Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 450: Repeated Assassinations

Chapter 450: Repeated Assassinations

On the edge of the palace, Huang Yuechan leaned on the stone pillars and watched from a distance. When Xuanyuan pulled Yin Zhenluo, her expression flashed a trace of loneliness, and she thought about it, but she just watched quietly like this, without extra thoughts.

"Hey, elder sister Yuechan, what are you peeking at?" At this moment, a brisk voice sounded in Huang Yuechan's ear, with a slightly teasing tone.

"Little girl, you're going to scare me to death." Huang Yuechan was startled, her face turned pale, she gently pinched Mo Chou's little face with her jade hand, and said:

"I can't think of it! You little girl is so young, you have already learned how to shout and catch the thief. If you don't peek, how do you know that I am peeking?"

"Mo Chou didn't take a peek. Mo Chou saw you peeking here. I only took a few glances." Mo Chou's beautiful eyes were as bright as stars. An indescribable freshness and charm.

"Little girl still dares to quibble, why don't you leave quickly." Huang Yuechan felt guilty after being knocked out, and hurriedly left with Mo Chou, otherwise it would be embarrassing if she was found out.

Beside the gazebo, the breeze blows, Yin Zhenluo's long hair is fluttering, her pair of beautiful eyes are full of mist, and she smiles to see the stars in the sky flickering. After release, there is an indescribable ease, no disguise, no mask.

Xuanyuan's heart was warm, and he just felt very happy, because he finally found the old feeling from Yin Zhenluo.

In the sky not far away, the 'Five Elements Immortal' sat cross-legged in mid-air, with the fairy light circulating on his body, illuminating the entire Xuanyuan Fairy Mountain. Floating, it's amazing.

"By the way, which girl do you think Xuanyuan will be with? Every girl is very good!" Old man Huo laughed.

"It should be with the girl Yin Zhenluo. I think she is pretty good. Didn't you see? Xuanyuan has successfully held hands with her! He must not have run away." The old man chuckled.

"What year is this? Do you think it's settled like we held hands back then? How could it be possible! I think that girl Shiwan has more chances. Haven't you seen how much Xuanyuan has done for Shiwan? "Old man Shui expressed his support for Shiwan.

"Bai Youniang is also very good. When Xuanyuan left, many of them in Xuanyuanmen were given convenience by Bai Youniang, and did a lot of things for Xuanyuan. Then again, Fang Yuyou is also very good, just let us choose , it’s hard to choose which one is better!”

"Mochou is not bad either, do you think Mochou looks so juicy now?"

"That Zhixie is also pretty good, tsk tsk, that temperament is worthy of being the saint of 'Linglong Immortal Mansion', don't you think she is a little different to us Xuanyuan?"

"Huang Yuechan is also quite devoted to our Xuanyuan boy."

The four old men, wood, water, fire, and earth, had different opinions and spit, and at this moment, a voice of righteous words came out.

"Pedantic, you group of pedantic old men, you have been together for so long in vain, how can I have you pedantic brothers, alas, it is not nice to meet people! Don't teach me Xuanyuan to be bad Already!"

The old man Jin pointed at the other four old men with a righteous face, winked and said:

"Since it's hard to choose, it's great to accept all of them. Whichever one you stay with, the others will be sad. If you're all together, everyone will be happy. Everyone is happy! This is the best ending!"

The four old men all rolled their eyes and sneered, as if they didn't want to be with the old man Jin.

Suddenly, in an instant, an extremely fierce murderous intent erupted from the void, and this murderous intent converged into a white awn point pointing directly at Xuanyuan.

"not good!"

This murderous intent was terrifying, and the white light flashed coldly. Xuanyuan felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, unable to move.

In an instant, the 'Five Elements Immortals' all shot together, and saw a five-colored radiance gather together at an astonishingly fast speed, directly destroying that terrifying white awn!

A figure emerged from the void, holding a sharp sword, revealing his real body. He was dressed in black, his body was full of hidden aura, full of murderous intent, his body shook, turned into a black lightning, and stabbed at Xuanyuan again.

The strength of the incoming person is at least in the realm of fighting immortals of the sixth rank. In Xuanyuan's pupils, the real eyes are opened, and they can see through everything.

"'Sword Immortal', he still can't help it after all." Yin Zhenluo looked angry, but knew that he couldn't resist the coming person, so he directly pulled up Xuanyuan and retreated in the direction of 'Five Elements Immortal'.

"Where to go, die!" That shocking sword glow once again hit Xuanyuan, making it impossible for people to escape and avoid.

I saw the 'Five Elements Immortal' once again shot out a five-color radiance, a five-color canopy, covering the whole body of Xuanyuan and Yin Zhenluo.

A soundless roar shattered into the void with a wave of extremely penetrating fighting energy. The five-color canopy protected Xuanyuan from the assassination of that sword. This five-color canopy seemed to be invincible, and it resisted again and again, making the "Sword Immortal" understand that it is impossible to kill Xuanyuan.

The assassination failed in an instant, and the 'Sword Immortal' didn't stay any longer, and turned into a black light very decisively, blended into the night, and disappeared again. All this happened in the blink of an eye.

"Boy, are you alright?" Old Man Shui came up from the sky and asked with concern.

"It's okay, isn't it because of you? How can something happen? This 'Sword Immortal' can't bear it anymore. This time I failed. If I didn't catch him, it will be difficult next time." Xuanyuan smiled casually, completely displeased. The look of caring.

"What, it's the 'Sword Immortal', how do you know?" Old Mu frowned, his anger rising.

"I have already cultivated the second level of the 'Da Luo Tongtian Eye'. The real eye can see through all falsehoods. No matter how he conceals it, he can't resist the prying eyes of the real eye." Xuanyuan sneered.

"Damn it, he even dared to kill my apprentice of the 'Golden Immortal'. I think he is looking for death!" The old man Jin was furious, his body turned into a sharp light, and he was about to catch up, but was quickly killed by the old man Huo. Slap and hold down.

"What are you in a hurry for? You are more anxious than me. There is no evidence now. If you go to the door like this, will people admit it? And now people from all major forces come to my 'Doulong Xianfu'. You are making such a fuss, is it not for you? Is the palace master looking for embarrassment? This matter will be discussed later."

Xuanyuan nodded viciously and said:

"Master Huo is right, I will find him to settle accounts later, and if I want to kill him, I will kill him with my own hands. You don't need to do anything. This shameless person has lived a long life to be a dog. .”

"Fortunately, we have the supernatural powers you gave us. If we still have the incomplete supernatural powers before, I'm afraid we really can't protect you. The 'Sword Immortal' is extremely belligerent. Very precise, he dared to assassinate us, which means that he had already made a calculation before, but he didn't know that you gave us the magical power to recover the incomplete parts, so that our strength will go further." The old man smiled, road:

"Be careful yourself."

"Well, I got it, thank you five masters for saving me." Xuanyuan was locked by an extremely terrifying air mechanism just now, making Xuanyuan unable to move at all. This is an extremely terrifying fairy art. Immortal's response was timely, Xuanyuan was already a dead person.

"Why don't you go back to the palace?" Yin Zhenluo worried.

"Haha, what are you afraid of? I want to see who wants to kill me, so that I can write them down one by one. When I become stronger, I will kill them one by one." Xuanyuan smiled and walked to the gazebo Sitting cross-legged on the smooth boulder beside him, he closed his eyes. This time, Xuanyuan was very serious about sensing everything hidden in the void, and he could no longer feel anything at this moment.

Yin Zhenluo sighed and said:

"Alright, there should be no big problem with five immortals here, you have to be more careful." Yin Zhenluo gave Xuanyuan a blank look. She already knew Xuanyuan's nature, and it was a matter of decision. , it cannot be changed.

At this moment, Yin Qianxun appeared and said coldly:

"Just now, there was a momentary murderous aura, which was extremely terrifying. The person who came here was at least a killer in the realm of Fighting Immortals, Xuanyuan, have you been assassinated?"

"It's okay, Chihiro."

"Do you really think my Yin family can be bullied? Kill Longwei, go to the 'Six Paths' and 'Samsara' to offer a reward of 30 million jin of pure Douyuan, and kill the 'Sword Immortal'." Yin Qianxun frowned with murderous intent, The voice was extremely cold.

A murderous shadow came out from Yin Qianxun's shadow, and said respectfully:

"Obey, son!"

"Don't, Chihiro, calm down, I, the client, are not angry anymore, why are you still angry, keep the 'Sword Immortal', one day, I will kill him with my own hands." Xuanyuan was very determined, he didn't want to waste his time With such a large amount of money, it is better to cultivate for yourself.

"Okay, then listen to Xuanyuan." Yin Qianxun sighed, and that killing shadow once again merged into Yin Qianxun's shadow, which belonged to Yin Qianxun, or belonged to the Yin family's "Tianlong Xunsha Body" The special forces in charge are at the same level as the Youlong Department.

"These scoundrels are coming to kill Brother Xuanyuan again." Mo Chou also came out, this happened in a few moments, everyone's reaction was very sensitive.

"You all go in, it's okay, I will continue to practice here and wait here." Xuanyuan waved his hand, and everyone returned to the palace.

From the sea of ​​consciousness on the smooth stone that Xuanyuan crossed his knees, all the mysteries of the "Five Elements Devouring the Great Immortal Art" flowed. Now Xuanyuan can only use the power of two kinds of five elements to gather and combine supernatural powers. If he can use three kinds of five elements Combining the power of spiritual things with supernatural powers, Xuanyuan's combat power will be greatly improved!

Just when Xuanyuan realized something in his heart, a sudden and huge murderous aura rolled over again.

Xuanyuan's heart trembled. This time, it was even more terrifying than before. He immediately opened his eyes, and a ray of emptiness pierced through the void!

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