Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 894 Too Insidious

Xuanyuan said so many people present were stunned when they heard it. The anger of many people in the "Nanzhou Dynasty" towards Xuanyuan is beyond words, but it is a pity that they can't do anything to him on such an occasion. Moreover, he still got the inheritance of the Buddha Emperor, and his anger turned to anger, but few people dare to do it, otherwise, it will only bring great disaster to the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', because the inheritance of a Buddha Emperor is very important to Buddhism. Speaking of it, the significance is really too great.

"Hehehe, please rest assured that I, 'Nanzhou Dynasty', would never do such a thing. As long as Miss Jiang Yan is unwilling, we will never force her. Protect her in times of difficulty, but we will never force her, she is free, and her ideal husband is naturally chosen by herself, no matter who it is, I, Nanzhou Dynasty, will support it." The old man was very patient and made various promises.

"Look, Miss Jiang Yan, how kind I am to you. Let's find a time later. You have to share with me the martial arts you have learned. I also want to learn. The two of us have to discuss it in depth." Yes... Do you think my body is okay?" Xuanyuan made a pun, straightened his lower body, his waist was full of strength, and the air boomed twice, his smile was so bright that Jiang Yan's face turned red.




For a while, the crowd was excited, and many men of the younger generation who were conquered by Jiang Yan's charm couldn't stand Xuanyuan. All kinds of intimate greetings to Xuanyuan rushed in like a tide, and some even proposed conditions like Xuanyuan. , otherwise, I'm afraid they are about to fight.

Jiang Yan patted his forehead helplessly:

Jiang Yan agreed, and the broken voices of those who scolded Xuanyuan sounded one after another, and their faces turned green. The goddess in their hearts actually agreed to Su Xuan's shameful request. A face was hated to the extreme, and I wished I could tear his face to pieces.

I have to say that among the men present, I couldn't find a few men who could match Xuanyuan's appearance at this moment. Mo Shuai was one, Ji Chen was one, Wu Yang was one, and the others could not be counted together. It will count towards the five fingers.

"Okay, I'm going to start cutting stones, you all have to be quiet, don't welcome me in such a special way!" Xuanyuan waved his hands and looked around, with a very professional look.

"Be quiet, sister..."

"Welcome to your uncle, you bastard..."

"You are shameless, how can your skin be thicker than that of the city wall."

"How did your mother give birth to you? It's really not easy to be so thick-skinned."

"Quiet, please give the contestants a little peace." The old man of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' said, and the audience also fell silent. Under the eaves of others, everyone must abide by the rules of this place, no matter how angry they are with Xuanyuan in their hearts. , this is still known.

With a serious face, Xuanyuan took out a strange stone from the fighting ring. The shape of this strange stone was like a millstone for grinding beans. With Xuanyuan surrounded by him, it was not too big, but it was not too small.

Seeing the 'strange stone' that Xuanyuan took out, countless people present burst out laughing.

"Is this guy here to sing an opera? Or is he here to perform a big boulder in the chest?"

"Hahaha, isn't this a millstone? Is this kid here just to make a fool of himself?"

"It's ridiculous. It's the first time I've seen such a thick-skinned person who can even use this kind of stone as a strange stone. It's really a rare flower in the world!"

"Uh, how do you name this strange stone, Moshi? Hahaha..."

Countless people ridiculed, but among them, many people frowned slightly, looking at the strange stone shaped like a millstone in Xuanyuan's hand, even the old man of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' had doubts in their eyes.

Indeed, even Xuanyuan himself thinks that this appearance is too cheating, but this is left by the "Da Luo Immortal Emperor". Xuanyuan believes that there must be an extremely remarkable treasure among them. Xuanyuan is not sure what will be cut out of the fairy fruit, and the "Suppressing Demon Immortal Source" with the seal of "Heaven Burning", and there may be some shocking treasures.

Some old people looked at the particularly strange millstone in Xuanyuan's hand. This millstone gave them a very vicissitudes of feeling. After a long time, it is impossible for an ordinary millstone to have such an aura. Rotted in the vicissitudes of the years, stones are not eternal, they will rot.

Just when they looked at Xuanyuan preparing to remove the stone with puzzled eyes, they saw Xuanyuan directly took out a small rusty iron knife that was so ordinary that it couldn't be more ordinary, and said to the people present:

"Let me first introduce this strange stone. I picked it up next to a latrine in a village. As the saying goes, from the road to simplicity, to return to the basics. I think this must be a remarkable strange stone."

Xuanyuan spoke very seriously, but it caused countless people to laugh, even those old men who had hoped for Xuanyuan, a millstone, turned their heads to one side and acted as if they were blind for a while. Missed it.

Of the people present, only Jiang Yan didn't think so. She always felt that this millstone was extremely difficult, because even she had practiced "Great Trends Ancient Art" and could not see through what was hidden in this millstone. , is enough to prove that it is not simple.

Compared with the previous methods of stone-gambling, Xuanyuan can be said to be the most clumsy, and also the most dumbfounding. He is obviously holding a small rusty iron knife, and obviously knows nothing about stone-gambling techniques, yet he still pretends to be very professional. I saw Xuanyuan urging his fighting energy into the small iron knife, and the strong fighting energy was attached to it. Accompanied by Xuanyuan's exaggerated movements, he slashed fiercely on this millstone. With a crisp sound, a large spark exploded from the millstone, and the small rusty iron knife snapped.

"Oh, it's not shameful to be ashamed%"

"Hurry up and get out, don't be ashamed here and waste our time."

"That's right, what do you want me to say about you?"

The pig-headed emperor who was watching from the side couldn't help but shivered when he saw this scene, and said in his heart:

"Damn, this kid must have some kind of conspiracy. Why does this great emperor feel trembling all over? This kid has become insidious."

"Oh? What a sinister method, I didn't see it."

"Come on, come on, this kid must not hold back anything good!" The pig-headed emperor saw the subtle changes in Xuanyuan's expression, and said through voice transmission.

Sure enough, everything was not as expected by the pig-headed emperor, Xuanyuan became angry from embarrassment, and said:

"Give me a sharp weapon, watch me cut out the supreme weapon, and blind your dog's eyes."

"Haha, it's ridiculous, this kid is absolutely crazy."

"If you want to go crazy, don't come here to go crazy. Alas, I can't stand it. You actually come here to make a joke."

Countless people attacked Xuanyuan, whether it was human race, monster race, or demon race, there were too many people who were unhappy with Xuanyuan.

"Do you dare to bet with me? The odds are ten times!" Xuanyuan looked at those present, his face was flushed with anger, his eyes were bloodshot, and he spoke surprisingly.

"I thought this kid was shameless. It turns out that there is a limit to being thick-skinned. Since you want to gamble, then I will gamble with you." The person who said this was none other than "Dragon Saint" Son', he directly took out 10 billion Celestial Coins, this is his last property, not because he didn't want to bet more, but because he lost the bet with the Pig Head Emperor just now, and now he can only start from Xuanyuan found comfort in him, and in his opinion, this would definitely pay off.

"But I don't think you can afford to pay for it, right?"

"Hey, Lord Buddha, I'll spit on you, 'Holy Son of Fighting Chong', our majestic reputation of 'Da Leiyin Temple', can't we afford to pay you this money? Even if he can't afford it, Lord Buddha, I can Let’s just start.” There is no doubt that Peng Fei has shown his financial strength just now.

"Okay, since someone can afford it, let's play bigger." Wu Yang laughed, and took out the only 40 billion Celestial Coins left on him, and then took out five bottles of Celestial Immortal level pills, It exudes a strong medicinal fragrance, all of which are rare immortal products needed for cultivation.

"Now that you've said that, do you dare to gamble a bit bigger? If it's money, the odds are ten. As for the pills and magic weapons on my body, the odds are two. If I lose, I can buy the same price. I'll give it back to you guys, do you have the skills to bet, in a word, if it's a man, just be more straightforward, I'm going all out today, if I lose, even if I pawn the Supreme Dao Artifact, I will pay you back!" Xuanyuan said loudly roar.

As soon as this remark came out, the people present were in an uproar, and the pig-headed emperor was the first to jump out, laughing and saying:

"Boy, I will be your strong backing. When the time comes, you can sell me the Supreme Dao Tool. If you lose, of course I still have great confidence in you."

The two Gods of Wealth present stood up directly, expressing their insistence on Xuanyuan, and the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', 'Tianhuang Immortal Mansion' and 'Zifu Immortal Sect' couldn't help it anymore. Everyone felt that Xuanyuan was just a second Shizu is a big idiot. The Supreme Dao Artifact is a priceless treasure, which cannot be measured by money.

"Master Su, I, Nanzhou Dynasty, are willing to advance and retreat with you. If you lose, we are willing to pay you everything and give you a peerless Taoist artifact as compensation for losing the supreme Taoist artifact." Zhou Dynasty seems to have seen Xuanyuan lose.

"Hehe, Mr. Su, I, the 'Purple Mansion Immortal Sect', would like to support you for free. If you lose, you can send the Supreme Dao Artifact to my 'Purple Mansion Immortal Sect' temporarily, and we will pay everything for you, etc. When you have money, pay off the compensation money, we will naturally return the Supreme Dao Artifact." The words of 'Zifu Xianjiao' sounded more reasonable, which made the people of 'Nanzhou Dynasty' feel a little regretful Why did you ask for the conditions so early.

Xuanyuan sneered in his heart, if he really entered the 'Purple Mansion Immortal Sect', it would be extremely difficult to get it back.

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