In this endless wasteland.

Xuanyuan stood upright, holding a blood-stained origin stone in his hand, like the most terrifying god of death, making people's hearts tremble and their souls tremble.

It was too terrifying. Xuanyuan's physical strength was like a living humanoid tyrannosaurus, which made the remaining four fate immortals fear in their hearts.

Standing aside, Hong Teng couldn't stop it at all, because Xuanyuan really didn't violate any rules, and the three Fate Immortals were aggressive just now, they really deserved to die. Thinking about it, he really had no reason to stop Xuanyuan.

"Say it quickly, if you take advantage of others, don't implicate us."

"That's right, if you don't say anything, no one will be able to protect you."

"Why do you have to sacrifice your life for that person? People like me who are in the Immortal Realm of Destiny will be welcomed by countless people wherever we go."

The three fate immortals whose lives were threatened because of this said again and again, so that the person who shot at Xuanyuan couldn't bear it anymore. His face was ashen, and said:

"It's Qu Zhi. He spent three trillion celestial coins and gave it to the three of us to kill Su Xuan. After that, he would introduce us to the Qu family and teach us the ancient sages he had inherited from the ancient sages." Gesture."

As soon as this remark came out, Xuanyuan also understood in an instant. Qu Zhi's last sentence directly captured the hearts of these fate immortals, making them unable to resist. This temptation is too great, left by the ancient sages. Anyone would be tempted by Taikoo Shishu, and they have no reason to refuse such a huge amount of employment.

"I didn't expect Qu Zhi to be so vicious at such a young age. I didn't believe it at first. I thought that Qu Zhi would have supernatural powers. He would be a figure of the young emperor in the future, and he would still have the reputation of 'Kirin Sending a Child' and being named by the sages. How could it be possible?" It seems that it is true that such a narrow-minded Su Xuan can't get along with a silent and unknown Su Xuan."

"Know people, know face, but don't know heart. It seems that you must not offend Qu Zhi in the future. This son's character is not good. If you are hated by him, you will have no choice but to die at his hands in the end. Su Xuan this time He escaped this catastrophe, but after the 'Stone Gambling Competition' is over, can he still leave the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' alive?"

"I don't know, maybe I can't. In the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', it is equivalent to Quzhi's territory. It is easy to kill him."

Countless people were talking about it, and 'Sage Son of Suzaku' couldn't help frowning when he heard the words. Qu Zhi did such a thing, which made him feel somewhat disappointed. No matter how much Su Xuan offended him, he shouldn't secretly To use such means to assassinate Su Xuan, it would be detrimental to his status as a supernatural power, and he was given the name by an ancient sage, 'Kirin Sends a Son', which is a symbol of a gentleman, a model, and let the world set an example, but now he is like this As a villain, he is no longer comparable to a gentleman, and it insults the name of the sages.

"On this matter, Mr. Qu Zhi did something wrong, but this Su Xuan is too hateful. He has opposed Mr. Qu Zhi again and again, and threatened to humiliate him. It is an unforgivable crime."

Immediately, people from Quzhi came out to speak for him. After all, if this incident got out, it would have a very bad influence on Quzhi.

"That's right, Su Xuan is not a kind person. You can tell by looking at his methods. He is so cruel and outrageous."

"These words are somewhat biased. The old men are trying hard to force each other, and they simply cannot allow Su Xuan to live. It is only natural for Su Xuan to treat them like this. Maybe someone wants to kill him, and he has to wash it clean. The neck can't be chopped off?"

Immediately, there were also idlers who couldn't see it, because their words were too domineering, even if they were against Qu Zhi, how could Qu Zhi behave like this, he was named by a sage, a unicorn sent a son, a gentleman Such a behavior is too chilling, it is simply humiliating the sages.

If he has the ability, he can just prove himself, and now he hires murderers, which makes many people feel cold, and it is really insulting to the name of a child prodigy!

No matter what, after this incident, a large part of the people present had a great rejection of Qu Zhi himself. Of course, some people responded with a wait-and-see attitude, because Qu Zhi was still young, so he couldn't help but do it all at once. It is normal for such a thing to happen. Any sage needs to grow up, he is just a child.

"So that's the case, I guessed it in my heart a long time ago, and it's not surprising at all."

Xuanyuan looked coldly at the Destiny Immortal who was attacking him, and sneered again and again. Pengfei, who was on the side, gloated in his misfortune. It would be better for him to provide Xuanyuan with instructions on how to torture this person, but on the surface he was serious, and said to Xuanyuan:

"Buddha said that to let others go is to let yourself go, good and good, Brother Su, let's forgive others, as the younger generation, we should know how to respect the old and love the young. Killing is always bad. "

"Get out, I haven't entered your 'Da Leiyin Temple' yet. If you continue to babble, I will go to travel the world immediately, and I won't go back to Xizhou with you." Xuanyuan sprayed Peng Fei's face, naturally acting on purpose , He looked at the existence of the Fate Immortal, picked up the source stone in his hand again, and smashed it out fiercely, like a cannonball, with amazing power.

The entire physical body of that Fate Immortal couldn't bear it, and the origin stone thrown by Xuanyuan pierced through his body, torn apart, and died unexpectedly, which made the other three Fate Immortals feel terrified, Xuanyuan's methods were too terrifying , It was too thorough, I was not afraid of offending them at all, so I just did it like this.

The three Destiny Immortals had no strength left, the realm of the Earth Immortals was too terrifying, they were not opponents at all, Xuanyuan looked at these people and said:

"Do you want to live, or do you want to die?"

"Mr. Su, what do you mean by this? We have no grievances or enmities, and what you do will only create greater enmity!"

"Yeah, they received a huge amount, and it has nothing to do with us. We didn't take action against you just now."

At this moment, he no longer thinks about the existence of the three fate immortals. He just wants to survive and continue gambling with stones. If he loses his life, even if he possesses the nine ancient arts, it will be nothing but floating clouds!

Xuanyuan chuckled, didn't pay any attention to it, and was very domineering:

"That's because you need to do your best to restrain this senior from being distracted. Otherwise, I'm afraid you will follow suit. I won't talk nonsense, and I don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately. I will give you two ways. First, Tiao dies or abstains."

"How can you do this? Can this still be considered a competition? It's simply a life-and-death duel, and it has something to do with stone gambling?"

"That's right, referee, what do you do, don't you allow others to behave like this, to act recklessly."

"It's so lawless that it threatens us."

The three contestants turned to the referee, and at this moment, they were cornered.

"Master Su Xuan, it's really inappropriate for you to do this. I hope you can stop and give everyone a fair competition environment!" Hong Teng said to stop Xuanyuan.

"Fair? Hahaha, it's so funny. Is it unfair for me to do this? Referee, I'll ask you, and you can answer me." Xuanyuan asked.

"you say."

"Did I break the rules?"


"That's none of your business? Don't think I don't know. I have a conflict with you 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion'. You have been unfair from the very beginning. Otherwise, why would the three of them want to put me to death? You don’t say a word, and you have the nerve to say this now? There is no absolutely fair thing in the world, and the sky is fair, because it is unfair to everyone, so it is fair.”

Xuanyuan smiled coldly and ignored it, Hong Teng's face turned blue and he couldn't say a word, indeed he had something in his heart just now.

"..." Hong Teng was speechless, his face turned red with anger, but he had nothing to do with Xuanyuan.

"I said, my patience is not very good, there are two ways for you to choose, either die or abstain, don't say I am aggressive, now you are only three people left, there must be no chance, you all join forces to deal with this one Senior, do you think they will let you go? Besides, I don't know any power skills, and I won't give you a chance to eliminate me. Heaven doesn't do it for itself, it's your choice."

Xuanyuan acts vigorously and resolutely, and does not allow others to discuss at all. In this world, people are easy to be bullied by others. Xuanyuan does not want to cause trouble for himself. After all, he has not stepped into the realm of destiny fairy. There are too many variables.

"You..." The three fate immortals pointed at Xuanyuan, trembling with anger, but at this moment, they were indeed oppressed by the terrifying existence of the terrain immortal. As long as the other party wanted it, they would have died a long time ago Yes, obviously the other party doesn't want to kill his group. Indeed, as Su Xuan said, even if they stay for the second duel, the hope is very slim, but Su Xuan's attitude is simply lawless. Let them It was extremely uncomfortable to hold my breath in my heart, and I had an urge to vomit blood, but it was suppressed by such a brat.


Xuanyuan gently picked up the blood-filled Origin Stone in his hand, which made the old men tremble uncontrollably.

"Two!" Xuanyuan posed as if he was about to throw it, which made the people present hold their breath and concentrate, and their hearts were shocked.

"He really dared to do this. This Su Xuan is so daring. Doesn't he know that doing so will offend the powerful forces behind these people?"

"Yeah, don't think about it for yourself at all, I'm afraid that once he goes out here, he will die a miserable death."

"Yeah, this young man is so terrific in doing things, he doesn't care about the consequences at all, so he will only burn himself in the end."

"Don't forget, there is the 'Da Leiyin Temple' behind him, and there are not many people who dare to provoke him, unless they want to start a war with the 'Da Leiyin Temple'."

"Having said that, it's okay to use assassination methods. As long as you have the heart, you can cover up all the secrets and not be discovered."

Countless people are discussing, not knowing how the situation will develop.

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