Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 490 Ji Luoyang

What kind of existence is the Jiang family? The ancient family that has been passed down since ancient times has a lot of masters and profound knowledge. Therefore, the children of the Jiang family are tyrannical and domineering. Those who are lonely and lonely are all daring to be angry and dare not speak out, like riding a strange beast to make trouble , Injuring or even killing others, taking pleasure in it.

Therefore, as soon as the Jiang family's children came in, there was no sound, and no one dared to mention the power of the "Body of Wanhua". The body of the Jiang family suffered heavy losses, and they could not recover this debt from the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', so they could only write it down on the body of the 'Ten Thousand Transformation Body'.

So no one dared to touch the Jiang family at this time. Xuanyuan's appearance is very young now, which made many people secretly marvel.

I saw that Xuanyuan played out ten Dou Xian coins in his hand, and the quality of each Dou Xian coin was top-notch. This kind of top-grade Dou Xian coin can be worth one million Dou Di coins, ten yuan is one With tens of millions of Doudi coins, Xuanyuan's extravagance is shocking.

The girl from the Jiang family dodged quickly, but was hit in the abdomen by one of the Immortal Fighting Coins, and spit out a big mouthful of blood. The fairy coin was so smashed that he vomited blood!

Seven or eight disciples of the Jiang family rushed towards Xuanyuan one by one, and the leader was the man named Jiang Yixuan. He was the youngest son of the Jiang family, that is, Jiang Yitian's younger brother. He had reached the second rank at a young age. Fighting Immortals, it is extremely remarkable that they exist.

"Who are you!" Jiang Yixuan waved his hand, telling the Jiang family's children not to act rashly and look at Xuanyuan coldly. After all, not everyone can come up with this kind of top-grade immortal coin!

"Me? I am me. Do you believe me when I say I am the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations'? Do you dare to kill me? Maybe the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' is here!" Xuanyuan said to himself. Pour wine into your own wine glass, drink it yourself, with a free and easy smile.

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, everyone present couldn't help gasping, and felt the hairs all over their bodies standing on end.

"Hmph, if you were the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', you would definitely die, but unfortunately you are not, report the aristocratic family behind you, and let the elders of your family knock on the door of the Jiang family three times and nine times to apologize."

Everyone in the Jiang family has seen Xuanyuan's appearance and let everyone know. Xuanyuan's appearance and temperament have changed drastically at this moment, and there is no resemblance at all. In Jiang Yixuan's view, Xuanyuan has no time to hide, so how could he come out here to provoke the Jiang family? Children?

"You untouchable, since you dare to hurt me, I will kill your whole family." The woman surnamed Jiang looked grim. How long ago had she suffered such humiliation, and she was beaten until she vomited blood by an unknown soldier. It was a great shame.

"Joke, what a big tone, what if I say that I am a member of the Ji family? You know that I, the great emperor of the Ji family, is the person who is assisted by the sages of your Jiang family. Do you want to kill the whole family of my Ji family? Does your Jiang family have that ability? "

As soon as Xuanyuan's words fell, a vision rose up from behind him. A yellow river was like a supreme yellow dragon, winding and rising, galloping vastly, magnificently, with shocking momentum. From behind this yellow river, a round of red sun It hangs down and sprinkles red light, as if the end of the world is coming, it is so oppressive that people can't breathe!

Seeing the vision displayed by Xuanyuan one by one, Jiang Yixuan looked extremely shocked. Jiang Yixuan pointed at Xuanyuan as if he had seen a ghost, and said in horror:

"The Ji family's 'Emperor Yang King Body' can only comprehend the 'Yellow River Sunset Yuan'!"

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the other Jiang family children revealed an unconcealable shock.

What Jiang Yixuan said is exactly the same. This is Xuanyuan's "All the Sons of Heaven Qiming", a supreme Tianjiao from the "Diyang King Body" of the Ji family. He also died in the baptism of sin. Lingxiu died young. It's easy to break, the sky is fair, and if one party is bestowed with a supreme physique, the other party is doomed to bear the unbearable ordeal that ordinary people can't bear!

"So what, didn't your Ji family assist my Great Emperor Jiang family? The ancestors of our two families were both ancient sages, and they only assisted the 'Hongmeng Emperor' together. It's just that your Ji family will produce a great emperor in the future. Assistant, just do your own duty!" Jiang Yixuan looked at Xuanyuan coldly, the opponent was the Ji family, he dared not act rashly, even though the Ji family was divided into two, one line established the Dongzhou Dynasty on its own, and the other line stayed in Zhongzhou. The daily contacts are all secrets, if the two families become one, the strength will be very terrifying!

"Stop talking nonsense, don't you want me, the emperor of Dongzhou Dynasty, to kowtow and bow nine times to your Jiang family to apologize? I want to see if you have the ability." Xuanyuan sneered, he just wanted to find Jiang It's unlucky for everyone, now that he has met him, how could he miss it.

Jiang Yixuan's face changed, he didn't expect the person in front of him to be so arrogant.

Behind Xuanyuan, the 'Yellow River Sunset Yuan' rose, the Yellow River rolled like a dragon, and the red sun fell down. A terrifying atmosphere made the whole hotel feel like it was about to collapse. Everyone was in danger, like a red circle. The sun fell from the sky, as if the end was coming, the world was about to be destroyed, and it was bloody.

Behind Jiang Yixuan, a Taoist door rises up. This is also a not weak vision, but compared with Xuanyuan's "Yellow River Sunset", it is hard to compare. This is the magnitude of the comprehension of the way of heaven. Like, how could it surpass a generation of 'Emperor Yang King Body'?

I saw Jiang Yixuan's vision collapsed inch by inch, and a vision also rose from under the woman surnamed Jiang, and a charming enchantress was born, which was crushed to pieces under Xuanyuan's stern shout.

Xuanyuan, with the power of fighting immortals in the first rank, overwhelmed the two rank-two fighting immortals with visions. The Jiang family disciples behind them did not cultivate the visions, and they were vomited blood repeatedly because of the terrifying power of the "Yellow River Falling Sun". The woman surnamed Jiang was pale, and Jiang Yixuan's face was even more ugly. It was a naked slap in the face. He and the woman surnamed Jiang were both Rank 2 Fighting Immortals, and the six people behind him were also Rank 1 Fighting Immortals. They were not alone .

What they are fighting against is not Xuanyuan, but the intertwined power of heaven and earth!

Jiang Yixuan knew that he was not Xuanyuan's opponent when he used the vision. In an instant, a low-grade fairy weapon on his body was a fairy knife, and he slashed at Xuanyuan's head. Everyone was injured by fighting qi, blood arrows rushed and screamed again and again, Jiang Yixuan ignored it and hurt innocent people.

The woman surnamed Jiang also took out seven poisonous needles, each poisonous needle was at least the quality of a low-grade fairy weapon, they all killed Xuanyuan, the poisonous needles howled fiercely, and the cold light flickered.

Xuanyuan didn't care at all, and gave a cold drink:

"Just a small path, you want to kill me too?"

With a wave of Xuanyuan's right hand, the vast fighting spirit fell down like a big mountain, and seven poisonous needles fell to the ground with terrifying force. !

Xuanyuan didn't use any weapons, and punched out with his left fist, and at the moment when it collided with the saber, there was a loud bang, and there was a huge shock on the saber, which caused Jiang Yixuan's tiger's mouth to burst and blood flowed out. Xuanyuan's fist left only A shallow white mark!

The physical strength of the "Body of Myriad Transformations" has begun to be revealed, and the physical body can forcibly overwhelm the magic weapon.

Jiang Yixuan's heart trembled, he didn't expect Xuanyuan's physical body to be so strong, before he could react, Xuanyuan punched out again.


The clanging sound of tearing people's eardrums rippling, I saw the saber in Jiang Yixuan's hand was blown out in an instant, Xuanyuan bullied himself in, and directly slapped it with a big mouth.

With a crisp sound, several teeth flew out along with the blood, drawing a beautiful arc in the sky, and Jiang Yixuan was slapped to the ground directly.

Xuanyuan stepped down, intertwining the restriction from the fairy clothes on his body to protect him, but 'Xuanhuang Tianjin' specially broke the restriction, Xuanyuan covered up the aura of 'Xuanhuang Tianjin', and integrated his power into this body The foot stepped on it, and the restraint collapsed in an instant. This foot directly stepped on Jiang Yixuan's chest. The terrifying force directly shook Jiang Yixuan's internal organs in an instant, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out. Interspersed with several shattered lung lobes.

"You can't kill me. My father is the head of the Jiang family, Jiang Yixian. If you dare to kill me, you will force my Jiang family to go to war with the Dongzhou Dynasty!" Jiang Yixuan's face was pale and he was shaking with fright. A person who has turned to the realm of fighting immortals, his strength has reached such a terrifying realm!

Xuanyuan didn't want to kill Jiang Yixuan at first. After all, the Jiang family forced him hard. It was only because people like Jiang Yixian, Jiang Yitian, and others had no grievances against him. He was just going to teach Jiang Yixuan a lesson, but he didn't expect Jiang Yixuan to be The son of Jiang Yixian, the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet, and Xuanyuan heard the words, it is even more impossible to let him go.

"Go back and tell you Jiang Yixian that the person who killed Jiang Yixuan was Ji Wukong's successor, and Ji Luori, the 'Diyang King Body', is me." Xuanyuan said something nonsense, and immediately punched down, right here, A doll suddenly appeared in Jiang Yixuan's hand, covered in blood, with a dull and hollow expression, very attractive.

It was such an inconspicuous blood doll who blocked Xuanyuan's blow. In an instant, from behind Jiang Yixuan, a Yihuan Douxian was blasted into a piece of rotten watermelon by the force of Xuanyuan's punch, and died directly. Xuanyuan was stunned All of a sudden, a jade slip in Jiang Yixuan's hand was crushed in an instant, and a ray of light shrouded his body. In the next instant, the person had disappeared.

"Surviving the baby is also a magic weapon. As a child of the Jiang family, it is impossible not to have something to protect your life!" The voice of the greedy old man sounded.

I saw that other Jiang family children also crushed the jade slips in their hands and fled one after another. The woman surnamed Jiang had a ferocious face:

"Ji Luori, you just wait to die."

Together with their strange beasts, they disappeared immediately.

This place is very close to the branch of the Jiang family, and they fled to the branch of the Jiang family!

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