Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 835 Emperor Liang City

south state.

The border of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' is an endless stretch of towering ancient trees. They are thousands of feet high, with luxuriant branches and leaves. There are even Dao patterns on them, and the extending branches have the imprints of heaven and earth Dao marks on them, like a dragon rising, or Like a snake entrenched, many ancient trees have become spirits.

In Mo Chou's words, if there is a large army to invade, these ancient trees can stop and kill powerful enemies, and the strongest ancient trees can use the terrain to forcibly overwhelm the half-step sages.

Mo Chou is the 'body of a thousand spirits', and is compatible with all things in the world. Knowing that these ancient trees were carefully cultivated by the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', I don't know how many years have passed. From the perspective of war, it is a rare fortune, which has been passed down since ancient times.

In this dense forest, there are many fierce beasts. In fact, they are all war beasts guarding the frontiers of the "Nanzhou Dynasty". In the deep mountains and forests, there will be no fierce beasts, but the war beasts here have been trained and passed on from generation to generation. It is very scary to obey the orders of the "Nanzhou Dynasty". This is a hidden army. Can kill the enemy by surprise.

This is the benefit of Mo Chou's "Thousand Spirit Body". In fact, as long as one enters here, it is equivalent to being under the surveillance of the "Nanzhou Dynasty". Every year, people from other big states enter the "Nanzhou Dynasty". However, they all died of untimely deaths and there were no bones left. They were all attacked and killed here. Because of Mo Chou's relationship, these war beasts and the ancient wood demon will not attack or kill them, but will be very close to Mo Chou .

After the 'Thousand Spirits Body' has achieved great success, one can enlighten the world's thousand spirits to boost their cultivation, or plunder them before the 'Thousand Spirits Body' has achieved great success. Basically, all spirits in the world will make friends with it. I just hope that I can have a good opportunity in the future, get its guidance, feel the truth of the Tao, and benefit endlessly throughout my life.

Along the way, Xuanyuan and his party were unimpeded and extremely safe, and these ancient wooden war beasts even guarded them.

This night, in the sky, the moon hung high and the stars were shining brightly. In this boundless dense forest, Xuanyuan and his party had been walking for four days. They did not hurry on their way deliberately. They were all in a relaxed mood. After one battle after another, you need a peaceful day to settle your heart.

Across the dense forest of millions of miles, there is a majestic giant city. Its whole body is made of yellow-brown boulders, full of vicissitudes of life, and there are various ancient runes engraved on it. It is estimated that if it is activated, it will definitely be a shocking ban on the killing array. There is no doubt that it is full of extremely ancient atmosphere and has a long history of inheritance.

If the ancient wooden war beasts of millions of miles unite, they can cause great damage to the enemy who attacks the city, and the enemy will be attacked from all directions. What's more, there are many geomantic terrains in it. If they are attracted together, even if the enemy is not completely wiped out There will be heavy casualties.

It is under this ancient and vicissitudes of life that Xuanyuan walked all the way, embracing left and right, accompanied by beauties, while Peng Fei at the side seemed lonely and lonely, how miserable he was, his pair of eyes were green, full of love. Envy, jealousy and hatred.

Under the shroud of the moonlight, Mo Chou, Yuan'er, and Yan Ziyun beside Xuanyuan stepped forward in amazement, stunned the guards of this big city, they had never seen such a beautiful woman, even if they caught a glimpse, the other party They are also saintesses or princesses of the Immortal Mansion, and for them, they are too far away.

Xuanyuan looked at the three large characters written on the city wall, Emperor Liang City.

"Here we are, this is the first frontier city of the legendary 'Nanzhou Dynasty', right?"

Even though Xuanyuan has never been to Nanzhou, but in some fragments of words, he still has some fragmented impressions. Liangdi City is known as the first frontier city of the "Nanzhou Dynasty".

"Why does this city have such a strange name, Liangdi City? Could it be the ancient emperor of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty'?" Yuan'er looked at Xuanyuan curiously and asked.

Hearing this, Peng Fei excitedly stood beside Yuan'er, patted his chest, and said freely:

"You don't know this. At the beginning of the establishment of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', there was an existence of the level of an ancient emperor, surnamed Liang, who was the direct descendant of an ancient sage at that time. When Nanhuang Tiandi entered Nanzhou, he was appointed as a pioneer. However, he is extremely handsome, and he can be said to be the most beautiful man in the human race. Even the princess and queen of the ancient clan in Nanzhou fell in love with him when they saw him. They are willing to relocate their homeland to other places for him, so let him occupy this piece of land with almost no effort, and left countless good names!"

Peng Fei was eloquent, boasting, and showing off his talents and knowledge. Indeed, Xuanyuan did not expect that there would be such a legend in the 'Liangdi City', but Xuanyuan didn't believe it.

"I'm afraid it's all unofficial history. The existence of the ancient royal family, given their status in this world, how could the family move because the princess and queen in the family fell in love with Emperor Liang? At that time, the human race did not allow intermarriage with foreign races at all, otherwise they would be regarded as heterogeneous, and even the ancient sages would be executed, even if he was Emperor Liang, there is no exception. Do you want to say that Emperor Liang married them? ?”

Xuanyuan retorted, feeling that the story told by the fat man was too unreliable. In Xuanyuan's view, this was simply impossible and completely untenable.

"This master is right. This is indeed the truth. It is unexpected that outsiders will know the ancient inheritance of our 'Emperor Liang City'. At that time, Emperor Liang was too handsome. He was the most beautiful man in the human race. Many ancient The queen and princess of the family fought for him, and finally Emperor Liang persuaded them to make peace, and made peace with their big clan forever, signed a contract, and finally occupied the land with a radius of tens of thousands of miles."

A soldier guard whose strength was at the realm of fighting immortals, woke up from Xuanyuan's voice, and when he talked about Emperor Liang, his expression had an indescribable pride, as if it was the pride of being a member of the "Emperor Liang City".

"At that time, the human race was at its peak, and all races were made to submit, and the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' led all the sages to walk among all races, spread the way of the human race, and helped suppress the chaotic gods. For the ancient royal family, it was a great help to them. , the great virtues of the human race are passed on to the world, the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' and all the saints, even the ancient god emperors are amazed, and it is only good for them to let them migrate to the 100,000 mountains. It can also be reconciled with the human race forever, and at the end of the chaotic ancient times, the branch of the most powerful race, the witch race, the barbarian race made a start, and the impact was also great. The general trend is such that it cannot be resisted!"

Peng Fei interjected, with a hint of disdain for Xuanyuan in his eyes, thinking that this kid is too talented and uneducated, how can he look at the human race in ancient times with the current situation.

Xuanyuan shrugged his shoulders, and he was already used to it. It doesn’t mean that if you have money, power, or power, you will have it. It takes an extremely long time to accumulate and settle. There is too much history, not everyone can have a deep understanding of it.

"That's right, this master is really knowledgeable and talented. In fact, the legend of Emperor Liang is passed down from generation to generation in my 'Liangdi City'. He is the pride of our 'Liangdi City' people, because his appearance has attracted many people. The Tianjiao woman of the ancient clan was jealous of her, and in the end he simply put on a beast mask with green face and fangs, which was very scary, but all the fierce beasts and spirit beasts in this southern wasteland surrendered to him from the bottom of their hearts. And protect it from generation to generation, obeying the master of 'Liangdi City'."

The leader of a city gate guard looked at Peng Fei with indescribable admiration. At this moment, Peng Fei turned into the appearance of "Heaven Youqing". Needless to say, he is handsome. The ancient tomb of an eminent monk who has attained Taoism was excavated, and it sets off the aura of an immortal Buddha. Those who don't understand his nature will respect him in awe.

Xuanyuan looked at the blue-faced fangs on the chest of the city gate guard, with a hideous and terrifying pattern, and asked:

"Is this the symbolic family emblem of 'Emperor Liang City'?"

"That's right, that's right." The leader of the city gate guards responded proudly, his spirit flying high.

"It's unbelievable that there would be a Tianjiao saintess from the ancient clan fighting for the most beautiful man in the human race..." Xuanyuan sighed with emotion.

"What's the matter? Since ancient times, the great emperors in the world have fought for the stunning women of the four states. Why can't the ancient women fight for the most beautiful man in the human race? Pedantic!" Peng Fei said confidently. Xuanyuan gave a lecture, which was a joy.

Xuanyuan chuckled, disapprovingly said:

"The lesson is, let's go, we've entered the city, we've been running all the way, everyone is tired, we have to find a place to stay."

Peng Fei held his head high, arrogant and high-spirited, using his talent and learning to overwhelm Xuanyuan and make him feel happy, what a refreshing word.

"Okay, Brother Dao, please..."

The guards of 'Emperor Liang City' did not stop them, but at this moment, a sudden laugh came:

"What a handsome little brother, why don't you come and sit at my house?"

This voice was full of charm and soul-stirring. Peng Fei thought deeply and searched for the source of the voice. He saw a woman in a blue tulle dress with blue hair like a waterfall. Her eyes are like stars, shining with blue light, and her red lips are sexy, revealing a seductive redness, she is a rare stunner of a generation.

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