Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 863: Stone Gambling Contest Begins

That old man, with withered and yellow hair combed meticulously, wearing a purple gold crown and a dark gold robe, looked like he was dying, old and hunched, with a thin body, and the wrinkles on his face were enough to trap flies. They are all sunken, with protruding cheekbones, deep sunken eye sockets, and only skin and bones left on his body, like a hungry ghost summoned by Xuanyuan. He looks thin and weak, and it feels as if a gust of wind can blow him away.

However, he just put his hands behind his back, and under the eyes of everyone, he walked into the world transformed by the "Mountains and Rivers of the Universe" derived from the "Sage Son of the Purple Mansion", and many people broke into a cold sweat for him.

But in the next scene, countless people were shocked. They saw that the purple lightning dragon snake that was smashing down from the sky turned into flying ash, the underground flames were shattered, the thirty horns and astral winds turned into nothingness, and the ten thousand swords of heaven and ice were shattered. Into nothingness, the stirring sound of the piano dissipated.

Xuanyuan smiled happily, bowed to the old man and said:

"Thank you, old man, for your help."

"Hehe, Mr. Su is only in the realm of fighting immortals at the seventh turn, and he has such strength. This old man really admires you. From the looks of you, you are not from Xizhou. If you enter the 'Da Leiyin Temple' in the future and become a mainstay , if there is a rebellion from the ancient royal family and harm to the human race, I hope you can lead the Xizhou Buddhist sect to come to help, we are in the same line, we should help each other, and you should understand this truth."

The old man had a lot of meaning. He walked up to Xuanyuan, patted Xuanyuan's shoulder with his withered hand, and felt the surging blood and violent physical strength in Xuanyuan's body. A gleam flashed in his eyes. Different color:

"This is the first time in my life that this old man has seen a person who is in the realm of fighting immortals at the seventh turn. He has such a strong physique. He is worthy of being a person who can receive the inheritance of the Buddha Emperor. It’s hard to shake, it’s so unbelievable!”

The old man's evaluation was very pertinent. As soon as this remark came out, countless people present looked shocked. How a person who is in the realm of Fighting Immortals at Rank 7 can cross three great realms physically is comparable to a fairy. This is incomprehensible to everyone. From the eyes of ordinary people, it is impossible, unless it is an extremely heaven-defying physique.

But of course Xuanyuan has it, but they don't know it, not only that, but also the tempering and nourishment of the five elements, the baptism of the Qinglong inheritance, the fusion of the "swallowing myriad of transformations" with his flesh and blood, and various natural materials The cultivation of earth treasures, and more importantly, every time Xuanyuan is in a thunder calamity that is more terrifying than ordinary people, he devours the power contained in the thunder calamity and blends it into his own flesh and soul, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people , This step-by-step tempering is the reason why Xuanyuan has such a terrifying body.

"The old man praised you. I think you should be a highly respected person in the Qu family. This Mr. Qu Zhi is young and ten years old. It is rare from ancient times to the present. It is just that although the talent is high, if the temperament is not good In the future, it will still be difficult to become a big man, and I hope that the old man will have time to teach him, I am afraid that it will only be good for him, and there will be no harm."

Xuanyuan said this half for the good of Qu Zhi. After all, the sage named "Kirin Sending a Son" is the luckiest person Xuanyuan has seen. No one else has such a blessing. He is still young. People will always grow, Xuanyuan felt that Qu Zhi should not be sentenced to death just because of his arrogance when he was still immature, and the other half was also for the sake of Qi Zhi.

Sure enough, Qu Zhi was so angry that his fair face was about to bleed, his eyes burst out with fury, he strode forward, pointed at the back of Xuanyuan's head and shouted:

"Su Xuan, don't push your nose and face, and make an inch of it. Do you really think I can't kill you? Take the trick for me."

The old man of the Qu family shook his head, sighed, and with a wave of the withered old hand on his body, Qu Zhi was shackled in mid-air on the spot, unable to move, Qu Zhi looked shocked and angry:

"Eight Patriarch, why are you blocking me!"

"You come back with me, don't mess around!" The eighth patriarch of the Qu family gave Qu Zhi a cold look, which made him shiver uncontrollably. Although Qu Zhi was lawless by nature, the older generation of the Qu family could still calm down hold him.

"But the Eighth Patriarch!" Qu Zhi was extremely unwilling, his eyes were full of resentment, he looked at Xuanyuan, his own face was about to be lost, it was all because of Xuanyuan.

"There's nothing wrong with it. If you dare to mess around again, I'll put you in confinement. You won't even be allowed to participate in tomorrow's 'Stone Gambling Competition'." Qu Zhi's eighth patriarch's indifferent words made Qu Zhi completely shut up. To the 'Zifu Shengzi', said gently:

"Qu Zhi, this child, has been rampant and doing whatever he wants these years. I was indeed negligent. The five-hearted strange stone is the treasure of my Qu family. He is a child, even though he is very talented, but in this How could it be possible to be in charge of such a major matter? Fortunately, I arrived in time and did not make the situation serious. I hope that the two of you will turn this into a friendship. There is so much offense. I am here to apologize to you. After that, the old man will take a step first."

The Eighth Patriarch of the Qu family smiled, and left directly with Qu Zhi. The 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' had the ugliest expression on his face. He glanced at Xuanyuan and knew that even killing him now would be pointless. Qu Zhi used the spear once, and this is what made the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' most angry.

On the other hand, Xuanyuan, with an indifferent look, smiled and said to the 'Sage Son of Zifu':

"The 'Purple Mansion Immortal Sect' is really extraordinary, and I have learned it today, but it's a pity that a generation of dignified saints was used as a gun for a while, and I was suffocated in my heart. It hurts my body. I think 'Zifu Immortal Sect' Son of God, you should calm down your heart, or you will lose as soon as you play tomorrow, and your face will be too ugly."

The 'Sage Son of Zifu' looked calm, and responded with a smile:

"Thank you Mr. Su for your concern. I don't know about other people, but if I meet Mr. Su Xuan, even if my heart is not calm, the chances of winning are still very high. Mr. Su, you should worry about yourself. If you're not careful, you won't know how you died, don't think that gambling with stones is safe, you will never understand the magic of power!"

As soon as the 'Purple Mansion Saint Son' finished speaking, he swung his sleeves away, took away the purple energy rising from the sky, and disappeared into the crowd. It was obvious that he was not optimistic about Xuanyuan's attainments in martial arts, Xuanyuan smiled slightly and didn't care , there is nothing better than making the enemy despise oneself.

"Oh, I didn't expect such a thing to happen. I'm really sorry, Miss Jiang Yan. I'm really sorry that I had a fight on your territory. Fortunately, there was no loss. I must make up for you some other day !” Xuanyuan laughed and bowed to leave.

"What did Mr. Su say? You didn't provoke this incident. It's nothing. I hope that after the 'Stone Gambling Competition' is over, I can meet Mr. Su and have a good exchange. Please give me your advice, Mr. Su!" Jiang Yan smiled, she stood on the bow of the boat, her white clothes moved with the wind, she was graceful, although her face could not be seen, but her forehead, her eyes, her stature , the temperament she exudes, under the cold moonlight, has made countless people like and admire this talented woman from the bottom of her heart. Her eyes make all the women in 'Nan Tianhe' feel as happy as possible. All bleak.

"Hahaha, Su is very honored to say goodbye..." Xuanyuan Takong left, followed by Pengfei, with tears streaming down his face and full of complaints, he said:

"Damn it, why didn't this Jiang Yan tell Master Dao that he hoped to meet me again and have a good chat?"

"You are an eminent monk who has attained the Tao. How dare people touch you? Can you be the same as me? Although you say that I am from the 'Da Leiyin Temple', I have not yet entered the Buddhist gate. I still have a chance. "Xuanyuan laughed, jokingly.

Peng Fei's face turned green, and he said angrily:

"How sinister your intentions are. It turns out that you had a purpose from the beginning. You were afraid that Daoist Master I would be more handsome than you and rob you of a woman, so you made me look like this flower monk. You are really cruel, and Daoist Master was once again captured by you!" It's a trap."

The two slobbered at each other all the way back to the 'Nine Cauldron Chamber of Commerce', only to see the wooden man with a dead face and sitting on the ground, seeing Xuanyuan and his party coming back, they stood up abruptly and said tremblingly:

"Are you back?"

Xuanyuan nodded, touched his nose, looked at the dry crystals in all directions, felt a little guilty, so that he was a little embarrassed to speak:

"Huh? What, is there something wrong with the wood?"

"Uh, it's okay, it's okay, it seems that the two young masters are not mortals, it's amazing that they were able to completely consume this training room in just eight days..."

"What's the matter, prepare us a training room for the supreme immortal. Tonight we will prepare well for tomorrow's 'Stone Gambling Competition'." Peng Fei was extremely shameless, and he was shameless. Hearing the words, Mu Mu's face turned green up.

Xuanyuan laughed loudly, patted Mu Mu's shoulder and said:

"If you don't have anything to do with us, you can go about your business, Brother Peacock was just joking with you."

Mu Mu was sweating profusely, and hurriedly left:

"Yes Yes Yes……"

After sending away the wood, Xuanyuan and Pengfei left the practice room early in the morning. Mochou, Yan Ziyun, Landie, and Yuaner also walked out together. Covered with a light veil, Xuanyuan used the power technique, even if the opponent's strength reached the realm of a sage, as long as his power technique is not as good as Xuanyuan's, he will definitely not be able to see through it.

Xuanyuan estimated that he would meet many old acquaintances this time, so if the identities of Mo Chou and Yan Ziyun were revealed, it would be dangerous.

The stone betting contest started on this day.

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