Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2080 Saint Emperor Pengfei!

For the past few days, Xuanyuan has been using his own blood to improve Yin Zhenluo's physique. He has been meticulous, and has not slowed down every corner of her body, and has carried out a major blood change.

To a certain extent, such a detailed improvement will cause a lot of damage to Xuanyuan himself. The "body of all transformations" can transform everything of the enemy into himself, and can also evolve everything of himself into something that can be shared by others. The power to withstand, thereby improving the combat power of others.

The importance of Yin Zhenluo to Xuanyuan goes without saying, so he used up his own source of power to transform her physique so that it can be compared to the existence of ordinary emperors, and there are many wisdoms to share, as long as Yin Zhenluo understands and comprehends Among them, it is not impossible for Xuan Ao to break through to the Saint Emperor realm.

After all, Xuanyuan devoured and refined the wisdom of so many saint emperor reincarnated characters, all of which are the essence of the essence.

Nowadays, the environment of the "Qinglong Holy Land" is improving, and there will be saint emperors telling their own morals all the time. The luck of the entire "Qinglong Holy Land" is constantly rising. There is no doubt that as long as it accumulates to a certain level , there will inevitably be someone who can break free from the shackles and stand up to the powerhouses of the Holy Emperor Realm.

Yin Zhenluo cherished it even more, she summoned Yin Feng, and at the first time, he found that Yin Zhenluo was exuding an extremely domineering aura, and there was a strong and irresistible feeling in every gesture.

"Zhen Luo, why did your strength soar so suddenly?" Yin Feng was very surprised.

"Husband helped me improve, I am going to retreat now, all military affairs will be handled by you for the time being!" Yin Zhenluo's brows and eyes were full of smiles, full of joy, Yin Feng was very happy when she heard the words, she knew that Yin Zhenluo must be with Xuanyuan The two settled their suspicions.

"Okay, you can go to retreat, so that the combat power of my Tianlong clan will be greatly improved again!" Yin Feng laughed.

Yin Zhenluo nodded, disappeared immediately, and went to the death pass.

She hopes that she can rise to the peak and contribute to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' at that time.

This time with Xuanyuan Yin and Yang, a lot of wisdom was incorporated, which made Yin Zhenluo understand a lot of truths, knowing that turning small love into big love, and all living beings need her protection, this is what she should focus on, and it has been hidden in her The knot in my heart can be regarded as untied, and I will not be obsessed with it.

"Hey, boy, it seems that you have hurt yourself this time. After all, you are the first woman you met and fell in love with, so you will always be treated differently!" Xuanyuan was stopped by Peng Fei when he left the Tianlong war zone. Face cheap smile.

"Huh? You were able to find me?" Xuanyuan was very surprised. You must know that he has turned into a myriad of worlds. into his own form, looking at Peng Fei who is now unpredictable.

"The yin and yang of the heavens and the earth, the changes of the five elements are all in Fengshui. I dare not say it in other places. No one in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can escape my perception. You must know that all things in this 'Qinglong Holy Land' Feng Shui is all done by me, if I can’t even discover this, then I might as well die!” Peng Fei was quite complacent in his words, obviously in these years, he has already practiced "Feng Shui Ancient Magic" to the pinnacle.

"Okay!" Xuanyuan was very amazed, even he couldn't see through Peng Fei's cultivation now, it seemed that he was closely connected with the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land', unfathomable.

"You improved Yin Zhenluo's physique, which reduced your own strength a bit and lost a lot of strength. There is a big difference from when you went to find her before!" Peng Fei could see that Xuanyuan's combat power had obviously faded. a few.

"It doesn't matter, the impact is not big. With the 'Wonderful Medicine', you can recover quickly. It's just a matter of time. At worst, if you introduce a little 'Hongmeng Origin' into your body, you can recover immediately. Now it's not a tense time. Turn back I will improve the physique of Ba Ji and the others again!" Xuanyuan shrugged, not caring at all.

"You bastard, damn it, it's too shameful to be recognized by Empress Houtu, but your responsibility will be greater in the future." Peng Fei looked envious and jealous.

"By the way, let me ask you something. Do you have any grudge against Saint Hunter? Why is the Lord Hunter always chasing after me, telling me that as long as I donate you, they will form an alliance with the 'Qinglong Holy Land' , and let me become the master of hunting saints, and you can also cultivate with me, how much hatred you have attracted, and people will deal with you like this at all costs..." Xuanyuan had always wanted to ask Peng Fei about this before. One thing, but I was too busy to take care of him, but now it just happened to happen, so I asked by the way.

"Ah? The Lord of Saint Hunting? Is it because I stole their previous cemetery, so that all the things they left in the cemetery fell into my hands. No wonder I said how could there be such a murderous monster?" For fear of being discovered, they concealed it as an ordinary emperor's tomb and hid it very deeply, but my master is supernatural and handsome, how could they escape the eyes of my master, tsk tsk, I did not expect the master of the hunter She is actually a woman, and she wants to double cultivate with you. With your brat's temperament, you must be thinking of the law to sell me. I'm afraid I know that Daoist is extremely intelligent and has the essence of penetrating all things. You can't lie to me, so you should still think of a way, right?" Peng Fei talked to himself for a while, and Xuanyuan heard black lines on his forehead. To kill him, I should have sold this fat man if I knew it earlier.

"Okay, then I know, I don't want to talk to you about these things, I have to go first, you stay in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', if you go out, I'm afraid you will die, they are all staring at you !” Xuanyuan ordered, and was about to leave.

Peng Fei stared at him, and said in disbelief: "Damn it, you kid is looking down on me. If a tiger doesn't show its power, you treat me as a sick cat. Where are you going? I will go with you .”

"I want to go out, it will be really dangerous for you to be with me, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you by then!" Xuanyuan said seriously.

"Hey, you boy, try to punch me, maybe I'll protect you!" Peng Fei winked, his fat body shook, his chubby hands clenched into a fist, and he punched Xuanyuan, as if covering the world all the power in between.

Xuanyuan's mind was shocked, and he reacted hastily. The 'Wanhuashen Fist' burst out, and the two fists collided and canceled each other out. They both suppressed their strength within a radius of ten feet.

With Xuanyuan's endurance, he almost couldn't resist the power of Peng Fei's punch, and was forced to retreat several steps.

The dead fat man dangled his fleshy body, smiled obscenely, and said: "I have accumulated a lot of money, what, you boy and woman have made your body weak, you really don't need to be beaten!"

The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched. He really didn't expect that Peng Fei would make such a big leap in such a short period of time.

Could it be that he is really the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor? Or they stole many tombs of the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, and then used those things to improve themselves, but they were not obvious and no one found out.

"I remember I stripped you all over, but I didn't find anything remarkable. Could it be that you hid all the other things?" Xuanyuan sighed.

"You slut, you still have the face to mention it, what a fuck. Fortunately, I have a heart, otherwise, I would have been unable to get along." Peng Fei grinned, looking like he was going to find Xuanyuan desperately, Thinking of being plotted against by Xuanyuan that day, blood dripped from his heart, he hunted geese every day, but was blinded by the geese.

"You fat man, you still have a hand..." Xuanyuan cursed with a smile, but he was very happy that Peng Fei was so powerful now.

"Forget it, I won't talk to you about this anymore. Where do you want to take me? I really want to fight against the Lord of the Hunting Saints." Peng Fei's current combat power is not what it used to be. Comparable to Xuanyuan.

"Well, let's go together, fat man, I really didn't expect you to be able to advance to this level. It seems that I will not be lonely in the future, and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will become stronger and stronger!" Xuanyuan and Pengfei said. People left together.

"Boy, don't talk about fat people, you are blaspheming me, please call me Shengdi Pengfei!" Peng Fei laughed loudly, shaking his fleshy waves.

The two of them went out of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' together. Xuanyuan felt right away that Peng Fei and the 'Central World' were incomparably compatible. With every gesture, he was able to mobilize the feng shui of the entire world for his own use. It's simply impossible.

"I've been busy these days, and you haven't been out much. I think your strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and it's all in this period of time!"

"That is, the emperor is constantly recreating the history at this stage, returning the truth to the world, preserving the traces left over from ancient times, and preparing to let all beings know the truth of history in the prosperous age in the future, and sing the praises of Peng Fei The great achievements of the Holy Emperor." Peng Fei boasted, the veins on Xuanyuan's forehead twitched, and he couldn't stand it anymore, this fat man is getting worse and worse!

"You will die if you don't brag?"

"Is the Holy Emperor bragging? I'm just stating a fact that can no longer be true. You kid is jealous. I'm jealous that the Holy Emperor has surpassed you. Alas, the Holy Emperor has been lonely since ancient times, but today I'm going In the meantime, who can be my opponent, little brother Xuanyuan, where are you going, lead the way, this holy emperor alone seeks defeat!" Peng Fei sighed for a while, with his hands behind his back, looking lonely.

Xuanyuan kicked him directly on the buttocks, causing him to stagger and almost fall: "You fat man, I really can't take it anymore!"

"Damn it, as a younger brother, you dare to offend this Sage Emperor. Forget it, I have a lot of Sage Emperors, so I don't care about you, so hurry up and lead the way!" Peng Fei originally wanted to roll up his sleeves and fight Xuanyuan , but after seeing him turn into a clean slate, the corner of his mouth twitched, and the topic changed.

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