Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 447 Reserved

Chapter 447 Reserved

(Chapter 1, Fever, 39.6 degrees, I try my best to code, as much as I can code!)

Xuanyuan Xianshan, the aura is like a rainbow, the voices of tens of thousands of disciples gather into a majestic energy and go straight to the sky, clearing away the mist that surrounds Xuanyuan Xianshan, the sky is as blue as washing, and there is no cloud in thousands of miles , the breeze is blowing, refreshing, and the whole Xuanyuan Xianshan is full of vitality!

Xuanyuan's hands are behind his back, his long hair is like ink, fluttering in the wind, his eyes are moving, looking down on Xuanyuan Xianshan, there are continuous palaces and palaces, exquisitely carved, carved beams and painted buildings, the sound of the piano contends, the sound of the flute is melodious, pleasant to the ear The beautiful sound of the mountain and the sound of a big waterfall on the fairy mountain falling straight into the lake form a beautiful picture scroll, in which blessings and potentials intersect. This place is indeed a rare treasure.

The battle between Xuanyuan and Wan Jianran and Xiaotian caused a great commotion. Because Fang Yuyou was assassinated consecutively, the Fang family sent a strong fighter to protect him, and there were many things to deal with in Xuanyuanmen, so Fang Yuyou didn't go there. The strong Jiadouxian casted the 'Wanli Prophet Mirror', which showed the scene of Xuanyuan fighting Wanjianran and Xiaotian in the 'Doulong Xianyuan' for the disciples of Xuanyuanmen to watch.

Countless disciples of Xuanyuanmen saw that their whole bodies were boiling with energy and blood, and they became more determined to stay in Xuanyuanmen. There is no doubt that Xuanyuan's performance has conquered them.

The name Xuanyuan has always been just a legend in their minds. They only hear about its name but never see the person. Countless people have extremely high respect for Xuanyuan.

Without him, even people like Feng Lie are willing to help Xuanyuan sit in the Xuanyuan Gate, and Bu Jingsha has now been promoted to the deputy head of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', in charge of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' As for matters big and small, with his capacity, he still runs to Xuanyuanmen from time to time. It is not unreasonable for Xuanyuanmen to rise and prosper so quickly.

More importantly, as a disciple of Xuanyuanmen, the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce' will open the door of convenience, and there will be certain discounts for any item exchanged with the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce', of course only limited to the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce' in the 'Dragon City' Even so, for these disciples of Xuanyuanmen, it is enough.

Now that Xuanyuan and Wanjian are in chaos, Xiaoxuan's battle has established his position in their hearts!

'Taibai Chamber of Commerce', inside the sunken wooden house.

The fragrance flows, and the fairy light is free.

In front of Zibai Youniang, the figures of Xuanyuan and his party appeared in a piece of jade mirror, with a smile on the corner of her mouth and narrowed eyes, very intoxicating.

Beside Bai Youniang, stood an extremely stalwart middle-aged man with black beard and hair, mighty and extraordinary, his eyebrows were like swords piercing his temples, his eyes were like knives, and there seemed to be worlds revolving in his eyes. The breath gives people a feeling of looking up to the mountains.

"He is very powerful, and his methods are vigorous and resolute, which is very suitable for my appetite. He is the first in the Dou Di list, Xuanyuan, the seventh-rank Dou Di, with the power of three hundred and sixty emperor dragons, and the power of the Zhoutian Emperor Dragon. This son is not young. If you die, in the future, even if you are not a great emperor, you can still be comparable to the ancient sages, young lady, your vision is indeed very good." The middle-aged man sighed in words, happy, but also a little sad, paused, and spoke slowly to Bai Youniang road:

"Young lady, you should think about it. If you compete with them, you may not have a chance!"

"Father, you have taught me a lot. People can't be too greedy, right? Now I can watch him climb up step by step like this, and I am already very happy in my heart. And it is a three-point handicap. It looks like a loss, but in fact It’s winning, no matter what, my position in Xuanyuan’s heart remains the same, that’s enough. There are many variables in the long years, maybe I will be the only one who can accompany Xuanyuan to the end? Feelings are like doing business, it depends For a long time, not for a short time, many things can't be forced, sometimes there must be in life, and there is no time in life, don't force it!" Bai Youniang smiled charmingly, spoke softly, and the corners of her eyes were raised.

"Okay, this is a matter of your feelings, and father doesn't want to get involved too much. This time, I just came to see Xuanyuan's demeanor. I have already experienced it a little bit. Next, I just wait for the day when he and Jiang Yitian make an appointment. Knowing how exciting it will be? I am already looking forward to it, what makes him so confident as a seventh-rank fighting emperor against a second-rank fighting immortal?"

This middle-aged man is Bai Youniang's father. Bai Qisha is an extremely remarkable figure in Dongzhou. He is in charge of all the "Taibai Chambers of Commerce" in Dongzhou. Emperor!

"You'll know when you see it." Bai Youniang smiled, and from the "civil and military tea leaves" formed by the abacus intertwined with lines in her palm, Dao rhyme flowed out, which contained endless mysterious meanings.

In front of Xuanyuan Fairy Mountain.

Xuanyuan looked at the scene in front of him, nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile:

"Very energetic, it seems that Yu You and Brother Bu, Brother Feng Lie have put in a lot of painstaking efforts."

"Haha, what's the matter, let's go!" Feng Lie rolled up a hurricane with a radius of 100 meters, and brought everyone down from the palace at the peak of 'Xuanyuan Xianshan'.

I saw a woman standing in front of the palace, her clothes were like snow, and her brows were filled with endless joy. This stage of life was the most difficult and hardest for her, but seeing When Xuanyuan came back, she found that everything was worth it. She was Fang Yuyou.

"Master Xuanyuan, you are finally back." Fang Yuyou's beautiful eyes were full of tears, she stared at Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan was able to kill for herself, which already made her feel very satisfied, she had no other extravagant wishes.

"At this stage of life, I have wronged you. In the days to come, Xuanyuanmen still needs you to take charge." Xuanyuan smiled slightly, and walked in front of Fang Yuyou, and a supreme immortal technique entered her body. This is Xuanyuan from the greedy old man. According to what the greedy old man said, the person who created this supreme celestial art is as powerful as a female saint. This magical power is called "Narciss Immortal Art".

In an instant, Fang Yuyou felt the extraordinary power of this supreme supernatural power, and she still had to rely on herself to practice it. She nodded calmly, and said with a smile:

"It's only natural. Xuanyuanmen, I have worked hard. If you want it, I don't want to give it back to you!"

"Hahaha, Junior Brother Xuanyuan, you are finally back." A celestial light hung down from the sky, and Bu Jingsha came out of the celestial light, with a smile on his face, he came to Xuanyuan, patted Patting Xuanyuan on the shoulder, said in a heavy voice:

"It's good to come back, how about it, go to the 'Forbidden Land', can you find the way to crack the 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect'?"

Xuanyuan shook his head and said with a relaxed smile:

"I fought against the ancient royal family in the 'Forbidden Land', but I couldn't find it. Now I can only find other methods. It doesn't matter. I, Xuanyuan, can get the 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor', the inheritance of the ancient Qinglong. How could it be?" Died at the hands of a mere worm."

Hearing this, Bu Jingsha was taken aback, the ancient royal family, those terrifying existences in the 'Forbidden Land' had extraordinary strength, Xuanyuan was able to fight them and walk out safely, which is enough to see how strong Xuanyuan's trump card is.

"That's right, Junior Brother Xuanyuan, you have great fortune and great luck, a small dragon worm is nothing." The worry in Feng Lie's eyes flashed away, and he didn't say much, in fact, he also exhausted Many ways, want to find help to crack the "heart-eating dragon worm", but have been in vain.

"Before the day of the battle with Jiang Yitian arrives, everyone should stay in my Xuanyuan Xianshan for a while, Mo Chou, I think you should be familiar with this place, please help me arrange it, I have important matters to meet with Senior Brother Bu and the others. Shang, I will look for you after finishing these things." Xuanyuan stroked Mo Chou's long, smooth hair who had been hugging his arms, and said softly.

"Hehe, Brother Xuanyuan still understands me. Alright, Mo Chou will take them to play." Mo Chou giggled, let go of Xuanyuan's arms, and led Yin Zhenluo, Yin Qianxun, Zhixie, and Huang Yuechan to elsewhere.

Xuanyuan, Feng Lie, Fang Yuyou, and Bu Jingsha walked into this pinnacle hall. On the top of this hall was a quaint plaque with the three characters "Xuanyuan Hall" written on it. Like a mountain.

In the Xuanyuan Hall, nine coiled dragon pillars run through the dome, with a magnificent momentum, and one after another prohibition formations are intertwined, containing the incomparably terrifying power of the Five Elements. You don't need to think about it, all these restrictions must be helped by the "Five Elements Immortal" They must have spent a lot of energy on the overall layout of their own 'Xuanyuan Fairy Mountain', Xuanyuan knew it well.

After closing the hall door, there is no one else in the hall except Xuanyuan, Fang Yuyou, Feng Lie, and Bu Jingsha.

"I got a lot of fairy-level supernatural powers during this trip. I want to set up supernatural power rewards at Xuanyuanmen, which are 20% lower than the supernatural power rewards in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion'. It is convenient for my disciples. What do you think? How?" Xuanyuan asked.

"Oh? This is naturally a good thing, I agree." Feng Lie was the first to agree.

Fang Yuyou and Bu Jingsha's eyes lit up, and they naturally had no objections. Xuanyuan knew that if he wanted to create a mountain gate of his own, he couldn't rely too much on the "Doulong Xianfu". Lie is the helm of the sect, and Xuanyuan also believes in their abilities.

Xuanyuan used thirty-six immortal-level magical powers in a row, all of which were not high-level, ranging from one star to three-star immortal-level magical powers. They were all magical means devoured by the "Emperor Devourer" that day. With the memory recovery of the greedy old man, naturally There are more, these supernatural powers are of no great use to Xuanyuan, but to other people, they are naturally extremely precious.

One after another fairy light hangs down, and countless mysterious cultivation methods are engraved in one after another of pure Douyuan, and there is only one copy. The disciples in Xuanyuanmen are all carefully selected by Bu Jingsha, Fang Yuyou, and others. There is a certain guarantee in terms of character and character, Xuanyuan is very relieved.

Xuanyuan knew that it would take a long time for him to go out and come back after the battle with Jiang Yitian. If it wasn't for fear of people's suspicion, Xuanyuan would have wanted to portray all those fairy arts and supernatural powers.

Even so, Feng Lie, Bu Jingsha and Fang Yuyou were still surprised.

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