Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2088 Lunar God

At that time, Naihe took the "Nightmare Ghost Immortal" combined with the "Eternal Chaos Clock" and chased and killed the remnants of "Eternal Life", but he only killed two veteran figures before they escaped. To a large extent, it was also because of the protection of the strong gods that they had no choice but to be recalled to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' by Xuanyuan.

Until later, after Cang Yi took full control of the entire "eternal life", he felt the changes of the gods, cooperated with the "Qinglong Holy Land", and immediately took "eternal life" away from the gods, and lived in the mysterious universe in the universe. Space, keep a low profile.

For the protoss at that time, "Eternal Life" was originally a secret alliance, and they did not live in "Dongfu Xianzhou", so naturally they could not stop it. 'In my eyes, they are just a group of young people who are hard to become masters, so I didn't take them seriously.

Unexpectedly, after several battles, the five origins united, resulting in countless deaths and injuries in the entire "Central World", and "Eternal Life" was also in the war and was completely forgotten. This allows 'immortality' to really rise.

In the "eternal life", there were not many people in the first place, so many souls were devoured, and their memories were absorbed, which suddenly made them all have a huge leap, integrating the wisdom of the various origin fighters, and forming themselves, among them Many peerless wizards in "Eternal Life" have condensed their own way, which is unparalleled.

As for Jiang Yitian and his group, they were deeply scheming, knowing that being among the Protoss would bring many benefits, if they escaped or were hunted down for a while, they would not be able to escape with their strength at that time.

Therefore, we can only be loyal to the Protoss wholeheartedly, hoping to get the protection of the Protoss. No matter what, since Xuanyuan wants to create an excuse for the coexistence of all races, he must give face to the Protoss who were just about to cooperate with the 'Qinglong Holy Land' at that time.

Li Taiyi, the emperor of Futa, had a very good relationship with the Protoss at that time. Jiang Yitian, Cao Xiu, Meng Yun and others all joined in and formed a group. Seeing that they are still loyal to the Protoss, and they are not the same as the "Qinglong Holy Land". Generally trust, naturally no one will want to touch them.

It is not that no one among the Protoss wants to take them to Xuanyuan to receive rewards, but Xuanyuan has never mentioned it, and he acts benevolently and generously, and does not blame many things. Lost a large number of people.

However, Xuanyuan didn't even care about such things, and he wanted to unite with many people of the Protoss to fight against foreign enemies, let alone such personal enmity between them.

So at that time they dismissed their thoughts and let them go.

'Tianxiang Shengdi' is a very confident person, she doesn't care about these details, every day in his 'Tianxiang Temple', occasionally communicates with 'Tiancha Xuanyuan' to improve each other.

Xuanyuan and his party have been walking through the sky in the direction of Jiutian at this moment.

The sun and the moon exist in a mysterious space, and it is difficult to reach them if they are only in their direction.

Among the witches, there is a giant of the witches named Kuafu. This is the oldest witch. At that time, when he cultivated to a certain level, he wanted to get close to the sun and kept chasing, but he couldn't reach it. He feels that the sun is very close to him, but he always maintains a very far distance. However, he is a person with great perseverance, and he will definitely achieve what he wants to do.

It wasn't until he exhausted his own life that he discovered that the sun was in a mysterious space, and he had to go through a mysterious passage to reach it. The Temple of the Sun and the Temple of the Moon are both extremely close to the sun and the moon.

Kuafu existed in the "Origin of Hongmeng", not to say that he was so powerful, he was the most powerful person at that time, he was constantly trying, the ancestors discovered unknown things, and then discovered and passed them on For future generations, so that they can avoid many detours, this is passed down from generation to generation, so that their descendants can make great breakthroughs in cultivation, and lead a group of people to gradually reach the peak.

Kuafu was such an existence back then, so he had a position among the Wu clan that ordinary people could not establish.

Xuanyuan and his party came to the depths of Nine Heavens, in front of a gate called Taiyin.

"The entrance is here." Peng Fei grinned, he was the one who led the way, obviously he wanted to come here a long time ago, but suffering from his own lack of strength, it is finally possible now.

"Then go in!" Xuanyuan was about to step out, but was stopped by Peng Fei.

"Damn it, you don't have to be in such a hurry to find death, listen to me first, will you die?" Peng Fei rolled his eyes at him.

"With my current level of cultivation, who can do anything to me?" Xuanyuan didn't care. Indeed, with his current level of cultivation, in the "Central World" except for the "Longevity Gate" of Kuhai and the foundation of the Hunting Saint, other places in the "Central World" You can go anywhere.

"If you don't think about yourself, you should also think about this sexy fox. You can stop it, but she may not." Peng Fei looked at the Nine-Tailed Fox Immortal.

"Fatty, wretched Taoist, can you speak nicer, what is a coquettish fox?" Nine-tailed Fox Immortal said contemptuously.

"Yo, you coquettish fox, you can seduce Xuanyuan like that, and you are so coquettish, you still don't allow me to bark?" Peng Fei rolled up his sleeves and started to argue with her.

"Then why do I only seduce Xuanyuan and not you? Why don't you think deeply about this question?" Nine-tailed Fox Immortal almost choked Peng Fei to death.

"That's because you see that the Holy Emperor is handsome and you know that you are not good enough for me, so you are ashamed of yourself. You are more self-aware about this." Peng Fei looked at the Nine-Tailed Fox Immortal and said the truth.

"I don't know where your confidence comes from, it's simply too shameless..." Nine-tailed Fox Immortal trembled.

"Okay, you two stop fighting, Peng Fei, what will happen here?" Xuanyuan asked hastily.

"In this 'Gate of Taiyin' there is the aura of Taiyin, which surpasses the spirit of immortality. It is extremely cold, accumulated over time, and has even condensed into shape. Fear of being frozen to death alive is not only useless, but harmful!" Peng Fei said cautiously.

"Other than that?" Xuanyuan instinctively felt that it was not that simple.

"Besides, there are some powerful Taiyin gods. They are erratic and will not compromise with anyone. They will only kill and devour them. If they are discovered by them, some fierce battles will be inevitable. Every Taiyin god can contend against the existence of the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor. !” Peng Fei said seriously.

"What, that is to say, the person who broke through the 'Taiyin Temple' back then was at least as powerful as the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor. Who the hell would it be? He never showed up." 'The water is still very deep, and many people did not show up for various reasons, so I have to be more careful.

"So you must be careful, kid. In addition, I had a feeling before that the Lord of the Hunting Saints should be in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. As for who it is, I can't tell, but as long as I enter the Taiyin Temple and the Sun Temple to participate Enlightenment, improve Yin and Yang, maybe then I will be able to find out the real master of hunting saints." Peng Fei said in a deep voice.

Xuanyuan raised his brows, he refined the 'Sage Emperor' and couldn't find the whereabouts of the Lord Hunter, but Peng Fei has that ability, no wonder, he is responsible for the feng shui of the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land', Combined with the power of the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land', it is far, far stronger than Xuanyuan himself.

"The fox fairy, why don't you enter my 'swallowing myriad transformations Taoist weapon'? I'm afraid you will be in danger!" Xuanyuan looked at him.

"I don't want it, I want to be with you, you can protect me in case of danger." Nine-tailed Fox Immortal said coquettishly.

"Damn it, you're a dead fox, you really don't know how to live or die, are you the master of the holy hunt, and you want to take this opportunity to attack us?" Peng Fei stared, expressing his strong dissatisfaction.

"You fat bastard, how dare you slander me. If I were the Lord of Saint Hunters, I would be the first to castrate you first, then slaughter you, and then cook and feed you to pigs!" Nine-tailed Fox Immortal was not to be outdone, and her body was tight. By Xuanyuan's side.

Peng Fei was furious, and said: "Then I don't care, you can figure it out, boy? What do you like! Damn it!"

Xuanyuan sighed softly, to enter the 'Taiyin Temple' must rely on the 'Taiyin Bell', and now he can only follow the Nine-Tailed Fox Immortal.

He introduced a ray of 'fire of origin' into the body of the Nine-Tailed Fox Immortal, dripping beads of sweat from her body.

Nine-tailed Fox Immortal blushed, looked at Xuanyuan, and said, "It's so hot!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I can't take it anymore, go ahead, you two take your time!" Peng Fei's mouth twitched, very speechless.

Xuanyuan took the nine-tailed fox fairy into the 'Gate of Taiyin', and suddenly an extremely cold force squeezed towards them.

"The spirit of Taiyin is really powerful!" Xuanyuan's body was like a black hole, swallowing many spirits of Taiyin into his body, he experienced it carefully, and wanted to appreciate the spirit of Taiyin from it and improve his own strength.

The Nine-tailed Fox Immortal urged the 'Taiyin Bell' to make a tinkling sound. She introduced the 'Taiyin Spirit' into her body one by one, supported by Xuanyuan's 'Fire of Origin' in her body, coupled with the 'Taiyin Spirit' Bell's protection, she can also get great benefits from it.

Seeing that Xuanyuan was not in a hurry to move forward, Peng Fei grinned his teeth and said, "Damn it, you must want to kill the 'Taiyin Gods' and obtain their Taiyin Gods, right?"

"Hey, that's right, if the 'Taiyin Gods' can kill and devour them, it will greatly improve my soul!" Xuanyuan's eyes were shining with divine light.

Peng Fei has no way out. Indeed, for Xuanyuan, this 'Gate of Taiyin' is the best opportunity to improve his strength.

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