Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 470: Sky, Moon, Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 470: Sky, Moon, Mountains and Rivers

This female saint is extremely holy. With her eyes closed, she gives people an indescribable purity, as if it is enough to purify all the evils in the world.

If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be flawless.

The pig-headed emperor was infatuated when he saw Xuanyuan, his face turned green involuntarily, and he bit Xuanyuan's calf hard.

"Ah..." Xuanyuan howled miserably, looked at the pig-headed emperor viciously, and shouted angrily:

"Why are you biting me?"

"Hurry up, this is a female saint, disturbing her, she can press us all to death with one finger." The pig-headed emperor said urgently in a low voice with an ugly expression on his face.

Xuanyuan was startled when he heard the words, and looked at the female saint, and saw that she was still sitting cross-legged, with her hands on her knees, motionless, and the celestial flowers flowed from the surface of her body, extremely agile.

Every part of her body is so perfect that people can't help but feel admiration and dare not blaspheme when they see it.

However, she just sat there so quietly, even though Xuanyuan and his party were less than ten feet away from her, she still didn't make any movement.

Qian Duoduo and Huang Yuechan couldn't help being dumbfounded, wondering if they could reach the height of the female saint in front of them in this lifetime?

Seeing that the female saint was still motionless, Xuanyuan couldn't help building up his courage, and turned his real eyes. He could only see the snow-white jade body of the female saint under the white clothes, with icy muscles and bones, and the pair of plump and upright virgin peaks. , every part of her slender waist is so perfect that Xuanyuan's heart is swaying.

Xuanyuan looked under the skin of the female saint, all the vitality in the body had been cut off, but the organs inside were extremely complete, everything was well preserved, Xuanyuan could even feel the temperature of the female saint's body, but in the female saint There is a hazy part in the body that Xuanyuan can't see through, Xuanyuan doesn't care about it, since she is a female saint, there are always things that she can't see through.

Xuanyuan turned his real eyes again, and through these white jade steps, he saw the pattern of the 'Longevity Great Immortal Power'. Xuanyuan understood it in an instant, and said in a heavy voice:

"The female saint should belong to that era. Someone gathered all the power of the 'Longevity Immortal Power' within a radius of three hundred feet. The body of the female saint can live forever and never decay. Who made it? Such an astonishing thing? To be able to gather the power of such a huge 'Longevity Great Immortal Power' within a radius of three hundred feet?"

Xuanyuan's expression, the shock that could not be concealed, shocked him too much. This person must have extremely high attainments in martial arts. Although the outside is also covered by the "Longevity Great Immortal Power", the power of the "Longevity Great Immortal Power" Only a little bit was revealed, and it could only keep their bones alive. As long as it took a long time, those corpses would eventually turn into fly ash.

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, the pig-headed emperor blushed with embarrassment, because the aura of this female saint is too huge, and it feels too real to people. No one would have thought that this would be a fallen female saint. Relying on the 'Longevity Great Immortal Power' to preserve the flawless body!

Her skin is still hot, it is the blood of the sages in her body, it contains supreme power, it can make the bones raw, it is no worse than Qinglong blood essence, it is just the temperature of the flesh that keeps her, naturally it is not a big deal Difficult.

Of course, if they reach the same level, the Qinglong blood essence will naturally be stronger than the blood of the sages. Xuanyuan's current strength cannot make the refined Qinglong blood essence in his body stronger. These Qinglong blood essence will become more and more vigorous.

"Tsk tsk, I really didn't expect it. I understand. Someone used this 'Xuanhan Jade Bed' to let the female saint sit on it, and used the extremely cold air to delay the exhaustion of the female saint's body, and also used the 'Longevity Great Immortal Power' If you want to make her body immortal, this female saint must be the favorite of some great emperor, otherwise, how could she enjoy such treatment." The pig-headed emperor looked at this female saint as if he was looking at a treasure. Sheng's corpse, apparently not knowing what he was planning.

"I said dead pig, don't you mean to kill this female saint's corpse?" Xuanyuan's mouth twitched a few times, seeing the green eyes of the pig-headed emperor, he felt that the pig-headed emperor There is no kindness at all.

"This female saint is simply a treasure. Do you know that the bones of a female saint can be refined into a supreme weapon? Her skin can definitely be refined into a supreme armor, even the clothes on her body. , They are all treasures." The pig-headed emperor salivated, this time he really encountered a treasure.

Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, and said contemptuously at the pig-headed emperor:

"An existence that can become a female saint is an extremely extraordinary person. I will absolutely not allow you to blaspheme her like this!"

The pig-headed emperor looked at Xuanyuan with a firm expression, he knew that this was Xuanyuan's bottom line, and he didn't get entangled in this point.

"Tsk tsk, the 'Xuanhan Jade Bed', this is a supreme weapon in cultivation. If this 'Xuanhan Jade Bed' is moved away, how many saint-level figures will come for their immortality?" Beauty is here to find you." The pig-headed emperor had a strange smile on his face, and his words caused Qian Duoduo and Huang Yuechan to besiege at the same time.

"Zhuzhu, you are really a bad person. It seems that Xuanxuan can't be with you anymore. You have taught me to ruin you." Qian Duoduo ruthlessly despised the pig-headed emperor.

"That's right, my little husband only needs me alone. This 'Xuanhan Jade Bed' is just right for the two of us to sleep on. Do we need any saint-level figures? Don't you think my old lady is not a saint?" Huang Yue There was a gloomy look on Chan's beautiful face, which made the pig-headed emperor tremble.

"Since this is the case, then let's go, we can only sigh with hope." The pig-headed emperor pretended.

"Well, in fact, I am also paying attention to the corpse of this female saint. The clothes she wears have a supreme aura, which is a necessary weapon for entering this kind of area. Although it cannot be compared with the aura of the great emperor, but But it’s not bad.”

Xuanyuan was dressed in the coarse linen clothes of 'Emperor Yingtian', and stepped on the white jade steps, only feeling that his pressure had become even greater.

Two terrifying auras were silently confronting each other, Xuanyuan only felt that his whole body was about to be thrown away, even so, he still didn't give up, there must be something extraordinary about this female saint, because Xuanyuan had already penetrated it. His real eyes see through the flawless jade body of the female saint.

Since there is a picture scroll on the body of the female saint, although I don’t know what it is, it is definitely a treasure. Not only that, there is also a fairy source on the female saint. , Absorbing the power of this kind of fairy source can make people not grow old. A piece of fairy source jade carved out of "immortal source of immortality" is worn on the body of the female saint. It is too extravagant. Xuanyuan can feel that it must not be formed naturally. And it seems to be very similar to the "Immortal Origin of Immortality" recorded in the "Da Luo Tianshu". In a faint way, this "Immortal Origin of Immortality" seems to form a momentum, as if it can be activated at any time!

"Da Luo Immortal Emperor" mentioned in "Da Luo Tianshu", that he once carved a piece of jade with "Immortal Source of Immortality" and presented it to the saint of "Tianyue Immortal Mansion" because she wanted to be with the "Tianyue Immortal Mansion". 'The saints were together, but the master of the 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion' refused to agree, and only then did the great romance that was later passed down by countless stone magicians.

No wonder Mo Chou let her group come here, it really has the supreme treasure, Xuanyuan sighed in his heart.

Under the terrifying pressure, Xuanyuan stepped up step by step, only to hear the pitiful howling of the pig-headed emperor from behind Xuanyuan:

"Damn it, seeing that the female saint is right in front of my eyes, I can't go any further."

Xuanyuan clearly saw that the body of the pig-headed emperor had cracked marks one after another, and it was obviously impossible to get closer. It was like a dead dog, with its limbs spread apart, and it jumped on it, motionless.

"Xuanxuan, me too!" Qian Duoduo held a wooden bed leg of the "Emperor Yingtian" in his hand, and he could only stop on the same steps as Emperor Zhutou.

"Little Husband, please do your best, we can only reach this point." Huang Yuechan's face was also pale, and if she took another step, it was obvious that her body would suffer extremely terrible injuries.

Xuanyuan is wearing a precious garment made by the 'Emperor Yingtian' himself, which contains a strong emperor's aura, and he is a body of myriad transformations, so he can quickly dissipate part of the aura's pressure on his body, which is naturally stronger than them. Much stronger and able to last longer!

Xuanyuan also knew that they could no longer get close, anyway, the aura of the emperor was enough to protect them from any harm here, so Xuanyuan didn't care that much.

"Okay, be careful yourselves."

Leaving a word behind, Xuanyuan continued to withstand the huge pressure, and stepped up step by step. With each step, the pressure increased by almost a hundred times, and there was a creaking sound from Xuanyuan's bones.

Finally, when Xuanyuan was only three white jade steps away from the female saint, cracks appeared on the surface of the body, and the aura of Qinglong blood essence rushed out.

Xuanyuan paused in his heart:

"Are you going to stop here? The treasure, this is a rare treasure, I am not reconciled, I don't want to return empty-handed, I finally came here!"

Xuanyuan suddenly, as if thinking of something, took out from the Doujie the wooden bed that 'Emperor Yingtian' usually sleeps on, made of branches of the 'Medicine King Immortal Tree', before breaking two legs of the bed, Xuanyuan was lucky Two of them were broken off, and they were hidden, while the four stone nails were put away by Xuanyuan. One must know that the stone nails that can be used by 'Emperor Yingtian' are definitely not ordinary.

The moment Xuanyuan took out this wooden bed, the aura of the great emperor became even bigger, Xuanyuan's broken body stopped, and in an instant, Xuanyuan felt the pressure relieved a lot.

Xuanyuan's "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations" immediately repaired his physical body, leaving Xuanyuan intact. Xuanyuan directly hugged the wooden bed, looked at the female saint, and panted heavily:

"Female saint, that 'Xuanhan Jade Bed' is cold, sitting for a long time hurts your body, come and sleep on my wooden bed, this is the one that the emperor slept on, it is not worse than your 'Xuanhan Jade Bed' ah."

The 'Xuanhan Jade Bed', recorded in the "Da Luo Tianshu", is formed by the condensation of the cold and immortal energy of countless years day and night. The 'Xuanhan Jade Bed' can delay aging, inhibit the spread of poison, and protect people. A ray of vitality is immortal, with infinite mysteries.

Xuanyuan is holding a big wooden board like the 'Medicine King Immortal Tree', with the pattern of the Great Emperor flowing on it, counteracting the aura of the female saint. Finally, Xuanyuan stepped on the last few steps and came to the front of the female saint. The distance from the female saint is very close. Nearby, Xuanyuan bowed to the female saint, no matter what, the existence that can become a female saint must be the most peak person in this world, worthy of Xuanyuan's respect.

"Saint, you have already sat here, and the treasure on your body is probably useless, so I will use it for you. Otherwise, it would be a pity to leave it here and disappear in the years. It is a shame to waste it. So I took them away, don't worry, I will never touch that piece of power jade carved from the "Immortal Source of Immortality", you will promise me, right? If you don't speak, I will treat it as you promised me ..."

Xuanyuan babbled to the female saint for a full quarter of an hour, knowing that what he was going to meet now was a female saint, so holy and flawless, Xuanyuan was still a little flustered, he didn't want to blaspheme the female saint, but the flawless body of the female saint It was shown by him, but in fact it was just an accident.

Xuanyuan stretched out his hand cautiously, and pulled out the scroll directly from the arms of the female saint. From the scroll, a supreme aura emanated from it, flowing with the intertwined texture of heaven and earth, which was extremely mysterious. This is a Taoist artifact, but it seems to be sleeping.

"Tao artifact..." Xuanyuan burst into tears. He did not expect to be able to obtain a Taoist artifact here, and it was still intact and not eroded by the years. This is simply too rare, although it is impossible to verify the quality Yes, but it's worth it.

Behind Xuanyuan, the pig-headed emperor saw this scene, and howled heart-piercingly like a concubine:

"It's unreasonable, no matter how the benefits are taken by this kid, my 'Sun Immortal Jade' is too unreasonable, I won't live, I really won't live, a Taoist weapon, let me This kid got it..."

Huang Yuechan smiled very happily, and so did Qian Duoduo.

Xuanyuan bowed again towards the female saint and saluted solemnly:

"Girl, I'm offended, this 'Xuanhan Jade Bed' is not of much use to you, the 'Longevity Immortal Power' here is enough to make you immortal in the years, so female saint, please allow me to hug you Well, I won't mess around, I promise..."

Just when Xuanyuan was about to make a move, suddenly the beautiful eyes of this female saint opened in an instant, and a terrifying pressure of the female saint rushed to the extreme. The supreme aura of the great emperor rushed out to resist this aura!

"Ah, it's a fraudulent corpse, how is it possible, how could it be possible for the female saint in the ancient times to still be alive after such a long time, fraudulent corpse..." the pig-headed emperor screamed.

At this time, Xuanyuan was still holding the picture scroll of the female saint in his hand, he was dumbstruck, and met the girl's eyes, and the two of them were very close.

In the peerless face of the female saint, the breath was dusty, she stared at Xuanyuan, and said slowly:

"How about I exchange my 'Tianyue Mountains and Rivers Picture' with you for the emperor's bed board?"

Xuanyuan was suddenly stunned:


The pig-headed emperor is also stupid, what is going on? 'Tianyue Mountains and Rivers Picture', why does it sound so familiar!

The female saint's aura was very peaceful, as if she didn't think about what to do to Xuanyuan, beside the female saint, Xuanyuan only felt a ray of unspeakable peace, she said calmly:

"If you take this 'Xuanhan Jade Bed', then I will perish here completely, unless you give me the Great Emperor's Bed Board made from the branches of the 'Medicine King Immortal Tree', then I will be able to live Come down, now I rely on the 'Xuanhan Jade Bed' to suppress the poison in my body and keep me alive."

The moment the female saint finished speaking, a mouthful of black blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. Xuanyuan could clearly feel that the poison contained in the black blood was extremely terrifying, and he was only close to the female saint. , and the trace of black blood overflowing from the corner of the female saint's mouth made him feel today that his body was about to melt and rot, and fortunately he had three Great Emperor's Objects to resist him! This supreme poison is simply too terrifying!

"Okay!" Without any hesitation, Xuanyuan handed the bed board directly to the female saint, because he knew that those who can become the sages in this world are extremely extraordinary existences, Xuanyuan suddenly thought of something Using his real eyes, he looked at the part of the haze through the body of the female saint.

The female saint held the bed plank in her hands, and an extremely mysterious force came into play, and the medicinal properties from the bed plank melted into the female saint's body bit by bit. When Xuanyuan saw the hazy part, he was instantly suppressed , but it is obviously not so easy to refine it.

You must know that the "Medicine King Immortal Tree" can give birth to many medicine kings, and its branches are naturally the most precious, but even such a "Medicine King Immortal Tree" cannot help the female saint to detoxify quickly. It is conceivable that the female saint's How terrifying the opponent is.

The female saint's expression was a little unnatural. She had noticed it when Xuanyuan was peeping at her body, but she couldn't stop it. Now she couldn't scold Xuanyuan for anything, so she just said lightly:

"Don't worry about it, I have a very poisonous poison in my body. I didn't expect that after so many years, the poison has not dissipated..."

Xuanyuan rubbed his nose, very embarrassed, this is a female saint, if born into the world, even the major powers would respectfully treat her existence, dare not have any negligence, stronger than the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', Perhaps only when the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' was at its peak, would it be stronger than her.

"The branches of the 'Medicine King Immortal Tree' and the bed board refined by the great emperor are really effective. The emperor's pattern on it is of great help to me, but it will take a long time for me to get rid of the supreme poison in my body. A period of time!" The female saint held the bed board, placed it on the ground, and sat on it, and no one sat on the 'Xuanhan Jade Bed'.

"You can take the 'Xuanhan Jade Bed' away."

Losing the bed board of 'Emperor Yingtian', Xuanyuan grinned in pain, and if he didn't put away the 'Xuanhan Jade Bed', he would die.

Xuanyuan immediately put the 'Xuanhan Jade Bed' into the fighting ring, and saw that the ground under the 'Xuanhan Jade Bed' was a sunken stone trough, which was very mysterious.

Just when Xuanyuan was about to say something, the pig-headed emperor screamed:

"Saint, I have three leaves of the 'Qinglong Divine Medicine Tree', which can speed up the detoxification of the supreme poison in your body, and allow you to gain the enlightenment of the 'Qinglong Divine Medicine Tree'." The pig-headed emperor screamed, and it That pair of pupils were already shiny green, and they were about to burst into flames. Xuanyuan took advantage of everything, and it was about to go crazy.

The female saint's pupils released divine light, and restrained her aura. For a moment, the pig-headed emperor, Qian Duoduo, and Huang Yuechan felt extremely relaxed.

The pig-headed emperor jumped up directly. The female saint looked at the pig-headed emperor and said slowly:

"What do you want, tell me."

"You answer a few questions first, to solve my doubts." The pig-headed emperor looked directly at the female saint and said in a heavy voice.

"Okay, you ask." The female saint could feel that the pig-headed emperor was an existence that was not weaker than her. She knew this physique, which was exactly the same as Xuanyuan's, the "body of myriad transformations", but she remained silent.

"Which era do you belong to? No one can break through the shackles of Long Live, even if you have the 'Longevity Great Immortal Power'. At most, you can reincarnate with your own soul, start all over again, and rebuild the third life. Your soul is immortal, and your body is indestructible. , then it cannot be a person from the ancient times." The pig-headed emperor said.

"Are you the descendant of the 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor'?" The female saint looked at Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan's heart was shaken, and he said in shock:

"How did you know?"

"Sure enough, 'Da Luo Tongtian Eye', you have already cultivated to the realm of true eyes. My 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion' and 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor' have a very deep relationship." The female saint sighed.

"What, you are actually a member of the 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion'? The 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion' that was won by the 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor' to become a servant girl?" Xuanyuan was shocked, his 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion' The impression of "Xianfu" comes from here.

"Yes, the 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion' must have perished by now, right?" The female saint's expression was a little sad, which touched people's hearts.

"That's right, it was destroyed eight thousand years ago!" Huang Yuechan nodded.

"Eight thousand years... Unexpectedly, eight thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye." The female saint's eyes flowed with a kind of rhythm, which was extremely mysterious.

"'Tianyue Immortal Mansion' was extremely prosperous at that time, and it is said that some people even stepped into the way of sages, why did it collapse in an instant?" Huang Yuechan was very puzzled.

"'Samsara' and 'Six Paths' also have a mysterious power that is united with the ancient royal family. How can it be immortal? The 'Tianyue Mountains and Rivers Map' is the supreme Taoist tool. Remember, it must not be used unless it is absolutely necessary. Don't show it. Otherwise, there will be a catastrophe!" The female saint looked at Xuanyuan with a heavy expression, because this supreme Taoist weapon symbolized a profound foundation, which has produced several sages!

Xuanyuan's heart trembled, he never imagined that the 'Tianyue Mountains and Rivers Map' in his hand turned out to be a supreme Taoist weapon!

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