Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 396: Fish and Beast Army

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be able to think of this step. It is true. A generation of emperors, like the 'Emperor Yingtian', can indeed sense things that may happen in the future, and then leave their own His last wish is to test future generations, because he is a generation of great emperors, and many methods are beyond our imagination!"

The pig-headed emperor admired Xuanyuan from the bottom of his heart this time, because it is impossible for ordinary people to think of such a step, and even it, which used to be the mount of the 'Emperor Devourer', had never thought of such an idea. Obviously, Xuanyuan Much more delicate than it is.

"Xuanyuan, you can grow so fast, which I and Tundi couldn't have imagined before. In a certain respect, you are much better than the 'Swallowing Emperor'. At least in this matter, if you change Become the 'Emperor Devourer', he will definitely use his power to rush in, and he will not have so many thoughts to guess the character of 'Emperor Yingtian' like you." There are many sentiments in the words of the greedy old man, If the 'Emperor Devourer' had Xuanyuan's wisdom, he wouldn't know that he would end up like this.

"What's the matter? If you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. One day I will surpass the 'Swallowing Emperor'. If those who besieged the 'Swallowing Emperor' are not dead, I will send them on the road one by one to comfort the spirit of the 'Swallowing Emperor' in the sky. Already." Xuanyuan smiled inwardly, he was not complacent because of the praise of the greedy old man and the pig-headed emperor, but he strengthened his belief even more.

"This Xuanyuan is really too powerful. At such a young age, he can actually have such calculations. He can even understand the nature of 'Emperor Yingtian' clearly, so that he can use this jade stele spirit." 'Tianyunhu' heard the conversation between Xuanyuan and Yubei, and was also amazed. Now it seems that his bet was right.

Wukong rolled his eyes, scratched his ears, and thought to himself:

"It seems that I can take advantage of it after a while. Well, Xiao Yiyi likes to follow Xuanyuan, so let him follow Xuanyuan from now on. I will follow, and I will definitely take advantage of it. 'Yinglongxue', this kid is really You are so bold, you deserve to be chosen by that one."

On the five-color mask, the auras of the five elements of the spiritual beings are rushing and co-existing, and there is a sense of mystery. Inside the mask, Xuanyuan puts his hands behind his back and looks down. The snow-capped mountains are densely covered, but relatively speaking, there are not many spiritual objects and treasures here.

Accompanied by the fall of the five-color mask, in the depths of the 'Yinglong Lake', incomparably huge fish and beasts in the sea began to appear. There are not a few fish and beasts that grow tens of meters or even hundreds of meters in size.

These fish and beasts look strange, with cold eyes, hard and sharp scales on their bodies, and solid bodies, comparable to top-grade heavenly weapons. If ordinary one-turn fighting immortals come here and fight with them, they may not have enough chance of winning.

The arrival of Xuanyuan and his party became the most conspicuous in the bottom of the lake in an instant, and there was no place for people to hide. They immediately attracted the attention of many fish and beasts.

Obviously, there have been no outsiders in this 'Yinglong Lake' for a long time, which made them a little surprised, and if there were outsiders, they naturally needed to be on guard.

In 'Yinglong Lake', it was originally headed by 'Yinglong'. Since 'Yinglong' was subdued by 'Emperor Yingtian', the fish and beasts in 'Yinglong Lake' practiced individually, guarding 'Yinglong Lake'. It's all right, but they are instinctively hostile and aggressive to outsiders, which is in stark contrast to the cheerful fish above, who don't seem to have any worries.

I saw a few beasts that were at the level of Fighting Immortals at two turns, roaring at Xuanyuan and his party, with a terrifying and fierce light in their eyes, as if they were questioning Xuanyuan and his party. Hearing their voices, other fish and beasts It also began to gather, densely packed, overwhelming, and the huge army of fish and beasts quickly surrounded the five-color mask Xuanyuan cast tightly.

The strength of each fish and beast is at least in the realm of fighting immortals, which is extremely terrifying. Even Xuanyuan's heart feels numb. With such a huge number, I don't know how many years of precipitation it took to be able to do this. With great strength, it seems that if ordinary people want to enter the bottom of the 'Yinglong Lake' to find any benefits, facing such an army of fish and beasts, I am afraid that they really will not get any benefits.

The corners of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched involuntarily. He originally thought that entering the depths of the 'Yinglong Lake' might just encounter some fish and beasts, but he didn't expect that just after entering this deep area, he was surrounded by an army of fish and beasts , the huge number, and the terrifying aura put Xuanyuan under great pressure.

"Get out of the way, or I won't be polite." Xuanyuan sneered at these fish and beasts, and then a wave of blue waves rippled from Xuanyuan's five-color mask within a radius of 100 meters. This piece of blue water has become The highly poisonous waters caused panic to appear in the eyes of countless fish and beasts.

Every fish and beast is extremely sensitive to water, sensing that there is such a water bucket on Xuanyuan, and the highly toxic clear water around Xuanyuan is enough to cause extremely fatal damage to them, making them extremely taboo!

In fact, with Xuanyuan possessing 'Biluo Tianshui', Xuanyuan's fighting power in water is no less than that on land. If ordinary people want to fight Xuanyuan in water, they will simply end up courting death. In the water, the ordinary Level 1 Fighting Immortal might not be his opponent at all.

Countless fish and beasts retreated, Xuanyuan ran rampant, where the five-color mask passed, clear water rushed, and the army of fish and beasts hurriedly retreated to a path, because they did not dare to touch the clear water, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous, but these fish and beasts But it was a hundred meters away from Xuanyuan's five-color mask, and the result was that the huge army of fish and beasts gathered more and more.

Seeing this scene, Yi Yi jumped up happily:

Qian Duoduo's nerves are also extremely strong. On a beautiful and delicate face, there is excitement and joy, beautiful eyes flickering, and an exclamation comes from the small cherry mouth:

"There are so many big fish. Look, that fish beast has a human upper body, a fish tail, and golden scales. It's so beautiful. Could this be the legendary 'beautiful spirit fish beast'? "

"Well, this is in ancient times, when thousands of races coexisted, each race had its own relatives. These are hybrids. A large part of these fish and beasts are hybrids, and their strength is extremely strong. Powerful." 'Sky Cloud Tiger' said.

Xuanyuan's head is full of black lines, Qian Duoduo and Yiyi are really a pair of treasures, they are heartless masters.

You must know that Xuanyuan's mood is a little nervous at the moment, if these fish and beast army suddenly go crazy and attack, the five-color mask will absolutely be unable to resist, fortunately they are still in the mood, and they are still so happy.

I saw Yiyi bouncing on Qian Duoduo's shoulders, shouting cheerfully to the army of fish and beasts:


From the army of fish and beasts, a few fish and beasts whose strength was at least in the realm of fighting immortals at four turns responded, making strange noises, and their mouths opened:


Yiyi shook his head from time to time, nodded from time to time, and responded:

"Yee, eeeeeeee—"

After a pause, after these fish and beasts made a few cooing sounds, many fish and beast troops retreated away, which made Xuanyuan feel a sense of pressure being greatly relieved.

"Yiyi, what did you tell them?" Xuanyuan asked in surprise.

"Yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yiyi-" Yiyi danced, blinking a pair of big watery eyes, and gestured various movements that made Xuanyuan feel miraculous. At first Xuanyuan felt that these movements were a little hazy, and gradually Xuanyuan In the babbling movements, it seems to see the tracks of the terrain lines, and these tracks are interwoven with the language of the adult people.

"You mean, you tell them that we're just here for fun, and we don't mean any harm to them!" Xuanyuan said.

"Yi--" Yiyi nodded again and again.

Xuanyuan's heart was shocked, he never expected that Yiyi could have such an ability, he could even draw out the lines of the terrain, and use the patterns to interweave the language of the human race to communicate with Xuanyuan. Xuanyuan used to rely on Yiyi's expression and demeanor You can guess the movements, but if it is too complicated, Xuanyuan can't do anything about it. Just now Xuanyuan saw that there was a mystery intertwined with the movements of yiyi and gestures, so he had an idea and tried it. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be true. is so:

"Yiyi, what kind of existence is it that is so familiar with the gesture patterns between the heaven and the earth, interweaving the language of the adult tribe to communicate with me, if I don't know a lot about the momentum patterns between the heaven and the earth, I really can't see it What is it that understands yiyi gestures, it does not understand the terrain, but it can know the interweaving of the trajectory of the sky and terrain patterns, what is going on here?"

"Xuanyuan, this little white beast is definitely not simple. Since it is close to you, then you should get closer. The existence of these ancient royal families is extremely terrifying. Don't offend them unless you have to. It's better if it's good, and sometimes you will get unexpected benefits!" The greedy old man gave Xuanyuan advice based on his years of experience.

"That's right, even if the 'Emperor Devourer' is alive, he may not be able to win the battle with the king of the ancient royal family. One can imagine how powerful these ancient royal families are." The pig-headed emperor said through voice transmission.

Xuanyuan naturally also understands that Yiyi has a pure heart and is innocent, and Xuanyuan likes it from the bottom of his heart, and likes Yiyi, Xuanyuan does not have the idea of ​​utilitarianism.

"This little white beast is not simple. The aura on it seems to be a royal family among the ancient races..." At this moment, the spirit of the jade stele murmured to itself and paused. ,road:

"Huh? The 'Yinglong Cave' is coming soon."

"Sure enough..."

A group of people quickly sank in the direction of the 'Yinglong Cave'!

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