Chapter 427

During these seven days, except for Xuanyuan who didn't leave, Zui Guchen and Tian Youqing couldn't help but go out for a while.

As a result, the two were assassinated four times respectively. Zui Guchen killed all the criminals in the future, and none of them survived. He was fierce and mighty, and Tian Youqing was the last one to escape, but that assassin also suffered a lot. A major injury, I am afraid that the cultivation base will be completely useless.

Zui Guchen was injured, but he recovered quickly, but Tian Youqing was unscathed. Many people saw the battle between them. From the land of the Xuanzi generation, two terrifying sons of heaven appeared , It spread all of a sudden.

"Hehe, what have you learned in the past seven days?" Elder Xuan turned around and said hoarsely with an ugly smile on his face.

"It's nothing, I just think this is a holy place to hone yourself, it's a good place." Zui Guchen's smile was tinged with violence, as if he was succeeded by an assassin, and it was a great shame for him to suffer a little injury. He couldn't tolerate it. He seemed to wish that someone would assassinate him now, so that he could let out the anger in his heart and let him kill enough. Although the person who injured him had died without a place to bury him, this anger Still unabated, the killing intent is extremely strong.

“I am really looking forward to this place more and more!”

"Hehe, this place is very dangerous, with frequent assassinations, it is hard to guard against, but it is indeed, as Brother Guchen said, a good place to hone one's will and reaction, and I have begun to like this place. It seems that this time There is nothing wrong with the choice." Tian Youqing looked peaceful, but he couldn't see a trace of hostility, but from the back of his head, a golden light floated, spreading out a mighty aura, if there was an intruder, he would definitely not will let it go.

The two of them are the ones who dare to be so public in Tianji, and a large part of them, like Xuanyuan, keep a low profile.

"If you dare to come again, you will be killed." Xuanyuan uttered a few words, which made people feel chills.

"Brother Shi Tian, ​​you are always so cool." Zui Guchen chuckled, his smile was very charming.

Although Xuanyuan didn't go out for these seven days, when he came in on the first day, using pure physical strength to cut off half of the vitality of the Immortal Fighting Killer was enough to show the horror of his strength, no one dared to underestimate Xuanyuan .

"Haha, okay, you are all rare geniuses, and today I will pass on to you the "Void Dafa", which is a method that allows people to escape into the void and facilitate the assassination of the enemy. The basic supernatural powers of the beginners!" Xuan Lao said slowly, and then from his hands, three spiritual lights penetrated into the consciousness of the three, and "Void Dafa" evolved.

"When you have accumulated a certain amount of 'Reincarnation Points', if you want to learn more mysterious celestial arts, you can exchange them with 'Reincarnation Points', and I can teach you the 'Void Desperation Art', a great immortal art that can sever you. The vital energy mechanism, the immortal art that people can't even notice, can even make one's body into nothingness when cultivated to the highest level, and achieve an instant assassination! People are caught off guard!"

"Oh? So powerful?" Zui Guchen's eyes lit up.

Just like when Xuanyuan and Shihou were together, Xuanyuan could not be noticed when the other party used the "Dafa of the Living Dead Tortoise's Breath", let alone the more powerful "Nothing Ending Art" compared to the "Dafa of the Living Dead Tortoise's Breath". On the one hand, it is true that Xuanyuan is too far behind their level of strength, but it is impossible to deny the mystery of these supernatural powers themselves.

Generally, powerful people can sense the danger hidden in the void and feel the breath in the void, but if they practice these supernatural powers, they can avoid their feelings, hide their own breath, and increase their strength. The probability of a successful assassination is hard to guard against.

Xuanyuan thought that even if he had learned the "Dafa of the Void" and "The Dafa of the Turtle's Breath of the Living Dead", it was only the most basic method for people to escape into the void, and the "Dafa of the Turtle's Breath of the Living Dead" was just a way to hide himself. Breath, but it’s not complete. You can meet enemies weaker than yourself. If you encounter enemies stronger than yourself, you will be exposed. It’s like the Doudi killer who assassinated Xuanyuan one by one. It’s because Xuanyuan After gaining insight into their location, they didn't know that Xuanyuan had already found out, and they died inexplicably.

"Hehe, can you sense a trace of vitality from the old man?" Elder Xuan laughed.

Zui Guchen and Tian Youqing had doubts about this for a long time, but now that Mr. Xuan said it, the two of them immediately understood that it must be the consequence of practicing "Nihingujueju".

"I see." Tian Youqing sighed. "If you can master this technique, you can indeed kill people quietly, but if you want to learn it, you can only go to the leaderboard to kill enemies and accumulate 'reincarnation points' for yourself to learn it!"

"That's right, you guys should practice hard. The old man is very optimistic about you, and I'll see you in three months." Elder Xuan Gao Sen smiled unpredictablely, and his whole body directly turned into nothingness and merged into the void, making it impossible for people to I realized that whether it was when killing people or when escaping, it was of great magical effect.

Unless it is the kind of person who can see through the void and see through all emptiness, otherwise, basically even if the assassination fails, he can escape in an instant, just like if the one-turn Douxian who assassinated Xuanyuan that day had practiced the "Nothing Ending Technique" Let his body turn into nothingness in an instant, and Xuanyuan's kick would not be able to hurt him.

Xuanyuan has already mastered "Void Dafa", this is the benefit of having the "Physical Body of Ten Thousand Transformations" and practicing "Swallowing Dao Jue", all the supernatural powers in the world can be taken as his own, and even training is not required, and there is no need to spend time .

So Xuanyuan didn't want to accumulate 'reincarnation points' to buy these supernatural powers, he just needed to improve his own strength and kill some stronger 'reincarnation' killers, and he would definitely get them.

"This "Void Dafa" is not difficult, let's go, go and practice slowly after receiving the list." Zui Guchen sighed with emotion, and walked out of this courtyard with light movements, Tian Youqing nodded, and said:

"That's true. Although this is a holy place to hone one's will, if you want to learn more, you still have to take the list."

Obviously, the difficulty of cultivating the "Dafa of the Void" was not taken seriously by these two holy sons.

"Brother Shi Tian, ​​let's go together. Be careful along the way. It may be because we are newcomers, so we received special hospitality. It is said that the chances of newcomers surviving are less than 20%. If we break this record, we will kill anyone who dares to assassinate us!" Zui Guchen reminded Xuanyuan with a smile on his face.

"Well, Brother Guchen, Brother Youqing, I have been practicing in seclusion for the past few days and I don't know anything about this place. Do you know if there is a place that sells Douyuan here? It would be the best if there is a spiritual source "All the remaining pure spiritual sources on Xuanyuan's body were all used up when the "obscure hundred kills" passed that day, and the pure fighting sources on his body were swallowed up by the gluttonous "spiritual source" It's clean, there's nothing left, anyway, you should have some on your body.

If it weren't for the fact that the Perfect World's "Spiritual Source of Sky Cloud" is also the source of the self-proclaimed Dharma Aspect, I'm afraid it must have been swallowed by the "Spirit Swallowing Source".

Now the Douyuan left on Xuanyuan's body are the Emperor's Coffin Prime Minister "Emperor Die Douyuan", the Immortal Tomb Phase's "Miexian Douyuan" combined in pairs, and the "Void Douyuan" The Void Blade has not been swallowed, and the others Including 'Tianhu Killing Source' were devoured.

Although a large part of the Douyuan was swallowed up by this gluttonous-looking 'Spirit Swallowing Source', it has also undergone changes, at least the heaven and earth Dou Qi it exudes has become more intense.

Xuanyuan knows that this kind of "swallowing source of spirit" is to strengthen himself by constantly devouring the power of Douyuan, and one day it will transform into the existence of Xianyuan, or even Shenyuan. As long as there is enough Douyuan to swallow it, This is not nonsense.

"Brother Shitian, don't you need a spiritual source for your cultivation?" Zui Guchen's eyes widened, obviously Xuanyuan surprised him too much, if this is really the case, then Xuanyuan is really too terrifying up.

There was a touch of surprise in Tian Youqing's eyes, and he remained calm.

"I just want to describe the terrain. At the critical moment, when I kill the enemy, I have used up all the sources of fighting spirit on my body, so naturally I have to prepare some." Xuanyuan did not hide his accomplishments in terrain, because if Without the help of terrain, Xuanyuan felt that it would be impossible to survive in 'Samsara' without revealing any supernatural powers.

"I didn't expect Brother Shi Tian to be proficient in terrain, I really admire it." Tian Youqing's eyes lit up, because it is difficult for ordinary people to understand the terrain, but Xuanyuan can depict the terrain to kill the enemy , is enough to prove Xuanyuan's ability.

"Of course there are places that sell Douyuan, but if you exchange them with 'Samsara Points', it will be much cheaper, and if we go to pick up the list, it is okay to seek wealth and death, so why buy it?" Drunk Gu Chen chuckled, with a treacherous expression on his face, which made Xuanyuan feel very reasonable.

On both sides of the courtyard, there is a long black stone road, and there is a murderous aura everywhere, which can be said to be full of murderous intentions, threatening every step of the way.

Xuanyuan, Tianyouqing, and Zuiguchen were chatting and laughing, chatting happily, obviously fearless, on their way to Jiebang Square.

Just when the three of them were about to arrive at Jiebang Square, suddenly, murderous aura surged all over the sky, and the sky was full of cold light, completely covering the three of them.

Xuanyuan was startled, and said heavily:

"Someone set up a killing array, trying to kill us!"

"Then kill him in the dark, I've been waiting for a long time." Zui Guchen's face flashed a touch of violence, he licked his lips, and said with a sneer:

"Anyone who wants to stop me from staying with the peerless beauty in the 'Six Paths', I will let them die without a place to die."

Tianyouqing is the solemn treasure, and recited a long time:

"Excellent, the Buddha said, whoever wants me to go to hell, let him go to hell first!"

Xuanyuan: "..."

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