Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 388 Turning to Kill Xuanshi

Xuanyuan's words shocked everyone's hearts. Even with Wukong's strength, he couldn't hide his astonishment. With the help of the last dark tide and the terrifying existence in the "Land of Qingming", Wukong made a breakthrough. At the realm of Rank 5 Fighting Immortals, it is only because of the precious blood of Wukong that Rank 5 Fighting Immortals can have the power to counter the ordinary Rank 7 Fighting Immortals, which is a very normal thing.

The bloodline of a ferocious beast is extremely important.

"That's right, Xuanyuan is right. Not only I discovered this secret place before, but there are also many fierce beasts whose strength is in the realm of fighting immortals at rank seven. It's just that after they entered, they never went out again. Therefore, everyone must be careful, and because of this, I dare not come in. Now that things have come to this, I can only fight to the death."

The voice of 'Tianyunhu' came out, obviously in this place, it coveted and feared it very much, this place is unusual.

"My little ancestor, don't run around anymore. If you're here, even I can't keep you. If something happens to you, I'll be the one who gets skinned."'King Kong Sky Monkey' obviously I was already terrified of being babbled along the way, with a bitter look on my face.

"Yi——" Yiyi nodded, blinked a pair of big watery eyes a few times, and looked at Xuanyuan.

The surrounding area is hazy without any mist. This is a phenomenon caused by the mysterious movement of the world by the terrain. If ordinary people come here, they will have a floating feeling, as if they have stepped into a hazy fairyland. But the real eyes in Xuanyuan's eyes have already been cultivated, so naturally he will not be deceived by this vision.

From Xuanyuan's real eyes, the hidden brilliance flowed and merged into the eyes, the light was refined and introverted, not showing the mountains or dews, but seeing the fire clearly, seeing through all illusions.

The pitch-black mountains are all in sight, the roads are extremely rugged, and the natural terrain is carved on the rocks of the terrain, which contains extremely terrifying power. Killing potential', according to the records in the "Da Luo Tian Shu" of 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor', 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor' once met once when he was young, and escaped by chance, so the record of 'Hazy Hundred Killing Potential' is not Not completely, now Xuanyuan intends to record the momentum patterns of the "Misty Hundred Killing Potential" completely.

In front of him, there is a winding path, and every wrong step may lead to the annihilation of the whole army. Even if Xuanyuan has real eyes, if there is a killing force blocking the way, he must break the killing force before he can pass. If you can't crack it, unless you find the exit of the "obscure hundred killing potential", otherwise, there is only one dead end.

Xuanyuan walked in front, and everyone followed Xuanyuan's footsteps, not daring to take a wrong step, even the usually arrogant pig-headed emperor became very quiet at this moment, and Wukong didn't continue to quarrel with the pig-headed emperor, a pair of eyes The son stared at the little Yiyi, as if he planned to protect the little Yiyi first if there was any danger.

Qian Duoduo was a little nervous. After all, it was a matter of life and death, and she was not allowed to play here. Only Xiao Yiyi jumped up and down on Qian Duoduo, looking here and there, without any sense of life and death at all. The babbling sound made Xuanyuan feel very painful.

In the surrounding air, there was a murderous air, and a strong sense of crisis hovered in Xuanyuan's heart from time to time, as if there was a sharp knife hanging above his head, which might be stabbed at any time.

Xuanyuan looked at the crooked road in front of him, and walked forward step by step. Suddenly, Xuanyuan's eyes saw endless murderous intent in front of him. Black lights drifted away, and momentum patterns twisted and converged, like evil spirits parading around. The god of death wandering, makes people tremble with fear.

"Don't go anymore." Xuanyuan picked up a black stone from the ground and threw it forward.

In the eyes of everyone, the black stone turned into fly ash in an instant, and was wiped out without any warning.

Xuanyuan looked shocked, and said coldly:

"The chain of great vicious forces, this is the 'fly ash annihilation force' attached to the 'obscure hundred kills', and it is one of the 'obscure hundred kills' hundred kills, dead pig, if you are reliable enough to teleport us out of the situation , it won’t end up like this, "Hazy hundred killings", killing everywhere, we are now in the situation, like chess on the chessboard, not outside the chessboard, it is difficult to get rid of it."

"Wang, can this be blamed on the Great Emperor? If it weren't for the Great Emperor, everyone would have been devoured by those ferocious beasts, can we still be here?" The Pig-headed Emperor shouted angrily.

"Damn it, dead pig, you're looking for death. You're screaming so loudly. If you kill a few more terrifying beasts from the 'Hundred Killing Potential', you'll die if you don't die." Xuanyuan growled at the pig-headed emperor. One sound, then calm down, looking at the road ahead:

"The road ahead has been blocked by the 'flying ash annihilation potential'. If we want to go over, we can only break through the momentum. There is no turning back. Now if we go back, it doesn't make any sense. I can break through the obstacles all the way, and see if I can reach the so-called mysterious place in the end."

"How do we break the momentum?" 'Tianyunhu' asked hastily.

"Naturally break the momentum with momentum." As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan was just about to stimulate the battle energy in his body, but suddenly, Xuanyuan felt empty inside, and broke out in a cold sweat:

"No, my battle qi can't be mobilized anymore, and I've been completely restrained. I didn't realize it. If I don't have battle qi to describe the terrain, it's impossible to break the situation. I can only be trapped here."

"Me too. The battle energy in my body is completely restrained and can't function anymore." Qian Duoduo also tried it after Xuanyuan's exclamation. Sure enough, even if she had broken through to the realm of the second-rank Douxian, here, still Not the slightest use.

"The fighting energy in my body can still function, otherwise, you can teach me how to describe the terrain, and I will help you!" Wukong said to Xuanyuan.

"No, depicting the terrain is not just as simple as depicting the momentum patterns. Every momentum pattern is extremely complicated. Only when your heart and the induction of the world are combined can it be effective. Dead pig, do you have a way to seal it?" The power to live around here allows me to describe the terrain." Xuanyuan looked at the pig-headed emperor.

The pig-headed emperor gave Xuanyuan a white look, and said:

"Don't you have a ready-made thing in your body? Let'Tianyunhu' do it. Although this emperor can do that, it consumes too much and is completely unnecessary."

"Well, it's right. The 'Tianyun Lingyuan' is a perfect world. It can allow me to display unexpected combat power in this place where battle qi is restricted. I have won several times without danger. It is the perfect world 'Tianyun Lingyuan' to kill the enemy." As soon as the voice of 'Tianyunhu' fell, suddenly, a world of blue sky and white clouds shrouded everyone in it.

In this piece of world, there is a piece of tranquility, peace and warmth, filled with extremely strong fighting spirit between heaven and earth, blue sky and white clouds, long grass and eagles flying, sunny and sunny, a good scenery, a good scene.

Being in it makes people feel relaxed and happy, very comfortable.

Xuanyuan only felt that the power that had originally fettered his body had dissipated completely, and the battle energy in his body was surging and mighty, which made Xuanyuan heave a sigh of relief.

"Whoever has a pure spiritual source, if he wants to break through the 'fly ash annihilation potential', I am afraid that the power of the pure source is not enough. You must have a pure spiritual source, or at least a different species of source. All of them have been portrayed as other terrains, as well as the different Douyuan." Xuanyuan looked at the crowd, and now there is nothing on him, even the pure Douyuan is not much left.

"I have here..." Wukong said directly.

"No need, I've been here for so many years, and I naturally have a pure source of spirituality, so I should contribute more or less. If I find the treasure, it can help my rebirth, and I hope to share a piece of it with me." , and save me years of painstaking training!" Tian Yunhu directly interrupted Wukong's words, only to see a pure spiritual source weighing a thousand catties floating out of the perfect world 'Tianyun Lingyuan'!

"Okay, thank you very much." Xuanyuan grabbed one of them and sat cross-legged. From his fingertips, an incomparably thick grudge flowed. It also became stronger and stronger, and the aura of the green dragon from Xuanyuan's body became stronger, and along with the aura of the five elements, it merged into this pure spiritual source that was depicted on the terrain.

"Boy, what terrain do you want to decipher?" The pig-headed emperor looked excited.

"'Zhuan Sha Xuan Shi' naturally hides kills everywhere here, so kill them with kills, stop them with kills, I want to see if this terrain can stop me." Xuanyuan smiled coldly, obviously entering this place, It also made his fighting spirit high. Xuanyuan's stone skills have been improving all the time. Every time he is in actual combat, he has gained great insights. This is a kind of training. Now that he is in a desperate situation, Xuanyuan is going to survive in the desperate situation , break everything.

Xuanyuan quickly devoted himself to depicting the terrain. Every time he painted, everyone could feel that the pure spiritual source in Xuanyuan's hands had an indescribably mysterious meaning, as if it was really related to this area. The feeling of being one with heaven and earth.

"It's no wonder there are not many people who are proficient in stone art. It's amazing that Xuanxuan can have such attainments at such a young age." Qian Duoduo sighed from the side, and then concentrated on watching Xuanyuan's depiction of the terrain.

"That's natural. Having obtained the inheritance of the 'Great Luo Immortal Emperor', it is natural to be worthy of this inheritance." The Pig-headed Emperor gave a strange laugh.

"'Great Luo Immortal Emperor'..."'Tianyunhu' has become numb, how many people has this Xuanyuan inherited?

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