Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 866: Those who know how to use the rules are strong

In the courtyard, there are eight large pavilions standing.

Each large pavilion is made of marble, and they surround the entire garden in eight directions.

In each big pavilion, there are about 30 people, all entertained with spirit fruit and dew. These people have paid money, come in to watch the game, and are arranged here. According to the price they paid, what they can The specifications and levels of the competitions I saw were different, and the number of games was also different, because the competition had just started, and the higher the specification, the fewer venues, so naturally it was impossible to accommodate so many people to watch, so either pay the entrance fee, or Leave, at this point, the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' is quite humane. After all, you need to have wonderful stone gambling skills, and then consider whether to continue watching.

There were eighteen stone cases in total, and Xuanyuan was the last one to come before the last stone case that was empty.

The arrival of a group of people attracted the attention of countless people, and someone recognized Xuanyuan on the spot, and said in a startled voice:

"He is that Su Xuan, who opposed Qu Zhi, I never thought he would come here!"

"What, he was the one who fought against the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' that night?"

"Yes, this person is a casual cultivator, but he is extremely lucky to have received the inheritance of the Buddha Emperor. His strength is extraordinary, and his physical strength is even stronger than that of an immortal!"

The people present were discussing in whispers, but Xuanyuan ignored it. Many other contestants looked at Xuanyuan mostly with contempt. The higher Xuanyuan's cultivation level, it means that his posture skills will inevitably be slack, so Even if there is an ancient emperor in front of him, what he is fighting for is power, not his own strength.

Looking around, most of the people present are older than Xuanyuan. There are eighteen people. The State Dynasty' has been decided, and different gardens have different competition methods.

In the center of the courtyard, there was an old man sitting cross-legged in the air above the pool. He looked at Xuanyuan and his party, especially when he saw Yuan'er and Mochou sitting on top of the 'Fengxianjun', the corner of his eye It twitched involuntarily, her heart was beating wildly, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

But after all, he is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, so he calmed down quickly, stroked his three-foot-long snow-white beard, and said amiably:

"It seems that everyone has arrived, so please explain the rules of this competition to the contestants first. I am the referee of this competition. The winner who cuts out the highest value wins!"

As soon as the words fell, the contestants present began to be hostile to each other. Xuanyuan was regarded as the most inconspicuous existence. In their opinion, the martial arts would take a very long time, and it would take a long time to accumulate to reach a certain level. However, at Xuanyuan's age, his strength has already reached such a state. If he wants to have a higher attainment in martial arts, it may be difficult. Not everyone can be a child prodigy, not everyone can be like Qu Zhi. Good luck, I got the supernatural powers of martial arts passed down from the ancient sages, and since ancient times, it is rare to hear of anyone in the Buddhist sect who is good at supernatural powers of martial arts, which makes them look down on Xuanyuan even more.

The ground outside the eight large pavilions in the courtyard is full of origin stones, but the level of these origin stones is very low. It is already amazing to be able to cut out fighting jade and fighting crystals inside. Xuanyuan Zhenyan is working , at a glance.

Qi Xuan said slowly:

"The rules of the competition are very simple. You can't use your fighting spirit to hurt the stone betting players. If you violate the rules, you will lose."

"In the stone gambling, the cost of all origin stones must be paid by the contestants. If the contestants do not have enough money, they can ask the people present for help. Is there anyone who is willing to help pay? The origin stone offsets the corresponding value. For example, if you pick a source stone worth 100 million Celestial Coins and cut out Douyuan worth 200 million Celestial Coins, but you have no money to pay for it, if no one present is willing to help For you, then you have to deduct 100 million worth of Douyuan from your 200 million Celestial Coins, and then compare yourself with others!"

Xuanyuan frowned, this kind of rule is actually dealing with a batch of waste rocks in disguise, and it also extremely tests the accumulation of the rock gamblers themselves. If they are weak people, they can't afford it at all. It's unfair, but in this world, that's how it is. This is an elimination mechanism of natural selection. Of course, to a greater extent, it is the "Nanzhou Dynasty", "Suzaku Immortal Mansion", and "Zifu Immortal Sect". It is also one of the reasons to attract some outstanding stone gamblers who are not supported by big forces, and the threshold of 100 million Celestial Coins is required for registration, so those who come in are destined to have considerable financial resources.

"Huh? Then the rules of this game?" Xuanyuan asked.

"The rule of this game is that after the referee gives an order, you all take action together. Each person picks ten origin stones from this field, and you can only pick ten. Once you get the origin stone, it will be yours. Ten yuan means that I have chosen it, and other contestants will not be able to shoot at you, and those who violate the rules will be severely punished. After collecting, the one with the highest value will win." Qixuan said.

"That is to say, it is possible to detonate the origin stone in the opponent's hand with the power technique?" Xuanyuan asked tentatively.

"Hehe, that's a matter between you stone gamblers. Only those who are good at using the rules can become the strongest in the world. There is no absolute fairness in the world, and more things need to be created by yourself. "Qixuan smiled, waved his hand, and signaled to the referee that this side has been agreed.

Xuanyuan nodded and said nothing more.

"Boy, if you are defeated in the first round, I will never end with you..." Peng Fei transmitted voice to Xuanyuan in his heart.

"Brother, come on..."

"Xuanxuan, come on..."

Yuan'er and Mochou cheered Xuanyuan up, the support of relatives and friends made Xuanyuan feel full of strength, because the jealous eyes of countless people were all focused on Xuanyuan, how many people could have such treatment ?

"I know only one person present. Look at that young man over there. He is my 'Nanzhou Dynasty', the son of the city lord of Shiwan City. Among the stones, you have to be careful, although he is only in his twenties and thirties, his stone gambling skills are already comparable to those of many older generations, his name is Fang Han." Qi Xuan kindly reminded him.

Xuanyuan nodded. That young man looked quite upright. Like himself, he belonged to the ranks of being looked down upon, but he, like Xuanyuan, didn't care at all.

After a while, it finally started. The white-bearded old man sitting cross-legged in the air laughed in harmony:

"Okay, since everyone already knows the rules, let's start."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan took a step forward, not even a little light came out of his body, like a beginner, staring at the ground and looking around, all kinds of brilliance appeared on the bodies of other people present, gorgeous Colorful, seeing this scene of Xuanyuan made many people laugh out loud:

"This kid doesn't have a cramp in his head. He dares to participate in this competition with such a stone betting method. He is simply here to give money to the 'Nanzhou Dynasty'."

"I'm dying of laughter. Look, he didn't even understand the rules clearly. If the stone is touched, it belongs to him, and he actually let it go."

"Ah? So that's the case, then I'll pick it up." Xuanyuan looked half-knowledgeable.

"This kid looks like a layman who doesn't know how to pretend to understand. He actually touched a turbid stone as soon as he came up. Hey, there are so many people who like to join in the fun these days. Isn't 100 million Tianxian coins money? How nice is it for me .”

At this moment, there was only bang bang bang, explosions sounded one after another, and the masters of martial arts present moved the origin stones in the hands of their opponents one after another.

One must know that the people present are all vulgar? One can see at a glance whether there is something hidden in these origin stones, even if there is a little bit of jade and crystal in them, they can detonate in an instant, and many people are blown to disgrace, largely because of those origin stones. The power of Dou Yu and Dou Jing contained in it is not enough to cause damage to people of their realm, but the stone powder on that face is still inevitable.

And Xuanyuan picked stones one by one like this, no one had the leisure to pay attention to him, and Fang Han, the son of the city lord of Shifang City, who was about the same age as Xuanyuan, was the same. After picking up ten source stones, someone immediately used force to detonate the source stones in Xuanyuan's hand, but at this moment, Xuanyuan said plainly:

"I've chosen..."

This made those relatively strong men of the older generation suddenly want to die. On the other side, Fang Han also said:

"I'm fine too."

The other contestants were almost fighting, but they didn't have many Origin Stones, the most still had eight in their hands, and the least had been detonated to the point where only one was left.

The contestants present went back to their respective stone tables, and after paying the value of the source stones they had chosen, they began to cut stones, with rays of light flashing one after another. The old man with a three-foot white beard cut Good start to check and accept, everything is based on ordinary Douyuan, and the cut out Douyu and Doujing are discounted.

"The No. 1 stone desk is worth one or two buckets."

"The No. 2 stone table is worth three or two buckets."

"The No. 3 stone table is worth one or two buckets."

"The No. 4 stone table is worth two or two buckets."

"Stone table No. 5, huh? Seven taels of buckets."

"Okay!" Someone shouted excitedly on the spot, and the source of Qiliang Dou was cut out. It was an old man from a family in the Beizhou Dynasty. Although the source stone in his hand was detonated to only seven pieces, he was able to achieve this result. , is already very high.

"It seems that this time, the No. 5 stone table should have the chance to win..." Many people present felt their hearts suddenly raised, especially some contestants on the stone table, who had already chosen to give up and went straight to the table. Slapped the crystal jade that he had cut out, and finally only Fang Han and Xuanyuan were left.

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