Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 381 The place where the ancient sages sat down?

(The first chapter, subscription chapter!)

On this big mountain, there are ancient trees standing upright and growing, a piece of verdant green, which is the most conspicuous place in this area, full of strong vitality, flowing with the unique atmosphere of the human race, this is a kind that can only be understood, The unspeakable feeling makes people seem to return to the most pure and simple world, without the slightest impurity and incomparably pure.

"Xuanxuan, the atmosphere here is so special, it makes me feel very warm, as if I have returned to a long, long time ago, I feel very ethereal in my heart, I don't think about the oppression of the outside world, I don't have a trace of defense, I don't have a trace of emotional discomfort , This feeling is so amazing." Qian Duoduo finally stopped amusing each other with Yiyi, but looked up at this big mountain and sighed, for her, it is extremely rare to have such a feeling.

Xuanyuan smiled faintly, and took a look at Qian Duoduo, never expecting this heartless girl to have such feelings.

"This is the place where the ancient sages have been, and should have lived here, planting the 'Civil and Military Tea Tree', here is the remaining sentiment of the ancient sages, and the breath of the 'Civil and Military Tea Tree' day and night, infected this place A whole mountain, it's normal for you to feel that way, even I have a feeling of being purified, let alone you."

Xuanyuan laughed, enjoying this feeling very much. This is not a kind of practice, but a kind of perception of his own soul!

The perception of the soul is very important for those who do not practice in the secular world or those who are practicing. In the secular world, money and power are like the power of cultivation. If the mind is not transparent, no matter how much money you have If you are not happy, if you have a clear mind and can see through the essence of things, even if you have simple food and coarse clothes, you can still be happy like a fairy!

The same is true for practitioners, if the mind is not transparent, no matter how much you practice, you will not be able to break through to a higher level, and will only stagnate.

The heaven and the earth are conceived and born, with their own way and reason, just like the circulation of yin and yang, and the five elements generate and restrain each other.

Xuanyuan and his party walked through the forest intertwined with ancient trees. The closer they got to the top of the mountain, the more transparent their hearts became. Standing on Qian Duoduo's shoulders, Yiyi stood on Qian Duoduo's shoulders, a pair of big watery eyes were very bright, reflecting the pure The world, without a trace of impurity, shouts joyfully:

"As expected of the 'Civil and Military Tea Tree' planted by the sages of ancient times, the human aura flowing out of such a heterogeneous species of heaven and earth is so pure, it can be called a rare treasure!" The pig-headed emperor's eyes lit up, and his saliva flowed profusely. Obviously, it covets this 'Civil and Military Tea Tree' very much, and in its heart it still wants to uproot this 'Civil and Military Tea Tree' and take it as its own.

"Boy, this is a great opportunity!"

A group of people continued to move forward, and suddenly Yiyi screamed, Xuanyuan and his group were startled, Qian Duoduo quickly asked:

"Yi Yi, what happened?"

Yiyi jumped up:

Yiyi's furry little paws are pointing in the direction of the mountain top!

Xuanyuan and his party looked towards the top of the mountain, and saw a small tree growing on the top of the mountain, which was only about the height of ordinary people and less than two meters high, but it was at the highest place on the entire mountain. There is no doubt that this tree Only a small tree that is superior to ordinary people is the 'Civil and Military Tea Tree', the most supreme existence in the whole mountain!

Yiyi saw a group of people cast their eyes on the top of the mountain, and then it sat down cross-legged, closed its eyes, and made a serious look. After three seconds, it immediately jumped up again:

Xuanyuan paused for a moment, then said:

"You mean, you saw a man sitting cross-legged under that tree? Why can't I see it?"

Hearing this, he looked at the 'Civil and Military Tea Tree' again and saw that there was nothing there, so he couldn't help but rubbed his big eyes, looking very puzzled.

"Yiyi, did you read it wrong?" Qian Duoduo laughed.

"Yi--" Yiyi shook his little head vigorously, indicating that he was not mistaken.

"No matter what, let's go up and talk!"

The pig-headed emperor had a different thought in his heart. He glanced at Yiyi and said in his heart:

"This babbling is closely related to the terrifying existence of the 'Land of the Underworld'. It is normal for it to see things that ordinary people cannot see. Maybe there is something mysterious about it. Not sure, better be careful!"

Halfway through the walk, Xuanyuan turned his head to look at the pig-headed emperor, and said with a smile:

"Didn't you say 'Tianyunhu'? The 'Wenwu Tea Tree' is a forbidden area for many ferocious beasts. No one dares to get close to it for fear of being wiped out by the 'Wenwu Tea Tree'. Aren't you afraid of death? I advise you to be obedient. Stay here and wait for us to come back, anyway, if you follow, you won't get any benefits, you can only stare blankly, what a pity!"

The pig-headed emperor's eyes twitched violently a few times, and he said forcefully:

"Hmph, what are you afraid of? Is this great emperor still afraid that a tree will fail?"

"Okay, as long as you don't die of tragedy when the time comes." Xuanyuan smiled and continued on his way.

When a group of people came to the top of the mountain, they were surrounded by clouds and mist, as if they were in a fairyland, feeling like they were in a fairyland, which had a special feeling.

The 'Wenwu tea tree' is right in front of you.

This 'Wenwu tea tree' is very peculiar, the bark surface is smooth and tender, and it flows with an immortal breath, which is very rare. The two qi of civil and martial arts are running, and the left branch of the 'Wenwu tea tree' is extremely flexible, and it can be used by anyone. The rolled branch is like a silk thread wrapped around a finger, and it cannot be broken, but the branch on the right is extremely sharp, full of killing breath, even if it is a person who has cultivated to the realm of immortality, if he is stabbed by this branch, his body will be crushed. Through this, we can see how peculiar the 'Wenwu tea tree' is.

Its peculiarity is not only that, the leaves on its branches are crystal clear and have different colors, such as jade, agate, crystal, and colorful.

The leaves on the left have different shapes, such as pen, ink, paper and inkstone, bamboo slips, wat boards, picture scrolls, beautiful women, with outstanding grace and beauty, and the leaves on the right also have different shapes, such as swords, guns, swords, halberds, and sticks. The axes, hammers and sticks are like armor, like a general who is always victorious in all battles.

Like poetry and picturesque, like heaven and earth...

Looking at this 'Wenwu Tea Tree' and feeling this scene, Xuanyuan only felt the acupoints of his hands vibrate violently, and an extremely pure breath merged into Xuanyuan's body!

From the nine acupoints on Xuanyuan's upper limbs, there was a violent vibration.

‘Inner Guanqiao’, ‘Outside Guanqiao’, ‘Quchiqiao’, ‘Yangchiqiao’, ‘Shenmenqiao’, ‘Shaochongqiao’, ‘Fingerjianqiao’, ‘Taiyuanqiao’, ‘Hand Sanliqiao’.

Nine orifices scream together!

Suddenly, Xuanyuan could only feel that in the acupuncture points of his hands, the nine whirlpools suddenly started to rotate, frantically devouring the pure aura contained in this piece of heaven and earth.

From Xuanyuan's cosmic acupoint, nine stars with radiant light circulated, and each star was a representative of a large acupoint, which contained fighting spirit and power.

Xuanyuan's power surged again, just when Xuanyuan thought it was over, suddenly there was a sharp pain in Xuanyuan's palm, and there was a bang!

Xuanyuan felt as if something was smashing out of his palm, and his heart shook:

"Qinglong's hidden acupoint has been opened!"

In the sky, stars shrouded down, even though it was daytime, Ojuku, the sixth star of the seven constellations in the east, erupted with strong starlight and shrouded down from the sky.

The pig-headed emperor exclaimed in his heart:

"Could it be that this kid has such an affinity with this 'Civil and Military Tea Tree'?"

Everyone could only feel the power of Xuanyuan, which surged again!

"Twenty-six Emperor Dragon Powers!"

"The power of twenty-seven emperor dragons!"

"Twenty-eight powers of the Emperor Dragon!"

"Thirty-five Emperor Dragon Powers!"

The power of Xuanyuan, the horror of the skyrocketing, can be seen from this!

Qian Duoduo's small mouth became O-shaped, obviously shocked by Xuanyuan's repeated breakthroughs, Xuanyuan's strength soared, it was really unbelievable, the Douhuang realm could have the power of thirty-five emperor dragons , Speaking out can scare all the Dou Huang to death, this is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. Of course, the supernatural power that Xuanyuan cultivated, and everything he possesses are not what ordinary people can have!

Xuanyuan also gradually began to understand why the "body of all transformations" is not tolerated by the world, it is only because it is too against the sky.

Just as Xuanyuan's strength soared, Yiyi jumped up again, pointing under the 'Wenwu tea tree':


Qian Duoduo turned his head to look, but still didn't see anything, but Qian Duoduo knew that Yiyi would never lie, as it can be seen from its expression:

"Hey, what's the matter, what did you see?"

Yiyi opened his eyes and looked under the 'Wenwu Tea Tree' again. It was blank and there was nothing. His face was full of distress and entanglement. After a pause, Yiyi made a serious meditation appearance again, and then again jumped up:


It's just that Yiyi added a new movement this time, covered his big eyes with a pair of small hands, and then let go again, with a bitter and sad look on his face, which is very cute.

"You mean, you saw the person sitting cross-legged again, but in the blink of an eye, it disappeared again?"

Xuanyuan looked at Yiyi, and Yiyi nodded repeatedly to Xuanyuan's answer, which made Xuanyuan frown. Xuanyuan also knew that Yiyi had a special identity, maybe what kind of special existence it might be!

The pig-headed emperor stared at this 'civil and military tea tree', suddenly seemed to think of something, his pupils trembled violently, and said in a startled voice:

"I see. Could it be that the ancient sages are sitting under this 'civil and military tea tree'? Yiyi can see the remaining breath of the ancient sages condense into his original form?"

The pig-headed emperor's words shook the hearts of all the people present.

If this is the case, it is not without reason. The place where the ancient sages sat down naturally cannot tolerate people's meddling and presumptuousness. It is no wonder that countless ferocious beasts fell and were killed here!

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