Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 360 Civil and Military Tea Tree

(One chapter, 6,000 words, I’m depressed and sorry, I’ve been so busy recently that I got the chapter name wrong, but the content of the chapter itself is correct, sorry.)

Yin Zhenluo put away the teleportation jade platform, and Xuanyuan's words made her feel flustered for no reason, as if this incident would eventually become a fact:

"If this is the case, then I can only break through my own cultivation. Xuanyuan will say this, there must be his reason, I believe he will be able to break through the shackles of the 'heart-eating dragon insect', and I will do my best to help him , I will definitely not let anything happen to him."

After making up his mind, Yin Zhenluo said goodbye to Taishan Emperor, and resolutely returned to Dongzhou. Three days later, Dongzhou Emperor came out with a shocking news, which caused an uproar. "Dragon Worm", Yin Zhenluo is willing to expel the "Shenguang Gold" in his body as a reward.

This moved countless people's hearts, but no one dared to accept this list, because the Yin family is not an existence that can be teased, and everyone has seen Xuanyuan's treatment of Yin Tuxian's illness. Even if they can save Xuanyuan, they I am also unlucky, even if I can get 'Shenguang Gold', what's the use, even people like 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' are helpless!

So many people can only look at the 'Shen Guang Jin' and sigh.

Xuanyuan was completely unaware of what had happened in Dongzhou. After leaving Taishan Imperial Mansion, Xuanyuan went directly to Xuanwu Stone Workshop and Immortal Stone Workshop.

Seeing Xuanyuan's arrival, the two people from Shifang seemed to have seen a ghost, and they almost drove Xuanyuan out. There are strong stone art masters, but they can't drive Xuanyuan out.

They could only receive Xuanyuan. As a result, they ended up losing a large amount of pure spiritual resources. Xuanyuan won a large amount of pure fighting resources and exchanged them at their quarry.

After winning two thousand catties of pure spiritual source from Xuanwu Stone Workshop, he won another three thousand catties of pure spiritual source from Immortal Stone Workshop, and then he stopped. He also knew that he couldn't go too far all at once, so that he could satisfy the rest of his cultivation and breakthrough. Four hidden Qinglong acupoints are enough.

Xuanyuan's stone technique caused a big commotion in Beizhou Huangdu. Countless people were waiting for Xuanyuan to cut out the peerless spiritual source.

Rao Xuanyuan felt that he won less, and still felt so distressed that the "Xuanwu Saint Son" and the four great earth masters grinned. Everyone wanted to peel off Xuanyuan's cramps, but there was nothing they could do. If they all wanted Xuanyuan to come again, they would simply Directly hire the killers in "Six Paths" and "Reincarnation" to kill Xuanyuan, even if he can't kill Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan will feel good if he is disgusted, anyway, such examples are not uncommon.

In history, there are many stone mages with superb stone skills, but their fighting methods are not very good, and they sighed very much. They wandered around in various stone workshops, causing these stone workshops to suffer huge losses. As a result, , Shifang directly hired the killer in "Six Paths" and "Samsara" to behead the stone magician! Let many stone magicians take warning!

Now that Xuanyuan has been assassinated again, if they invite someone to assassinate them, they will naturally not arouse others' suspicion!

Just when the two major stone workshops were about to make such a decision, the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' appeared and invited Xuanyuan to the 'Nine Heavens Pavilion', but Xuanyuan did not refuse, because the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' said that she could get rid of the 'heart-biting girl'. Dragon worm's method, for Xuanyuan, there is no doubt that this is the top priority!

So I followed the 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' to the 'Nine Heavens Pavilion', which made the two stone workshops heave a sigh of relief.

'Nine Heavens Pavilion'.

This is a very mysterious place. Many sensitive issues between the Beizhou Dynasty and the civil and military ministers have to be negotiated here.

In order to maintain the harmony of the Beizhou dynasty, there must be someone to balance the relationship between them, and that is the 'Jiutian Pavilion'.

The "Nine Heavens Profound Girl" who can become the "Nine Heavens Pavilion" must be a woman with unparalleled intelligence and amazing civil and military aptitude. Doubtful.

Coming to the 'Jiutian Pavilion' gave Xuanyuan a very different feeling.

The 'Nine Heavens Pavilion' is located in the center of the Beizhou Imperial City. It is built extremely high, as if living above the nine heavens. The 'Nine Heavens Pavilion' itself is hidden by the method of terrain restriction, so that people cannot see it at all.

When Xuanyuan came to the 'Jiutian Pavilion', he discovered that the 'Jiutian Pavilion' itself was made of a kind of heavenly hidden stone, and countless patterns of momentum were carved on it, and the prohibition formation was connected from bottom to top. Together, they are mysterious and unusual, and very people can understand. The significance of this place to the Beizhou Dynasty is extraordinary, because the first generation of "Nine Heavens Xuannv" is the confidante of an ancient sage of the Beizhou Dynasty. Passed down since ancient times.

In the "Jiutian Pavilion", all are talented women. Not only are they outstanding in appearance, smart and smart, well-educated, and full of economics, but more importantly, everyone has their own unique views on the Beizhou Dynasty. They are both civil and military, brave and resourceful. , Xuanyuan couldn't help being amazed.

There are no beautiful sculptures, no tenderness of small bridges and flowing water, no small and exquisite layouts, only rigid and old bookshelves, exuding the precipitation of history, ancient charm, vicissitudes of life, placed from Beizhou Since the founding of the dynasty, every event of historical significance that has happened has been recorded in the books of the heart and moral sentiments of countless ministers of the Beizhou Dynasty, countless political disputes and turmoil. This can be said to be the history of the entire Beizhou Dynasty. Seeing the country's journey so far, all are recorded here!

Without any omission, the background of a dynasty can be revealed from this. This is an existence that has stood firm after countless years of changes. Everything has been witnessed here!

From the first floor to the ninth floor, all of them are like this, and they are all placed with extremely thick historical deposits, the time roulette.

The peak of 'Jiutian Pavilion' is shrouded in clouds. There is a tea table, two low stools, and the exquisite jade hands of 'Nine Heavens Xuannv', holding a teapot, making tea for Xuanyuan.

'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' has a gentle yet heroic demeanor, clumsy in cleverness, tough in softness, giving people an extremely contradictory feeling, but it is a reasonable existence. She is dressed in black clothes, with a sword on her waist and a Wearing a purple gold crown, three thousand blue silks are scattered behind her back, two strands of long hair fall vertically at the temples, swaying in the wind, white cheeks like jade, sword eyebrows and star eyes, delicate Qiong nose, and red lips with a smile on the corners of her mouth.

Xuanyuan can only use strange women to describe an existence like the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv'. The 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' gives people the impression that they are like characters who have come out of history books, full of ancient charm.

At this moment, the sun is setting and the sun is setting on the west mountain. The setting sun is infinitely good, but it is almost dusk.

The warm sunset coats the clouds and mist with a layer of warmth, which is so beautiful that it sprinkles on the world, and even countless ordinary people. When resting, the scenery is beautiful.

The beauty is making tea, and the beautiful scenery is against the background. This situation makes people feel open-minded and have a special taste in their hearts.

Xuanyuan was sitting on a low stool, watching the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' make tea, with a calm expression and concentration, until after pouring a cup for Xuanyuan, the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' noticed Xuanyuan's gaze, and smiled eagerly:

"Why, is Master Xuanyuan also somewhat interested in making tea? If so, even though I am not good at tea art, I can still teach Master Xuanyuan a thing or two! Now please taste my 'Jiutian Pavilion' unique, civil and military tea! "

"I wish I could!"

Xuanyuan smiled slightly, picked up the teacup, and smelled it, only felt a kind of artistic conception of literary thinking and martial arts, gathered together, giving people a kind of mystery that civil and martial arts complement each other, which is naturally a kind of evolution of reason, in the dark, let Xuanyuan I understand something on the way of cultivation, some things I didn't understand before, I have an instant epiphany, and there is a tendency to be broken through the sun orifice in the abdomen in the body!

This kind of tea actually contains the most mysterious truth in the Dao of Heaven and Earth!

"This tea is really mysterious. I'm afraid it took a lot of thought from the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv'?" Xuanyuan's eyes were bright, knowing that this civil and military tea must not be simple, it is comparable to the supreme fairy medicine, and praised.

"Where, it's my honor to be able to pour tea for someone like Master Xuanyuan!" the 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' smiled subtly, stood up, looked into the distance, and asked Xuanyuan:

"My lord, what do you think of my Beizhou Dynasty?"

Xuanyuan drank the 'Civil and Military Tea' in his hand in one gulp, and he felt comfortable all over his body. A sense of yin and yang mysterious flow in his heart melted into his atrium. The 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect' seemed to be under attack, howled miserably, rolled over, and roared wildly.

Xuanyuan's heart vibrated violently, and the mystery brought out by this "civil and military tea" turned into two swords of yin and yang, interweaving the principles of heaven and earth. Fighting in such a fragile place as the heart, the severe pain that it transmits spreads to every corner of Xuanyuan's body, it is nothing more than heart-piercing.

Xuanyuan couldn't bear to say anything, and looked at the imperial capital of Beizhou with a smile. Looking down at the imperial capital of Beizhou from the "Jiutian Pavilion", the magnificent buildings are criss-crossed, people come and go, the prosperity is like brocade, the country is rich and the people are strong, the buildings are magnificent, and the buildings are informal. , It is a beautiful scenery, a good scene, speaking of it, the Beizhou Dynasty is also a powerful country.

"There is more domineering, but less domineering. If the two can be balanced, it would be great." Xuanyuan made such an evaluation.

"Mr. Xuanyuan hits the nail on the head. It's really a good idea." 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' sighed, and Xuanyuan immediately revealed the hidden dangers of the Beizhou Dynasty. This is what Jiutian Xuannv has been worrying about. As a result, the "Nine Heavens Profound Girl" felt relieved a lot. Although it was risky, it was worth it. She knew about the war caused by Cheng Yin before, but she didn't agree with it. There is no way to recover the sky alone. .

"It's also fortunate to have Mr. Xuanyuan and Shihou, a rare woman in the world, who has made my Beizhou Dynasty a big step forward. If people can put aside their prejudices and be honest with each other, I am afraid that there will not be so many people in this world. strife."

"Haha, it is a good thing for the emperor of Beizhou to imitate the great ambitions of the ancient emperors, and to have the mind to tolerate the coexistence of all races. It is useless if we are just wishful thinking on our side. Now that I have made a head start and do my best, then everything will just follow fate." Enduring the severe pain, Xuanyuan looked at Beizhou Emperor Capital with a smile, his expression was calm, as motionless as a mountain, without the slightest trembling or moaning, only firm.

"In the past three days, since the 'All Evil Does Not Invade Pill' of the little princess of Shihou was integrated into the water source, the outbreak of the plague was immediately suppressed. It was about to become a dead place, and it was full of vitality. After the treatment, countless people cheered, revering the little princess Shiwei, and regarded it as a god, and the army of tens of thousands of demons has already begun to operate. The Beizhou Dynasty and the demons have jointly funded the construction of damaged cities in various places to rebuild for the people of Li. Homeland, under the leadership of the little princess Shihou, the people of the human race and the warriors of the demon race have been able to build a home together. Although there are some small frictions, it is harmless. The little princess Shiwei is really amazing." 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' looked As the sun sets little by little, and the dusk gradually turns into black, I sigh softly, from the bottom of my heart, with sincere admiration:

"It's no wonder that Emperor Taishan gave the little princess Shiwan his green eyes, and pledged his life to the Emperor of Beizhou that she would never do anything that would endanger the Beizhou Dynasty. Now it seems that Emperor Taishan was right."

"What?" Xuanyuan was taken aback. He didn't expect that Emperor Taishan would make such a big promise to the Emperor of Beizhou. How much trust would it take to guarantee this with his own life?

"There must always be one party to trust the other party first. Emperor Taishan deeply understands that if both parties cannot trust and only know resentment, it will only exacerbate the bad relationship between the two. Since it is an established existence that cannot be changed, if you want it If it gets better, you can only believe it!" 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' looked at Xuanyuan, her eyes full of admiration.

"Emperor Taishan deserves to be the number one city defender in Beizhou." Xuanyuan said a pun with deep meaning, and the severe colic in his heart intensified, but Xuanyuan remained unmoved and laughed about everything.

During this period, Xuanyuan talked and laughed happily with the Nine Heavens Xuannv, from the people of the Beizhou Dynasty to the royal family, every sentence saw blood, which made the "Nine Heavens Xuannv" amazed and moved.

It wasn't until Xuanyuan felt the sharp pain in his heart dissipate that he felt much more comfortable, and looked inside his heart.

The 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect' still exists, obviously injured, and the speed of the destruction of the seal has slowed down.

At this moment, the setting sun had already set, and a round of clear moon hung high in the sky, which turned into endless brilliance and sprinkled on the world. The moonlight was charming, and in the sky, there were little stars shining brightly.

Xuanyuan only felt that yin-yang civil and military energy in his heart turned into a warm current and rushed straight to Xuanyuan's abdomen. Suddenly, the Fangri orifice, which had not been broken through before, broke through in an instant!

Boom, in the sky, Fang Su, the fourth star in the east, trembled violently, a phantom of a green dragon hovered around, Xuanyuan broke through Fang Ri's orifice, and directly attracted Fang Ritu, Fang Su! From the Fangsu stars, the huge stars shrouded down and landed on the peak of the 'Nine Heavens Pavilion', forming a magnificent picture!

Daoist stars are shining brightly, covering the nine heavens, turning into rivers of stars, and visions appear from the sky, causing countless people to exclaim!

The starlight dissociates, containing the pure Xinghua Dou Qi, which melts into Xuanyuan's belly, Fang Riqiao, and sees Xuanyuan's acupoint hole in the universe, a big star rises, bright and dazzling, accompanied by time. The dripping past, and the transportation and transformation of Yin and Yang, civil and military, quickly become harmonious and complete.

Xuanyuan closed his eyes, comprehended all of this carefully, felt something in his heart, only felt that Fang Riqiao had already turned into the realm of Dzogchen, and his own power, from the original power of fourteen emperor dragons, had directly risen to sixteen. The power of an emperor dragon is no small matter!

When Xuanyuan opened his eyes, the eyes were like stars, the stars were revolving, and shot into the distance, the dragon energy from Xuanyuan's body became more intense, and his behavior had the meaning of a fairy dragon.

Seeing Xuanyuan opened his eyes and condensed the hidden Qinglong acupoint in his abdomen to the great perfection, the red lips of the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' slightly parted, first sighed, and then smiled slowly:

"'Wenwu Tea' is a tea art left by the ancient sages. It contains the mysteries of heaven and earth. It will do great harm to the alien species of 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect'. I never thought that even 'Wenwu Tea' can't kill it. 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect' is really terrifying, no wonder Senior 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' is also helpless! You need to enter the 'Forbidden Land' to find a way to crack it!"

"'Jiutianxuannv' took the trouble to break through the fourth hidden green dragon hole on my body. It took me a short time to reach the state of Dzogchen. I am already very satisfied. If I want to kill this 'Heart Devouring Dragon' The best way for Chong' is to save myself, as long as my strength becomes stronger and my control over the 'Red Lotus Karmic Fire' becomes stronger, I can use the 'Red Lotus Karmic Fire' to refine him to death." Xuanyuan Saran With a smile, he didn't care about the sigh of 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl'.

"Mr. Xuanyuan, I finally understand why you were able to ascend to the 'Tianshi', and you were able to have such a brave power in the Douhuang realm. Your will is beyond the reach of others. Just now, 'Wenwu Tea' and 'Heart Biting' When the dragon and worms are fighting, in your heart, there will be such a big shock that you can bear it, and you can laugh and talk to me about the situation in the imperial capital of Beizhou. Even many immortal fighters cannot do it. But you are able to do it, which really amazes me." The 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' smiled, her eyes were full of admiration, at least Xuanyuan was the most rare and outstanding man she had ever seen in her life, and she felt that he was also the most outstanding man. No wonder Yin Zhenluo paid so much for him, and Shihou was even more attached to Xuanyuan. She was an outsider, so she naturally saw it more clearly.

No woman would dislike a man like Xuanyuan, at least for the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv', if she stood between a man and a woman, she was indeed a little moved by Xuanyuan, but from her position , Reason will obliterate these things that could not have happened.

"Haha, what's the matter." Xuanyuan waved his hand, not caring at all, and changed the subject: "'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' invited me to 'Nine Heavens Pavilion', it should not only be for me to taste 'Wenwu Tea' and let me talk with you Is it from the imperial capital of Beizhou?"

"Mr. Xuanyuan is indeed extremely intelligent. Speaking of which, where is the emperor?" 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' looked at Xuanyuan and asked with a smile.

Xuanyuan planned to enter the 'Mysterious Forbidden Land' soon to find out, so the pig-headed emperor went to explore the way first, and now he should set up some prohibition formations in the 'Mysterious Forbidden Land' to ensure safety!

"I don't know where it went, maybe it went to the 'Forbidden Land' to talk with senior 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy'." Xuanyuan nonchalantly said.

"..." The 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' couldn't help being speechless for a while, pointing to the teapot, she said, "Mr. Xuanyuan, I want to ask you something this time, and it has to do with this 'Wenwu Tea'."

"Oh?" Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment and said, "What's the matter? I don't know anything about this, so how can I help the 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl'?"

"It's enough to have Senior 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' protecting you."

'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' said with emotion:

"There is only the last piece of civil and military tea leaves left. I have already boiled it for Mr. Xuanyuan. There is a 'Civil and Military Tea Tree' in the 'Forbidden Land', which was planted by an ancient sage of my Beizhou Dynasty. Since that 'Civil and Military Tea Tree' The civil and military tea leaves grown from the "tea tree" all have his understanding of everything in the world, and are extremely precious. Every year, the Beizhou Dynasty often suffered heavy casualties in order to take out a few pieces of tea. "Dragon Insect" is the land of cause and effect, and Young Master Xuanyuan will definitely enter it, I wonder if you can pick some civil and military tea for my Beizhou Dynasty?"

"Haha, it turned out to be the 'Wenwu Tea Tree'. The boy promised him that the 'Wenwu Tea Tree' is a treasure between heaven and earth. When the time comes, you can cut down the whole 'Wenwu Tea Tree' and take it for yourself!" the voice of the greedy old man It sounded suddenly, obviously very excited. With the experience of a greedy old man, everyone coveted this 'Civil and Military Tea Tree', one can imagine.

"Oh? It's just that the 'Forbidden Land' is so huge, how can I know where this 'Civil and Military Tea Tree' is?" Xuanyuan directly ignored the greed of the greedy old man, and the 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' took the last piece of 'Civil and Military Tea Tree' for herself After it was cooked, it was only natural to help her take some out, Xuanyuan didn't have too much greed.

Seeing that Xuanyuan agreed, the 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' looked delighted, took out a map, and said:

"This map is the map of the 'Forbidden Land' drawn with blood by the great supernatural powers of the Beizhou Dynasty. The red dot on the way is the place where the 'Civil and Military Tea Tree' is located. I hope this map can also be helpful to Mr. Xuanyuan. A little bit of help!" 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' said.

"Aren't you afraid that I will find this 'Civil and Military Tea Tree' and cut it down for my own?" Xuanyuan laughed.

"I believe that Mr. Xuanyuan will not do this, and the 'Civil and Military Tea Tree' is a treasure of heaven and earth. It is planted by the ancient sages. It has its own spirituality. It is beyond the reach of ordinary people. If Mr. Xuanyuan can help me take out nine pieces' As for civil and military tea leaves, if you need them, you can take them for your own use, I can still do this!" 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' said gently.

"If that's the case, then I'm not going to be polite." Xuanyuan accepted this map, and he had already agreed to the 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl'.

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