Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 424 Genro

Chapter 424: Elder Xuan

Sen Leng's murderous aura penetrated into the bone marrow.

The sword lights intertwined all over the sky are sharp and dazzling, making people's skin sting, and the blood in the body seems to be pierced, as if they are about to break out.

Stepping into the sixth-rank Doudi realm in Xuanyuan, after the baptism of the blue thunder calamity, tempered the whole body, the whole body is crystal clear, and the physical body has undergone a great transformation, comparable to the strength of the first-rank Douxian, or even the second-rank physical body, You must know that the physical strength of the special physique of the "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations" is unparalleled, so at most I just feel a little uncomfortable.

According to what the greedy old man said, if you reach the level of the "Emperor Devourer", you can use your physical body to forcibly shake the supreme Taoist weapon. This kind of physical body is too terrifying, it can resist all harm from luck, and it grows too against the sky, otherwise, it will not cause the siege of many immortal families.

Both Zui Guchen and Tian Youqing were much stronger than Xuanyuan, and they were able to counter the sword light. Even so, their expressions were not good-looking.

"How could this happen? Although I know that coming here to sharpen, although there will be certain dangers, looking at this posture now, it seems that we are going to kill us, what should we do?" Zui Guchen's face was not very good-looking. The silver hair exuded a fierce breath, and the 'Sentimental Sword' at the waist was unsheathed, and let out a long cry, and the sword's light froze, and the power was lingering and endless.

"What can we do now?" Tian Youqing's pink face showed a touch of madness, and said ferociously:

"Fuck him!"

"Haha, you're right, fuck him! I want to see how powerful the headquarters of 'Samsara' is in Dongzhou, let's make a big fuss here today, hahaha!" Zui Guchen's face was full of intoxication. Smiling, the corners of the mouth are raised, but there is a cold light in the eyes that can freeze people, the "Sword of Containing Love" in the hand trembles, and suddenly, thousands of threads of love spit out, like a thousand long snakes piercing through the air, seemingly Sharp but with a soft artistic conception, it rolled towards the sword light that was full of breath.

Almost at the same time, the terrifying sword radiance in the sky seemed to be guided, and slashed down crazily. The terrifying howls of swords resounded in unison, and the ear-piercing sound of piercing wind pierced the eardrums, making one's heart chill.

Thousands of threads of love sweep up like fingers, revealing endless tenderness and vindictiveness. The thread of love is the most complicated thing in the world. Even many ancient emperors can hardly understand the word love, which shows its mystery.

The lingering tenderness flowed out from the love thread all over the sky, which evolved a kind of gentle fighting spirit, although not fierce, but deadly. Xuanyuan deeply experienced the horror of this kind of love thread fighting spirit, it is simply a gentle killer, killing people invisible.

Those sword glows touched the love thread fighting qi, cut it continuously and remained chaotic, and finally were entangled by the endless love thread fighting energy and cracked inch by inch.

Tian Youqing is full of Buddha light, with an ancient Buddha blue lamp on his head, an ancient Buddha appears behind him, the treasure is solemn, exuding a breath of great compassion, faintly, a line of light emerges on the surface of this ancient Buddha Although the Dao* characters are not clear, we can see the great power contained in them.

The vast Buddhist fighting spirit surged out, and Tianyouqing's body was like pouring gold. I saw him punching out, and the * characters on the ancient Buddha behind him floated, and the golden energy and blood rushed into the sky. , the sword light that hit the sky and smashed down was shattered into pieces, it was difficult to resist the fierce power of Tianyouqing.

Xuanyuan did not show any weakness either, and saw a phantom of a silver dragon emerging from behind Xuanyuan. The silver dragon roared and shook, and the terrifying roar of the dragon rose to the sky. The shadow appears.

Xuanyuan raised his head proudly, he transformed into a silver dragon with one hand, and a phoenix with the other, they were intertwined and shot out in an instant.

"The dragon and the phoenix sing together!"

Boom, the terrifying dragon and phoenix fighting spirit rushed straight into the sky. Wherever it went, the sword light was shattered, and I saw the "dragon and phoenix singing together" evolved into a Taiji pattern made of dragons and phoenixes intertwined, which contained the truth of the great way, and breathed out terrifying power , spread out, and the terrifying sword energy penetrating down from the sky was shattered into pieces...

The aftermath of Dou Qi dissipated, the sky fell into silence, and the murderous aura that had spread suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if it had never been owned before, but Xuanyuan, Zui Guchen, and Tian Youqing did not dare to slack off.

"Okay, okay, okay, I didn't expect that the three of you are such outstanding sons of heaven. After passing the trial of ten thousand swords piercing the heart, they are also qualified to enter my 'samsara'." That coldness made people feel heartbroken The numb sound came out again, followed by the sound of thud, Xuanyuan and his party heard the sound and looked around, only to see an old man with a hunched body, trembling step by step like a candle in the wind, he may perish at any time , he was leaning on a black cane in his hand, and there was a black ring on his skinny finger. His face was full of wrinkles that could kill a fly, and his eyes were close to death. Covered by the drooping eyelids, the top of the head was so protruding that there were not a few hairs left, revealing a mouthful of khaki teeth, and the smile was particularly ugly.

Even so, Xuanyuan and his party didn't dare to underestimate the old man's combat power, Zui Guchen snorted coldly:

"I'm waiting to join 'Samsara' with all my heart. Is this how you welcome us?"

"Hehe, young man, don't be angry, what a handsome young man, tsk tsk, I think if the old man had you who were born so handsome, he would have hooked up that girl from the 'Six Ways' long ago. How wonderful, I wouldn't be alone today I'm alone..." The old man's voice was gloomy, which made Zui Guchen feel a little numb and uncomfortable, with goosebumps all over his body, always feeling that the old man had something wrong with him.

"Old man, what do you mean by the trial? Have we passed it now? Please let the old man give us some guidance. After all, we are all new to 'Reincarnation'. There are many places we don’t understand, now there is an old man, it’s like in the endless darkness, he gave us a guiding light to illuminate our way forward..." Tian Youqing spoke softly, full of enthusiasm for the old man. He paid respect, behaved decently, and was very polite, which made the old man nod repeatedly.

Xuanyuan naturally knew in his heart that this should be a test of everyone's strength in 'Samsara', not only to find out everyone's strength, but also to see what the supernatural powers everyone cultivated! So as to guess the power behind everyone.

The supernatural power displayed by Xuanyuan was obtained after killing Yuan Tianlong that day. Although the supernatural power cultivated by Yuan Tianlong is rare, it is not unique, so Xuanyuan's display of it will not arouse suspicion. According to the reflection, Xuanyuan thinks that he has done a perfect job.

"Hey, not bad, you are the love of heaven, right, I am very optimistic about you, you come with me, from today, you will follow me, just call me Xuan Lao, you come with me." Self-proclaimed Elder Xuan laughed hoarsely, giving off an indescribable gloom.

"I'm sorry, Xuan is getting old." Tian Youqing bowed, Xuanyuan and Zui Guchen remained silent.

Looking up at this temple-like existence, there are various traces on it, either smashed out with magic weapons, or hit out with the supreme fighting spirit. They all have one thing in common, that is, they have gone through a long history. The years in the past will never fade away, one can imagine the horror of the strength of the people who attacked 'Samsara' that day, but it can still be passed down here, and the horror of 'Samsara' can also be seen.

The black temple, on the boulders on which it is built, is engraved with tiny small characters and mysterious runes. It makes people feel that it is these runes that pile them together. These runes are intertwined and converged, which makes people feel The restraining formation formed by the intertwining is no small matter. Obviously, if the upper restraining formation is activated at a critical moment, it will definitely be able to inflict terrible heavy damage on the enemy.

Entering this tall and vast black temple, Xuanyuan and his party felt as if they had entered a huge black hole and were swallowed up. In the deepest part, there is an extremely terrifying existence, which makes people feel awe and chills from the heart.

The footsteps of a group of people were clearly audible, and they all echoed in the ears, making one's heart tense. Xuanyuan's heart was as firm as iron, and he remained unmoved. He has seen "Emperor Yingtian" before." "Samsara" is powerful, but it can't deter him.

Along the way, Elder Xuan began to talk to Xuanyuan and his party about the rules in 'Samsara'.

"Just now what you faced when you came in was Wanjian Piercing Heart, which was a test of the reflection and character of those who entered my 'reincarnation'. Your strength is very good, and your reaction is also very fast. If he is injured, no matter who he is, he will be sent away if he fails the trial." Elder Xuan laughed.

"Your supernatural powers are very strange, and I won't ask where you come from, but from today on, you will be under my name, and until your strength is stronger than mine, then the people of the local generation will The elder will take you to continue to practice..."

It turns out that in 'Samsara' there are four generations of elders from Tiandi Xuanhuang, depending on their strength. Every time a new disciple is recruited, they will be assigned to the elders to lead them to understand the essence of various assassinations, because 'Samsara' is very mysterious and cannot be compared with In order to maintain the secrecy of 'reincarnation', most public teachings like other immortal mansions can only verify disciples through generations of elders.

When Xuanyuan and his party wanted to come, they suddenly realized, and finally understood why "reincarnation" has always been so mysterious, and they dared to accept the favored ones from the outside world. Even if they knew they would leave, what they knew would be very limited, because some things just Even Elder Xuan didn't know about it, because he was just an elder of Xuan's generation.

And in this temple that seems to be an endless abyss, it has been passed down for countless years. I don’t know how many restrictions there are, how many terrifying existences are staring at it, and I am not afraid of other people’s ideas at all. Besides, even if they come here, after they go out, It is also impossible to know how to come here, which shows the mystery of 'reincarnation'.

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