Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 795: Necromancer God Realm

For Wuchen being assassinated, Xuanyuan always felt a bit guilty. After all, it was for his own business. He must be able to assassinate Wuchen. His strength must be unpredictable, not to mention the danger. Xuanyuan has never They don't want to hurt others because of their own affairs.

Xuanyuan wanted to find out the big force that assassinated Wuchen, and ruin his reputation, but it was so difficult, there was no way to start, now he could only improve his strength as soon as possible, and then find Wuchen, and ask him what happened Who assassinated him, only Wuchen knows best, Xuanyuan believes that with Wuchen's knowledge and wisdom, it should not be difficult to guess who assassinated him.

Xuanyuan also tried to use his avatar to find Wuchen's whereabouts, but Wuchen's whereabouts are elusive, wherever he wants to go to tell a story, he can go there, he has no fixed place, or travels around the world at any time, and he can't be contacted at all. It is pure luck to meet Wuchen once.

In this regard, Xuanyuan is also very helpless, he can only keep his avatar on hold, inquire about the news as much as possible, and shuttle between taverns, teahouses, gambling houses and other places where dragons and snakes are mixed, although Xuanyuan's avatar is only one-turn Douxian strength, but will not encounter any danger.

'Red Calyx City' is also a place where fighting is forbidden. There is also a road restriction of 'Red Calyx Daozu' here. If someone dares to fight here, the fighting spirit in the body will be completely suppressed, and they can only have physical strength. However, the disciples of 'Little Penglai Island' can not be affected by it, so the order here is excellent, and the disciples of 'Little Penglai Island' who can maintain order are pure in character and have been strictly screened.

'Little Penglai Island' is also considered a respectable sect, and its dealings are considered fair, so many casual practitioners who come and go in and out of 'Little Penglai Island' are very relieved, otherwise, 'Red Calyx City' would not be like this thriving.

Time passed day by day. In addition to the fact that the major forces united to search the whereabouts of Xuanyuan and Pengfei with great fanfare, there were also various rumors and disputes. Occasionally, a few irrational people fought for Xuanyuan's right and wrong. There was nothing other than killing and wounding each other, and Xuanyuan's avatar got nothing again.

On the mysterious isolated island, Yuan'er manifested those two ancient characters, allowing Xuanyuan and Peng Fei to comprehend the magic contained in those two ancient characters carefully.

Xuanyuan was surrounded by immortal light, immersed in the aura emanating from those two mysterious ancient characters. His spirit, his thoughts, and everything about him were all integrated into this mysterious aura. The breath made Xuanyuan seem to have traveled through countless years and came to that chaotic ancient era.

Xuanyuan looked around him, there was no fate, Ziyun, Pengfei, only himself was left, in a vast world, chaos in all directions, countless whirlpools rolling, swallowing breath, Xuanyuan has a kind of space-time disorder It feels as if you will fall into another space at any time and enter another unknown world.

Is this the chaotic ancient times?

Xuanyuan was puzzled, but in this piece of world, he suddenly felt his "spiritual wisdom soul" trembling slightly. You must know that the original "spiritual wisdom soul" was used to communicate with the nature of the world, so that practitioners can minimize the number of The consumption of battle energy, as well as the natural affinity with the Dao of Heaven and Earth, doubles the killing power of the supernatural powers displayed by it, and more importantly, it can use the power of the Dao to fight for oneself, which is an extremely important process of the monk's own transformation .

From Xuanyuan's "Spirit of Wisdom", streaks of golden light spewed out, blending into the chaos of the four directions and the chaotic space. In the dark, Xuanyuan suddenly had a feeling of realizing a new world, as if There is really another brand new world, completely different from the 'fighting world'. Xuanyuan was excited, and an idea came up, wanting to enter those spaces.

At this moment, the 'Linghui Soul' shook violently, and a long pillar of golden light shot straight into the sky. At this moment, Xuanyuan seemed to feel that his mind could communicate with the outside world!

The scream of the greedy old man came out in an instant:

"My God, you kid actually comprehended this kind of vision. This is a vision that no one has been able to comprehend since ancient times. It just appeared in the imagination of the 'Tundi'!"

"What's going on, I seem to feel that I can leave at any time, jump out of this world, and reach another world that is completely different from the "fighting world". There is also civilization, monks, and magic weapons in that place. A completely independent world!"

"Boy, don't act rashly. 'Tundi' once said that this piece of 'Psychic Jade' does not belong to this world. Not to mention whether it will be dangerous for you to enter those spaces, even if you go If you go to another world and are not familiar with the place, it will be difficult to come back. This kind of thing is hard to say, unless you have reached a certain level and have enough confidence, you can do that."

The greedy old man was very nervous, he was afraid that Xuanyuan would get bloody and jump into another world with excitement, then he would be really cheating.

Xuanyuan stabilized his curiosity. From the back of his head, there was a huge golden portal, exhaling the breath of chaos. Xuanyuan seemed to feel that he could summon more terrifying creatures to fight for him.

"..." Xuanyuan was very excited in his heart, but he knew that the world he was in now was probably because his spirit was integrated into the aura emanating from those two ancient characters, so he felt as if he had entered the chaos of ancient times. I feel that I am actually still in the pure land in the center of that isolated island.

"'Psychic God Realm', I really don't know what kind of terrifying creatures you can summon to fight for you. According to the original idea of ​​'Tundi', if you understand this kind of vision, you can also directly beat the enemy Entering this golden portal of chaos, there is an extremely terrifying cosmic countercurrent, which can tear people into pieces! Few people can survive the disaster, even if he goes to another world, he will never come back!"

Xuanyuan was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words:


"It's a pity. Although the visions you can trigger are extremely powerful, you can't combine these visions into one. It has to be said that it is a great shortcoming. If you can combine these six visions The elephants become one, I am afraid that if you are a newcomer to the earth fairy, if you don't have a middle-grade Taoist weapon, you will run away, otherwise, you will definitely die!" The greedy old man couldn't help laughing Come to think of it, Xuanyuan's strength is his strength!

In the center of the isolated island, there is a golden chaotic portal from the back of Xuanyuan's head, exhaling an extremely terrifying breath of cosmic countercurrent, as if it can pull people into the vast universe at any time, making people tremble. The Dao seems to be unable to have any influence on Xuanyuan, Peng Fei suddenly opened his eyes, saw this scene, and screamed:

"Damn, perverted, perverted, what kind of vision is this, why does Daoist feel so dangerous, cheating your uncle, this kind of vision has never been heard of, never seen before, use this kind of vision to kill the enemy, meet you Can the boy's people still have a way out?"

At this moment in Pengfei's heart, he has a deep fear of Xuanyuan. That golden chaotic portal seems to lead to the outside world, giving people the feeling that they will never go back. It is a dead end. Was it dragged into it? It would be horrific if that was the case.

If Pengfei knew that he could still summon terrifying creatures from it, his face would be even more ugly, because in this case, his idea of ​​getting the Qiankun bag from Xuanyuan's body would be completely shattered, and Pengfei's character is It is absolutely impossible to take the risk of entering that kind of cosmic countercurrent. At this moment, Peng Fei's eyeballs are rolling, thinking about how to make Xuanyuan hand over the "Cosmic Bag" willingly, and he also wants to figure out this What is the mystery of a golden chaotic portal!

However, this is Xuanyuan's own tactical secret, he just hits by surprise, and he will not let others know.

Half a month passed, and both of them benefited a lot. Xuanyuan realized the new vision, and Pengfei gained a lot, but Xuanyuan didn't notice it. Xuanyuan made too much noise, Pengfei couldn't imagine I don't know.

However, the two of them still couldn't understand the true meaning of the words in it. It is conceivable to know the deep meaning of these two ancient characters. In fact, Xuanyuan can ask Yuan'er what is the understanding of these two ancient characters , Maybe it will give myself a deeper understanding.

But he didn't want to. In fact, everyone's understanding is different, and each has its own way. What he wants to know now is what these two ancient words mean!

Xuanyuan opened her eyes, Yuan'er's pair of clear eyes met her four eyes, she laughed and said:

"How about it, is there a great harvest!"

"There must be something to gain, but I still can't understand what these two ancient characters mean!" Xuanyuan didn't care about the vision caused by himself, but instead looked sad and disappointed His appearance gave Peng Fei the urge to strangle him to death.

"You kid must have obtained some secret to be able to comprehend such a terrifying vision. Hurry up and don't keep it private. Share it with me first. What exactly have you comprehended." Pengfei felt that this kid had already noticed something, but he couldn't listen to other people's voices with the vision of "killing life and entering reincarnation" like Xuanyuan, so he could only ask.

"Don't worry about this, let's take a look at this first, it seems that you are really unlucky this time..." Xuanyuan waved his big hand, showing all the things that happened to the outside world at this stage, seeing this At that scene, Peng Fei was so angry that his veins exploded, his face flushed from red to purple, from purple to black.

"Damn it, Mr. Dao... I have provoked someone..."

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