Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 847: Stone Gambling Competition!

In 'Southern Deserted City'.

A wide and flat avenue, with solid and solid houses on both sides, brand new, it can be seen from the stone that it has been built for a long time, but it has been repaired all the year round, so it looks very new, row upon row, neat and clean, giving people a feeling Very comfortable.

Along the way, there were various small stalls and various businesses, each of them operated their own business, all businesses flourished, and there was a lot of prosperity, laughing, yelling and buying and selling, and seeing the scene in front of him, Xuanyuan sighed in his heart. As far as I can see, it is best to have the participation of demons, monsters, and ancient tribes here.

Xuanyuan chose a pergola built by the side of the road, and sat on the edge of a mahogany Eight Immortals table, sat on a bench with Mochou, Yuaner sat with Yan Ziyun, and Pengfei sat with Lan Die separately. Sit on a chair.

This hurt Pengfei very much, why couldn't Lan Die sit with him, seeing Pengfei's expression, there was an indescribable depression and loneliness.

On this old Eight Immortals table, there are buns wrapped in lotus leaves, bowls of fragrant soy milk, and a plate of freshly fried red-skinned peanuts. The breakfast is very simple.

Lan Die looked at the plate of Chinese food in front of her, feeling a little puzzled, and said:

"With your cultivation, do you still need to eat these things like ordinary people? You must know that these things will eventually become impurities and hinder your cultivation!"

These foods are full of impurities. These are things that humans eat. For immortals, eating these is not beneficial but harmful. Although the impurities contained in them can be purified, there is no need to eat these things. This is blue. Butterfly idea!

"Hehe, Miss Lan, you must have been in the 100,000 mountains, the 'Blue Demon Abyss', and you haven't experienced the life of the common people of my human race, have you? In fact, it's nothing to eat these things. In the world, one must have a deep understanding of the lives of the common people in the world, if everyone holds your idea, how many people in the world will starve to death because of this!"

Xuanyuan smiled slightly, and pushed a steamed bun wrapped in lotus leaves in front of Lan Die, along with a bowl of hot soy milk.

"The other half of my body flows with the blood of the human race..."

Lan Die responded with a smile, then looked at the two kinds of food belonging to the human race in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and decided to do it.

Lan Die's eating posture is very elegant, and his manner is light. He gently took a bite of the bun with his white teeth, and imitated Xuanyuan and the others to drink a sip of soy milk. A different kind of taste rose up, which was very complicated, and Lan Die couldn't express it clearly for a while.

Mo Chou didn't have a good look at eating. Instead, she took a big bite of a steamed stuffed bun. Her pink cheeks puffed up. She chewed back and forth. When she couldn't swallow, she quickly took a sip of soy milk. He took a breath and smiled:

"It's delicious, the soy milk is so sweet, and there's a lot of meat filling in the buns. At that time, Aunt Mei always gave me the meat stuffing, and then ate the bun skin!"

At this moment, Mo Chou's expression has a touch of warmth. It is the greatest luck in her life to meet someone like Su Mei. She is no longer sad. She knows that Su Mei has gone far away. Miss her deeply.

Mo Chou's face is full of smiles and happiness. In that memorable time, in her childhood, Su Mei was the only person who gave her warmth in this world, and then there was Xuanyuan, even Mo Jue would always go back Look at her, but it gives Mo Chou more feeling, it is mysterious, unfathomable, it can only be hidden in the heart, it is a secret, and because of this, Xuanyuan has become one of the most important people in Mo Chou's life, even In some emotions, the limit has been crossed.

"I think back then, Lord Buddha, when I was a child, I suffered so much for such a steamed bun. I suffered so much humiliation. I didn't finish my last meal. Sometimes even what I got was taken away by others. Now it's Give these things to the Buddha, I don’t even want to eat them..." Peng Fei said while picking up the meat buns and stuffing them into his mouth, he said vaguely:

"Well... this, tastes good..."


Xuanyuan rolled his eyes and cursed with a smile.

The sun is rising, the sun is shining, covering the entire land, making people feel warm, wanting to be in the sun, not wanting to move at all, warm and comfortable, calm and peaceful, but a life like this is destined not to be suitable for me, or Only when the king is lonely and the emperor is lonely, can he enjoy this kind of life.

From the day I became the inheritor of the 'Emperor Devourer', I was doomed that my life would not be peaceful, unless I lived in seclusion in the mountains, would never be born, and had to cultivate my body all the time , strengthen one's own strength, otherwise, there may be a day when a catastrophe suddenly strikes and one dies unexpectedly.

Xuanyuan knew that even though he had comprehended the vision of "one qi transforming into three cleanses", and his "ten thousand transformation body" power could cover up the secrets of heaven, this did not mean that others would not be able to calculate his position. Even the whereabouts of the Devouring Emperor were calculated, and finally he was besieged and killed by various forces.

Now no one else calculates his whereabouts, just because the chips offered by his opponents are not high enough, not heavy enough, and of course there is a deep taboo, that is, some great supernatural beings were obliterated by the remaining thoughts of the "Swallowing the Great" that day , this is always what the people in the "Tianji" are afraid of, for fear that the "Swallowing Emperor" will leave behind. If it really happens, the loss at that time will be an unbearable pain for them, no matter how much they get. Not enough to cover their losses.

This is also the reason why Xuanyuan has been safe and sound. The shock of the "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" is only one of them, but the more important thing is the "Swallowing Emperor". Devouring Emperor's hatred for 'Tianji' is extremely extreme, otherwise, the follower of 'Devouring Emperor' will not appear, in their view, the follower left by 'Swallowing Emperor' must be more than this, he Died due to the calculation of "Tianji", it is natural to protect one's own inheritance from repeating the same mistakes. People with "Tianji" dare not take lightly on this figure who almost became an ancient emperor in the Dharma-ending era. heart of.

"Tianji" once calculated this matter. If he calculates the inheritance of "Swallowing the Great" himself, there will be a huge calamity. No one can explain clearly what this calamity is. They all rejected the temptation of high-priced bargaining chips, even if they really calculated Xuanyuan's whereabouts, it would only be "Tianji" who would bear the wrath of the "Swallowing Emperor" and no one was so stupid as this.

After breakfast, Xuanyuan left a piece of Celestial Coin, and led the group out of the arbor. The eyes of the younger brother who originally greeted Xuanyuan and his party turned green. This piece of Celestial Coin was something they couldn’t earn by selling these breakfasts for the rest of their lives. Now, what are the identities of the people who can take out the Celestial Coin? Coming to eat at this small stall really made him unbelievable and incomprehensible.

In the 'Southern Deserted City', the common people live on the outskirts. The closer you go to the center, the stronger the monks you meet. This arrangement is also reasonable. There will inevitably be friction between the monks. If the common people live there, If the two fighting immortals had a conflict, the aftermath of a move would be enough to annihilate them in ashes.

Along the way, it seemed that something big was about to happen in 'Southern Deserted City'. Countless people were discussing it with great interest, and their hearts were filled with anticipation. related.

One thing that Xuanyuan and his party heard everyone talking about was that the Nanzhou Stone Gambling Contest was held once every thousand years in the "Southern Desolation City". Jointly sponsored by the three major forces of Zifu Xianjiao, all the strange stones that have been treasured for thousands of years are displayed in front of everyone. Of course, if you want to cut stones, you must pay a high price to buy them. He is a person with a head, face and status, and has a profound background, otherwise there are some strange stones that no one can afford.

Of course, there are also some stone gamblers who do not have such huge financial resources, so they choose to rely on some big forces, and it is not uncommon for them to pay the money and let them gamble.

Anyone who is a stone gambler can participate. Those who can win in the end will have a mysterious reward. As for what it is, no one knows, but there seems to be a faint rumor about what kind of reward it is. I don’t know if it is real or someone else’s. guess.

"What do you think will be the rewards of the three major forces this time? It is said that it is very likely to be a peerless Taoist artifact? This peerless Taoist artifact seems to have a great relationship with the Suzaku fairy beast. Those who get this object must It can run rampant in the world, and the supreme Taoist weapon can't be released, who is fighting for the front, a peerless Taoist weapon is just like this, it is worthy of the "Suzaku Immortal Mansion"!"

"Why did I hear the news that the eldest princess of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' was married to the winner? You must know that Princess Hongdou is so beautiful that she is the number one beauty in the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', and she is both civil and military. It is already close to the realm of immortals. If anyone can marry Princess Hongdou, he will be able to double cultivate with her, and his power will increase greatly. From now on, there will be such a behemoth as the "Nanzhou Dynasty" as his reliance, so he is not afraid at all! "

The ears of Xuanyuan and his party stood up like rabbits, listening to all the information about the stone gambling competition. Obviously Xuanyuan was very interested in the stone gambling competition in the 'Southern Deserted City'. It seems that it has been a long time since the last stone gambling competition It's far away, Xuanyuan really wants to know if there are any masters of power in Nanzhou. Of course, there is another idea, that is, in this kind of competition, will the "power court" Tianjiao who has been hiding all the time Appear? This is what Xuanyuan expected.

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