Qu Zhi is arrogant and arrogant, his heart is higher than the sky, and he can't allow others to get better than himself. He thinks that he is God's pet and should get some good things, and others can only have worse things than him.

He has always been admired and admired by the people around him, and everyone flatters him, and dare not show any disrespect to him.

Because in the future he will inevitably grow into a figure of the young emperor level, no matter which big family he is in, he will not want to offend him, on the contrary he will flatter him. Even if it is to be his concubine.

Moreover, Qu Zhi has always been better than others in everything he has obtained, and he has always been superior to others. This has made him used to it, looking down on his puppet from the sky.

But now Su Xuan comes out, and the women around him are all so charming, hard to find in the world, no worse than the Jiang Yan he has never had, and these four women are so close to him, which makes Qu Zhi My heart is extremely unbalanced.

Qu Zhi felt that with his identity, he didn't have it, but this little-known figure like Su Xuan actually had it. This was the biggest reason why he wanted to deal with Su Xuan.

This Su Xuan is just a little person who has never heard of it, and he actually overwhelms him in this respect. He absolutely does not allow such a person to live. He feels that he is superior to anyone else in everything, which makes countless people envious. Jealousy, looking up, let them know that they can't compare with themselves, know that they can't reach it in their whole life, this can satisfy the feeling in his heart, I like countless people looking up to him.

The people present in the auditorium listened to many discussions, Qu Zhi, and this made him even more desire to kill Xuanyuan and plunder everything Xuanyuan had.

Xuanyuan heard Qu Zhi's inner voice with "killing life into reincarnation", and he was also very helpless:

"I really don't know why that black unicorn chose to be straight and straight, and there were sages who gave it a name. In this era, maybe people who really can't get out of the realm of sages. In the ancient times, there were unicorns who gave birth, and there were sages. Given the name, the lucky person will know that he has a great responsibility, and he will be in awe, because he understands that once he gets these, he must become a model for the world, he must be himself, and he will not allow himself to make mistakes, because he is a future sage, Now in this era, it is natural to be superior to others, it is natural to possess everything, and it is natural to do whatever you want. I feel that I am the master of the future. It is really disgusting to make all the people in the world submit to him. No wonder the ancient royal family would say The luck of the human race is exhausted..."

"Forget it, boy, there are too many things in the world that you can't predict. Today's era is far from the human race in ancient times. You just need to be yourself. You don't have to worry about it. This is not what you should worry about. Things, you have to know that it is extremely dangerous to be in this environment as you, and you will die if you are exposed, so you should worry about yourself. It is transformed by strange stones, has gone through vicissitudes of life, has suffered all kinds of catastrophes, and is connected with the heart of heaven in the dark, and some inexplicable premonitions will be extremely profitable, so you must be careful." The greedy old man warned Xuanyuan, but he was also very worried.

"Well, fortunately, ancient techniques such as "The Ancient Jue of Flowing Moon Fighting God" do not need to be driven by fighting energy. The Supreme Killing Dao also understands the nature of the world, can resonate with the Dao, and use it with luck. This time, we can't hold back any hands It's gone." Xuanyuan took it for granted, he didn't want to put himself in danger.

"Hehehe, Mr. Qu Zhi, I guarantee that once I enter the forest, I will beat out all your shit..." Facing Qu Zhi's sneer, Xuanyuan just said plainly, saying anything at this moment is a waste of words, It is best to prove it with strong facts at that time.

Qu Zhi's expression turned cold, and a fierce look appeared in his eyes:

"Then give it a try, I want to see if you have the ability!"

"Brother Su, please!" Fang Han's injuries had already healed at this moment, he stretched out his hand and smiled gently.


Xuanyuan and Fang Han stepped directly into the entrance of the forest and had a pleasant conversation.

Qu Zhi's complexion was ashen, and his heart was furious. You must know that Fang Han was from the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', but he was with Su Xuan. Such an attitude made his heart burn with anger. He told the 'Zifu Shengzi' Audio channel:

"It seems that Fang Han is likely to join forces with Su Xuan. You and I must work together. Otherwise, I'm afraid we will be plotted against by them, and we will regret it later. No matter what grievances we have, At this moment, let's put it all down first, the magical powers obtained by this Fang Han are related to the ancient royal family, so it must not be underestimated."

"Well, don't worry, I still know this, so I will kill Su Xuan first, then get Fang Han out of the game, and finally you and I will have a showdown!"

'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' knew that in this situation, he could only join forces with Qu Zhi, no matter how powerful he was when he got the inheritance of power skills, but Su Xuan was able to make it this far, there must be something special about him, and there must be a way The power technique obtained by Han is closely related to the ancient royal family, and it is definitely not a simple character, so don't be careless.

"Su Xuan, you bastard, you dare to offend me again and again, I will definitely let you die, I want you to repent day and night, why do you speak rudely to me, I will let you I know, as a child prodigy, heaven's darling, you can't beat me!" With a fierce light in his straight eyes, he stepped into the forest at the same time as the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion'.

Just after all four people entered it, the voice of the mountain guard came from the deepest part:

"Start closing the mountain, the game begins."

In the four directions of the sky, the 'Great Restriction of Flowers in the Mirror, Water and Moon' is also in motion in an instant, manifesting everything inside.

When Xuanyuan entered this mountain forest, he quietly operated his real eyes to search around, and found that the avenues in this place were winding like a dragon, and they already had their own spiritual wisdom, which could operate autonomously, which was extremely terrifying. Move, even the Zhundi character can be severely injured, the supreme Taoist artifact left by the 'Southern Desolation Emperor' once again gave Xuanyuan a great spiritual shock.

"Hehe, boy, when the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact' on your body returns to its peak state, you will find that the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact' is not bad at all compared to this 'One Yuan Mountain', so there is nothing wrong with it." That's weird." The greedy old man laughed cheerfully as he felt the shock in Xuanyuan's heart.

Hearing the words, Xuanyuan was very looking forward to it, but at this moment, Xuanyuan covered his own aura, hiding himself like a ghost, what he used was the "Samsara Killing Dao" in the "Samsara", so that his own The form circulates between the heaven and the earth, blends with all things, and can avoid all perception.

Outside this forest, everyone was shocked when they saw Xuanyuan's form disappear, and said in horror:

"Could it be the killing technique in 'Reincarnation'? Is this Su Xuan a person in 'Reincarnation'?"

"How is it possible? Isn't activating the killing technique in 'Reincarnation' equivalent to using the supernatural power of fighting spirit? Why hasn't it been restrained yet?"

"If there is the Supreme Killing Dao, you can use your own spirit, energy, blood and will to activate it. Obviously, this person has the Supreme Killing Dao."

The corners of Peng Fei's eyes twitched, and he felt a little suspicious:

"Damn it, this kid should be 'Di Shitian', right? As a 'body of all transformations', he can practice all supernatural powers in the world. I think only this kid can seduce me, no, that day too It wasn't 'Di Shitian' who was tainting me, he was already far away, and he was rewarded by the 'Mirror of Yin and Yang', it's impossible to not feel a trace of breath from him in a short period of time..."

Pengfei was a little tangled, but he still couldn't figure out some problems, so he didn't think too much about it. But at this time, many people in the auditorium questioned Pengfei:

"King Peacock Xiaoming, your 'Da Leiyin Temple' is a place of compassion. Why did the Buddha Emperor choose this Su Xuan? Didn't everyone say that the ancient Buddha was merciful and created the world? This kind of supreme killing is probably Coming from the high level of 'Reincarnation', this person's status in 'Reincarnation' must not be low."

"That's right, I'm afraid that if you want to introduce it into the 'Da Leiyin Temple', it will cause opposition from countless people. People like this have slaughtered so many lives. The sky is angry and people complain. Ten thousand deaths are not enough to wash him away." blood on hands."

"It's really chilling that such a person can enter the Buddhist gate of Xizhou. Is this still a Buddha? It's just a demon."

Many people present were members of the Qu family, and they deliberately came to trouble Xuanyuan.

"As the saying goes, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. It is because of the blood of Brother Su that my Buddha wants to purify it. Do you think that a person's sins can be washed away when he dies? No, the only way is to let him live Come down and repent for the things you have done in your life, so that you can make up for his sins, as the saying goes, if you are not crazy, you cannot become a Buddha. If you have not experienced the demonic nature and do not understand the evils of the world, how can you become a Buddha and save the world?" Peng Fei Speaking of these words, one after another, many people present nodded repeatedly.

Inside the mountain forest, Xuanyuan watched Qu Zhi and the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' enter at the same time, opened their third eyes respectively, looking for their whereabouts, obviously wanting to kill themselves immediately.

"'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion', let's look for each other in one direction. Once we find Su Xuan, we will notify the other party with the power of power, how about it?"

"Okay, it's decided like this." As soon as the words fell, the "Sage Son of the Purple Mansion" broke through the sky towards the east, while Qu Zhi chose the west.

Xuanyuan followed Qu Zhi all the way, but Qu Zhi didn't notice anything. He kept looking for Xuanyuan's whereabouts with his third eye, but he couldn't find it.

Just when Qu Zhi was puzzled, suddenly a gust of wind came from behind him, making him feel cold all over.

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