Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 422 Calabash Baby

Chapter 422 Calabash Baby

"Hahaha, boy, I didn't expect you to have such an idea. It's really a good idea. Back then, the 'Emperor Devourer' did the same thing. In the name of 'Reincarnation', he assassinated a person who treated him badly." The patriarch of the aristocratic family who stopped chasing and killing is really satisfying, and he is also rewarded with the inheritance of supernatural powers in reincarnation!" The laughter of the greedy old man echoed out.

"Well, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to be victorious. I also want to enter the 'Reincarnation' to see what kind of organization it is. I'm afraid I will interact with this force in the future! See if I can also pass the 'Reincarnation' 'Understand the information of the 'Six Paths'." Xuanyuan naturally understood that sooner or later he would be exposed as the 'body of myriad transformations', and when that day came, he would be the enemy of the whole world, and many sage families of the Immortal Mansion would kill him together , I am afraid that by then I will enter a period of shady life, and the identity of the "Reincarnation" disciple that I have arranged in advance will also play a very good role, at least this organization itself is also a very shady existence.

"Also, I will never let go of those who want me to die. Now let's deal with them in the same way!"

After a pause, the greedy old man suddenly said:

"Xuanyuan boy, I almost forgot, now you are on the co-killing list of 'Six Paths' and 'Reincarnation', if they ask someone to calculate your location, you will be exposed, when you are in their lair, Aren't you courting death?"

"I think, soon after, there will be a response from Xuanjizi. On that day, Xuanjizi teamed up with the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' to perform the Great Immortal Art of Moving Stars, which greatly helped me subdue the will of Qinglong. Now I I gave Xuanjizi such a thing that I don’t know how many people can’t ask for Xianzhen, so with his heart, he will definitely respond to me.”

Xuanyuan's expression is very relaxed, giving people a feeling that he has already grasped it.

"Are you so confident, kid?" The greedy old man asked in surprise, the least he believed in others, he only believed in himself, but this would only put him in an isolated situation, Xuanyuan knew that the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' was possessed by many people It is not acceptable, but Xuanyuan also believes that as long as he treats others with sincerity, others will also treat him with sincerity.

"Of course, the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' is extremely smart. The people she can find must be great people. I can see that this woman has a noble heart and will not owe anyone a favor. Just take this For one thing, she is probably planning to return my favor because of the map, and explain to me that it was not her doing, not her original intention!"

It has to be said that after these years of tempering, Xuanyuan has become more and more intelligent, and he has his own judgments when looking at people, and every judgment is beyond the expectations of the greedy old man.

If the 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' wanted to be his enemy, she could do nothing, but since she had already made a statement, Xuanyuan would naturally have to respond.

In less than a day, Xuanyuan had already arrived at Sky Snow City.

Tianxue City is also located at the junction of the Beizhou Dynasty and the Dongzhou Dynasty. It is a large border city, covered by wind and snow, extremely majestic, like a giant lurking in the wind and snow for thousands of years, ready to go, at any time Can inflict heavy damage on the enemy!

The secret place of 'Reincarnation' is located in the northeast, so Xuanyuan must enter Tianxue City before he can go to the place where 'Reincarnation' is located, because it is a border city of two dynasties, and the flow of personnel is very controlled. strict.

When Xuanyuan stepped into Tianxue City, he was strictly interrogated. A city defender in the Douzong realm asked:

"Who are you? Where are you from!"

"Pimpedao is a casual cultivator, from Xizhou!" Xuanyuan snapped, and a terrifying aura emanated from him faintly.

The guarding warrior of Dou Zong Realm felt the ray of aura, his heart was jumping with fear, his hands and feet were weak, he knew that this kind of casual cultivation should never be offended, so he said quickly:

"Prince, please!"

Xuanyuan passed safely, because there are not a few horrific casual cultivators, and they have encountered many times. There have been many tragedies, and only these casual cultivators can emit energy naked, naked, and threaten to interrogate People who want to hide, but those who want to lurk will not dare.

Inside Tianxue City, dragons and snakes are mixed together, common people, strong practitioners, walking on the street, full of traffic, full of hustle and bustle, the hustle and bustle is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle is for profit.

"Candied haws, a piece of Dou Zhe coin, a bunch of candied haws, if it tastes bad, you don't need money!"

"Beggar's chicken, a ten-dollar coin, freshly baked beggar's chicken, the gravy is delicious!"

"Chestnuts, wild chestnuts fried in sugar, fragrant, crispy and sweet..."

"Roasted sweet potatoes, sweet roasted sweet potatoes, hot roasted sweet potatoes..."

"Tofu flower..."

All kinds of cries came, and Xuanyuan felt a strange feeling in his heart. He bought two bunches of candied haws from the uncle who was selling candied haws. The candied haws was given to the little beggar, and the little beggar ate a bite, and the old beggar ate a bite. These are precious memories treasured in Xuanyuan's heart.

At this moment, a little beggar came to Xuanyuan and said to Xuanyuan:

"Big brother, someone told me to give this thing to you!"

Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, and saw a little boy who was only as tall as his thigh, his face was dirty, his body was dirty, his clothes were ragged, he was extremely thin, his face was disheveled, his lips were white, and his frail body was in the wind and snow. Trembling, holding his feet, he was bruised and purple from the heavy snow, but his eyes were very pure, giving people a feeling of being flawless.

Xuanyuan felt very strange, seeing that the thing in the little boy's hand was wrapped in a handkerchief, he smiled lightly and said:

"Little brother, how do you know that this thing in your hand is for me?"

Xuanyuan squatted down, startling the little boy, he was a little timid, but his eyes looked straight at the two bunches of candied haws in Xuanyuan's hand, and an inexplicable courage made him tell the truth:

"Three days ago, a big brother said that this afternoon, there will be a person who will buy two bunches of candied haws here. He is dressed in black and covers his face. I think it should be you, big brother."

"Xuanjizi, that's amazing. Three days ago, it was calculated that I would come here three days later! Someone has been arranged to wait for me here."

Xuanyuan took the handkerchief from the little boy's hand and put it in his arms without looking at it, then gave the two bunches of candied haws to the little boy, and said with a smile:

"Little brother, this is for you."

The little boy looked surprised and said happily:

"The big brother said that you will give me these two bunches of candied haws."

The little boy hastily licked the two bunches of candied haws, put on a saliva protective film, looked at Xuanyuan, and said:

"You have already given it to me, you can't take it back, otherwise you will eat my saliva."

Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly and said:

"What else did he tell you?"

"He also said that you would treat me to a big meal!" The little boy hurriedly took a bite of the candied haws and said vaguely.

Xuanyuan completely admired Xuanjizi, but he didn't expect him to be able to calculate even this.

"Okay, then I'll treat you to a big meal! Calabash baby!"

The little boy's big bright eyes flickered, he was very excited, looked at Xuanyuan, and said:

"Brother, is what you said true?"

"Of course!" Xuanyuan was in a good mood, and brought the little boy to a restaurant. The waiter in the restaurant gave the little boy a contemptuous look. He was planning to throw the little boy out, but he saw Xuanyuan next to the little boy. , I dare not speak.

Xuanyuan found a place to sit down, and directly ordered a table full of big meals.

The chicken, duck and fish meat on the table is golden and oily, and the aroma of various dishes is so fragrant that the little boy drools all over the table.

Looking at this scene, Xuanyuan smiled gently and said:

"Gourd baby, hurry up and eat."

"Gourd baby?" The little boy held two strings of half-eaten candied haws in his hand, looked at Xuanyuan with a puzzled look on his face:

"Is it tasty?"

Xuanyuan pouted at the little boy and said:

"You have two bunches of candied haws in your hand. I don't know your name, so I'll call you Cucurbit Baby. Do you think it's delicious?"

"It's not good, it's not good." The little boy shook his head like a rattle, his face turned pale with fright, and he explained again and again:

"The gourd baby has not eaten for many days, the gourd baby is not good, but the candied haws are delicious!"

"Gourd baby, don't be afraid, no one wants to eat you." Xuanyuan was embarrassed.

"Big brother, did you say my name is Huluwa?" The little boy looked at Xuanyuan and said a little excitedly.

"I haven't had a name since I was a child, and someone finally gave me a name. Thank you, big brother, for giving me a name!"

Xuanyuan felt sad in his heart, but he was much luckier than the little boy, at least he still had an old beggar, the little boy didn't even have his own name, and no one was with him, maybe it was a fate.

"Well, gourd baby, hurry up and eat it. After eating it, you will have boundless mana, and you will be able to subdue demons and demons." Xuanyuan smiled warmly, as if seeing the figure of his previous life on the little boy, which aroused many memories in himself.

Cucurbit Baby hastily finished eating the two bunches of candied haws in her hand, and started completely, gobbling up the food on the table, sweeping away the wind and clouds, with the momentum of sweeping the world.

Xuanyuan was dumbfounded, the table was full of fish and meat, even an adult might not be able to finish it, but the gourd baby cleaned it up in less than a while, there was not even a shred of meat or rice grains left.

Xuanyuan exclaimed wonder in his heart, the little boy stroked his chubby belly, and let out a big breath:

"It's so comfortable to eat."

"Well, it's good if you're full." Xuanyuan sat quietly, turning a deaf ear to the noise in the restaurant, recalling his own past, feeling quite touched in his heart.

"Big brother, are you leaving?" The little boy looked at Xuanyuan motionless, as if he had sensed something and felt a little lost.

"..." Xuanyuan knew that he was going to leave after all, the little boy might just be a passer-by in his life, but at least he had to do something within his ability before he left.

"Well, I will take you to the inn and teach you how to practice. You will stop being a beggar in the future and work hard to cultivate. If you succeed in cultivation, I will come back to see you."

Xuanyuan finally understood at this moment that Yin Zhenluo's mood was changed at the beginning, there were too many things, and he couldn't take care of the gourd baby, so he could only keep him, otherwise, it would be too dangerous to follow him. There are trade-offs to be made.

Comparing his heart with his heart, Xuanyuan felt that Yin Zhenluo had already done a good job.

After leaving the restaurant, Xuanyuan found an inn, let the calabash baby stay, and paid a full 10 million Douwang coins to the innkeeper, so that the innkeeper will take care of the calabash baby's daily life in the future. Naturally, with a flattering smile on his face, he agreed again and again. This is a big deal.

After doing all this, Xuanyuan went to the greedy old man to practice supernatural powers. At the beginning, the "Emperor Devourer" killed countless terrifying existences and devoured their supernatural powers. Naturally, the greedy old man will not be unfamiliar.

"Boy, you should think about it. This is the "Human King Dao Jue" practiced by a generation of terrifying "Human King Saint Body". It's not necessarily that the doll will bring a great disaster."

The greedy old man understood why Xuanyuan did this, presumably it was because of Yin Zhenluo at that time, but in fact he was only half right.

Without any hesitation, Xuanyuan explained to Cucurbit Baby, and after integrating the "The Way of the King" into Cucurbit Baby's sea of ​​consciousness, he placed a terrifying five-element restriction between Cucumber Baby's eyebrows, and completed all of this , Xuanyuan left without staying for a moment.

Xuanyuan believed that the gourd baby must have a firm personality if he could survive for so many years. How much he can realize about "The Way of the King" depends on him. Xuanyuan had already passed on the complete "The Way of the King" to him.

Xuanyuan didn't know that when he left, Calabash Baby knelt all night in the direction he left, kowtowed a hundred times, and only murmured a sentence:

"Master, this disciple will definitely succeed in cultivation, the day you come back to see me..."

Xuanyuan came out of Sky Snow City, took out the handkerchief in his bosom, inside was a copper coin, this copper coin was filled with a dark aura, the greedy old man exclaimed:

"My God, it's 'Sages Counting Coins'."

"What?" Xuanyuan looked puzzled.

"'Sages counting coins' is a counting coin refined by the ancient sages for calculation. It is worn on the body and has the effect of covering the secrets of the sky. It can cover the calculations of the 'secrets of the sky'. This Xuanjizi is really good! How dare you put this I gave you this kind of treasure!" the greedy old man praised.

"Hmm..." Xuanyuan looked at the handkerchief, and said, "Block the heavenly secrets, and keep brother Xuanyuan safe."

Xuanyuan put away the 'Ancestor Counting Coins' and headed straight to the northeast of Tianxue City. Now it's time to go directly to 'Samsara'.

"Those who want to assassinate me, you wait for me."

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