Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 362: Hundred-Aperture Stone Statue

The 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' nodded, and took out a source stone the size of a human head from her fighting ring.

The moment the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' opened the fighting ring for this source stone, Xuanyuan felt a violent twitch in his heart. This is the natural perception of the source stone as a stone mage, and he is extremely sensitive!

Xuanyuan knew in an instant that this piece of origin stone was definitely not a simple existence. He saw that this piece of origin stone was naturally formed in the shape of a human figure from the heavens and the earth. There are a total of one hundred and eight holes in the hole.

Yuehua passed through the 'Hantian Pavilion', and the aura contained in it was immediately sucked in!

Xuanyuan's expression couldn't restrain his excitement, he looked at the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky', and said in a trembling voice:

"It turned out to be, the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Figure', within this source stone, there is definitely a peerless spiritual source!"

Xuanyuan looked at this piece of 'Hundred Aperture Stone Portrait', and immediately made such a judgment, 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' nodded repeatedly, as happy as a child, and her tone couldn't restrain her excitement:

"That's true, so I thought, Mr. Xuanyuan, can you help me feed this source stone with your 'green dragon blood', and then use your stone layout master to help me carve the stone cultivation situation, in return, I I am willing to double cultivate with you, as my virgin body, with the power of the 'Sky Frost Immortal Physique', to freeze and kill the 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect' in your heart, even if it can't be killed, it can be severely injured, Master Xuanyuan has another 'red' Lian Ye Huo's protection of the heart is not hindered, I can see that Master Xuanyuan is also a body of Yuan Yang, you and I will be able to make breakthroughs and advance by leaps and bounds!"

As soon as these words came out, Xuanyuan was dumbfounded, and his heart jumped wildly:


Two blushes appeared on the stunning face of the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky', her face was flushed with peach blossoms, her charming eyes were like silk, her eyebrows were like spring mountains, and her pupils were like autumn water.

"I'm willing to double cultivate with Master Xuanyuan..." 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' is ashamed of closing the moon, sinking fish and wild goose, not being able to do anything, Xuanyuan almost spits out a nosebleed, a woman who looks like an iceberg to outsiders, unexpectedly has such a shyness The strong contrast of her delicate posture gave Xuanyuan a great temptation!

"No!" Xuanyuan didn't hesitate at all, and immediately interrupted the words of the "Holy Maiden of Cold Sky". Yang body, this makes Xuanyuan's heart very moved.

"Why not? Didn't Master Xuanyuan agree to me just now? As long as you can do something, you will definitely agree to it?" The 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' also became anxious all of a sudden, with an anxious look on her face, as if she wanted Xuanyuan to promise her right away. Well, I don't know if those obsessed with the "Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky" just saw this scene, they don't know how to feel in their hearts, the goddess in their hearts is asking to be able to double cultivate with Xuanyuan! But it is something that they would not be able to obtain in ten thousand years or one hundred thousand years.

"It's about your reputation, honor and disgrace. The matter of dual cultivation is a big matter. How can you make a decision easily? How precious is a woman's life? How can you easily entrust it to someone who has nothing to do with it? No, absolutely not. Is the strange stone more important than your lifelong event?" Although Xuanyuan is moved, he also has his own bottom line, he has a ruler in his heart to measure everything, right and wrong, good and evil, Xuanyuan has his own judgment.

"Mr. Xuanyuan is so considerate of me. I am very happy. If it were an ordinary person, I would have wished to agree to it, but Mr. Xuanyuan was able to refuse me. It is enough to see that Mr. Xuanyuan is a person who is worth entrusting for life. Since Luo Zixi has made up her mind, she will never regret it!" The brows of the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' contained endless tenderness, no longer cold, and in her name, she vowed never to regret it, causing Xuanyuan's breath to stagnate and his thoughts to fluctuate .

How many people in the world wouldn't be moved by a holy woman like the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Heaven'? almost none! Xuanyuan is no exception, but the heartbeat is just a heartbeat, and there will be a huge difference from the final decision!

"How about this, 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', I promise to feed you the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Statue' with my 'Qinglong Essence and Blood', I am a stone magician, naturally I can also hope to see a peerless spiritual source, or even a fairy source born into the world , I can also use the method of raising stones to nourish the origin stone for you. As for the stone of dual cultivation, don’t talk about it again. I, Xuanyuan, am not the kind of villain who takes advantage of others. A person who is not tempted, and I am no exception, but life-long events, how can you be hasty? I hope the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' will take good care of herself!"

Xuanyuan's heart was beating violently, his mind wandering, it was hard to restrain, but in the end Xuanyuan still resisted the temptation to be naked, naked, naked, no matter what he did, Xuanyuan didn't want to violate his own heart, one must learn to be appropriate. Control your desires without being controlled by them.

"Oh my god, kid, are you crazy? Feed her origin stone with the 'Qinglong Essence and Blood'. If you double cultivate with her, it's not a loss. You must know the vital yin of the 'Sky Frost Immortal Physique' Nourishment for you is definitely a big deal! Now that someone gives you a mouthful of honey, you have to use your blood to feed her Origin Stone, isn't your brain cramped?"

The greedy old man who had been secretly enjoying himself thought that he would be able to see a wonderful meat scene, because he felt that Xuanyuan really wanted to agree in his heart, but Xuanyuan just said such words, making him sit down all of a sudden. Can't help but jumped out of Xuanyuan's heart and roared:

"Boy, why are you pretending to be innocent? You really want to double cultivate with her. Don't say anything. You don't want to go against your own heart. If you want to do it, you should do it. You are a future emperor. This 'Sky Frost Immortal Physique' is a special physique, and it will be of great benefit to you!"

"Go away! You greedy old man, your heart and temptation are two different things. Although my heart is moved, how can a person be controlled by one's own desires? No matter greed or anger, all kinds of emotions should not be controlled by one's own desires." , Only those who swallow their desires can be qualified to achieve the road of the emperor! And you really have no brains, if I double cultivate with her, won't my physique be exposed? Who can guarantee that she won't spread it? So no matter what, it is impossible for me to double cultivate with her, and as for the origin stone I feed her with the 'green dragon blood', I have my own plan! I won't do business that loses money!" Xuanyuan was angry Sprayed the greedy old man all over the face.

"Well, what you said is not bad. When you are practicing dual cultivation, you must open your minds. The secret of your physique can no longer be concealed. It is indeed better not to agree. When you reach the completion of the 'Physical Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', no more There is nothing to be afraid of." The greedy old man nodded, agreeing with Xuanyuan's thoughts.

"Unexpectedly, your kid is quite thoughtful, but you use the 'green dragon's essence and blood' to nourish the Origin Stone for her, what are your plans?"

Xuanyuan directly ignored the greedy old man, the nature of the greedy old man is like this, mercenary, extremely greedy, naturally it is impossible for people to take advantage of oneself, only to take advantage of others, the greedy old man is still good, the pig-headed emperor said to rob the capital Not too much.

"Mr. Xuanyuan, this is not good. I am alone. I have nothing else to give you except my own body. Let you feed me the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Statue' with the incomparably precious ancient Qinglong blood essence. It's a very excessive thing, why don't you use stone techniques to help me raise the stones, I'll come out with a pure spiritual source." Seeing that Xuanyuan really rejected her, the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' also said I don't want to mention it any more, Xuanyuan's character, the "Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky" is clear in her heart, there is only admiration and nothing else in her heart, but she is still a little unwilling in her heart. Is there anything that I am not worthy of Xuanyuan?

"It doesn't matter, I can promise to raise stones for you. Naturally, I will do it if it is beneficial. I will not do anything that is not beneficial."

Xuanyuan frowned slightly, very calmly, looking at the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Figure' placed on the tea table, it was incomparably exquisite, flowing with an indescribable charm, 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' was able to get such a 'Hundred Aperture Stone Figure'. It can be said that it is extremely lucky that this kind of "hundred-hole stone statue" has been conceived for many years, and how many natural disasters, earth disasters and man-made disasters it has to go through before it can take shape and gradually reach today's the point.

In stone art, there are terrain, spying, motivating, breaking, unraveling, sealing, and also raising stones. Some origin stones are conceived and born between heaven and earth, forming incomparably mysterious and naturally occurring ones. The images, in the dark, all contain the Dao and Tianli, which are extremely precious. It would be a pity to cut them easily. Therefore, some exquisite stone mages will use the stone cultivation technique to portray various nourishing origin stones. The terrain, nourishes the source stone, warms the source stone, lets the source stone gradually grow to the ultimate peak, nourishes and infuses it with the essence and blood of various precious beasts, or lets it devour and absorb the essence of the heaven and earth spirits, hope that the source stone can Grow and transform into a more rare existence!

Apparently, the fact that the "Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky" was able to be sent to the "Cold Sky Stone Workshop" was due to her certain attainments or liking in stone art, and the means of raising stones are not something ordinary people know, even if it is the cultivation of stones jointly arranged by the five great earth masters. The means are absolutely inferior to Xuanyuan!

When the "Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky" saw Xuanyuan performing the stone technique that day, she immediately saw that Xuanyuan was not simple. In the end, she did not expect that Xuanyuan had actually obtained the inheritance of the stone technique from the "Immortal Emperor of Great Luo". More to say, so she invited Xuanyuan on the spot.

"Well, Mr. Xuanyuan, let's use our blood to nourish this 'Hundred Aperture Stone Statue' together? I'm looking forward to its future growth!" It can be seen that a lot of thought has been spent on this piece of 'Hundred Aperture Stone Portrait' and 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky'.

Xuanyuan nodded, and took out a "swallowing source" from his fighting ring. This piece of source stone has an extremely terrifying devouring ability, which can swallow the power of all source stones in the world, and take it as his own , blending into herself, the 'Hantian Saintess' showed a puzzled expression when she saw Xuanyuan took out this piece of gluttonous form of 'Swallowing Spirit Source'.

"According to the records in the "Da Luo Tian Shu", when feeding the origin stone of the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Statue', it will undergo a transformation and breathe out some of the breath in the origin stone. I don't want to waste it. When the time comes My 'Swallowing Spirit Source' gluttonous phase to absorb, although it has been cut out by me now, as long as it keeps devouring the power of Douyuan, there will still be a lot of transformation, I hope 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' doesn't mind !" Xuanyuan was afraid that the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' would not understand, so she immediately explained.

"Well, that's true, it doesn't matter, I believe in Master Xuanyuan!" It's not the first time that the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' fed the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Statue' with her own blood, indeed every time she came out of the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Statue'. They would all breathe out the fighting spirit of heaven and earth, thicker and purer each time, she didn't think much about it, Xuanyuan's character, she can still trust, at least do as she said, Xuanyuan can get more, there is no need for Xuanyuan unnecessary.

Seeing the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' take out a short knife, this short knife is extremely sharp and filled with a strong spirituality, attracting thousands of spirits from heaven and earth, Xuanyuan took a breath and exclaimed:

"It turned out to be 'Qian Lingyuan'! A stone-resolving knife made from 'Qian Lingyuan'!"

That is, the Eight Sage Kings all use the "Bai Ling Dou Yuan" to support the stone-resolving knife. The larks are just a different species of fighting source, and Qianling is the real source of alien spirits. This is something that can be encountered but not sought. Exquisite craftsmanship can do it!

Mo Chou is the 'Thousand Spirit Body', this 'Thousand Spirit Source' was born in response to the 'Thousand Spirit Body', and is born with a great affinity for the 'Thousand Spirit Body', the 'Thousand Spirit Body' There is a very unique attraction for 'Qian Lingyuan'! Practicing with the 'Thousand Spirit Source' will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

"Well, that's right!" The 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' held a short knife and gently slashed at her fingertips. The light red blood, filled with a cold breath, dripped onto the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Statue', Watching the needlepoint-sized hundred orifices flow down the river, the blood that dripped on it was quickly absorbed, and the whole "Hundred Apertures Stone Statue" was like a baby waiting to be fed, making a baby-like cry. Exhort, it seems that I have already gotten used to this breath of blood.

Xuanyuan bit his own fingertips, a thick blood red filled with extremely thick life essence, and the breath of the ancient green dragon, which made this "Hundred Aperture Stone Portrait" tremble suddenly, the pure "blue dragon blood essence" 'Dripping on the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Statue', the hundred and eight pinholes of the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Statue' spit out in unison, obviously extremely excited, the whole 'Hundred Aperture Stone Statue' is like a living thing, very It's amazing!

Seeing that the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Portrait' could have such a change, the pair of beautiful eyes of the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' jumped with joy and was very excited.

"Mr. Xuanyuan, thanks to you, I have nourished this 'Hundred Aperture Stone Figure' for a long time. I am afraid that after your nourishment this time, it will undergo a greater transformation soon!"

The blood essence of the two people fused together, and there was an extremely subtle change invisibly. The blood essence of the 'Sky Frost Immortal Physique' was naturally no small matter.

One yin and one yang, the fusion of yin and yang made the "Hundred Aperture Stone Statue" even crazier. From the one hundred and eight pinholes in the lower acupoint, the extremely pure heaven and earth battle energy suddenly spewed out. The blood-colored eyes of the Taotie face of the 'Swallowing Spirit Source' lit up, and the incomparably pure Heaven and Earth Dou Qi that was swallowed from the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Figure' lasted for a day and a night.

I saw that the 108 pinhole-sized acupoints on the body of this 'Hundred Aperture Stone Statue' spit out countless heaven and earth grudges, filling the entire 'Hantian Pavilion', and Xuanyuan's 'Swallowing Spirit Source' Taotie looked like The source of a huge vortex, absorbing the battle energy of the world from this 'Hundred Aperture Stone Figure', is obviously extremely joyful!

During the daytime, when the sun is high, the "Hundred Aperture Stone Statue" greedily sucks up the nissei and blends into itself. It is indeed a natural strange stone born naturally from the heaven and the earth.

Xuanyuan looked at this 'Hundred Aperture Stone Portrait', under the warmth of himself and the 'Hantian Saintess' with their own blood, the face of this 'Hundred Aperture Stone Portrait' seemed to be the same as that of himself and 'Han Tian'. Saintess' are somewhat similar!

This made Xuanyuan's heart amazed:

"It seems that the records in the "Da Luo Tian Shu" are indeed correct! Cultivate stones with people! They will transform themselves! When Qiyuan is born in the future, he will definitely recognize the master!"

Xuanyuan and the "Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky" fed this "Hundred Aperture Stone Statue" with their own blood for a day and a night, and Xuanyuan's "Swallowing Spirit Source" gluttonous figure also devoured it very greedily for a day and a night. The Taotie of the 'Swallowing Spirit Source' faintly seemed to have grown a little bit, but this slight change was also noticed by Xuanyuan, and looked at the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Figure' in amazement. Stone is extremely amazing, it can support people, and naturally it can also conceive!

"Mr. Xuanyuan, I'm really sorry that you have wasted so much of the 'Blue Dragon Blood Essence'." The "Holy Maiden of Cold Sky" looked at Xuanyuan's pale face, and couldn't bear it in her heart.

Xuanyuan's strength is naturally incomparable to that of the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky', but the life essence in Xuanyuan's body is strong, so it is naturally affordable.

"It doesn't matter, I have already completed all the major blood changes. These are just the waste blood in my body. Every time I regenerate my strength, I will nourish a larger 'Qinglong essence blood'." Xuanyuan smiled indifferently and repaired himself Wounds on fingertips.

The 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' immediately pushed the cup of 'Sky Frost Jade Liquid' in front of her to Xuanyuan, saying:

"Mr. Xuanyuan, let's replenish your vitality first, and then describe the potential of raising stones!"

Xuanyuan didn't shirk, but drank the full cup of 'Sky Frost Jade Liquid' in one gulp. The fighting energy in his body, which was a little dry, suddenly became full, and Xuanyuan's pale face recovered. rosy!

The 'Sky Frost Jade Liquid' refined from the life essence of the 'Sage of the Cold Sky' is extraordinary. It originally nourished the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Statue' for the 'Sage of the Cold Sky', which has already hurt Xuanyuan's vitality. One drop of Qinglong's essence blood dripped out, how thick it was, far surpassing the essence blood of the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Heaven', drop by drop, fed for a day and a night, how much wasted, one can imagine.

Seeing that Xuanyuan's vitality had recovered, the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' felt relieved, and said with a light smile:

"Master Xuanyuan, take a good rest!"

Xuanyuan waved his hand and collected the gluttonous form of 'Spirit Swallowing Source'. In fact, his 'Spirit Swallowing Source' had already absorbed a lot when the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Statue' swallowed out the fighting energy of heaven and earth this time, making this 'Spirit Swallowing Source' The quality of the source itself has improved a lot, and the nature of the "swallowing source" is such that it uses itself to nourish and strengthen itself by devouring other sources of fighting power in the world. In fact, Xuanyuan has gained great benefits!

"No need, I'll just start setting up the momentum!"

"Well, I'll leave it to Mr. Xuanyuan." From the fighting ring of the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', he immediately took out nine yuan of pure spiritual source weighing a thousand catties, even Xuanyuan could not help but gasp when he saw it Cool air, only the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion' has such a large family property for the 'Hantian Saintess' to squander so much, but this kind of 'Hantian Saintess' is not a loss!

If it can nourish the fairy source, it will be invaluable, needless to say.

"I will create a 'Five Elements Pregnant Stone Great Immortal Power' to warm up this 'Hundred Aperture Stone Portrait'. I can only use my best stone technique to describe such a strange stone!"

To be honest, Xuanyuan also very much hopes that one day he can see with his own eyes that this 'Hundred Aperture Stone Figure' is cultivated to the peak and then cut open. It will be the source of spirits and immortals. It is recorded in the "Da Luo Tianshu", that it will cut off the magic weapon of heaven and earth, and it will also cut out living creatures. Such examples abound!

Xuanyuan only saw records in the "Da Luo Tian Shu", but he never saw it with his own eyes. The "Da Luo Immortal Emperor" once cut out a fairy.

Moreover, she is a living fairy, whose strength is comparable to that of an immortal emperor, and finally became the maid of the "Immortal Emperor Da Luo", serving him around.

In the end, the 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor' learned that this maid was actually a member of the Nuwa tribe in the ancient times. She used her own magical powers and secret methods to make herself fall asleep, merge into the spiritual source, and want to live forever, but when she was cut out For a moment, she found that her life would still have an end, and she slept with the spiritual source seal, which only delayed her lifespan. If it wasn't for the long lifespan of the Nuwa clan, she would have died in the spiritual source.

Even people in the ancient times were seeking immortality, but no one had any solution. The 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor' just briefly mentioned the matter of the Nuwa people, and did not talk much about it. There are more ancient hardships hidden here.

In the ancient times, thousands of races coexisted, so it was impossible to be just a demon race or a monster race. Since it is a ten thousand race, it is naturally incomparably magnificent.

Xuanyuan's fingertips gathered a strong fighting spirit of the five elements, and began to draw the downward pattern on a piece of pure spiritual source that weighed a thousand catties.

The depiction of each pattern is a huge consumption for Xuanyuan, and Xuanyuan also wants to rely on the depiction of the terrain this time to make another breakthrough for himself!

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