"You have to be careful, kid, it must be extremely terrifying to be able to storm into the 'Tianyin Temple'!"

Xuanyuan and Pengfei walked out of the 'Gate of Taiyin'. Along the way, Pengfei became extremely cautious, and even his movements seemed a little wretched, as if something was wrong and he would run away immediately.

Behind the 'Gate of Taiyin', there is only a bright moon hanging high. It is extremely huge, exuding a cold light, penetrating to the bone marrow, but its power is very clear, clean and holy.

"After the 'Gate of Taiyin', there is the 'Gate of the Sun'." Peng Fei said solemnly.

If you want to enter the 'Gate of the Sun', you have to enter the 'Gate of Taiyin' first!

Represents heaven and earth, men and women, hardness and softness, the sun and the moon.

Men are like the sky, symbolizing masculinity, holding up everything, like the sun, shining on everything with light, making the moon more brilliant.

Women are like the earth, symbolizing femininity, bearing everything, like the moon, revolving around the sun, making the heaven and earth complete and harmonious.

'Temple of Taiyin'.

Right in the middle of the moon.

The moon is an independent world, just like the 'Central World', the creatures in this world are very powerful!

Xuanyuan and Pengfei glanced at each other, soared into the sky, flew through the air, and finally landed in front of the 'Taiyin Temple', the gate was closed tightly at this moment.

The entire body of the 'Taiyin Temple' is formed by the condensation of the 'Taiyin Divine Crystal', flowing with a cold divine light.

Standing on the 'Tianyin Temple', he could see a large part of the 'Central World'.

At this moment, Xuanyuan had a deep feeling and sighed in his heart.

The "Shen Jing of Taiyin" is formed by gathering the power of "Shenqi of Taiyin" from heaven and earth, extracting its essence, and self-evolving after countless years.

The "Taiyin Temple" was not built by the "Taiyin Emperor". The "Taiyin Temple" was formed by self-condensation due to the will of the moon, but if someone enters it, it needs to be recognized by it.

Therefore, the "Taiyin Temple" contains extremely powerful power, and the person who was able to break through the "Taiyin Temple" back then must be an extremely extraordinary existence.

The realm of the "Taiyin Bell" fell, and even the power of the "Taiyin Origin" could not resist, even if the "Taiyin Temple" was ruled by someone!

"Boy, you communicate with the 'Taiyin Origin' first. When that person forced his way into the 'Taiyin Temple', he must have made the 'Taiyin Origin' extremely disgusted with him. We have to win the favor of the 'Taiyin Temple' at this time to be able to It's more convenient to do things!" Peng Fei stood at the gate of the 'Taiyin Temple' and said solemnly.

"Of course, I know that this is the only way. If I meet that mysterious figure later, I can get the help of the 'Taiyin Origin', and I will be more sure!" He has always been meticulous and careful in doing things.

He integrated his thoughts into the ground under his feet, penetrated into the deepest part of the moon, and passed them on.

"'Taiyin Origin', I am 'Central World', Xuanyuan, the holy lord of 'Qinglong Holy Land', please come out and meet!"

The moment Xuanyuan's mind was emitted, it carried an extremely strong aura of the 'primordial origin' and penetrated into the 'taiyin origin'.

"It turns out to be the messenger of the 'Origin of Primordial Origin'!" In the depths of the moon, a woman manifested. Her aura was cold, elusive, extremely mysterious, and ethereal.

"Exactly, we want to enter the 'Taiyin Temple' and hope to get your permission!" Xuanyuan said respectfully.

"Naturally, it's just that what you want is no longer in it!" "Taiyin Origin" sighed softly, and one could feel her helplessness.

Xuanyuan's heart trembled, and he said in a serious voice: "Maybe you can tell me, who is the existence that stormed the 'Taiyin Temple' that day? How powerful is it?"

"I don't know who he is, but all the disasters and destruction are condensed on him, which is extremely ominous. He can be called the king of the holy emperor. Even with your strength, it is difficult to compete with him!" ' A sigh.

Xuanyuan didn't ask any more questions, and said, "I know!"

He started to recycle his mind, Peng Fei has been paying attention to the side, and asked quickly: "Boy, how is it, is it okay?"

"Well, let's go in!" Xuanyuan's expression became extremely dignified. Originally, the Lord of Saint Hunting gave him enough headaches, but he never thought that there would be such a King of Saint Emperors. Who is this sacred?

The combination of disaster and destruction is extremely ominous. He tried to search for relevant information from the memories of many holy emperors, but there was none.

"Boy, tell me what happened exactly." Seeing Xuanyuan's expression, Peng Fei felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly asked.

"'Taiyin Yuanyuan' told me that the existence that stormed the 'Taiyin Temple' has already left, and his strength is comparable to the king of the holy emperor..." Xuanyuan felt a little uneasy in his heart. What kind of statue is this? Existence, he is right and evil, if he is right, why not come out to fight against the five origins, if he is evil, then I have never seen him come out to make trouble!

From his actions, he stormed the 'Taiyin Temple', and Xuanyuan was able to judge that he was definitely not a righteous person.

"What!" Peng Fei's eyeballs almost fell to the ground, with an unbelievable look.

"I feel that the 'Taiyin Origin' is extremely afraid of it and seems to be restrained by it, so I don't want to reveal too much information about it, probably because I am afraid of being retaliated. These origins have also bred their own spiritual wisdom, and no one wants to be swallowed !” Xuanyuan exclaimed.

"..." Peng Fei's eyeballs started rolling, and he didn't know what he was thinking, so he didn't say much, looked at the opened 'Temple of Taiyin', and quickly said: "Let's go in and take a look!"

Xuanyuan and Pengfei stepped into it together.

The four walls of the "Temple of Taiyin" can be seen from the inside. From the inside, the forty-nine pillars of the Taiyin God are engraved with exquisite runes, which are lifelike, as if these runes have their own life, and they are pieced together to form a long river of runes. Flowing and winding on the Luminous Pillar.

A long corridor leads directly to the last high platform.

From a distance, Xuanyuan and Pengfei could see on the high platform, a coffin formed by the condensed "Shen Jing of Taiyin"!

The shape of the coffin is simple and simple, with a mysterious and vicissitudes of ancient charm, giving people a very strong spiritual impact.

"Who is inside that coffin, could it be the 'Taiyin Renhuang'?" Xuanyuan Wen asked Peng Fei. He knew that Peng Fei had more information on this aspect than he did.

"No, inside this coffin is a 'Taiyin Sacred Physique' bred by the 'Taiyin Sacred Stone', condensed with the essence of the entire 'Taiyin Origin' and integrated into the 'Eternal Court of God', bred and born with the power of heaven and earth, Incomparably powerful, I came here this time because I just want to integrate this 'Taiyin Eucharist' into my body!" Peng Fei said his purpose.

"Go and have a look! Maybe it's gone." Xuanyuan obviously already knew the answer.

"..." Peng Fei was speechless for a while, he was still late.

The two came to the high platform of the 'Taiyin Temple'. There was a gap in the coffin lid, and it was impossible to see through the gap what was hidden inside. Xuanyuan felt hairy in his heart, and he didn't know why he felt this way.

"Boy, this method of closing the coffin is not normal, you must be careful when opening the coffin lid with your Taoist body!" Peng Fei pulled Xuanyuan back far away.

"Okay!" Xuanyuan transformed Sanqing with one breath, and led one of the Taoist bodies to the coffin.

His hands were pressed on the coffin lid, and the moment he pushed it away, a miserable howl suddenly came out.

Incomparably horrifying, the sound resounded through the 'Tianyin Temple'!

I saw an extremely dirty light rushing directly into Xuanyuan's Taoist body and snatching it away.

Xuanyuan's Taoist body looks like a madman, with fierce eyes, and green hairs sprouting from his body, Peng Fei screamed, his whole body was terrified: "The ominous ancient spirit... It's the old ancestor, it's my old ancestor!"

"What!" Before, Peng Fei had suffered an ominous doom, Xuanyuan knew that, before his father died, he also said the word "ancestor", but he didn't care at all at that time.

"I don't have time to say so much. Boy, join hands to suppress your Taoist body first. You must not let it escape from this world. Otherwise, if you go out and make trouble, it will cause the death of countless holy spirits!" Peng Fei shouted When he woke up, his expression was more dignified than Xuanyuan's.

Xuanyuan said in a heavy voice: "I've already made preparations, Xie!"

All around him, the two Taoist bodies that had been transformed into three cleanses in one breath melted away immediately.

However, Xuanyuan Dao Body, which was eroded by the ominous ancient spirit, could no longer be controlled by him.

"What!" Xuanyuan's heart shook.

"If the old ancestor is so easy to deal with, then he won't be called the old ancestor. Let's work together to suppress him first. Fortunately, it's the two of us who came. If it's someone else, once they are swallowed up by the ominous ancient spirit, there will be no one to stop them. It will last forever." , will reach an extremely frightening situation, and when it comes to the 'Central World', it will encounter an extremely frightening disaster!" Peng Fei yelled sharply, and shot immediately.

On his body, the Feng Shui strange dragons are all condensed from the dragon veins, which are extremely powerful.

Accompanied by Peng Fei's ideas, they combined into a feng shui overall situation, and Xuanyuan moved his hands and feet to move his gestures.

He stepped forward, as if the power of the whole world was used by him, and the two joined hands to attack the Dao body that was swallowed by the ominous ancient energy!

For a moment, Xuanyuan's Taoist body felt an unprecedented danger. He had just seized his body and was about to be suppressed. How could such a thing be allowed to happen.

"Stupid, I have already prepared, how can you be my opponent?" Suddenly, Xuanyuan's Taoist body spoke.

I saw that in the entire 'Taiyin Temple', the hidden feng shui situation was all aroused, causing its own power to skyrocket, and Xuanyuan and Pengfei were caught in this feng shui situation!

"Not good!" Peng Fei screamed at the first moment, and saw that the overall situation of Feng Shui he laid down began to shrink, and he tried to concentrate his strength on himself.

Xuanyuan's posture technique was also squeezed immediately, but he still resisted: "What's going on!"

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