Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 474: Mandate of Heaven!

(The first chapter, I will try to update as early as possible in the future!)

Hearing the female saint's words, Xuanyuan was very excited. Even the pig-headed emperor's eyeballs were like a pair of big lanterns. If there is a "sun fire", then Xuanyuan will really be saved.

The female saint pointed to the 'Sun Immortal Jade' in Xuanyuan's hand, then pointed to the deeply recessed stone trough on the ground, and smiled lightly:

"As long as you embed the 'Sun Immortal Jade' in your hand into this stone trough, the 'True Sun Fire' will naturally emerge. However, with your physical strength at the moment, there is still something lacking. If you open it rashly, I'm afraid You will die here, so if you want to subdue the 'True Sun Fire', you can only wait until your strength becomes stronger in the future, and then it will not be too late to collect the refining!"

Xuanyuan was ecstatic, as expected, after what the female sage said, he felt that there was a faint connection between the piece of 'Sun Immortal Jade' in his hand and that stone trough, Xuanyuan's heart was like a river overwhelmed. There is a stormy sea, and it can't be calm for a long time. This is a life-saving fire.

"Don't worry, since you can get the 'Sun Immortal Jade', it naturally proves that you have a great relationship with the 'True Sun Fire', what is yours will always be yours, what is not yours will never be obtained .” The female saint said calmly.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, gradually began to calm down his mood, nodded and said:

"Thanks to the female saint for clarifying my doubts, now I have something to ask the female saint!"

"Please tell me," said the female saint.

"Huang Yuechan, she is the 'Physical Body of the Immortal Phoenix', and has received the inheritance of the Immortal Phoenix. I hope the female saint can accept her as an apprentice, and accompany the female saint here to listen to the Dao." Xuanyuan said.

"What, little husband, are you going to leave me here alone?" Huang Yuechan was taken aback, seeing Xuanyuan's serious expression, her heart paused, it was indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and now Xuanyuan, It is the common enemy of the world. If I am with Xuanyuan, I will be easily recognized by others. Female saints are rare in the world. Being able to listen to the Dao here will definitely benefit me greatly. Xuanyuan has more help.

Huang Yuechan weighed the pros and cons in her heart, and finally made a decision.

"Little husband, you are right, I want to stay here, I hope to listen to the Dao, and I hope that the female saint can accept me as a disciple."

Huang Yuechan understands Xuanyuan's intentions, she is naturally not a brainless woman, if the two of them really want to make everyone in the world tremble like Qinglong Xianhuang in the future, now they can only hide their strengths and bide their time, accumulate a lot of money, and make the world a common enemy, These four words are too heavy, even a family will be destroyed, let alone a few people.

If you go out now, if you are found, there is only one word, death!

Seeing Huang Yuechan's expression, the female saint sighed:

"Forget it, then let Yuechan stay. The Dao of my 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion', the 'Physical Immortal Phoenix' can be cultivated. Now that 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion' is extinct, I can only use it before my own incarnation." The inheritance of the 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion' will continue, Yuechan's physique is extraordinary, she is talented and intelligent, and her bones are unique, and she can indeed continue the inheritance of my 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion' seamlessly!"

"Thank you, female saint." Xuanyuan and Huang Yuechan were pleasantly surprised when they heard the words, and they bowed to the female saint.

Huang Yuechan looked at Xuanyuan, her pair of beautiful eyes were full of reluctance, she stared at Xuanyuan, her voice was soft and loving:

"Little husband, although I can't bear to part with you, but for the sake of our future, I decided to stay here. You must be careful when you are outside alone."

Xuanyuan had goosebumps all over her body, but Huang Yuechan really cared about herself from the bottom of her heart, Xuanyuan just smiled and said:

"Don't worry, even if the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' is the common enemy of the world, they must be able to kill me. You should listen to the teachings of the female saint carefully. I hope that when I see you next time, I can see someone who is comparable to the saint. Huang Yuechan of the subordinate character!"

"I hope that the next time I see my little husband, he can still bully me like he did in the 'Phoenix Palace'. You must know that I have a female saint to guide me. You should work harder, little husband." Huang Yuechan said lightly. With a shallow smile, all living beings are turned upside down, and there is endless tenderness in the charming eyes, which are full of waves and intoxicating.

The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched a few times, looked at Qian Duoduo, and explained:

"Miss Qian, you must be careful when you are with a dead pig. It has always been unreliable in doing things. If you think about asking it to save you in a fatal moment, then you are dead, you know?"

"Xuanxuan is the best. Zhuzhu has never had any loyalty. I knew it a long time ago. I have met it many times." Qian Duoduo is very cute, wearing a pair of golden lace shoes, walking around in place. After a few laps, he looked at the pig-headed emperor with a green face.

"Wang, before you leave, kid, you have to say something about me." The pig-headed emperor roared angrily.

"That's because you are too unreliable, so I don't say no, Miss Qian's life is much more valuable than yours." Xuanyuan laughed loudly, and said:

"Before you leave, please help me carve a jade platform that can lead directly to this place."

Although the pig-headed emperor didn't have a good face, he still painted it for Xuanyuan, but the price was that Xuanyuan had to give 10,000 yuan of pure spiritual source. And the jade platform that can save your life and escape when it is critical, but let the pig-headed emperor draw a series of jade platforms that can cover the calculations of the "heavenly secret".

If you are calculated to your position, Yutai can't resist the power of the calculation, it will burst, and Xuanyuan will know that you have been exposed. This is also extremely important. , but the time of "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" is not long, I still have to be prepared!

Just when Xuanyuan wanted the pig-headed emperor to cover up the 'heavenly secret' to calculate the jade platform for Huang Yuechan, the female saint said:

"No need, since she is my disciple, I will not treat her badly. She is still here with me. Unless someone from 'Tianji' can surpass 'Changsheng Daoist', otherwise, no one will be able to figure out the truth of the moon." Chan's whereabouts."

Xuanyuan felt much relieved when he heard the words.

"Damn it, it's a loss, it's a loss, do you know what this emperor is portraying? Emperor ban, do you know what an emperor is? It is a ban that can only be portrayed by the emperor's characters. If it weren't for the great talent of this emperor, If I can take endless heaven and earth fighting energy for my use and make up for the incompleteness in the realm of strength, how can it be possible to portray this level of imperial prohibition, you kid actually took away these with only 10,000 catties of pure spiritual source, it is a loss to the great emperor."

The pig-headed emperor howled miserably, looking at the 'Sun Immortal Jade' with a pair of green eyes, as if looking at the old lover who abandoned him, hating his teeth itchingly, but after thinking about it, this is the key to unlock the 'True Sun Fire' So, he gave up, and the mysterious runes rolled from it, intertwined into a golden portal. Only then did Xuanyuan know that what the pig-headed emperor said to come here and that the teleportation restriction cannot be used is absolute nonsense. Being deceived by the pig-headed emperor, this dead pig is really unreliable.

"Xuanxuan, we are leaving, you have to be careful yourself." Qian Duoduo bid farewell to Xuanyuan in the golden runes.

"Be careful yourself."

Qian Duoduo and Zhu Tou Dadi disappeared before his eyes. After a while, Xuanyuan bid farewell to the female saint and Huang Yuechan.

"I'm leaving, Yuechan, take care of yourself." As soon as Xuanyuan finished speaking, a jade platform in his hand opened instantly, and he took Xuanyuan away directly.

The female saint's deep pupils were revolving around the avenue of heaven and earth intertwined, and she sighed:


Huang Yuechan heard the words, sat cross-legged, met the eyes of the female saint, and said:

"Master, what do you mean by destiny?"

"It's nothing. From today onwards, I will pass on the Supreme Dao of my 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion' to you. I hope you can pass on the supreme avenue of my 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion' line." The female saint finished speaking , her red lips parted slightly, one after another avenues of singing flowed into Huang Yuechan's heart like a trickling stream.

Huang Yuechan's delicate body was shocked, and she benefited a lot from thousands of perceptions in an instant. In an instant, countless celestial lights shot up into the sky, and the terrifying thunder calamity also descended. ...

Xuanyuan was directly teleported thousands of miles away by Zhutou Emperor's jade platform, and came to the junction of 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' and 'Dongzhou Dynasty'.

After half a year, I don't know what happened to the outside world, so I need to find out.

"I didn't expect to be able to meet such a female saint-level figure in this era. I am so lucky!" The greedy old man said with emotion.

Xuanyuan directly cast the "Swallowing Dao Jue", since Xuanyuan's face immediately changed into the appearance that he used to cover up with a human skin mask that day, he put away the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword', and then put the one that belonged to the 'Yingtian Great Emperor' He took off his rough linen clothes and hid them in the fighting ring, because Xuanyuan knew that the current self could not activate the power of this thick linen clothes at all, and if it was sensed by others, it would only be a catastrophe.

"By the way, old man, I'm afraid that the armor on my body has been recognized by others. I asked, can you change them into something different?" It was obviously impossible for Xuanyuan to wear these mysterious black armors that had been conspicuous before. to reincarnation.

"Of course I can. I have devoured countless peerless heavenly weapons, and I can change it into the appearance of any peerless heavenly weapon." As soon as the greedy old man finished speaking, the black lacquered armor on his body turned into a The dark red battle armor, intertwined with the patterns of many demon gods, is extremely ferocious, setting off Xuanyuan like a killing god, which is also in line with Xuanyuan's identity as a disciple of "Reincarnation"!

"Well, okay, this is almost the same, and it's time to go back to 'Samsara'. I don't know if Tian Youqing and Zui Guchen miss me? Hahaha!" Xuanyuan took out the 'Samsara Profound Token' and urged Then, a portal appeared, wrapped Xuanyuan, and disappeared into the void.

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