Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 390 Mysterious Land

In the sky, it was gray and dark, with black mountains on both sides standing up and down, and the only winding path was winding, and strange patterns of momentum intertwined around the path, forming an extremely strange force, with the power of the terrain , Mobilize the black flames of heaven and earth, hovering in the sky, accumulating over time to form a black flame fire spirit, with amazing killing power.

Duoduo Heiyan is so beautiful that it releases a breath that burns the sky and boils the sea, giving people a feeling that if they step into it, they will be burned to ashes. This is the 'black flame burning the sky'.

Accompanied by Xuanyuan's stern shout, everyone rushed towards the 'Heiyan Burning Tianshi' at their fastest speed.

The pure roulette wheel of Xuanyuan and his party is turning around like glass, and the brilliance is condensed. I saw the "Black Flame Burning Heavenly Power" felt a foreign object rushing, and immediately urged it to move. The exclamation sounded, shocking Xuanyuan and his party, which contained incomparably terrifying power.

At this moment, it feels like it will be destroyed in the next moment, and will be burned into nothingness in the next moment.

But at the moment when the 'Zhansha Xuanshi' was running, everyone felt extremely peaceful and peaceful, as if all the killings would be carried and transferred, making people feel at ease for no reason.

I saw the black flames all over the sky sweeping down, impacting on the roulette as pure as glass.

On this roulette, there are patterns of momentum that echo the heaven and earth intertwined, driven by the majestic spiritual power, the blossoming black flames, and the black flame fire spirits are immediately included in the roulette.

The original roulette, which was as clear as glazed glass, was filled with endless blackness and heat. Yes, it was a real scorching heat. Through the roulette, it was so hot that one could feel that all the blood in the body was burning. .

Xuanyuan sternly shouted:

"Come on, let's go!"

Xuanyuan galloped out like a war horse, with a speed as fast as a gust of wind, skimming the rugged path, followed closely by Qian Duoduo and his party.

Xuanyuan's eyes were like lightning, seeing through everything. After running for three kilometers in an instant, Xuanyuan could only see that the breath of the black mountains in front of him was extremely cold. Follow the natural texture of the world.

Xuanyuan took a closer look, and with a flick of his heart, he immediately saw through the terrain.

"The front is the 'Heavenly Ghost Ice Force', everyone, don't hesitate, follow me and don't fall, otherwise, you will die!"

Xuanyuan shouted loudly, which made everyone's hearts tense, and they saw Xuanyuan and his party directly jumping into the "Heavenly Ghost Ice Power". Ghost howling and ghost screams surged out, clang clang clang, countless solid ice with ghost energy exposed its fangs, ready to attack and kill Xuanyuan, at this moment, the "Nightmare Ghost Talisman" in Xuanyuan's body was activated Xuanyuan only felt that he was integrated with the whole "Heavenly Ghost Ice Force", and he could destroy people in an instant with just a few gestures.

"Heavenly Ghost Ice Power, listen to my orders, and open the way for me." With Xuanyuan Sword's finger and thought, thousands of solid ice with ghostly aura burst out of the air, slaying thousands of meters away terrain.

The terrain thousands of meters away can be reached in an instant. There are countless rocks and rocks. In this terrain, there are very strange black stone trees. Yes, they are black stone trees. Xuanyuan can clearly feel It turns out that these black stone trees are all grown from the origin of the black mountains, exuding the aura of killing and prohibition.

Xuanyuan frowned, looking at those naturally intertwined patterns, his heart skipped a beat, and he sternly shouted:

"Here's the 'Dark Lost Forest', everyone be careful, passing through this 'Dark Lost Forest' should be regarded as passing through the 'Misty Hundred Killing Potential'." Xuanyuan has an incomparable understanding of the chain formation of the terrain, "Hazy Bai Killing potential' was originally a psychedelic killing formation, but in the psychedelic killing formation, there is also a psychedelic killing formation. vitality.

The heaven and the earth are formed naturally, everything has a chance, it is a law, there is no absolute thing.

There is no terrain where there is only death and no life, it is just a naturally generated terrain, no matter how terrifying, there is life and death.

Everything in the world, the way of life and death of yin and yang, is nothing like this.

"Xuanxuan, what is 'Dark Fanlin Shi'?" Qian Duoduo asked in confusion.

"'Dark and Lost Forest Potential' is a unique killing power of 'Mysterious Forbidden Land', every stone tree contains endless murderous intent, even the flesh body of the Seventh Rank Fighting Immortal Realm can penetrate instantly, and it will make People get lost in it, and once they enter the situation where people who don't understand the terrain, they will die." The moment Xuanyuan finished explaining, boom boom boom, there was a sound of breaking, and black rocks splashed, and I saw that one after another The black ice smashed the tall dark stone trees to pieces.

Xuanyuan and his party rushed into the "Dark Lost Forest" at this moment. For ordinary people, entering this "Dark Lost Forest" is a place of death, but for Xuanyuan who has cultivated true eyes, this The dark mist in 'Dark Misty Forest' is nothing at all.

Everyone can only see a haze in the "Hundred Killing Potential", so they can only be careful about Xuanyuan and follow Xuanyuan, but they can't see anything clearly.

The moment a group of people stepped directly into the 'Dark Lost Forest', they only felt darkness in all directions, and they couldn't even see the road, and the surrounding murderous intent was so strong that it made people tremble.

At the moment when Xuanyuan charged into the 'Dark Lost Forest', his mind moved and he sternly shouted:

"Leave me alone!"

From the roulette around Xuanyuan exuding endless blackness and heat, like a gate opening, it released black flames all over the sky, and a terrifying whistling sound rolled and surged out.

The black flames continued to wreak havoc, countless dark mist was burned out, and the dark stone trees all over the ground were burned screaming, extremely miserable, and people's scalps went numb, Xuanyuan was startled:

"It seems that all the dark stone trees in this 'Dark Lost Forest' have become spirits and spirits."

"That's true. The 'Forbidden Land' is extremely terrifying. Even with the power of 'Swallow the Great Emperor', in its heyday, it would take a lot of time to enter this place and then kill it. You have to polish your eyes, boy." The pig-headed emperor said via voice transmission.

"Nonsense, you need to talk more about this." Around Xuanyuan and his party, a roulette wheel as pure as glass rotated, protecting them tightly, and saw black branches with sharp edges smashing out, striking Killed on Xuanyuan's 'Zhuan Sha Xuan Shi', this terrifying killing power, the momentum was immediately taken away by the rotation of this roulette, and impacted on another dark stone tree, only to see that one The dark stone tree was immediately broken by this killing force...

Xuanyuan went forward without hesitation, his speed was astonishingly fast, relying on the 'turning killing mystery' to run wild and escape...

Xuanyuan only saw a ray of light appearing in front of his eyes, he was overjoyed, and laughed loudly:

"Hurry up, there is a way to survive in front of you. If you wear it from here, you will really step out of the 'Misty Hundred Killing Potential'."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard Xuanyuan's words. At this moment, there was a bang, Xuanyuan's eyes twitched, and he saw that the roulette protecting him could finally bear the terrifying killing power. The strength has been exhausted, and now this 'transfer to kill Xuanshi' can no longer support it.

"Hurry up, or everyone will die here." In an instant, Xuanyuan roared crazily. He didn't want these people to die because of him. From Xuanyuan's body, there was a slight flow of fighting energy that was originally shackled. Xuanyuan immediately took out the 'Heavenly Gale Talisman' from the fighting ring, and in an instant, the urging started to run, only to see a violent wave engulfing Xuanyuan's group and rushing out towards the ray of light.

bang bang bang!

Along the way, the 'Zhuan Killing Xuanshi' was shattered inch by inch, and Xuanyuan and his party felt that the terrifying murderous intent penetrated into their bodies, as if their physical bodies would be torn apart at any time, just when Xuanyuan thought they were going to die.

Suddenly, he felt his eyes light up, and the dull and murderous atmosphere around him suddenly disappeared.

An extremely beautiful picture scroll came into his eyes, and a group of people fell to the ground under the gust of wind.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat, including the pig-headed emperor, who was only one step away. If the 'Zhuan Killing Xuanshi' persisted for a while, at least one person present would have to save his life.

"We're here, we're here, we're finally here. There must be endless treasures of heaven and earth hidden here, and there are definitely treasures of immortals inside." 'Tianyunhu' also felt extremely thrilling along the way. Obviously he made the right bet and followed Xuanyuan. That's right, if there is no Xuanyuan, I am afraid that even if I reach the realm of Mingxian, it will be difficult to enter here, because the restricted terrain along the way is enough to hurt Mingxian, as long as I get lost in this terrain, Mingxian will die, even if it is Earth Immortal, who is not proficient in the terrain, can resist the power of the terrain, and may not be able to find it here.

"Big chance, what a rare big chance!"

Xuanyuan took a deep breath and looked at the scene in front of him. Not far in front of Xuanyuan was a blue lake. On the surface of the lake, there were dots of golden light. The water surface was like a mirror, reflecting the distant mountains. It is as white as snow, giving people an indescribable holiness.

Beside the lake, there is this quaint mountain gate. It seems that this mountain gate has not been opened for a long time. It seems that it has experienced an extremely long history, with countless years of precipitation and heavy vicissitudes.

"It seems that there should be something wrong here." Xuanyuan took a deep breath, feeling that he took a breath here, he felt comfortable all over, and the battle energy in his body was churning. Here, there is no shackles.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, Xuanxuan, it's really beautiful here." Qian Duoduo's little heart jumped, his pair of beautiful eyes were watery, obviously he loved this place very much, and the babble on Qian Duoduo's body, He also jumped up and down with great joy.

The mysterious land is just around the corner!

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