Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 370 Mysterious and Yellow Psychedelic Potential of Myriad Miles World

Xuanyuan's answer brought a smile to Qian Duoduo's face, a pair of beautiful eyes narrowed like a crescent moon, very charming, and a lustrous brilliance flowing from his white jade-like cheeks.

"Hmph, that's about it!" Qian Duoduo wrinkled his nose, put his hands on his hips, and smiled like a flower.

Xuanyuan shrugged, expressing that there was nothing he could do about Qian Duoduo's stubbornness, although he didn't know what he could do that Qian Duoduo did.

"Okay, but you have to listen to me as you did last time in the 'Land of Darkness'." Xuanyuan confessed, after all, only by working together can the problem be solved, and in the 'Land of Profound Forbidden' This kind of place is simply not something that ordinary people can mess around with, even if it's a turn to fight immortals.

"Okay, for you, I'll listen to you." Qian Duoduo was laughing, stepping on the little gold-thread shoes, bouncing and leaping, his eyes were rolling, his eyes were bright, his lips were red and his teeth were white, and he couldn't do anything.

Xuanyuan sighed, Qian Duoduo is indeed a naturally nervous person, it seems that there are few things that can scare Qian Duoduo, it is no wonder that she can walk alone on the Dou Qi Continent.

"Haha, this situation is the best. If you want to find a way to get rid of the 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect', the best way is to use his 'Treasure Immortal Gold' and 'Treasure Gathering Land' to maximize the increase." Odds, you must know that there are countless secret treasures in the 'Forbidden Land', not just one 'Civil and Military Tea Tree', obviously there are many unknown existences, only people like Mochou and Qian Duoduo can have I got it by chance." The greedy old man's voice sounded from Xuanyuan's heart, obviously this result is what he is most satisfied with.

"Okay, as you wish, anyway, I won't leave with a lot of money, so I can only let her follow me, what are the dead pigs doing, haven't the restrictions been arranged yet? Will it be too slow? The point?" Xuanyuan complained in his heart.

"You brat, you have been hooked up by the 'Holy Maiden' for nine days, and you still dare to blame me? If it weren't for you, we would have entered the 'Forbidden Land' long ago, why should we wait until this time?" Suddenly from not far away , the pig-headed emperor stepped forward in the air, but his appearance was no longer that of a pig's head. Even so, in Xuanyuan's heart, the pig-headed emperor's original pig-headed and dog-like appearance was like an eternal brand, a person who would never be able to The trace of obliteration, because it is too cheating, too superb, it is simply a miracle.

But it's true to say that, because the pig-headed emperor himself has created miracles one after another, at least because of the pig-headed emperor, the entire Beizhou dynasty has seen its superb method of restraint!

Hearing the voice of the pig-headed emperor, Xuanyuan raised his head and said to the pig-headed emperor:

"Okay, since you've already entered, let's find a relatively safe way and go inside. 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' gave me a map with 'Wenwu Tea Trees' planted there, take a look. Let's get the 'Civil and Military Tea' first!"

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan threw out the map in this 'Forbidden Land' directly. The pig-headed emperor's eyes lit up, he took the map and looked at it, and immediately saw the route clearly. At any rate, it also spent more than ten days hanging around the periphery of this 'Forbidden Land', so it wasn't for nothing.

"This 'Civil and Military Tea Tree' is not on the periphery of the 'Forbidden Land', but on the inner periphery. Although it is not in the depths, if you go inside, you will have to sacrifice a lot. No wonder that 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' will put the map Here, let you collect this 'civil and military tea' for her, it seems that even the Beizhou Dynasty doesn't want to continue to suffer such losses, just right, this time we will take it for them, and give them a never-ending trouble." Pig head The emperor had a mean smile on his face, obviously this deal did not lose money, because he already wanted to cut down the whole 'Wenwu tea tree' in his heart.

"'Wenwu tea tree'!" Hearing what Xuanyuan and Zhutou Emperor said, Qian Duoduo couldn't help but widen his beautiful eyes, and exclaimed:

"Isn't the 'Wenwu tea tree' a heterogeneous species of heaven and earth planted by the ancient sages? On them, every interweaving of lines contains the ancient sages' understanding of the relationship between heaven and earth. It is an extremely cherished existence. If I can get a piece of If it's 'Civil and Military Old Tea', I'm afraid I will also directly step into the realm of fighting immortals at rank two."

"'Civil and military old tea'?" Xuanyuan raised his eyebrows, obviously a little puzzled, is there a distinction between old and new tea?

"If the leaves grown on the 'Wenwu tea tree' are not picked, the longer the experience, the more profound the imprint of the principles between heaven and earth will be on it, and the sentiments and ideas of the ancient sages will also be integrated into it. This is what my grandfather told me, and I don't know the details." Qian Duoduo explained Xuanyuan's confusion.

"Haha, you're right. People from Beizhou Dynasty should suffer heavy losses every time they get into the inner circle. They don't have the heart to choose anything. When we go in later, hehe..." The pig-headed emperor smiled cheaply, It was obvious that he had no good intentions, and even Xuanyuan couldn't help but shivered when he saw the pig-headed emperor's smile.

"Then find a safe path to the 'Forbidden Land' first!" Xuanyuan said.

"None of them are safe, each one is very dangerous. Before that, you should take away these heavenly and earth spirits first." Suddenly, golden brilliance shot out from the body of the pig-headed emperor. Open a black hole portal, and from this black hole portal directly spit out countless heaven and earth spiritual treasures, such as 'Wannian purple ginseng', 'Millennium lock heart flower', etc., all of which contain huge life essence, obviously the pig-headed emperor also Only when the greedy old man stepped into the realm of Du Dou Xian would he have greater confidence.

A steady stream of spiritual objects from heaven and earth merged into Xuanyuan's fighting ring, and they were quickly devoured by the greedy old man. The hearty laughter of the greedy old man resounded from Xuanyuan's heart:

"Hahaha, happy, happy... If this continues, I can break through the realm of fighting immortals."

Xuanyuan was pleasantly surprised. It seems that Zhutou Dadi has not been busy these few days. It is a correct choice to give Zhutou Dadi the "Hundred Spirits Douyuan" Emperor Dragon in the sky. What kind of feeling is this? You must know that this is the battle armor worn by the 'Emperor Devourer'.

The greedy old man devoured it very fast, even the hundreds of thousands of pure fighting resources left in Xuanyuan Dou Ring were swallowed up in an instant. Finally, a very mysterious feeling was evoked, The greedy old man laughed loudly:

"Okay, I can already break through to the realm of fighting immortals, but it will take a long time to transform. During this period of time, I will lose all my abilities. Only when the transformation is complete can I recover, Emperor Tun , and everything else will be left to you.”

"Don't worry, the Great Emperor is here." The Pig-headed Emperor bared his teeth, obviously satisfied with his calculation.

The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, and he muttered in his heart:

"It's because of you that I'm worried..."

"Wang, boy, you are looking down on me." The pig-headed emperor was very angry.

"Let's go..." Xuanyuan shrugged, and looked at Qian Duoduo who was beside him.

Qian Duoduo giggled and said:

"Let's go, let's go..."

The pig-headed emperor is leading the way!

'Forbidden land'

It is not like the green hills and giant trees that are everywhere in the "Land of Qingming", but it is very desolate, with strange rocks, and each stone is very big.

"Boys, you have to be careful. Once you step into the 'Forbidden Land', the fighting spirit in your body will be shackles. The deeper you go, the greater the shackles you will receive. But you have the 'Blue Dragon Inner Alchemy' on you. You can use the power of 'Qinglong Neidan' or 'Dragon Heart Immortal Origin' to fight against this shackle power, and minimize its threat to you!"

Xuanyuan nodded, very cautious.

Outside the entrance of the 'Forbidden Land', there is a snow-covered area, with towering trees standing tall and tall, but when entering the 'Forbidden Land', it is a land that is not touched by wind and snow, a desolate place, no grass grows, only pieces The boulder stands tall, like a small mountain, with an extremely mysterious aura circulating on it, faintly intertwining a series of confusing hallucinations, which will make people get lost in it.

As soon as Xuanyuan stepped into the 'Forbidden Land', his face changed a little on the spot:

"It's all a combination of psychedelic terrain and psychedelic restrictions!"

Xuanyuan has already achieved some success in stone art, and some terrains can be clearly understood at a glance. Seeing the strange rocks standing outside the "Forbidden Land", they move the power of heaven and earth, If you confuse everything, you will immediately know what kind of terrain it is.

"This terrain... turned out to be the 'Wanli Tiandi Xuanhuang Great Psychedelic Power', the entire 'Forbidden Land' is surrounded by the 'Wanli Tiandi Xuanhuang Great Psychedelic Power', and there are many restrictions in it .”

Xuanyuan looked at the pig-headed emperor with some surprise. He really didn't know how it got here in the past ten days, and he didn't know how Yin Zhenluo got into the 'Forbidden Land' and then came out.

"But it doesn't matter, you just need to follow me. After all, it's just a psychedelic force, and it can't stop me. It's just that there must be many dangerous restrictions or beasts in it. You must be careful."

"Xuanxuan, don't worry, I will protect you!" The golden bell on Qian Duoduo's body jingled, with a cheerful face, obviously very confident in Xuanyuan.

"..." Xuanyuan's eyes twitched, and he was speechless.

Just when Xuanyuan and his party were about to enter the 'Forbidden Land', outside the Forbidden Land, a large number of experts from the Immortal Fighting Realm also descended. These immortal fighters were none other than those from the Beizhou Dynasty. The imperial family fighting immortals who supported the eldest prince Cheng Yin, the eldest prince Cheng Yin, and the second prince Cheng Yang were also among them.

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