Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 443 Battle Sword Body

Chapter 443 Battle Sword Body

In this small world, suddenly, there was silence, as if there was only the sound of Xuanyuan, the cry of the fairy in the green forest disappeared, only the sound of the flowing water of the dragon stream separated from the sky.

Everyone turned their gazes to the person in the sky, Xuanyuan.

He wears a 'Tongxian Crown' on his head, long hair dances ferociously behind him, wears the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Armor', wears 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Boots', with his hands behind his back, a pair of eyes looking down, looking at the world with contempt , an aura that dominates the world and slaughters everything surges from his body.

Yin Zhenluo's expression changed, and he sighed in his heart:

"Unexpectedly, after a while, he became stronger again."

Yin Qianxun wanted to chase Xuanyuan that day, but he couldn't catch up all the time. Now that he saw Xuanyuan again, he felt a little excited in his heart. No matter what, he felt that the Yin family owed Xuanyuan too much.

Huang Yuechan, who was originally pouring her own drink from the sidelines, raised her alluring face that turned all living beings upside down, and looked up at the man in the sky with whom she was destined to have an entangled fate.

Hai Ya's face was ferocious and violent, and he wanted to kill him very badly. He had been holding back this breath for a long time. The hatred of taking his wife made him intolerable no matter what, but when he remembered that there was a "nightmare ghost" beside Xuanyuan Immortal, Haiya had to bear it again, extremely aggrieved.

'Dragon Saint Son' frowned, stood up, and said slowly to Xuanyuan:

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan, there are guests here now, it's inappropriate for you to act like this, so hurry up and back down!"

"I didn't expect Junior Brother Xuanyuan to come back. I have something to talk about. Don't hurt the fellowship. Come down." Jiang Yitian smiled and said calmly.

"What's wrong, Fang Yuyou of Xuanyuanmen was assassinated eighteen times, all by Zhong Yitian, Xitianluo, Nanwanjian, and Beixiaoxuanzhong. I have already found out these things, and no one instructed them to dare to be so bold? Now Junior Brother Xuanyuan is just sending out a challenge, as a law enforcement team, I think there is nothing wrong with Junior Brother Xuanyuan doing this, it is up to you whether you dare to take up the challenge." Feng Lie stood up, 'Ji Dao Tian Feng' circled, and issued A scalp-numbing scream rolled from Feng Lie's body with an extremely compelling aura, and he didn't take the 'Dragon Fighting Son' seriously at all.

'Fighting Dragon Saint Son' frowned, he also had a headache for Feng Lie, among other things, if Feng Lie went crazy and unlocked the seal of 'Extreme Heavenly Wind' in his body, even with his current strength, it would be enough for him Drinking a pot, but Feng Lie is the one who dared to do so, and saw the 'Five Elements Immortal' behind Xuanyuan, as well as Zhixie and Mo Chou. After weighing it, the 'Dragon Saint Son' remained silent, and was not there. Stop it, obviously, judging by the posture of Xuanyuan and his party, they will not give up until they achieve their goals.

"Xuanyuan, you are really not afraid of death. Last time you competed for the 'Dragon Fighting List', you were just lucky. Do you really think you are invincible? I can't wait to come to your door to seek death. I am about to kill you! "Wan Jianluan stood up, sneered again and again, from his body, the sword energy surged, and the violent battle energy swept the whole world, he has reached the peak of the first round of fighting immortals.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm here to kill you today, do I come together, or one by one." Xuanyuan stood with his hands behind his back, proud of the world.

"Haha, what a joke, I can deal with you alone." A sharp sword lit up in Wan Jianluan's hand, and the sword's light pierced the clouds and pierced through the Nine Heavens.

Xuanyuan didn't say any more, picked up the 'Five Elements Falling Immortal Bow' and pointed it at Wan Jianluan, opened the bow, and shot an arrow.

Without any fanfare, terrifying power surged from Xuanyuan's body, and with a loud bang, the whole world seemed to be shaken, and the arrows that could tear apart everything shot to kill Wan Jianran.

Boom boom boom...

The earth shakes and the mountains shake.

Xuanyuan opened the bow and shot arrows very fast, within a short time, thousands of arrow snakes danced in the sky, the momentum was extremely terrifying, ordinary fighting immortals couldn't resist Xuanyuan's terrifying power.

Wan Jianran's expression turned cold, and he said coldly:

"I thought you had some means, smash it for me!"

In an instant, Wan Jianluan's whole body seemed to be integrated with the sharp sword in his hand. The sword was like lightning, and the mysterious swordsmanship tracked back and forth in the sky to kill, killing arrows and snakes. The sound is endless.

Xuanyuan put away the 'Five Elements Falling Immortal Bow' and stepped out without using any weapons. He raised his hand and struck. From behind Xuanyuan, a demon god who was exactly like him manifested, like a madman, and the terrifying Five Elements Dou Qi surged. Seeing Xuanyuan's punch, he directly punched Wan Jianran on the head.

"Tian Shui Thick Earth Fist!"

'Biluo Tianshui' and 'Vajra Buddha Soil' are fused together, and the soil can restrain water, swallow water, and aggravate itself. With his martial arts will, he developed such a punch, which gathered the power of 'Biluo Tianshui' and 'Vajra Buddha Soil', and it was as heavy as a thousand jun, enough to crush mountains.

This punch was like a celestial river hanging straight down from the sky, and a vajra Buddha appeared, sending out a mighty blow, and the waves were turbulent.

The thousands of splashes were also cut off one by one by Wan Jianran, and they directly met Xuanyuan's punch.

When the fists and swords collided, there was a loud bang, and the swords rang out. Everyone saw that sharp sword was about to be broken, bent into a terrifying arc, and shot out. .

The sharp sword trembled, and a figure flew out. Wan Jianran was directly sent flying, and spit out a mouthful of blood:

"Your physical body is so strong, it can be compared to Rank 2 Fighting Immortal, I really underestimate you."

Wan Jianran's expression was ferocious, he transformed himself into a sword, and originally wanted to kill Xuanyuan, but he never thought that Xuanyuan's body would be able to forcibly shake a low-grade fairy weapon, which was beyond his expectation.

"Xuanyuan, even if your physical body is strong enough to shake this low-grade fairy weapon, I can still kill you." The sharp sword in Wan Jianluan's hand let out a piercing sword cry, and one after another battle energy gathered into a long river of sword energy, majestic Rushing in the sky, wreaking havoc back and forth, the terrifying fighting spirit of the sword makes people sting.

"Sword Sea Pentium!"

With a single finger of Wan Jianran's sharp sword, the sea of ​​sword energy rushing all over the sky immediately invaded Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan didn't dodge, and stepped forward with one step, with an incomparably exquisite fire lotus in his left hand, and a green wood in his right hand, the fighting energy of fire and wood rose, and the two kinds of fighting energy fluctuated like tides. Accompanied by Xuanyuan's thoughts, he shot out in an instant, another five elements Killing powers:

"'Dragon Wood Burning the Sky'."

The wood gives birth to fire, the smile of 'Jianlong Tianmu', the 'red lotus fire' is brought to the extreme in an instant, the red lotus is blossoming, and each fire lotus has a destructive force, turning into a sea of ​​flames and a mighty sword The long river of air collided together, and the scorching temperature rolled.

The two killing techniques collided with each other, roaring, and the waves of fighting spirit surged violently. The sky seemed to turn into a piece of boiling steam. The terrifying power shook the entire sky, and the green trees in the "Doulong Fairy Garden" were broken. , Countless fairy birds were shattered by this force, and turned into a mass of flesh and blood. The Longxi River flowed upstream, and the water mist evaporated.

The two forces threw Xuanyuan and Wanjian flying out indiscriminately.

Everyone was shocked by Xuanyuan's strength. Xuanyuan was only at the seventh-rank Doudi realm at the moment, but Wan Jianluan was already at the pinnacle of Immortal Fighting. Facing Xuanyuan was not easy at all.

Feng Lie was pleasantly surprised, he did not expect that one day, Xuanyuan would become so powerful, and it only took less than a year, which made him very gratified.

The 'Five Elements Immortals' winked and were very happy that Xuanyuan was able to control the five elements supernatural power to such an extent, which made them feel extremely proud.

The moment Xuanyuan was thrown away, he stabilized his figure, and his whole body was like a sharp sword piercing against the waves of fighting energy, and directly attacked Wan Jianran.

Xuanyuan used 'Xuanhuang Tianjin' in one hand and 'Biluo Tianshui' in the other hand, and in an instant, he once again used the five-star combination of life and death.

"'Jade Phoenix Golden Water'."

Jin Shengshui, 'Xuanhuang Tianjin' has the terrifying power to break through all restrictions, and 'Bi Luo Tianshui' contains a poison that erodes everything. When the two are combined, a terrifying ocean hangs down like a river of heaven, hitting Thousands of swords are in chaos.

Wan Jianluan suddenly felt a great danger, and suddenly a sea of ​​swords shot up into the sky under him.

"Thousands of swords smashed against the sky."

I saw countless sword qi rushing straight up, colliding with the 'bihuang golden water' from Xuanyuan.

Wan Jianluan's body trembled, Wan Jian trembled, his expression was shocked, and he looked at Xuanyuan as if he had seen a ghost:

"How is it possible, even the vision I have cultivated can't resist your supernatural power!"

"He is practicing "Five Elements Swallowing Great Immortal Art", which is a supreme immortal art that can only be practiced with the 'body of five elements'. He also has five kinds of heaven and earth spirits in his body to complement him. Play around, mutual generation and mutual restraint, if he can fully comprehend the "Five Elements Devouring Great Immortal Technique" and use the supernatural power of combining five elements and spirits, you will not be able to resist it in one blow."

Crown Prince Ji Chen's mind was shining brightly, and he watched the battle with great interest. The strength Xuanyuan showed made him very interested, and Xuanyuan's physique made him feel very excited. The desire to fight Xuanyuan.

"What is a vision?" Xuanyuan looked at the method that Wan Jianran used just now, and it burst out extremely suddenly, with terrifying power.

"That is the unique supernatural means of cultivating a hero. The hero is located in the spine and coccyx, which is called the sea chakra. When cultivating a hero, there will be a phenomenon of formation, but not everyone can cultivate the vision. Once It is extremely terrifying to cultivate a vision, just like the vision he has cultivated, can compete with your two five-element spirits, which is enough to be terrifying." The greedy old man explained.

Xuanyuan understood in an instant that there was nothing more to say, and he chased after the victory and played 'Bihuang Jinshui' again, and another terrifying wave came rushing down like a river hanging down from the Milky Way, which was enough to crush everything. I didn't expect that I would be forced to this point by Xuanyuan, the magic weapon restraints on my body couldn't play any role at all, the horror of 'Xuanhuang Tianjin' ignoring all restraints appeared again, and I either retreated or could only forcefully shake it.

Wan Jianluan is like a madman, with disheveled hair, killing light burst out from his eyes, trying to penetrate everything, it is very terrifying.

"Put the sword into the body and make the sword body great. Help me kill the enemy." Wan Jianluan's voice was very small, like a madman whispering softly, and he saw that sharp sword directly integrated into his body. In an instant, his gaze changed The attack was even fiercer, enough to seriously injure an ordinary Dou Di.

"This time it's the real fusion of human and sword, Xuanyuan can't resist it." Tianluo smiled coldly, Wan Jianluan disregarded everything, and displayed a terrifying killer move, entering the body with a sword, his body was like a sword, and then using a different shape If the elephant rushes to kill, Xuanyuan will die.

"Hmph, do you really think that my male body, Huang Yuechan, can be broken with a mere Dacheng sword?" Huang Yuechan, the owner of a pair of beautiful eyes that confuses the world, has been staring at Xuanyuan and pouring herself a drink. Without saying a word, she finally spoke, her voice was like a silver bell, and she smiled extremely happily.

The 'Bright Phoenix Golden Water' falling from the sky was once again torn apart by Wan Jianluan's vision of 'Wan Jian Chaotiansha'. At this moment, Wan Jianluan has an indescribable horror, cold and gloomy , on him, there is no trace of heat, only the killing intent to destroy everything.

Wan Jian roared loudly, cutting with each step, the sky filled with sword sounds, Xuanyuan smiled coldly and said:

"Forget it, since you want to use some kind of sword body to fight against me, then I will use my body to fight you hard, and let you die in peace." Xuanyuan laughed loudly, and his body was covered with blue dragon scales. If Xuanyuan hadn't been tempered by two thunder calamities, he would naturally not dare to challenge Wan Jian at this moment, but after two thunder calamities, Xuanyuan has enough confidence in his physical body.

I saw that Xuanyuan had the aura of 'Vajra Buddha Soil' rushing in one hand, and the roar of 'Xuanhuang Tianjin' flowed in the other hand, earth-born gold, Xuanyuan used the blessing technique of the combination of five elements this time, and it was no longer a killing technique.

"'Golden Phoenix Slashing Immortal'."

In an instant, the power of 'Vajra Buddha Soil' and 'Xuanhuang Tianjin' blessed Xuanyuan's body, making Xuanyuan look like a god of war, his whole body was like pouring gold, his body was unparalleled, and a terrifying green dragon breath spread out, which was extremely captivating.

Almost at the same time, the two rushed forward at the same time, fighting to the death at close quarters.




The bodies of the two were like immortal soldiers, colliding together, making the sound of metal clashing.

Wan Jianran entered the body with a sword, and rushed out with an edge that was extremely difficult for ordinary people to resist. Xuanyuan used the body of a green dragon and then used the 'Vajra Buddha Soil' and 'Xuanhuang Tianjin' to forcefully shake Wan Jianran, resisted it, and used extremely simple moves Play again and again.

Every time he interacted with Wan Jianran's body, Xuanyuan felt that there was no sign of life fluctuation in the opponent's body, like a magic weapon, Wan Jianran roared:

"Thousands of swords break into the sky!"

In an instant, tens of thousands of sword qi rushed out from the bottom wheel of his body and blasted at Xuanyuan's body. The physical body crossed the sword energy from all directions, with the momentum of swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, and smashed this vision of 'thousand swords smashing into the sky' until the sharp sword snapped.

"It seems that Nan Wanjian is nothing more than that, I will send you on the road first today."

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