Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 376 The Metamorphosis of the Devouring Demon Sword

In the sky, a few sheets of mist floated, very clear.

From the periphery of the 'Forbidden Land', there are jagged rocks, each of which is the size of a hill, and each piece of chaotic world contains all kinds of mysteries, which are connected with the entire surrounding land, full of Endless psychedelic, giving people a feeling of confusion, completely lost direction.

This kind of imprint is the natural generation of heaven and earth, and it is mysterious by itself.

Everyone just feels that the world is spinning, if there is no Xuanyuan to lead the way, they will all be lost in it!

Along the way, Xuanyuan was carefully observing the topography carved on each chaotic rock. Although the "Da Luo Tian Shu" also recorded the method of setting up the position of "Wanli Tiandi Xuanhuang Great Psychedelic Power", but now he Seeing the momentum patterns naturally generated by the world with his own eyes, and blending into them, will naturally make its power double. Of course, Xuanyuan also knows that the 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor' must have seen the momentum patterns here, so he was able to leave behind the 'Wanli Tiandi Xuanhuang' The arrangement method of "The Great Psychedelic Potential".

It's just that Xuanyuan can't be the kind who can only rely on the knowledge left by his predecessors. He knows how to break through, and the most important point is that where there is a big trend, there must be a source of fighting. Xuanyuan also thought about it. Trying to find a huge mineral vein, this time, in order to transform the pig-headed emperor, there is not much left on Xuanyuan, and Xuanyuan is also strongly aware that he wants to break through many obstacles in the future and break through himself The strength of the power must rely on more Douyuan!

So Douyuan is extremely critical!

It's just that although Xuanyuan wanted to find Douyuan's ore veins, it was a pity that he was unable to do so. Xuanyuan finally discovered that it was extremely difficult to find a Douyuan ore vein in this natural terrain of the world. Even if you can find your own strength, you may not be able to dig it out.

Because the land here is extremely hard, it is impossible to dig out the ground and mine Douyuan veins before reaching the Douxian realm, so this is an unrealistic thing, Xuanyuan gave up after thinking about it.

On the way Xuanyuan led the crowd, the 'Tianyun Tiger' took no time to rush, and told all the key points it knew in the 'Mysterious Forbidden Land' bit by bit.

There is also an incomparably terrifying existence in the 'Forbidden Land', even if it has the realm of seven-turn fighting immortal strength, under the power of that terrifying existence, it is still not worth mentioning.

The inner circle of the 'Forbidden Land' is not peaceful, and battles will often break out between fierce beasts. With the strength of the 'Tianyun Tiger' itself, it is necessary to rely on the Perfect World's 'Tianyun Spiritual Source'. It was able to save its own life, that's why when his 'Sky Cloud Spiritual Source' was stolen, it would be so furious because it lost its 'Sky Cloud Spiritual Source', it lost its most worthy bargaining chip!

This means that it may die in the battle with other fierce beasts at any time!

Xuanyuan detoured while remembering everything that 'Tianyunhu' said. In his heart, the outline of 'Mysterious Forbidden Land' also appeared bit by bit. On the periphery of 'Mysterious Forbidden Land' Among them, there are many fierce beasts, all of which are in the emperor-level emperor-level realm. There are also fierce beasts who have turned one and two turns in the realm of fighting immortals, and there are even fierce beasts who have turned three in the realm of fighting immortals. They have lived here for many years. In Wanli Tiandi Xuanhuang Great Psychedelic Power, I already know this place well, and often use the "Wanli Tiandi Xuanhuang Great Psychedelic Power" to kill enemies, which makes people hard to guard against.

Xuanyuan guided the way with the "guiding posture" along the way, but he didn't meet a single beast, which made Xuanyuan very puzzled. If he followed what'Tianyunhu' said, there wouldn't be a single beast!

"I said, why didn't I even see the fur of a ferocious beast along the way." The pig-headed emperor couldn't help but yelled. A few days ago, it was chased and killed by many terrifying beasts. Why is it now? When it was Xuanyuan's turn, there was no movement.

"A few days ago, when I used the 'Hundred Spirits Douyuan' Huanglong to collect the spiritual objects of heaven and earth in the sky, I was hunted down by many fierce beasts, and I took great pains to snatch those spiritual objects In the past, the ferocious beasts chasing and killing me were all over the mountains and plains, there were eight thousand if not ten thousand, but now I can't even see a hair! It's so strange!"

"Then there is only one possibility, the problem of character, oh, wrong, you are not human, you are a pig, there is a problem with pig quality." Xuanyuan Ruoyou nodded, and said solemnly:

"I'm here, and I'm gone, which is enough to prove that my character is still very good."

"Wang! How dare you slander me!" The pig-headed emperor roared at Xuanyuan.

"Oh... I was wrong, it's a dog quality problem, hahaha..." Xuanyuan teased the pig-headed emperor.

"Boy, you are looking for a smoke!"

Yiyi in Qian Duoduo's arms looked at Xuanyuan bickering with the pig-headed emperor, and laughed happily. Qian Duoduo's red lips parted slightly, revealing a mouthful of white teeth. Crescent moon, fresh and refined, not square, with a smile, a hundred charms come alive!

"Xuanxuan, you are really bad, but it's probably because Xuanxuan was lucky that he didn't encounter a large-scale sneak attack by ferocious beasts!"

"You are all wrong. There are several reasons. One is that the spirits of heaven and earth are conceived and born. They are guarded by fierce beasts day and night. They will not be picked until they are mature. Many spirits of heaven and earth have many fierce beasts. Warden, since you are going to collect spiritual objects from heaven and earth, the chances of encountering fierce beasts are naturally very high, and you are also carrying something like the 'Hundred Spirits Douyuan' Emperor Dragon in the sky, even if you don't go looking for these fierce beasts, they will I will also keep an eye on you!" 'Tianyunhu' spoke at this moment.

"That's right, this little tiger can still talk. The place where the emperor goes is planted with heaven and earth spirits, guarded by countless ferocious beasts, and is extremely dangerous. You can't understand it." The pig-headed emperor began to brag stand up.

"Another reason is that I often walk on the periphery of the 'Forbidden Land'. They are very familiar with the breath of my perfect world 'Sky Cloud Spiritual Source'. It is normal not to come close, but the inner circle If you take out the Perfect World's 'Tianyun Lingyuan' again, you will have to be killed or robbed."

"I see!"

While talking, Xuanyuan walked out of the psychedelic terrain and kept walking. Xuanyuan's footsteps were extremely fast, and a group of people followed closely behind.

"Speaking of which, why do you want to find a way to get rid of the 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect'?" Just as Xuanyuan was leading the crowd on the road, 'Tianyunhu' couldn't help his inner curiosity after all, and asked.

"Well, it's okay to tell you this, but you have to tell us first, are there any other 'heart-eating dragon worms' in this 'Forbidden Land'!" Xuanyuan said.

"This 'heart-eating dragon worm' is a very long-standing worm raised by the most terrifying existence in the 'Forbidden Land'. This kind of worm has extraordinary strength, and it takes a lot of life to transform it again and again. , but when they grow up, their power is unmatched by few people. Once they are entered by the 'heart-eating dragon worm', they have to wait for everything on their body to be absorbed by them, and then die in pain. This is A kind of 'immemorial evil city', only the sages can be fearless against it."

'Tianyunhu' spoke calmly, with a little dignity, and continued:

"Even with my current strength, if the 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect' enters the body, it will only be difficult for a while. There is basically no way to get rid of it, unless you enter the 'Forbidden Land' In the depths, find out the terrifying existence that raises the 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect', and ask him to give you a method to get rid of the 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect'!"

Xuanyuan's heart skipped a beat on the spot, feeling a little desolate, unexpectedly, even the terrifying existences like the 'Tianyun Tiger' who have been in the 'Forbidden Land' for a long time, said that there is no way to get rid of the 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect'!

"Sigh, maybe this is destiny!" Xuanyuan sighed.

"Why, could it be that you were taken into the heart by the 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect'?" The 'Tianyun Tiger' is so shrewd, he can tell a thing or two just by looking at his words and expressions.

"That's right, I've sealed it for four years now, and I can't hold on for too long. As soon as four years pass, I'm afraid I'm going to die. If I haven't found a way to get rid of him!"

"It's amazing, you were able to seal the 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect' for four years, it seems that you are also an extraordinary person behind you!

"Hehe, it's just luck." Xuanyuan smiled slightly and shrugged his shoulders. At this moment, Xuanyuan felt an inexplicable force blending into his body, which seemed to be restraining his own power together, making Xuanyuan stimulate his fighting spirit and become even stronger. difficulty.

"It seems that we are already approaching the inner circle!"

Time flies, and the group of people has walked on this "thousands of miles of heaven and earth, mysterious and yellow psychedelic power" for an indefinite number of days.

However, Xuanyuan can clearly feel that the power in his body is being restrained more clearly. It seems that if he wants to enter the inner circle, his actions will be greatly hindered.

When everyone was looking at Xuanyuan, they saw black talismans rushing out of Xuanyuan's body, which shocked everyone. Jiuxiao, a terrifying devouring thought emanated out, which was extremely terrifying.

If someone is below Doudi's realm, he might be frightened silly by this aura.

Xuanyuan's heart was shocked, he knew that good things were coming, the greedy old man had completed his transformation, and after entering the Profound Forbidden Land, he would have greater security!

At this moment, Xuanyuan couldn't wait to open the fighting ring, and take a look at what the 'Swallowing Demon Sword' had evolved into.

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