Devouring The Heavens

385 Chapter 385 No kindness

The huge human aura washed over Xuanyuan and Qian Duoduo like a long river. The two were completely immersed in their own world. ' Then a strong breath erupted, and the sound of crashing coins sounded, and the pig-headed emperor looked intoxicated, his eyes glowed green, and his saliva was drooling.

In Xuanyuan's hand, there is a gathering of fighting energy of the five elements, and on the pieces of pure spiritual sources, there are incomparably mysterious patterns of momentum. It is an extremely mysterious terrain. It is the terrain that has the best chance of cultivating true eyes by comprehending the myriad spirits in the world and allowing myself to share the same origin with the myriad spirits in the world.

Xuanyuan is very focused, and every time he draws, the huge battle energy and his spirit are all integrated into it. The pure spiritual source in Xuanyuan's hands also shows indescribable mystery because of Xuanyuan's depicting the upper pattern again and again, as if All spirits in the world are really moved by it.

Here, Xuanyuan didn't feel the slightest sense of exhaustion of battle qi. On this 'Wenwu Mountain', every aura circulating between the heaven and the earth is a rare power to describe the terrain, and it is incomparable to the so-called heaven and earth battle qi in the outside world.

Just as he was depicting the terrain, Xuanyuan felt something in his heart. Between the heaven and the earth, any aura power can be used by him, it is extremely harmonious, without any resistance, even if he is a "body of all transformations" immersed in this In this feeling, he did not receive any rejection, only the feeling of being one with the world, which made Xuanyuan feel extremely happy.

Just when Xuanyuan carved the last momentum pattern on the last piece of pure spiritual source, there was a sense of unity of heaven and earth, and a natural feeling of great perfection flowed in every corner of Xuanyuan's body and mind, every inch of skin on his body, every inch of his body. Every inch of blood, every strand of hair, and everything resonates with the heaven and the earth. Xuanyuan's body is filled with endless vigor and vitality, and every drop of his blood seems to have spirituality, which is as mysterious as a self-contained body.

This is a mutation produced by the perception of the Dao.

Xuanyuan's heart suddenly brightened:

"The 'Swallowing Emperor' is domineering, changing his fate against the sky. The 'Physical Body of Myriad Transformations' is naturally not tolerated by the world. Although this kind of physique is strong, at most it is just that there are many difficulties in cultivating great success. If it is not tolerated by the world, it would have already After falling into a catastrophe, why do you need to let this kind of physique appear again? 'The Great Devourer' can't tolerate this world, and this world naturally can't tolerate him, so that's the case, I understand."

The moment Xuanyuan figured this out, he saw the illusory rays of light circulating freely in Xuanyuan's eyes, and saw these rays of light converge bit by bit from the inside and return to reality.

Xuanyuan opened his eyes, looked at the 'Wenwu Tea Tree', and saw that each leaf of the 'Wenwu Tea Tree' contained a pattern of avenues, a kind of terrain born, all-encompassing, unpredictable, this is the ancient The sages’ perception of this piece of heaven and earth every moment, coupled with the "civil and military tea tree" and other alien species of heaven and earth integrated the evolution of heaven and earth into themselves, recorded them through tea leaves and left them to form tea leaves, forming avenue lines. cycle.

The moment Xuanyuan cultivated his true eyes, he instantly saw through the essence of the tea produced by the 'Wenwu Tea Tree'. Every branch and immortal trunk on the 'Wenwu Tea Tree' is an immortal treasure that communicates between heaven and earth, without them , and can't breed "Civil and Military Tea". No wonder the pig-headed emperor and the greedy old man would covet it so much.

"Finally I have cultivated my true eyes." Two days passed without knowing it, and finally I have cultivated my true eyes, which made Xuanyuan very overjoyed.

"Hehe, boy, that's right. I originally thought that you would use this momentum to directly break through the realm of the Douhuang, and wanted to use this place to fight against the will of the ancient Qinglong, but you chose to cultivate as the real eye, but it was correct. , the will of the ancient blue dragon is no small matter. If you don't have a clear understanding of the world, no matter how powerful your will is, you can't compete with it. When are you going to clash with the last hidden Qinglong acupoint?" The greedy old man's laughter came out.

"I don't know, it needs a chance. Between me and the ancient blue dragon, there can only be one left. It doesn't belong to this era. The hero is late, and the sun is setting. It's a matter of time. The longer the time drags on, the better for me Speaking of it, the more favorable it is, I'm afraid it won't last long, especially after leaving the 'Qinglong Fairy Mountain', as long as we find another suitable time, it will be enough. "Xuanyuan's words are firm, obviously not reckless. If the will to deal with the ancient Qinglong is only based on a rush of blood, then it is a fool. It must be done under the condition of absolute guarantee.

Xuanyuan didn't want to die, even if he was captured by the "heart-eating dragon insect", he would only have four years to live, so he had to quickly increase his strength to maximize his chances of survival, but Xuanyuan would not be messed up because of this And blind breakthrough, this is Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan was sure, and looked at Qian Duoduo.

Inadvertently, Xuanyuan saw Qian Duoduo clearly. Under Qian Duoduo's clothes, the jade body was white and delicate. The Jing swayed, dazzlingly beautiful, making Xuanyuan's heart beat faster involuntarily, and glancing at Qian Duoduo from time to time made Xuanyuan feel like his blood was surging.

Qian Duoduo didn't realize it, Xuanyuan quickly put away his real eyes, this is the second state of the 'Da Luo Tongtian Eye', at this moment.

The 'Treasure Judging Cauldron' in front of Qian Duoduo was suddenly shaken, boom, and a cannon was fired, and then only the sound of crashing coins shot into the sky, Qian Duoduo immediately sacrificed a money bag, and the pig-headed emperor saw this At the moment of the purse, a pair of eyes are like two strong light bulbs:

"It turned out to be a 'Pocket of Many Treasures', this girl is indeed full of treasures."

In the sky, fairy artifacts lingered, and I saw coins that looked like immortals rushing together into a long river of coins and rushing into the 'Treasure Fairy Bag'.

"Douxian coin!" Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan couldn't help it, his heart was shocked, he didn't expect Qian Duoduo to be able to refine the fighting fairy coin, and many coin refiners who have reached the realm of fighting immortals in the third and fourth ranks did not You must be able to refine Douxian Coins, just because the consumption is too high, and the materials and magical powers for refining coins are also very limited. Next, Douxian Coins are Destiny Coins, Earth Immortal Coins, and Celestial Immortal Coins. This is a status symbol. A kind of coin contains great power, and it is the coin that passes through the entire fighting spirit world.

However, among the Immortal Fighting Coins, there are also different grades. Obviously, the Immortal Fighting Coins refined by Qian Duoduo are all top grade, which is even more rare.

The pig-headed emperor roared violently while spitting:

"Okay, that's great, you are indeed the one who inherited the "Duobao Gathering Gold and Great Immortal Technique", little girl, I will hang out with you from now on, this kid is too unkind, I don't want to go all the way with him anymore , is too good at deceiving people, the days when I was with him, I had such a hard time."

The pig-headed emperor had gold stars in his eyes. Hearing the pig-headed emperor's words, Xuanyuan's nose was almost crooked. I don't know how much pure Douyuan I spent for this dead pig-headed emperor. Now the pig-headed emperor actually said such words Come on, it's simply too short.

"I don't want to be with Zhuzhu, I just want to be with Yiyi." Qian Duoduo decisively rejected the greedy pig-headed emperor.

The pig-headed emperor burst into tears with heartache, pretending to be pitiful, but soon the pig-headed emperor revealed his true colors, and asked Yiyi:

"Xiaoyiyi, can I pick a piece of tea?"

Obviously, the pig-headed emperor also cared about his own life, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be indifferent to the 'Civil and Military Tea Tree' full of tea leaves.

Little Yiyi looked at the Zhutou Emperor, then at the 'Wenwu Tea Tree' and shook his head:

The pig-headed emperor was completely desperate, while Xuanyuan was a little puzzled, and said:

"Why, in the 'Qinglong Fairy Mountain', you dared to attack the 'Qinglong Divine Medicine Tree'. Now facing the 'Civil and Military Tea Tree', it is nothing more than a fairy-level existence. I am afraid that the quality is lower than that of the 'Qinglong Divine Medicine Tree'. 'It's a lot worse, but you dare not make a move?"

"Nonsense, it will take at least a million years for the 'Qinglong Shenyao Tree' to grow up. What we saw that day were only seedlings. It takes endless years for a 'Qinglong Shenyao Tree' to grow. Growing up bit by bit, although the 'Wenwu tea tree' is different from heaven and earth, it is still not as good as the 'Qinglong magic medicine tree', and it should be planted by the ancient sages, and it is full of the breath of the ancient sages. It grows up naturally much faster. Don't look at it. The branches and trunks look immortal to you now. Sooner or later, it will wither and wither. Nothing can live forever! If this tree' The Wenwu tea tree is only at the seedling stage like the 'Qinglong Shenyao Tree', I will definitely uproot it!" The pig-headed emperor said angrily, but when he remembered that he still had the 'Qinglong Shenyao Tree leaves', his mood was natural It's much better, at least the value of each piece of 'Qinglong Shenyao Tree Leaf' is not lower than that of 'Wenwu Tea'.

"Okay, now the three days are almost up, let's go!" Xuanyuan solved the doubts in his heart, and he didn't want to stay here anymore. I am afraid that he will die even more miserably, so he should leave first and go to the mysterious place that 'Tianyunhu' mentioned.

Just when Xuanyuan and his party opened and left, a group of immortal fighters came to the peak of 'Wenwu Mountain' one after another. These fighters were none other than Cheng Yin and his party. Xuanyuan was startled and clearly felt that Cheng Yin The combat strength of Yin and his party is extraordinary, and it cannot be compared in the same breath. Although the number of people has decreased a lot, their strength is stronger than that of the day.

"Isn't this Mr. Xuanyuan? 'Wenwu Mountain' is a rare holy place. It just so happens that we can learn martial arts together here, and talk about scriptures and Taoism. Isn't it beautiful?" Cheng Yin smiled with a hint of coldness. Immortal Zhuan Dou stepped forward one after another, with no good intentions, a terrifying murderous aura flowed out, covering Xuanyuan and his party.

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