect all beings when they were in great danger. It was formed naturally. This kind of positive thoughts and emotions condensed out of faith ,extraordinary.

For a non-living creature like the 'God of Mist', it is a will-like existence.

So similar to "Immortal Defying the Heaven Art" and various panacea, it has no effect at all for her, even Xuanyuan's "Wanhua God Medicine" is useless!

Xuanyuan moved with his heart, and the thoughts of all beings in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' condensed. They knew that only by saving the 'God of the Mist' could they maximize the vitality for the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist'. Now the five origins occupy the sea of ​​suffering, and the 'God of the Mist' Whether the gods can be restored is one of the keys that can determine the outcome of a war.

Xuanyuan mobilized the beliefs of all living beings in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' with his own thoughts, a door opened, and a golden light descended from the sky. This was the most sincere prayer of all living beings in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

They sincerely hope that the "God of Mist" can recover as soon as possible, fight for the sentient beings of "Origin of Primordial Origin", and protect their homeland together.

Seeing that the 'God of Mist' was covered in golden light and was nourished bit by bit, she raised her eyes to look at Xuanyuan, and said: "It turned out to be such a pure and sincere thought of sentient beings, and not all of them are human races. , is the gathering of all races, and the coexistence of thousands of races, it seems that Holy Master Xuanyuan's 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' has reached a level that ordinary people can hardly imagine!"

The "God of Mist" knows the structure of the entire "Central World" very well.

"It's all sentient beings' thoughts, and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' belongs to all the people in the world. I just didn't realize the effect of an initiation." Xuanyuan hooked his thoughts and merged into the body of the 'God of Mist', majestic The moment the will merged, the 'Mist God' was shocked.

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan, I didn't expect your will to be so huge, it's simply unimaginable." Obviously, the integration of Xuanyuan's thoughts made the "God of Mist" recover more quickly. You must know that this is the refinement of many holy emperors. How can the existence of the environment not be strong?

"Congratulations! When you recover to the peak, you can't hide, gather all living beings in the sea of ​​bitterness secretly, trigger the formation of the sea of ​​bitterness, and catch the enemy by surprise!" Xuanyuan smiled faintly, and continued to concentrate on "God of the Mist" to restore.

"Just follow the instructions of Holy Master Xuanyuan!" The 'God of Mist' calmed down his thoughts and stopped talking.

Xuanyuan uses the will of all beings to restore the "God of Mist", and at the same time everything that happens at this stage, the perception of all beings, and all the information obtained, including what Xuanyuan knows, will be known to the "God of Mist".

"I didn't expect Xuanyuan to have such will and mind. It seems that since the ancient times, the 'Central World' was first opened to the end of the Dharma era, and finally gave birth to such a remarkable figure, who can compete with the reincarnation of the great emperors without seeking hegemony." In the world, only wishing to benefit all living beings is really rare." The 'God of Mist' didn't completely trust Xuanyuan at first, his will can be faked, but every heart of sentient beings is pure, sincere, flawless, and possesses completely different thoughts. , is absolutely impossible to fake.

Among the sentient beings who believe in Xuanyuan, there are hundreds of schools, monsters, demons, gods, and many other ancient royal families. They live in different environments and have different ideas, but they can believe in Xuanyuan. Being ruled by others, the belief in the unity of the world is like some morbid beliefs, such as some ancient tribes before. If you don't believe in him, you are a sinner, which is completely morbid.

It is precisely because of the belief of all living beings that the 'God of Mist' recovered very quickly.

At the same time, Xuanyuan had the power to seduce the 'Origin of Primordial Mist', and lead it into the body of the 'God of Mist'.

In addition to the beliefs of all living beings, what can restore the 'God of Mist' is the 'Origin of Primordial Mist'.

However, over the years, the land of the "Central World" has been weather-beaten and war-torn, and it has already been riddled with holes. It is already difficult to restore the destroyed land, and naturally it is even more difficult to care about the "God of Mist". Once the "Central World" collapses, the "Longevity Gate" will inevitably disappear.

At that time, the test of the "God of Mist" will have no meaning at all.

Now it is different to fight against foreign enemies, and the home court is in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness. Xuanyuan draws a little bit of power from the "Origin of Primordial Mist" to speed up the restoration of the "God of Mist".

Moreover, she is in charge of the 'Bitter Sea Dao Formation', and can convince the three leaders, and can completely integrate the entire Bitter Sea, so there is only the 'God of the Mist', she is the supreme god of the entire Bitter Sea.

The three major powers all have her statue, and they all worship and sacrifice to her. It is precisely because of this that the "God of Mist" can be suppressed in the huge sea of ​​bitterness and still be able to sleep, ensuring that she is not destroyed.

Time passed bit by bit, even if it was restored with the belief of sentient beings, it took a full seventy-seven forty-nine days.

Xuanyuan slowly opened his eyes, the 'God of Mist' at this moment is completely in contrast to before.

Her figure gradually became clear, and her face gave people a feeling of sacredness and blur, which was indescribable.

In a pair of eyes, there is an unprecedented etherealness, and her thoughts fluctuate very powerfully.

Even Xuanyuan at this moment may not be able to win if he collides with his mind.

"Thank you, Holy Master Xuanyuan!" The 'God of Mist' bowed and saluted.

"This is what it should be. The future of all beings in 'Origin of the Primordial Mist' must be entrusted to the 'God of Mist'." Xuanyuan finished what he was supposed to do, and stopped communicating with the "God of Mist". He opened his eyes again , people are still in the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​bitterness, there was a sacred light descending from the sky, and the "god of mist" manifested in substance, and landed in the center of the sea of ​​bitterness. Almost at this moment, all the creatures in the sea of ​​bitterness sensed such a strong feeling. Fluctuations, just like if Xuanyuan would go to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to inspire all the people who believe in him with his own ideas, they would also gather immediately!

"It's the 'God of the Mist' who has manifested! Everyone, look!" The powerful existence with the sea of ​​bitterness shouted.

All of a sudden, countless powerful beings from the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness gathered, evolved into adults, and worshiped the 'God of Mist'.

"Greetings to the 'God of the Mist', you have finally manifested yourself!"

This is the god they have worshiped for generations in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness. Even the Uncle of the Yellow Sea, the sage of Tianshou must respect him.

"'Qinglong Holy Land', Holy Lord Xuanyuan has used all his strength to help me recover. All the beings in my sea of ​​suffering must be united as one to expel the five origins!" Every word of the "God of Misty Fog" has a kind of holiness in it. For all, her words are the supreme holy words, which will be absolutely revered.

"Follow the sacred order of the 'God of Mist'!" All the beings in the sea of ​​bitterness knew about Xuanyuan before, but they didn't expect him to help the 'God of Mist' recover. They will naturally do their best to fight against the five origins together with the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

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