Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 368 Mo Chou's Missing

The hairs all over Xuanyuan's body exploded, and amidst the screams of the woman in white, he felt that his whole body was about to be torn apart, his blood flowed backwards, and his body felt like it was about to collapse.

Xuanyuan didn't dare to be negligent at all, he didn't expect that the woman in white would be so vicious, even on Xuanyuan's body, there was no second-grade fairy talisman, and he couldn't resist at all.

However, when the matter developed to this point, Xuanyuan knew that the woman in white had resorted to her last resort, and immediately from Xuanyuan's palm, a 'Nine Dragons Sky Wall Talisman' appeared, this 'Nine Dragons Sky Wall Talisman' Immediately, it was activated, and the fighting spirit was integrated into it, and then I saw the light of the "Nine Dragons Sky Wall Talisman" flowing, releasing an extremely thick earth-colored brilliance, and then the earth-type breath rushed out, condensing into nine pieces The long dragon surrounded Xuanyuan's body, forming a thick wall of protective light.

At the moment when the 'Nine Dragons Sky Wall Talisman' was activated, Xuanyuan only felt that his whole body was about to be torn apart. All kinds of pains immediately dropped to the lowest point, and Xuanyuan felt slightly relieved. Tone:

"I hope I can resist it. The protective power of the 'Nine Dragons Sky Wall Talisman' should be able to withstand the ordinary second-grade protective fighting talisman!"

However, despite this, Xuanyuan still ran towards the direction of the "Forbidden Land" at his fastest speed, because in Xuanyuan's heart, there was a feeling that there was another existence stalking him, maybe this time he wanted to The chances of killing the woman in white are not high.

Apparently the greedy old man also sensed Xuanyuan's thoughts.

"Boy, you are getting better and better, and you can actually sense that there is another person ambushing in the dark. This person should not be underestimated. He is at least the strength of a turn of immortals. The aura flowing out of him is full of 'samsara' It should be a killer in the realm of 'Reincarnation', you have to be careful, this person is extremely smart, don't let him take advantage of the fisherman."

The reminder from the greedy old man just confirmed the thoughts in Xuanyuan's heart. Xuanyuan's heart was shaken, because a woman in white had already made him feel overwhelmed, and he was a little unable to deal with it. Now there is still a terrifying killer hidden in reincarnation. A time bomb that will explode, you must be careful and cautious, cautious and cautious.

At the moment when Xuanyuan's thoughts moved, thousands of terrifying swords pierced through the air, and a large space began to collapse, cutting out a series of hideous trajectories. Wherever the sword energy went, long lines appeared all over the ground Under the terrifying power of this 'Thousand Swords Piercing Heaven Talisman', countless creatures were directly torn into pieces by its breath, leaving no bones left, and countless plants, trees, flowers and trees were also strangled into fly ash .

The terrifying sword energy bombarded the nine protective dragons on the surface of Xuanyuan's body, causing Xuanyuan to be sent flying straight away, and the light wall derived from the 'Nine Dragons Sky Wall Talisman' was also beaten violently. The strong power caused the blood in Xuanyuan's body to churn. Fortunately, Xuanyuan is a "body of all transformations" that can dissipate most of the strength. Even so, Xuanyuan still feels uncomfortable.

Because this 'Thousand Swords Piercing Heaven Talisman' was definitely refined by a terrifying person who has reached the realm of fighting immortals at rank two. The sword intent in it is extremely full, as if it can penetrate everything, destroy everything, and strangle everything. The 'Nine Dragons Sky Wall Talisman' was not refined because of the relationship between the 'Sky Wall Spirit Soil', so I am afraid that it would not be able to withstand this blow long ago.

Xuanyuan's body was full of golden light, flowing with Buddha's light, and a "Vajra King" appeared, sitting on Xuanyuan's body, making Xuanyuan's whole body seem like a diamond, unbreakable.

Xuanyuan was blasted three thousand miles away by the terrifying sword energy, and he was in a panic. The protective light wall derived from the 'Nine Dragons Sky Wall Talisman' was cracked inch by inch, and it couldn't be stopped, but right here Even the power of the 'Thousand Swords Penetrating the Sky Talisman' has been exhausted, because Xuanyuan avoided a lot of sword energy along the way with the agility of the 'Wind Dragon Soaring Talisman'.

The white-clothed woman's complexion has become extremely ugly, looking at Xuanyuan, who is alive and well, without any damage at all, she is about to go crazy.

"'Nine Dragons Sky Wall Talisman' is actually a 'Nine Dragons Sky Wall Talisman' refined from 'Tianbi Spiritual Soil'! Why is there such a thing on his body! And the 'King Kong Buddha Soil' protector body!"

Xuanyuan looked at the woman in white with a bad expression, muttered to himself, put his hands around his chest, and laughed loudly at the woman in white:

"How about it, let me use any other means."

The woman in white narrowed her eyes, murderous intent:

"If you have the ability, don't run away!"

"If you have the ability, you will use up your supernatural powers, and I won't run away if you take off all your clothes." Xuanyuan laughed.

"You, looking for death!" The woman's eyes turned red, and her whole body turned into a white lightning again. The blood from the woman's body instantly burned, and the terrifying power surged so that Xuanyuan's eyes twitched wildly, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently. With the power of 'Wind Dragon Gale Boots' and 'Wind Dragon Soaring Talisman', he rushed towards the direction of 'Forbidden Land'.

The woman in white has really put her life on the line, at the cost of burning her own blood, to perform a blood escape, and is going to kill Xuanyuan with one blow. Naturally, Xuanyuan can't be shaken, because the woman in white is still getting stronger at this moment. It's terrifying, it's like a real god of killing, terrifying to the extreme.

The distance, because the woman in white used her supernatural powers to catch up to Xuanyuan bit by bit, Xuanyuan felt cold, and there was a kind of death approaching him bit by bit, but he had no choice but to wait. It comes, waiting for it to reap your life-like feeling.

I saw the woman in white holding a long sword, the cold light flowed on the long sword, and the murderous aura froze, all life in the world was withered for it, and countless lives still died under this long sword, it is such a long sword , pointing directly at Xuanyuan, seeing that Xuanyuan's body was about to be pierced, Xuanyuan took out another fairy talisman in his hand and prepared to activate it.

However, at this moment, Xuanyuan suddenly felt a cold killing intent, and saw a black shadow bursting out from the void, the speed was so fast that people couldn't reflect it at all, even Xuanyuan couldn't do it, Xuanyuan's heart shuddered. awful:

"Dead, too careless!"

Even so, Xuanyuan had already taken out the 'Nirvana Rebirth Elixir' in his hand, and was about to swallow it, and then fought back vigorously, putting it to death and rebirth. Naturally, Xuanyuan's methods were not comparable to ordinary people, but comparable.

"" Suddenly, Xuanyuan heard the woman in white let out a scream from behind her. When she turned her head, she saw that the woman in white's body had been chopped into two pieces, blood spilled into the sky, The long sword fell straight down from the sky, and replaced by a man in black, suspended in the air.

This man was dressed in black, with a huge roulette decorated on it, filled with the idea of ​​reincarnation, endless life, reincarnation cycle, could it be so.

"Huh? 'Nirvana Rebirth Elixir' is really amazing. To be able to make such a reaction in the first time, I am afraid that even if I want to kill you, I will be counterattacked by you." The man in black said. , the voice was very cold, very dry, with a murderous aura.

"Who are you? The killer in 'Samsara', why do you want to help me?" Xuanyuan frowned. He looked at the man in black in front of him, and he was on guard. Who knew that the killer in 'Samsara' was fighting Xuanyuan would not naively think that the killer would only kill people, and would not continue to scheme, deceive himself into being fooled, and help him behead the woman in white, so that he would be his savior.

"My name is Mo Jue, and I'm Mo Chou's elder brother." The man in black couldn't see his face, but his words were full of sincerity and determination. Obviously, when the word Mo Chou was mentioned, it was far from Other words are comparable, it seems that the word Mochou transformed him from that killer state.

Xuanyuan's heart shook, he looked at Mo Jue, and said coldly:

"Joke, why do you think I should trust you?"

"Just because Su Mei saved you more than two years ago..." Mo Jue told all the details of what happened that day, including Xuanyuan's stone betting in Li Shoucheng.

"It's a pity that I didn't trust you at the time, and followed you to Li Shoucheng, so I made a big mistake, which led to Su Mei's death..."

Xuanyuan's breathing stopped, and Su Mei's death made Xuanyuan feel sad all the time, because Su Mei was the one who saved her, but he brought her such a disaster, her family was ruined...

"Okay, thank you very much." Xuanyuan looked at Mo Jue and said calmly.

"It's just a small matter. In comparison, I am more grateful for what you have done for Mo Chou. Because of you, Mo Chou has the life he has today. I knew at that time that sooner or later, the 'Thousand Spirit Body' will be born." It will definitely be known, and sooner or later Mo Chou will be involved in a bigger storm of disputes, but it is a great thing that Mo Chou is in the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' now..." Mo Jue said .

"Mo Chou is intelligent, innocent and kind. She must know who you are by now, right? Mo Chou must have asked you to come here this time, right?" Xuanyuan smiled wryly.

"Xuanyuan, you are really powerful, you can guess everything like this, Mo Chou asked me to bring you a message, saying that she misses you very much, and hope that one day you can go back and see her again." Mo Jue chuckled.

"You must be more careful next time, I can help you once or twice, but I can't help you the third time, because the killer in the 'Six Paths' and 'Reincarnation', countless people have already regarded you as a treasure house , I took the mission and came to assassinate you, so I prevented others from coming, next, you be careful, I will leave first!" Mo Jue confessed.

"Okay, thank you." After Xuanyuan cupped his hands, he immediately broke through the sky in the direction of the 'Forbidden Land'.

Mo Jue stared at Xuanyuan's back, until Xuanyuan disappeared from his sight, knotted in his hands, a terrifying murderous aura frantically strangled from the whole world, including the body of the woman in white, everything disappeared in the next instant , making it impossible to check.

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