Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 392: Ancient Structure

The world under the lake is dreamy and beautiful.

Like a dream, one after another of gorgeous light flows, evolving into a rainbow, running through the holy snow-capped mountains at the bottom of the lake. Such beautiful scenery can be seen everywhere in the world at the bottom of the lake, making people feel happy and refreshed, as if thrown away There was a sense of relief when everything was opened, and the shackles were cast aside.

All the way down, within ten meters of Xuanyuan, the five-color mask is undoubtedly the most conspicuous, attracting a large number of swimming fish to chase.

These swimming fish moved lightly and extremely fast, and there was a cheerful aura from their bodies.

Qian Duoduo's melodious laughter and Yiyi's excited cry were endless.

This situation made Xuanyuan feel emotional:

"I'm afraid there really isn't much danger here. It may really be a pure land. You see, the creatures here never kill each other. They are peaceful. Even though they are extremely powerful, they are not aggressive. They are kind to others and do not fight or grab , pure in nature.”

"That's right, the 'Forbidden Land' is incomparably mysterious and has an extremely wide area. It's a pity that I've never heard of such a place." The greedy old man sighed with a smile.

"Hmph, even if someone knows about this rare pure land, how can they spread the word? Moreover, if you want to enter this place, you have to be capable." The pig-headed emperor saw countless treasures of heaven and earth along the way. , but I can't scratch it with my hands, and I feel very uncomfortable.

"Can you tell me, what are the 'Land of Darkness' and 'Land of Profound Forbidden'? Why every dynasty seems to be taboo about these places, and why every dynasty allows them to exist ? Don’t they think it’s dangerous? How can others snore on the side of the couch? Don’t they fear that the existence of these forces in forbidden places will suddenly riot and cause destructive damage to them?” I don't know much about things like the land of the underworld and the land of the forbidden, so I have this question.

"It just so happens that in my memory, there is exactly this one, so let me tell you, these taboo places go back a long, long time ago. At that time, in this world of vindictiveness, the human race was just a very A humble race. At that time, the pattern of fighting qi world was that all races coexisted and fought with each other. The human race was too weak, so no one paid attention to it. However, the human race was wise. Feel yourself, communicate with the world, practice, and then start to become stronger step by step!"

"This group of people is the first group of people who are the strongest in the fighting spirit world. They are also the ancient sages and ancient emperors. Shining because of them, like a rising comet, it was out of control, and made many races realize the strength of the human race." The greedy old man paused, and continued:

"But at that time, the ancient emperor and the ancient sages were humble. They did not intervene in the struggle between the ten thousand races because of their own strength. They just signed an agreement with them and never invaded each other. The human race continued to hide their strengths and bide their time. , After countless years, thousands of races have been fighting and fighting for territory, day after day, year after year, the destruction of one race after another, the demise of one race after another, the human race has eaten away a large area of ​​land invisibly. Land, just like this, the era of the human race has come, this is irreversible, everyone has already seen it, the general trend!"

"Every race is aware that the human race is their biggest threat, but the human race has not done anything to harm them, and since the beginning, they have made a treaty with the human race and will never invade, so they have no Break the contract, these surviving races are the most powerful ancient royal family at that time, possessing extremely terrifying power, the one in the "Land of Qingming" is one of the members of the ancient royal family, "Land of Forbidden City" ' I'm afraid it's no exception."

"Aware of the seriousness of the situation, they no longer killed each other and competed for territory. Instead, they made an agreement with the human race to live in a designated area and never invade each other. This is passed down from generation to generation by the ancestors of the human race and the ancient royal families. No one dares to break the rules, and no one has the ability to break the rules. The human race is getting more and more prosperous, and the ideas of the sages are beginning to be different. Some sages have led a group of warriors to create their own dynasty. , As a result, there were the Dongzhou Dynasty, the Beizhou Dynasty, and the Nanzhou Dynasty. After they slaughtered some other races that had not made treaties with the human race, they created their own land, and only a very small part survived. Race, or some powerful races, such as demons, orcs..."

"The Zhongzhou Dynasty was called the 'Central Dragon Court' in ancient times. At that time, it was divided into four heavenly emperors, respected by the Zhongzhou 'Hongmeng Tiandi', because the 'Hongmeng Tiandi' held the most powerful power in its hands, that is, it was the most numerous. The ancient sages worked for him. These ancient sages passed down their families one by one. In Zhongzhou, which is the current ancient family, each ancient family has an extremely strong ancient background, which is extraordinary. After the fall of the Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor, the Heavenly Emperors of the Four Quarters will conduct their own affairs, and with the passage of time, wars will break out between each dynasty from time to time, that's all."

Hearing the words, Xuanyuan suddenly realized that the doubts that had been in his mind before could not be solved, but now he has a lot of clarity. He did not expect that the original structure of the fighting qi world was like this. The human race can survive among the thousands of races until today. It can be said that the ancient great emperor and the ancient sages have contributed a lot. No wonder the later human races will be in awe and target them. The emperor of Beizhou is the best example!

"Then why is there no Xizhou Dynasty?" Xuanyuan asked again.

"Xizhou Dynasty? No, but the two major forces in Xizhou are no weaker than the power of many dynasties. Today's 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', 'Linglong Immortal Mansion', 'Hantian Immortal Mansion' and 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion' were originally The roots are in the "Jile Buddhist Temple" and "Yuhua Taoist Gate" in Xizhou. The people who founded the "Jile Buddhist Temple" and "Yuhua Taoist Gate" have an extraordinary relationship with the "Hongmeng Emperor", and they are all existences that can be compared. Under the signal of "Hongmeng Tiandi", the "Yuhua Daomen" and "Jile Buddha Temple" in the state sent groups of powerful people to Dongzhou, Beizhou, and Nanzhou to monitor their administration in order to maintain balance. The 'Central Dragon Court' and the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' are respected, of course, the other three Heavenly Emperors naturally don't have much opinion."

"It's just that, with the passage of time, after the fall of the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor', the founders of the 'Ji Le Buddhist Temple' and the 'Yuhua Daomen' also fell one after another. The powerful forces they sent out were too far away, and their successors were not as good as They, as time passes, can't be controlled anymore, they can only take root and sprout outside, and grow by themselves. There are many forces in the Immortal Mansion sent out, but with the changes of the years, in the Holy Land of the Immortal Mansion, they compete with each other for power and profit, and each other Massacre has begun to become the pattern of today, natural selection, survival of the strong, that's how it is."

After what the greedy old man said, Xuanyuan finally understood a lot. It is impossible for ordinary people to know these secrets. With such a clear understanding of the events of the 1980s, other unofficial histories are simply not enough to rely on.

"That is to say, in the depths of the 'Forbidden Land', there are ancient royal families. It seems that these royal families are also learning from the human race back then, keeping a low profile. I don't know if they will be torn apart among the human race one day. The treaty that was established, started a war?" Xuanyuan murmured to himself.

"Haha, the disputes between races are like this. At least for now, the human race is writing history. You don't have to worry about it so much. Let's improve your strength first. In fact, these hidden ancient royal families have been threatening Humans, why are the demons and orcs still upright and have the strength to challenge the human race? That is because of the secret support of these ancient royal families, because today's human race is too powerful and there are too many of them. The surviving races can only be united together. If the human race cannibalize all the orc and demon races, the next step will be these ancient royal families, so this is a threat to balance, and no one can break it. Once it is broken, there will be constant disputes in the fighting spirit world." The Pig-headed Emperor laughed.

"Do you really hope that there will be constant disputes in the fighting spirit world?" Xuanyuan gave the pig-headed emperor a blank look in his heart.

"Of course, the more chaos the better, the more chaos you have, the more chances you have. If you think you can, it's not impossible for you to become a new generation of ancient emperors." The pig-headed emperor said boldly.

Xuanyuan didn't want to argue with it any more, so he just ignored the pig-headed emperor. At this moment, Xuanyuan saw the cheerful fish swimming around him exuding fear, and then they fled towards the top one after another, not daring to go any further Decreased.

Xuanyuan's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly reminded:

"Everyone, be careful, there must be some danger below, otherwise these swimming fish will never be scared back."

Xuanyuan's words immediately made everyone's hearts suspend. Obviously, the terrifying existence in the depths of this place must be extremely difficult to resist.

"Boy, look at these swimming fishes, slipping so fast, will this be a taboo place in this lake? I asked if we should evacuate first, and go and scrape away all the treasures of heaven and earth. Well, the next one, I'm afraid we can't deal with it for the time being." The pig-headed emperor said with a dry smile.

At this moment, Qian Duoduo's eyes lit up, he pointed forward, and exclaimed:

"Xuanxuan, look, what is that!"

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