"It's too despicable, too shameless, alas, Emperor Tun, after so many years, you really haven't changed at all, I thought you would restrain yourself a bit, but who knows, it's getting worse and worse. "

"Haha, in this world, if you are not despicable or shameless, you will die, what do you think?"

"Look at Xuanyuan, what a righteous young man, he dared to face Mo Qilin's gaze, why didn't he die?"

"Hurry up, didn't you listen to what Mo Qilin said? There will be a catastrophe coming, and the hard-working emperor can only escort him."

"Hahaha, it is your destiny to be born as a 'body of all transformations'."

"The fate of shit, this great emperor can only do his best, fight this incarnation, if he can't save him, I can't help it."

In the mountains and forests.

Xuanyuan and Fang Han did not have a direct conflict. The two were looking for the Stone King in their own way, looking in different directions. This is how the battle between gentlemen is, a fair competition, not life and death. ', Qu Zhi and the others only thought about what methods to use to kill their opponents, and Xuanyuan just used his own way to deal with his own body, and the first to strike first was the best.

Both Xuanyuan and Fang Han knew that the so-called strange stone king was not so easy to find, so they would put their own marks on the good source stones they saw along the way, even if they couldn't find the strange stone king, they could There are better options.

The place where Xuanyuan is located is on the mountainside of a steep mountain in the center of this mountain forest. Here, the fighting energy in the world is extremely abundant, and there is an urge to induce people to stir up fighting energy in their bodies. However, Xuanyuan's control over his own fighting energy has reached a level of perfection Of course, it will not be affected.

Along the way, Xuanyuan found many remaining traces, or the exploded deep pits buried animal bones, or the ravines torn by sharp claws, or the hills that were chopped off obliquely, countless. It is the trace that still remains after countless years. It is conceivable that in the ancient times, the creatures living in this mountain forest were so terrifying. They launched a life-and-death fight. There are still many terrifying existences in this mountain forest, but they have not appeared.

Xuanyuan tried his best to search the world, but he still couldn't find the whereabouts of the strange stone king. This kind of strange stone king has gone through too long years, and he already has his own spiritual wisdom. He knows how to avoid danger, so he and Yuan Just like a child, after experiencing all kinds of catastrophes, it will have a little connection with the sky in the dark, so it can foresee the upcoming danger. However, if the person it meets is too powerful to avoid the final death, it will kill itself The will to listen to the heavens, imposing this sin on the person who will end it will increase the power of the punishment when that person goes through the catastrophe, and there is also a possibility that it will directly bring down the terrible This is the wrath of God.

Because they have been bred and born for countless years, swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon, and being with the heaven and the earth, they have gone through too long years, they have worked hard to persevere, they have received the favor of God, and become the darling of the sky, but when How could God not be angry when they were harmed and died?

Therefore, this is the reason why some stone gamblers and tomb robbers end up extremely miserable in their later years. The former is because they destroyed too many spiritual objects that had the opportunity to become human beings, while the latter is too wicked, digging up the graves of dead people. Tianhe is extremely detrimental to yin and virtue, so he will be punished by robbery, otherwise there will be no word handed down, the dead are the greatest.

However, the combination of Xuanyuan and Pengfei is like this, but it is a matter of their later years, and they are not worried, especially Xuanyuan feels that he has the "undead jade" on his body, which should last for a long time.

Here, Xuanyuan sat down on the ground, half a day had passed, he had exhausted all his strength, but he hadn't made any progress.

"'Nanzhou Dynasty' is so deceitful. How could the Kistler King be found in such a short period of time? In such a large mountain forest, let alone haven't found it yet, even if it is found, it is still difficult to catch it. It's as difficult as climbing the sky, and now there is no clue, how can I find it?" Xuanyuan sighed to himself.

"Boy, I think that Fang Han also gave up looking for the King of Strange Stones. Now I'm afraid he is picking some other source stones and wants to compete with you. I say you don't sit here and waste time. Instead of going Looking for an illusory strange stone king, it is better to find a reliable strange stone and compete with Fang Han."

Although Feng Shan was able to combine the spiritual communication between the outside of the forest and the inside of the forest, he couldn't block the spiritual communication between Xuanyuan and the greedy old man.

"No, I think there must be a way to find the strange stone king. I am not reconciled to being blackmailed by the 'Nanzhou Dynasty'. You don't need to pay any fees to find the strange stone king. However, other strange stones need to be purchased at a very high price. Although it was Peng Fei's money, how could this fat man be in a loss-making business? If I get any benefits at that time, I have to share half with him, which makes people feel distressed." Xuanyuan thought, after all, he is using a friend. The things that Fei bought, this fat man is extremely smart, with a little knowledge, how could Xuanyuan want to take advantage of this fat man.

"Hey, boy, what do you want me to say about you? You have already cut the 'Yinying Holding Stone' before, and in that piece of peerless 'Yin-Yang Spiritual Source', a yin-yang hybrid has naturally formed, giving birth to the A mass of chaotic power could have devoured this yin and yang spiritual source, and then formed a unique individual of life, transformed into a human being, but it would take an extremely long time. Even so, you opened it and let its life This is the end of it, and it cannot continue to be conceived. This is already a great sin, but you don't know it. Now you still want to find the King of Strange Stones, aren't you afraid that you have committed too many sins?"

"Don't say you can't find the Kistler King, even if you find it, so what if you cut it open, it can only add more evil to you, what are you going to do when the time comes to cross the robbery? Kistlers, especially the Kistler King, are all It is God's darling, once it is cut open, the record of murder will not be mentioned on your head, and it will also damage your luck. Why did the "Nantian Emperor" not cut it open when he got it, but put it here The reason why it was conceived in the mountains and forests is actually to not want it to affect the luck of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', so it is warmed here. I hope that one day, this strange stone will become a man and become a 'Nanzhou Dynasty' It is a great help to protect it for generations to come. Although this competition is called looking for the King of Kistlers, but will the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' really let you find it? Impossible!" The greedy old man analyzed every word Very thorough, after all, the "body of myriad transformations" is not so easy to find, especially a "body of myriad transformations" like Xuanyuan, whose growth all the way is in the eyes of the greedy old man. He doesn't want Xuanyuan to die just like that. Some things don't need to be so urgent to get them.

Xuanyuan felt that what the greedy old man said was indeed very reasonable, but he didn't fully agree with it. He retorted:

"'Da Luo Immortal Emperor' once mentioned in the "Da Luo Tianshu" that the spirits in the stone bred between the heaven and the earth are also good and evil. If you can get rid of the evil spirits, you will be able to eliminate the evil for yourself. One way, why did I come here this time? Isn't it just to make a breakthrough in my power technique? If everything is difficult and retreats, how can I set foot on a higher peak in the future? Mo Qilin also Said that I had a great catastrophe this time, I think it may be because I stepped into the realm of immortality, if I can't find the King of Strange Stones, it's just that I'm not good at learning, and it's okay to let Fang Han win, in' There are too many people who know me on the top of the Nanhuang Emperor Temple. Once exposed, there will be great danger. Let the heavens decide. If I can find the strange stone king, I will go up. Even the strange stone king can be found. Waiting for luck, I don't believe it, I will die here, if I can't get it, I can only say that my luck is not good enough, then I will leave the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' to find a deserted land, and go through the calamity with peace of mind. This is the best possible outcome."

Xuanyuan made up his mind, the greedy old man didn't say anything more, knowing that this kid is more stubborn than ten cows, he absolutely cannot be persuaded.

"Then what are you going to do now?"

"Hehehe, the reason why this strange stone king can become the strange stone king must have gone through an extremely long period of time. When the 'Nantian Emperor' got it, it was already the strange stone king. It won't be shorter than Yuan'er, so I plan to invite you into the urn." Xuanyuan smiled in his heart.

"What do you want to use to attract this strange stone king?" The greedy old man was startled when he heard this, he didn't know what kind of thoughts Xuanyuan was thinking.

"Ancient characters, don't you think Yuan'er is born with an innate understanding of ancient characters? The power of the ancient characters displayed by her is extremely powerful, so I plan to display the power of three ancient characters Maybe we can attract the King of Strange Stones." This was Xuanyuan's last thought, if he couldn't attract the King of Strange Stones, then he would be in trouble.

"Okay, your kid is really smart, so hurry up and try it out." The greedy old man said quickly.

Xuanyuan nodded, took out pieces of pure spiritual sources from his body, and then carved extremely simple momentum patterns on them. This is "dispersing momentum", as the name suggests, it is to spread the breath emitted by oneself to the maximum extent, Xuanyuan was afraid that his aura was too weak to sense it, so he used this method to attract the attention of the strange stone king as much as possible.

Countless people were surprised to see that Xuanyuan would carve the pattern on the spiritual source, and someone immediately said:

"It seems that he is not ignorant of the attainments in martial arts."

"This is 'dissipating aura'. What is he trying to do? With this beginner's method of arrogance, is he trying to scare the Kistler King away?" Indescribable contempt.

"Look, what is he doing?" Suddenly someone exclaimed.

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