Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 492 Do it!

In the training room, a thick mist of dou qi billowed.

Xuanyuan didn't expect that Peng Fei would suddenly put forward such a condition to himself, and he didn't know what the intention was! He is obviously only a disciple of the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce', yet he knows so much? Xuanyuan was very curious, no matter what, he could listen and ask.

"Oh? Why do you want me to go with you? There is no fraud, right?" Xuanyuan asked with a very cautious look.

"Okay, let me just say it straight, you are the descendant of 'Ji Wukong', and you must have the treasure left by 'Ji Wukong' on you. , it is not something ordinary people can resist, there must be a sage-level bodyguard, 'Ji Wukong' is not dead, he must have reached the realm of sages today, right? And when you entered here just now, you observed the terrain , very carefully, presumably your realm in stone art is also extraordinary, we just can cooperate!" Peng Fei tentatively said.

"You know all of this?" Xuanyuan was 'surprised', but he really didn't expect that Peng Fei would know about his work in the restaurant, and he would know it immediately. It can be seen that Peng Fei's strength is not ordinary. After a pause, he said, "Do you have anything that can cooperate with me?"

"Looking at the air, I can see whether the breath flowing in a place leads to a way of life or a way out! Otherwise, how do you think I can enter the 'Forbidden Land', the former residence of the 'Emperor Yingtian' in his later years?" Having said this, Peng Fei has great confidence in himself!

"Okay, then it's settled." Xuanyuan immediately agreed and took back the one trillion Dou Dicoin.

"Well, Mr. Ji, you can practice hard, I'll leave first." With a smile on his face, Peng Fei left the training room filled with extremely strong world fighting spirit, and the huge stone gate closed!

"Looking at Qi, I didn't expect this Pengfei to know Qi. This kind of technique is one of the nine ancient techniques." The voice of the greedy old man sounded from Xuanyuan's heart!

"What, qi-watching technique is one of the nine great ancient techniques?" Xuanyuan's heart was shocked, he didn't expect Peng Fei to know ancient techniques! It is the ancient technique that Xuanyuan has always dreamed of!

"That's right, the ancient art of qi-gazing, you can look at the weather, determine the cloudy, sunny, snowy and rainy weather, look at the earth's qi, seek good luck and avoid evil, avoid dead ends when you walk in the way of life, look at the popularity, and see the level of luck of the qi. Part of it is incomplete, and the complete ancient art is called "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art", which is closely related to power art!" The greedy old man said heavily.

Xuanyuan was very excited, and couldn't help wondering who this Peng Fei was, who actually had such ancient magic powers? Even if it only has the incomplete part of "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art", it is still extremely remarkable.

"It seems that he should have seen my luck through the ancient art of hope, so he wants me to be with him. If he finds other big forces, with his current strength, it will be difficult to share the benefits, so I just want to find someone with the same strength as him."

Xuanyuan saw through Pengfei's thoughts immediately, but the origin of this Pengfei was too mysterious. Xuanyuan believed that he was definitely more than just a disciple of the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce'.

"That's right, people who have learned the art of qi-watching will seek good luck and avoid bad luck, and when they are with people with great luck, they will definitely have great opportunities." The greedy old man said.

"Up to now, I can only get a better understanding of "The Ancient Jue of the Flowing Moon Fighting God". I hope to make more progress and increase my bargaining chip!" Xuanyuan sat cross-legged on a stone bed and closed his eyes. , began to comprehend.

In the sea of ​​self-knowledge, a night sky has evolved. In the sky, the new moon hangs high, and the moonlight is bright and clear, making people feel comfortable looking at it.

Indistinctly, Xuanyuan seemed to feel a slight change in trajectory from this new moon, from the little bits of moonlight flying down, and seemed to realize something in his heart...

Peng Fei left Xuanyuan's training room, his smiling face suddenly became very serious, his brows were tightly frowned, his eyes showed yin and yang, one black and one white, making people feel extremely uncomfortable looking at it. It's weird, he whispered:

"It's weird, it's the first time I've seen someone with such luck. This 'Ji Luori' has a red awn on his head like a dragon, soaring into the sky. He has great luck, and there is a black awn like a dragon. This is great bad luck. With great misfortune, it is naturally doomed to be ill-fated, good fortune brings evil, evil brings good luck, it is difficult to determine, but for the tomb of the sages, you can only fight once! Otherwise, after a long time, if the yin energy leaks, It will attract the attention of the major forces, and then nothing will be obtained!"

Xuanyuan opened his eyes. At this moment, there were two crescent moons reflected in his pupils, which was extremely miraculous.

"Three times the combat power..." Xuanyuan smiled slightly, and he has benefited a lot from comprehending the "Flowing Moon Fighting God Ancient Art" in the past half a month!

Standing up, Xuanyuan left the training room. Just when Xuanyuan was about to leave the training room, he saw Peng Fei in Zen clothes with a smile on his face, as if he knew that he would come out today.

"Master Ji, are we leaving today?"

"Wait for another three days, I need to tell my father, and borrow something from him that can resist the aura of the sages, how can I take this kind of treasure out with my current strength?" Xuanyuan smiled. , but it makes sense.

"Young Master Ji is right, then I will wait for you for three days, but Young Master Ji must be more careful, Jiang Yixuan and Jiang Qing have sent many experts from the Jiang family to look for you, within half a month, Jiang Yixuan will tell you to go to the Jiang family to die!" Peng Fei smiled, but his heart was not at peace, he didn't expect that 'Ji Wukong' was really alive, and Ji Luori was his son, two generations of 'Emperors' Yang Wang Ti' is incredible.

"Then let him look for it. How can such a trivial matter of his be as important as the tomb of the sages?" Xuanyuan didn't care at all, but his heart was filled with coldness:

"Forget it, I should show up once, focus everyone's attention on Beizhou, relieve the pressure on Qinglongmen, and let Shiwan and the others know that I am fine and don't have to worry."

Xuanyuan naturally understood that Qinglongmen was founded by himself, but under the protection of the "Doulong Immortal Mansion", many forces would not do anything to Qinglongmen, but it was definitely not easy for Qinglongmen to deal with it, especially after the With my own bloodbath, the 'No Wound Gate' will inevitably collapse, and then the Azure Dragon Gate will inevitably become a cave on its own. At this time, I can't let the Azure Dragon Gate become the focus of the enemy's attention, and I can only use myself to distract everyone's attention!

"Let's go first, and I will come to you after three days." Xuanyuan left a sentence, and his whole body melted into the void.

"Boy, if you want to kill someone in your true self, I will use all means to cover up your luck. Otherwise, even if your appearance and temperament have changed, your luck will remain the same. Hope you You can see everything at a glance with the method, and you can see everything in the vast crowd. I think he should have seen your luck from a long time ago by means of hope." The greedy old man has a certain understanding of these ancient techniques. To understand, remind Xuanyuan.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you." Xuanyuan knew that even though he was a "body of all transformations", he was not omnipotent.

Immediately, a terrifying power was transmitted into Xuanyuan's body, causing Xuanyuan's originally one red and one black luck dragon to disappear in an instant.

Peng Fei, who was looking through the void with his yin and yang eyes, suddenly frowned, he could only see luck through the void:

"Huh? Could it be that he left by teleporting the jade platform?"

Xuanyuan turned into his original appearance, and the black brocade robe on his body turned into a pitch-black battle armor. On this pitch-black battle armor, the runes appeared more clearly. The middle-grade fairy weapon, the 'Devouring Magic Shield' has also undergone a great change, becoming a magic ax exhaling extremely terrifying aura, as if it can split everything, it is extremely terrifying!

Xuanyuan performed the "Void Destiny Technique" to completely conceal his aura, and walked through the void. Xuanyuan seemed to exist in a mass of nothingness, and coupled with the cover of the "body of all transformations", if he hadn't cultivated to a very high level People can't detect Xuanyuan at all!

In the past half a month, the whole 'Xuanwu City' was flying like cats and dogs. Jiang Yixuan and Jiang Qing couldn't bear this breath, so they mobilized the power they could use, and kept searching for Xuanyuan's whereabouts in 'Xuanwu City'.

On the same day, Jiang Yixuan led eighteen second-rank fighting immortals to that hotel, and Mr. Xuanyuan disappeared without a trace. He shouted:

"Ji Luori, get out and die!"

It's a pity that Xuanyuan didn't know it. In the days that followed, Jiang Yixuan became more and more angry, which was simply a great shame.

At this moment, Jiang Yixuan is riding a strange beast. The head of this strange beast is like a fierce tiger, but it is covered with scales. It has a pair of dragon horns, and its four hooves are like horses. Holding a strange beast, they looked down on 'Xuanwu City' from the sky, waiting for Ji Luoyang to appear.

Jiang Yixuan's face was ferocious, and he sneered again and again:

"This Ji Luori doesn't have the guts to come out, he only speaks big words. If he dares to show up, I will definitely break his limbs, destroy all his cultivation, and make his life worse than death!"

"This is too cheap for him. After abolishing his cultivation base, he will be divided into pieces with strange beasts, then his soul will be drawn out, and he will be put into the 'Soul Refining Furnace' to suffer tens of millions of pains, and he will never be able to stand up again!" Jiang Qing is even more vicious!

The entire 'Xuanwu City' was about to be turned upside down, and the search for Ji Luori's whereabouts was still going on, and another two days had passed.

Xuanyuan just hid in the void and followed Jiang Yixuan and Jiang Qing. In the past two days, as long as the casual cultivators who were not pleasing to the two of them were met with their poisonous hands, countless people were silent, and the wind was jittery. The people below dare not wander around anymore.

In the void, Xuanyuan has never been found, he knew that it was time to act.

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