Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 860 Conflict between Buddhism and Taoism

night sky.

The purple clouds soared into the sky, the purple air came from the east, the moonlight and the stars became the foil, a man with long hair tied up, wearing a Taoist crown on his head, and a dragon-like Taoist hairpin passed through.

He is thin and thin, wearing a gossip Taoist robe, embroidered with mountains, rivers, sun and moon, stars in the sky, hidden flowers, trees, birds, beasts, fish and insects, showing all things in the world. He is a scholar, and he doesn't seem to have any lethal power at all. If he hadn't declared his identity, ordinary people would not be able to imagine that the holy son of the 'Zifu Immortal Sect' would look like this.

The 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' slowly fell from the sky, his smile never changing.

Xuanyuan looked at this person, his face was like a jade crown, his lips were red and his teeth were white. How far has the strength of the Zifu Shengzi' reached?

He bowed his hands and saluted with a refined smile:

"You are all polite."

Everyone returned the gift.

"I asked for a long time about the name of Miss Jiang Yan, the number one talented woman in the 'Beizhou Dynasty'. When I saw her today, she was really extraordinary. Just this temperament is enough to make countless Tianjiao Shengzi unforgettable for a lifetime. However, I seem to have come at a wrong time. By now, it seems that everyone is going to leave, right?"

"That's not true, it's just that Brother Kong and I have to leave first, and Miss Jiang Yan sent us out. You can continue, it doesn't matter." Xuanyuan smiled.

"'Zifu Shengzi', kill him, I will give you what you want, haven't you always wanted it? As long as you kill this person, it will be yours!" Right here At that time, Qu Zhi sent a sound transmission to the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion', and his target was directed at Xuanyuan. He hated Xuanyuan to the extreme. Today, Xuanyuan has trampled his face to the ground. He can't bear this breath, Xuanyuan Only death can relieve the hatred in his heart.

Hearing this, the "Sage Son of the Purple Mansion" was moved in his heart. Three years ago, the "Sage Son of the Purple Mansion" went to Shiwan Dashan and met Qu Zhi, who was only seven years old at the time. The two found a wonderful strange stone together. Forming a group of people with five hearts facing the sky, for this reason, the two people used their magical powers to compete for this strange stone and fight.

The 'Sage Son of the Zifu' naturally wouldn't show mercy just because Qu Zhi was only seven years old, after all, no matter in terms of training time or experience, the 'Sage Son of the Zifu' was much better than Qu Zhi, if it weren't for the many treasures on Qu Zhi's body Protecting himself, I'm afraid he was defeated long ago. The two of them fought for a day. When Qu Zhi was about to be beaten to death by him, 'Mo Qilin' appeared and rescued Qu Zhi. Naturally, 'Zifu Shengzi' could not be 'Mo Qilin' 'The opponent was directly sent back to the 'Zifu Xianjiao' by the 'Mo Qilin' with the supernatural power, and the last strange stone was naturally obtained by Qu Zhi.

For so many years, the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' has been obsessed with that strange stone, because there seems to be some kind of secret hidden in it. Qu Zhi was very accurate, he offered Qu Zhi many times to buy that strange stone, but Qu Zhi rejected them all. For so many years, it has always been the strange stone that the "Sage Son of the Purple Mansion" wanted most.

"Is this true?" Now that Qu Zhi is tempting with this piece, the "Sage Son of the Purple Mansion" is obviously moved. Although he doesn't know why Qu Zhi killed this person, in his opinion, as long as he can get that strange stone that day, he will be fine. up.

"Of course it is true, I swear in blood, as long as you can kill this Su Xuan, I will immediately offer up the strange stone that was shaped like a Taoist with five hearts facing the sky with both hands, otherwise the sky will be struck by lightning, all gods will be destroyed, and you will never be reborn forever. "The poisonous oath that Qu Zhi swears makes the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' sure, unless he really wants to annihilate himself.

The 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' looked at Xuanyuan, stepped forward, and asked with a smile:

"Who is this son?"

"Su Xuan, here, is an unknown casual cultivator, not worth mentioning." Xuanyuan didn't know that the two of them transmitted the voice, and the "Sage Son of Zifu" already wanted to attack him.

"Mr. Su has a predestined relationship with my Buddha, and it seems to be inherited by the Buddha Emperor. He is likely to be the master of my 'Da Leiyin Temple' in the future. Why do you need to belittle yourself?" If you want everyone to know that you and Xuanyuan are from the 'Da Leiyin Temple', you can't mess with them.

Who knew that the 'Sage Son of Zifu' heard the words, smiled and said:

"Buddhism and Taoism are incompatible. The origin of my 'Zifu Immortal Sect' is Xizhou Taoism. I didn't expect to be lucky enough to meet two eminent monk disciples of 'Da Leiyin Temple' today. I just want to experience it. How powerful is this person who inherited the Buddha Emperor."

While speaking, the seemingly powerless hand of the 'Zifu Shengzi' directly brushed towards Xuanyuan. Wherever it passed, the power of wind, thunder, water and fire rolled, and the space was broken layer by layer, with overwhelming killing power. Touching it, even an Earth Immortal's head would turn into ashes. With this blow, he hit Xuanyuan face to face, wanting to put Xuanyuan to death.

Xuanyuan didn't expect that the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' would suddenly kill him, raised his sword eyebrows, and punched him without any fear. Introverted and cohesive, erupting, like the power of an ancient volcano, rushed straight out, and collided with the blow of the 'Zifu Shengzi'.

There was a bang, like a thunderclap, deafening the ears of countless people present, and the terrifying fluctuation of power swept across all directions, and Qu Zhi had already retreated far away.

Xuanyuan knew that it was meaningless to say anything more now, the strength of the 'Zifu Shengzi' was extremely terrifying, Xuanyuan smashed his offensive with one punch, and killed him back, but felt that he had half the strength They were all melted away by the gossip robe on his body.

Since the Taoist clothing worn by the 'Zifu Shengzi' is called the "Qiankun Taoist Clothes", it can transform the universe and gossip into attacking all things in the world. It is extremely mysterious, and the power does not stick to the body. force.

Xuanyuan knew that the 'Sage Son of the Zifu' would definitely be weird, so he immediately distanced himself from him, his expression turned cold, and he said slowly:

"'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion', why are you doing this? I have no grievances with you, why did you kill me?"

Apparently, none of the people present came to their senses. All of this happened inexplicably. The 'Sage Son of Zifu' still had a gentle smile on his face, and said:

"It's nothing, I just want to learn about the Buddha's inheritance, and see who is better between Taoism and Buddhism."

The words of the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' are impeccable. They will not make people think that he is unreasonable, but will only make people feel that Taoism and Buddhism are not compatible, and he just wants to learn from each other.

This is indeed the case, and it is a well-known fact, otherwise, the Taoist and Buddhist sects of Xizhou would not have struggled with Taoism in the boundless territory of Xizhou for so many years without stopping.

However, Xuanyuan doesn't think so, he knows this matter, there is absolutely something wrong with it, and it probably has nothing to do with Qu Zhi, but it's just a step back, it's just that Qu Zhi asked the "Sage Son of the Purple Mansion" to kill him So what, now I can only fight.

The 'Sage Son of the Zifu' looked at Xuanyuan soaring in the sky, and said with a smile:

"Brother Su's physical cultivation is astonishing. I'm afraid that even the strong of the earth fairy realm will die in your hands if they fight with you with their pure physical bodies. You are worthy of being a person who has received the inheritance of the Buddha Emperor, but is your strength just that? Is that all? If that's the case, I'm afraid you are not my opponent!"

The 'Sage Son of the Zifu' spoke in a calm, unhurried, gentle voice, rising up, facing Xuanyuan in the night sky.

"Such strength is enough to deal with you."

Xuanyuan looked coldly at the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion', even though he said that, he didn't dare to be careless, the 'Purdue Buddha Bead' appeared in Xuanyuan's hands, which was purchased by Xuanyuan in the 'Land of Qingming' that day There are nine Purdue Buddha beads on it, depicting different shapes of Buddha statues, possessing incredible power. This was originally bought by Xuanyuan to deal with "Eternal Life", but now it is used to deal with "Zifu Sheng" sub'.

Holding the "Purdue Buddha Bead" in Xuanyuan's hand, he circulated the "Diamond Sutra" of Buddhist supernatural powers he had practiced. The boundless Dharma is vast, and the Sanskrit sounds are rolling all over the sky. Nine Buddha statues of different shapes can be seen manifesting around Xuanyuan's body.

"Great Wade Buddha, suppress!"

With the movement of Xuanyuan's thoughts, one of the majestic and virtuous ancient Buddha's giant hands raised up and pressed towards the 'Sage Son of Zifu'.

The 'Sage Son of the Zifu' didn't dodge or evade, he faced it directly. From him, the purple energy rose, and the rhythm of the avenue flowed. Suddenly, an ancient pipa appeared in his hand, with eight trigrams and Taiji Dao patterns on it. The hand of the emperor, named 'Holding the Moon', is an imperial object, refined from the supreme Tao treasure, although it is not a supreme Tao tool, but it was refined by the ancient Tao emperor himself, and he accompanied him day and night Playing beside you, there is great power.

'Zifu Shengzi' held the moon with both hands, plucked the strings, and the eight trigrams diagram on it turned, and the Taiji diagram followed suit. , accompanied by the surge of purple energy in the sky, a great dragon of purple energy evolved, and directly disintegrated the hand of the great Weed Buddha that was pressing on him.

The sound of Dao clang pierced through the four directions, and Xuanyuan looked dignified. This 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' has strange supernatural powers and astonishing strength. Fighting him is probably not an easy task. In the 'Purduation Buddha Bead' in Xuanyuan's hand , the manifestation of nine ancient Buddhas, the Great Virtue Buddha, the Great Compassionate Buddha, the Great Wheel Buddha...

The manifestation of the nine ancient Buddhas caused the singing of Sanskrit all over the sky to become even more magnificent, making people who watched around the 'Nan Tianhe' feel an indescribable devotion in their hearts. They couldn't help kneeling and worshiping. , leaving only compassion and peace.

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