Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 405 Count it all!

(Chapter 2, click chapter, 60,000 clicks!)

"Emperor Yingtian" lived in a thatched hut.

It was quiet.

Qian Duoduo, Zhutou Emperor, Wukong, 'Tianyunhu' and 'Yinglong Immortal Monument' looked shocked and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Everyone saw the final blow that 'Emperor Yingtian' and 'Ying Long' jointly cast.

Words cannot describe it.

It could be called a shocking blow, and the seven stars summoned by the ancient blue dragon were all shattered, and the phantom of the blue dragon that appeared was almost wiped out, it was so terrifying.

"Qinglong, you really didn't disappoint me. Although your 'Qinglong Neidan' contains the original source, there are not many of them. Over the years, you are still able to contain so much original will. To this day, Qinglong The first place in the list of immortal beasts is well deserved, I also understand why Xianhuang was willing to pay a lot for you that day, it is a pity, you will not escape the law of heaven after all, are you still unstoppable..." 'Ying Long The phantom gradually began to dissipate, its voice carried a strong smile, a kind of relief, but it made people feel an unbearable sadness, the remaining will of a generation of fairy beast 'Ying Long' will be completely wiped out up.

"The ancient blue dragon really deserves its reputation. This great emperor has a remnant thought, and he has worked hard to support it until now. He is only a person who proves the way, but he never thought that he became a stepping stone for others. No matter, this is fate after all. If you lose, you will lose... "'Emperor Yingtian' smiled lightly, and his figure gradually turned into nothingness. His laughter was neither happy nor sad, as if he was telling something that had nothing to do with him.

The existence of the "Emperor Yingtian" generation of ancient emperors who dominated Beizhou and competed with the ancient emperors of Zhongzhou, the remaining idea was completely wiped out.

The ancient blue dragon fell silent.

Xuanyuan's will, in this battle, has undergone a qualitative transformation, carrying huge willpower shocks again and again, making Xuanyuan's will become more firm, and Xuanyuan's will is like a sharp sword , as if it is enough to penetrate all existence in the world.

At the moment when the will of 'Emperor Yingtian' and 'Ying Long' was wiped out by Qinglong, Qinglong fell silent, Xuanyuan immediately seized this opportunity, and his whole body was shocked!

"Turn all apertures into one, practice for me!"

That 'green dragon inner alchemy' floated in Xuanyuan's dantian, started to rotate, and was pushed up from the "Swallowing Dao Jue" in Xuanyuan's body in an instant, and the acupoints in Xuanyuan's body showed clear light Being swallowed one after another, many hidden acupoints of green dragons such as 'Jiaomuqiao', 'Kangjinqiao' and 'Fangriqiao' were devoured one after another, and the aura of green dragon dissipated in an instant, turning into Xuanyuan's unique existence, that is " The unique aura of "Swallowing Dao Jue", this supernatural power is to devour many supernatural powers in the world for his own use!

Every time Xuanyuan devours a Qinglong acupoint, Qinglong’s will will become weaker. You must know that Qinglong’s acupoints are also the origin of Qinglong. Afterwards, I saw the "Swallowing Dao Jue" suddenly startled, and instantly turned into a one-star fairy-level supernatural power!

Xuanyuan's "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Armor" and "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Boots" turned to the right. It is obvious that Xuanyuan can cast "Swallowing Dao Jue" so quickly, and their credit is indispensable. At this moment, Xuanyuan is like an endless black hole, which is enough to swallow everything. All devoured for their own use.

"Okay, okay, I'm worthy of being my favorite successor. I, Qinglong, planned my whole life, but I didn't expect to be tricked by you in the end. The original power that has been stored for many years, is being compared with 'Emperor Yingtian' and 'Yinglong' In the battle of remaining wills, I wasted nothing, running the "Swallowing Dao Jue" made my will suffer more damage, and my strength was greatly reduced!" Qinglong's resonant voice resounded through Hao Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, full of appreciation Obviously, it has admitted that Xuanyuan is qualified to inherit everything from it.

"Senior Qinglong, man is not for himself, heaven and earth will perish. If you have any last wish, I will definitely fulfill it for you. You no longer belong to this era. Today, I will use your hand to cut off the remaining will of "Emperor Yingtian". If you weaken your strength, it will be for me to kill the emperor with my own supreme will in the future, and to prove my path to the emperor in the future. No one can stop me, and whoever blocks me will kill him!" Xuanyuan said In an instant, the countless holes in Xuanyuan's body, like countless devouring black holes, started to rotate, wrapped in Xuanyuan's supreme will, and devoured towards Qinglong's will.

"Hahaha, what a testament to your way of becoming a great emperor in the future, let me ask you, if someone you love stands in the way of your way of becoming a great emperor, will you kill her too?" Qinglong's vast sky The sound came rolling in, questioning Xuanyuan's true heart.

In Xuanyuan's eyes, the light of wisdom circulated, saying:

"The person I love will only be with me, pointing out the country, and will not block my way of the emperor."

"Okay! It's a pity, it's a pity that you are still too weak at this moment. Even if I am weakened, you are still not my opponent!" Several exclamations made Xuanyuan's hair shudder, and the vast Qinglong will suddenly enveloped him. Xuanyuan's whole body was so terrifyingly powerful that Xuanyuan only felt that his will was being eaten away and swallowed bit by bit, and he couldn't resist at all!

Xuanyuan desperately resisted and never surrendered!

"Even though I am weak right now, I will not give in because of my weakness. I will only fight with my unyielding will, fight for what I want, fight for what I don't have, kill, kill, kill...Qinglong, you can't stop me !"

Xuanyuan's unyielding will and Qinglong's huge will collided together, shaking people's minds!

at the same time.

Beizhou Imperial Capital, on the observatory.

'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' dances like a fairy, holding the 'Ten Thousand Stars Fan', fingertips flick blood into the void, her eyes are like stars, in the dark, moving the star path, the stars are brilliant, shining on that little blood drop , Incomparably miserable, I saw the blood drop accompanied by the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' chanting the star mantra, and in an instant, it broke into the void, and thousands of stars shone in the sky.

Xuanji Zijian danced in the starry sky, in the "Seven Stars Sword" in his hand, the stars were shining, accompanied by a flow of heavenly secrets, corresponding to the Big Dipper, calling for the supreme power of the stars, only the Big Dipper vibrated together with the "Nine Heavens Xuannv" 'The supernatural powers displayed resonate, and the stars move!

Moving Star Great Immortal Art!

In the night sky, the seven stars of the Big Dipper turned into a phantom of Xuanwu. The moment the "Seven Stars Sword" in Xuanjizi's hand pointed to the seven stars in the east, invisible, a silent roar of Xuanwu rushed to the east. Xuanjizi stepped on the seven stars, The sword came out of the dust, mobilized the power of the stars, directly impacted the source of Qinglong's will, and wanted to shake Qinglong!

The 'Ten Thousand Stars Fan' in the hands of the 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' suddenly, the countless stars on the fan burst out bright starlight, and in the sky, all the stars moved together, and the endless starlight converged into a galaxy , directly impacted on the Eastern Seven Stars.

In the dark, the thoughts of Xuanjizi and "Nine Heavens Xuannv" were transmitted to Xuanyuan's heart through the endless starry sky.

"Xuanyuan, if you don't move now, when will you wait?"

"Roar..." An angry green dragon roared violently: "Moving Star Great Immortal Technique, good, good, good, Xuanyuan, I didn't expect you to keep this hand..."

From within Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, Xuanyuan only saw the figure of the green dragon, which became even thinner, and Xuanyuan's heart shook:

"It's the voice of 'Nine Heavens Xuannv'. It seems that someone else plotted against me. She is clarifying herself!"

Xuanyuan knew that the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' had found someone to directly shake the Qinglong's origin, and its power was weakened a lot in an instant.

"The green dragon bites back..." A shocking dragon chant resounded through the sky, and at the other end of the "Forbidden Land", the "Nine Heavens Profound Girl" and Xuanjizi were both severely injured.

"Boy, swallow it!" At this moment, the greedy old man roared, and in an instant, an extremely mysterious force merged into Xuanyuan's will. In it, a supreme will soars into the sky, and within this will, there is a breath, that is devour, devour, devour! It feels like a black hole in the universe, devouring everything endlessly, making people confused, terrified, and domineering.

"This is the supreme will of the Devouring Emperor integrated into the 'Devouring Myriad Transformation Artifact', hurry up, this is the only chance!" The greedy old man roared. Move the last hole card!

Xuanyuan pinched the Dao Jue in his hand, and saw that Xuanyuan's will merged into the supreme will of the "Swallowing Emperor" hidden in his body, turning into an endless black hole, spreading all over his sea of ​​consciousness, and immediately enveloping the green dragon.

Every time Qinglong was devoured, Xuanyuan felt that his strength increased by one point, as if he was going to break through some kind of shackles, all the strength in his body would explode!

Xuan Jizi, the 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl', had blood in their seven orifices, and the two magic weapons in their hands trembled violently, as if they were about to burst apart at any moment.

"Hold on, Qinglong's power is weakening, it's about to lose! Just hold on for a little while longer!" 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' was unwavering, with clanging armor on her body, the purple golden crown on her head still exploded, and her long hair Feiwu, blood stained on her fair cheeks, under the reflection of the moonlight, she is extremely poignant and beautiful, with a firm and unwavering thought revealed from her brows!

"Fight it! Sword Festival!" Xuanjizi shouted loudly, and suddenly, he saw the whole "Seven Star Sword" turning into a strong star sword, pointing directly at the seven stars in the east.

"Success or failure depends on one stroke, break the blue dragon!"

The 'Seven Star Immortal Sword' sacrificed by Xuanjizi with the supreme immortal technique turned into a star sword and shot out through the air.

Charged above the seven stars in the east, and saw this starlight directly hit the phantom of the green dragon.

Between heaven and earth, fell into silence in an instant.

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