Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 609: Snatching Dou Shui!

The sky above the Hai family.

The fighting spirit is soaring, the murderous aura is all over the sky, thousands of waves are roaring again and again, and the world in a radius of more than ten miles is trembling. Countless people are watching this battle of Tianjiao, and they are amazed again and again. A deep understanding!

Haiya looked at Xuanyuan, who looked like a ghost and appeared like a ghost, and was very angry in his heart:

"This 'Ji Luori' is elusive. It is really not easy to kill him. Fortunately, he has not seen through the three water species. Otherwise, it would not be easy to kill him. It is a pity that I haven't stepped into the sixth-rank fight yet. Immortal Realm, otherwise you will become the Eye of the Mosangdragon, and 'Ji Luori' will have nowhere to hide!"

Eighteen water spirits are transformed into Haiya, three of which are water species that have been infused with 'Xuantian heavy water', 'Haixin heavy water' and 'Canglong water', possessing extremely terrifying killing power, much stronger than others I know how many times, but Xuanyuan has always appeared like a ghost to kill the incarnation of water spirits. Haiya has been trying to catch Xuanyuan's figure, but he can't catch it, because Xuanyuan's speed is too fast, and he is extremely cunning. Staying, flickering continuously, like lightning, the strike is sharp and extremely sophisticated, making it difficult for him to kill with one blow, this process of hunting each other.

Hai Ya was already a little nervous, because he already felt that he could not control the Dou Shui in his body. Although he swallowed the elixir, burned the pure spiritual source, and had a constant supply of Dou Qi, the Dou Shui was Heaven and earth spirits, how easy is it to control three kinds of heaven and earth spirits and temporarily fuse them together?

If it wasn't for Haiya himself being a 'body of water spirit', he has a natural ability to control the heaven and earth fighting water, if they feel the aura of affinity, they would not be able to control it at all, and it is very likely that the spirits of the heaven and earth will eat back and seize the soul of the master , This is a double-edged sword. If you use it well, you will have boundless power. If you use it badly, you will only harm yourself.

Haiya didn't know what was the reason for this. He thought he could last for a long time, but since Xuanyuan came out, he became a little powerless. The three kinds of fighting water between heaven and earth seem to be no longer so friendly to him. , It's a bit difficult for him to control it, a little reluctant, it seems that these fights have changed their minds again, but the battle situation is very tense at the moment, he can't care so much anymore, killing 'Ji Luori' is the key.

Naturally, Haiya didn't know that it was because Xuanyuan used the luck attack method of "The Ancient Jue of Flowing Moon Fighting God". This is an ancient technique that even the emperor wanted to obtain.

The spirits of heaven and earth are extremely sensitive, and the luck of Haiya is covered with terrible bad luck, revealing a murderous opportunity, which makes them sense the danger. As the saying goes, the tree falls and the monkeys scatter, they want to leave the master, but the "Shui Ling" The Body of Water' controls them and makes them feel more friendly, like ducks in water. Of course, a more important reason is that if there is a great embarrassment in the 'Spirit of Water', these spirits of heaven and earth want to take away the Body of Water Spirit 'The physical body is for your own use, this is the most important thing!

Standing in the midst of thousands of waves, Xuanyuan's long hair fluttered, his fighting spirit soared, and he was extremely fierce. His killing power was so powerful that countless people were terrified, and countless water spirits were shattered under Xuanyuan's iron fist.

At this moment, Xuanyuan's eyes are running, and the power of the real eyes is revealed, seeing through everything, Xuanyuan walks in the thousands of waves, without causing any waves, looking at the incarnation of Haiya, the water species manifests back and forth, As the eighteen incarnations kept changing, Xuanyuan screamed inwardly.

"This Haiya is really scheming. Every time the three water species switch, they form a siege and attack. Now he is waiting for me to appear. He is waiting for the chance to kill him with one blow."

"Master, the opportunity has come." Suddenly, a voice resounded from Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, like a clear spring hitting a stone, and pearls and jade falling on a plate, which makes people feel refreshed and happy, very ethereal.


Baguio is 'Bi Luo Tian Shui', this is the first time she speaks.

"Master, I can sense that the three kinds of fighting water that Haiya controls already have a heart of betrayal. It is a bit difficult for Haiya to control them now. Master, let's start with the 'Haixin Heavy Water' first. I can only devour it." Only after 'Haixin Heavy Water' and 'Xuantian Heavy Water' can I swallow the 'Mosang Dragon Water', otherwise, I will be swallowed by the 'Mosang Dragon Water', it doesn't matter if Baguio is swallowed, it's just that I can't recognize it Who is the thief! I can't avenge the former owner, I hope you understand Baguio's feelings!"

Xuanyuan understood it all at once, the sad and beautiful face of the woman in white is still vivid in his memory, and he fell in love with the apprentice he raised, but he never thought that the person he raised, the person he loved, was only for the sake of "Bi Luo Tian Shui" So he shot at her, leaving her covered in bruises, enduring all the pain, and spending the rest of her life at the bottom of the sea, such a person, Xuanyuan would not let him go.

"I understand, Baguio, don't worry, since I got you from your master, I will avenge her deep hatred, I know your heart, I will make your wish come true!" Xuanyuan responded to Bi Yao.

Baguio was very grateful, weeping:

"Biyao will never forget the great kindness and virtue of the master, and I only hope that I can always follow the master!"

Baguio's loyalty touched Xuanyuan's heart, even if it was only the previous owner, Baguio could still be so obsessed with it, and for this reason, Xuanyuan would fulfill Baguio's wish no matter what.

The real eye opens, sees through all falsehood and reality, the three water species are still constantly alternating, Xuanyuan no longer appears, making Haiya's heart a little erratic, only seeing the three rounds of setting sun and the long dragon of the Yellow River, ups and downs, Xuanyuan casts it The vision of 'Yellow River Sunset' came and went to attack and kill, making the world roar again and again, but he was not seen!

Haiya sneered and said:

"Why, 'Ji Luori' knows that the 'Water Spirit Body' is immortal, you know it's futile, so you don't dare to come out again?"

While speaking, Haiya had a thought, and transformed the three water species into the three water spirit incarnations, forming a blockade and killing array, and waited for Xuanyuan to appear, only to see that another Haiya evolved. A statue of Haiya has flesh and blood, just like the deity, standing among the three incarnations of water spirits, looking up to the sky and laughing, extremely proud:

"'Ji Luori' you are here, my real body is waiting for you here, let me see what you can do to me, how about it? Come and kill me, you are here to kill me, if you have the ability, come and kill me Ah, I'm waiting for you!"

"This Hai Ya is really as cunning as a fox. First, he misled me with the incarnation of the water spirit. The power of the incarnation of the water spirit forced me to take risks to kill him. Then he used the power of the three incarnations of water to seize the opportunity to kill him with one blow. In that case, I will give him a surprise, hehe!"

Xuanyuan smiled insidiously, making one's scalp tingle and getting goosebumps all over his body. Using his true eyes to see through everything, he found the weakest water species, which is the incarnation of the 'heavy water in the heart of the sea'!

Xuanyuan stepped out with one step, manifested behind the water spirit incarnation of "Haixin Heavy Water" and punched out directly, the speed was as fast as lightning, at the same time, Xuanyuan's mind moved to start "Jianglongtianmu" and "Vajra Buddha Soil" The power of:

"It's now, collect the seal!"

Xuanyuan is like a ghost, and with lightning speed, he punched the water spirit incarnation of "Haixin Heavy Water", and there was a shocking explosion, and the heads of many people who were blown up were buzzing, obviously a fool would know This incarnation is very different from the previous incarnations.

The 'Jianlong Tianmu' and 'Vajra Buddha Soil' in Xuanyuan's body were revolving in an instant, and the roots of the 'Jianglong Tianmu' plunged into the water species of the 'Haixin Heavy Water' to absorb its power, The 'Vajra Buddha Soil' restrained the water again, forming a golden seal, and Xuanyuan directly collected it into the fighting ring. All of this was done in an instant, and many people didn't even realize what happened!

The flesh and blood of Hai Ya's deity suddenly froze, as ugly as eating a few catties of dog feces alive, his face was ashen, after a moment's pause, he roared crazily:

"'Ji Luori', get out, and give me back 'Haixin Heavy Water'!"

Haiya's voice was hoarse, his eyes were almost blood red, he roared wildly, his hair was disheveled, his face was extremely ferocious, with murderous intent, the power of 'Xuantian Heavy Water' and 'Mosang Dragon Water' surged, repeatedly bombarding the void, the spirits of heaven and earth Being robbed, how could Haiya bear it, he didn't even believe this fact.

'Haixin Heavy Water' didn't even have the slightest resistance, so he was taken away like this. He didn't know that it was because he was attacked and killed by Xuanyuan's "Liuyue Fighting God Ancient Jue", One's own luck was tainted with bad luck, and all three kinds of fighting water were affected. 'Haixin Heavy Water' knew it was invincible, so it had no resistance.

All the people watching couldn't hide their shock. Ji Chen's fingertips trembled, and he muttered to himself:

"Hai Ya's 'Haixin Heavy Water' was snatched and sealed by 'Ji Luori'. It's a good trick. It hits people by surprise. This move, even I can't do it. Psychology, battle situation, timing , as well as the changes of the heaven and earth spiritual objects, must be grasped with incomparable precision!"

"How is it possible, the 'Hai Xin Heavy Water' is a spiritual creature of heaven and earth, and it complements Hai Ya's 'Water Spirit Body' and is extremely intimate. How could it be taken away without any resistance."

Ji Wu had an unbelievable expression on his face, because he had seen Haiya's ability to control water. "Heavy Water in the Heart of the Sea" once turned into a dragon and wrapped around him, and he was very obedient. The younger generation of "Dynasty" is unmatched by anyone, even the older generation has few opponents, because he is a "body of water spirit" but such a thing happened unexpectedly.

"To be able to seal the spirits of heaven and earth, what method did 'Ji Luori' use? Could it be that he also has spirits of heaven and earth on him?" Princess Pingyao's eyes also released extraordinary splendor, and she was very amazed.

Many immortal fighters from the Hai family were furious, and the crowd was even more uproarious.

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