Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 814 I'm Going To Harm Another Girl

The sky was as clear as blue, cloudless and very clear.

The sun is shining brightly, the summer is scorching hot, hundreds of millions of golden lights are shining down, covering the sea surface, and the waves are rippling.

In the sea area where Xuanyuan and Jiang Yitian were, the waves were rolling, rough and extremely restless.

From behind Jiang Yitian appeared a God of War dressed in a bronze Taoist armor, extremely mighty, holding a sword in his hand, exuding a terrifying aura that could kill all monsters with a sword, and had great restraint on the blood of the monsters, enough to make him It is not difficult for Jiang Yitian to leapfrog and kill the strong earth immortal of the demon clan.

Countless Jiang family's monster-slaying Dao patterns hung down, covering Jiang Yitian's whole body, with overwhelming killing power, and destructive power to the blood of the monster clan.

Jiang Yitian had previously comprehended the Jiang God Slaying Monsters, which had a total of seven cuts. When he stepped into the Immortal of Life, he gathered the seven cuts he had previously comprehended and combined them into one, forming an extremely terrifying vision.

'Jiang God Slays the Demon Immortal'.

"Jiang Shen Slays the Demon Immortal" has a total of three cuts, the human cut, the ground cut, and the sky cut, which are extremely terrifying. At this moment, Jiang Yitian only understands the human cut, but it is already extremely amazing!

That bronze god of war, using itself as the edge, stands between the heaven and the earth, and seems to be able to cut through everything.

With Jiang Yitian at the center, the creatures in a radius of hundreds of miles seemed unable to withstand this terrible sharp edge, and their whole bodies were broken into pieces, turned into blood mist, and died unexpectedly.

Xuanyuan stood in the air, with black hair flying, and a calm light in his eyes, looking at Jiang Yitian, he remained motionless, the overflowing fighting spirit destroyed all living beings and shattered the island, but it couldn't hurt Xuanyuan at all.

Xuanyuan's 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact' was running, deriving all the sharp aura from the slashing and killing, and feeling the aura of the terrifying vision of 'Jiang God Slaying Demon Immortal'.

"'Slaying Monster Immortal Physique' is really powerful, he is born to be the nemesis of the monster race, Jiang Yitian can't keep him, otherwise, the threat to Tsing Yi will be great in the future, if it is a life and death battle, Tsing Yi may not be his opponent! "

"That's not necessarily true. Half of Tsing Yi's body is the blood of the ancient ancestor king, and the restraint is not so strong. If there is a fight, it should be between the two."

Jiang Yitian frowned, seeing that Xuanyuan didn't move at all, he sneered and said:

"Xuanyuan, it seems that you already know that you are bound to die. Is it useless to resist? Then you just accept death obediently."

Jiang Yitian took a step forward, and the 'Monster Slaying Daoge' in his hand burst out with a bright daoguang, and the battle energy in his body rolled up, condensing into a shocking blow, wanting to kill Xuanyuan.

The air wave rushes towards the face, its strength is strong enough to tear the ordinary life immortal powerhouse into pieces, thousands of demon-slaying dao patterns hang down from the sky, forming a huge cage to trap and kill people, even if they are physically Broken, the three souls and seven souls cannot be freed, and they will all be shackled in it. For the monster race, such a vision is simply lore, unless it is an extremely heaven-defying physique that can resist it.

Xuanyuan remained motionless, with a relaxed expression, looked at Jiang Yitian coldly, and said:

"Today, I will make you completely desperate, and let you know that you will never be able to defeat me in your whole life, and you will always be trampled under my feet forever."

Seeing Xuanyuan so calm, Jiang Yitian felt very uncomfortable in his heart. Facing his attacking supernatural powers, Xuanyuan's eyes were not serious, let alone fearful. It was the first time he was so underestimated by others.

"Xuanyuan, I will make you regret it." Jiang Yitian roared, and even the life essence in his body burned up in an instant, and the whole body directly merged with the terrifying bronze God of War behind him, with As a sword itself, it can cut through the heavens and the earth, and directly chop Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan raised his hand, and suddenly a golden portal appeared in front of him, protecting Xuanyuan, the huge vortex was rotating, and a terrifying wave of space power came out, this is Xuanyuan's sixth biggest difference. Elephant, "Psychic God Realm", this vision allows Xuanyuan to summon extremely terrifying spirit beasts, and it can also take its enemies into it, causing them to be strangled and smashed into countless countercurrents in countless spaces and in the cosmic vortex.

The moment Jiang Yitian felt Xuanyuan's "Psychic God Realm", his heart was shaken. He wanted to reflect, but it was too late. He directly smashed into the mysterious portal. For a moment, he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

The golden chaotic portal derived from Xuanyuan trembled violently, the chaotic vortex piled up, and only heard a howling sound that seemed human but not human, beast not beast, Xuanyuan's body trembled, and the corner of his mouth overflowed. Wisps of blood put away the 'Psychic Gods'.

"What's the matter?" the greedy old man asked: "What is Tundi's idea? Introducing the enemy into the portal of that space is enough to make him smash to pieces in the countercurrent of space?"

"I don't know for the time being. I don't have a good control over the vision of the 'Psychic God's Domain', but Jiang Yitian should be more ominous. His attack just now really had two brushes. It's a pity. Fucking me, his life is doomed to be gloomy and never bright." Xuanyuan wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, it was the momentum of Jiang Yitian's blow that caused Xuanyuan to be injured.

"Who are you going to kill next?" the greedy old man said with a laugh.

"The 'Sage Son of Han Tian' has been left half dead by Peng Fei, and he has returned to the 'Han Tian Immortal Mansion'. Wu Yang is too scary, and the risk of killing him is too great. I don't know much about 'Sage Son of the White Tiger', 'Dragon Fighting The Holy Son is extremely cautious, and it is quite difficult to kill him when he is united with the "Dragon Fighting Maiden". The "Xuanwu Holy Son" is also walking with the new "Xuanwu Holy Maiden", and the fight is not good for me. Not to mention being handsome, he has a top-notch Taoist weapon, and I have no advantage in joining forces with the 'Son of the Ancient Demon'. If I want to kill them all, I need to join forces with Peng Fei." Xuanyuan Huan soundtrack.

"Then what are you going to do now? Take Yan Ziyun and Yuan'er to Nanzhou?"

"Before that, I want to meet the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' first, we haven't spoken for a long time." Xuanyuan said.

"You boy, you are going to harm other girls again." The greedy old man laughed, despising Xuanyuan.

"Don't use your filthy thoughts to speculate on my pure heart, I just want to ask if there is anything the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' needs."

"Tsk tsk, she needs it, of course she needs it, you can definitely satisfy her." The greedy old man smiled very lewdly.

Xuanyuan couldn't bear to slap this dead old man to death, he really deserved a beating.

"Forget it, I won't chat with you anymore." Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, ignored the greedy old man, but urged the Kunpeng natal immortal feather that Fu Jingxuan gave him, and said directly via voice transmission:

"Gourd baby, help me find out the whereabouts of the 'Saint of the Cold Sky'."

"Okay, master, please wait." Soon came Fu Jingxuan's voice from the other side of Kunpeng's natal Xianyu.

Half a day later, Fu Jingxuan said via voice transmission:

"Master, the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' is in the 'Island of Ten Thousand Immortals'!"

"Understood, you brought Mochou and Zhixie to have a good time, if the two of them lose a single hair, you will be in trouble." Xuanyuan laughed and cursed.

Apparently, Mo Chou and Zhixi knew through Fu Jingxuan that Xuanyuan was safe and sound, so they were naturally relieved.

"Brother Xuanyuan, Mo Chou misses you." Mo Chou's crisp voice suddenly came from the other end of Kunpeng's natal feather.

"This kid..." Xuanyuan smiled and said, "Mochou, I miss you too, how are you doing recently?"

"Very good, but I can't see Brother Xuanyuan, Mo Chou misses her very much." Mo Chou's tone was pitiful and a little sad.

"I miss Mo Chou too." Xuanyuan felt warm in his heart.

"It seems that Junior Brother Xuanyuan only wants Mo Chou and doesn't want me. I really failed as a Senior Sister." Zhixie's voice came, with a bit of teasing.

"Aha? What did Senior Sister Zhixie say? Naturally, I miss you very much. Thank you for taking care of Mo Chou all this time." Xuanyuan smiled awkwardly.

"Where is it, Mo Chou is well-behaved, kind, and talented. She is also a 'Thousand Spirit Body'. I don't know how many people in the entire 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' treasure her. I want to take care of Mo Chou There is no chance." Zhixie complained.

"Hahaha, it's natural, how about those flowers and plants of Senior Sister Zhizhi?" Xuanyuan Le laughed.

"You still have the nerve to say that you promised me to use 'Bi Luo Tian Shui' to nourish these flowers and plants, but since you left the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion', you never came back. Douyuan is nourishing, but it is still very slow to grow, I am afraid that when they mature, I will become a yellow-faced woman." Zhixie lamented.

"Well, the situation is forcing me. If I can live a stable life, I also want to plant flowers and grass and live a fairy-like life, but people in the world will not let me go, so what can I do?" Xuanyuan sighed.

"I know, no matter what, you must be very careful. If you have nowhere to go, you can come to the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion'. The ancestors will not have any objections." Zhixie's tone became more serious.

"Well, if you want to find me, you can ask Jing Xuan, he can contact me." Xuanyuan explained.

"It turns out that Master talks about love like this. It seems very ordinary. I don't know why so many people like Master?" Fu Jingxuan's voice came out at this time, full of excitement. disappointment.

"Actually, women should like someone like me..."

"You're too young..." Zhixie teased him.

"I'm not young anymore!" Fu Jingxuan retorted. "Otherwise, Mrs. Zhizhi will help me introduce a few emperors from the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion'?"

"Boy, believe it or not, I'll beat you up..." Xuanyuan cursed with a smile, and headed towards the direction of 'Island of Ten Thousand Immortals' through the air.

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