Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 903: Cutting Xuanwu

(Chapter 4, I will continue with chapter 4 tomorrow, the results are good, please work hard, and vote for all the PK tickets. Although the number of VIP tickets is less than 2000, I decided to add more!)

Among the instigating crowd, there are people from the 'Zhantian Immortal Mansion', and there are also people from the 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion'.

The former was angered by the fall of the 'White Tiger Son', but the latter was in fear, fearing that the 'Xuanwu Holy Son' would also fall. This blow to the 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion' could be said to be incomparably great.

Immediately, many people shouted at the scene, and some people wanted to disregard the agreement and attack Xuanyuan, especially the people from the 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion', who wanted to kill Xuanyuan at this time to avoid accidents, but Xuanyuan was just cold In a word, everyone shut up and made them dare not take any action.

"Whoever dares to fight will die together. I don't believe in the full blow of the Supreme Dao Tool, plus the self-destruction of my Qinglong Neidan. Who can survive the scene? At worst, they will explode together with the Supreme Dao Tool. If they die, everyone will die together." , I am not afraid of you who wear shoes with bare feet, if you don’t believe me, you can give it a try.”

There was an extremely tragic aura in Xuanyuan's words, which made countless people terrified.

"Okay, big brother, well said, you are indeed our big brother." As soon as Xuanyuan finished speaking, someone suddenly shouted. He has already stepped into the realm of the Earth Immortal, and his voice is like thunder rolling, making the ears of many people around him hurt.

"That's right, brother, we still have a Supreme Dao Artifact here. As long as we are here, no one can make a move." The aura of the Supreme Dao Artifact exuded from Zi Da Huaitan's body, which terrified countless people present. Xianshan' is an extremely strange place. There are supreme Taoist artifacts there, which have always been just legends. I didn't expect that there really are, and they are still on the side of Xuanyuan. This makes the "Nanzhou Dynasty" and "Suzaku Xianfu" The people of the 'Zifu Xianjiao' frowned.

Judging from the current situation, the Supreme Dao Artifact that can support Xuanyuan has surpassed them.

"'Son of the White Tiger' is dead, and it will be your turn, 'Son of Xuanwu', today is your day of death."

As soon as Xuanyuan's words fell, he transformed into a green dragon immediately. Countless people were terrified when they saw the green dragon for the first time.

"Brother is amazing..." Mo Jingguang yelled.

"Brother is mighty..." Xiao Pianzi yelled passionately.

"Peel off his tortoise shell, and tell Grandpa Bu's fortune." He Bushi urged.

"Brother, kill this dead turtle, cut off his penis and make me a soup to mend it." Hua Xialiu spoke while straightening her lower body, shaking it, which is called coquettish, hearing this sentence, The faces of the people in the 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion' were extremely ugly.

Many people present frowned, and looked at the eight fearless devil kings in the world, each of them was better than the other, Xuan Wutou wanted to use it to stew soup, and he was not afraid of killing himself.

Xuanyuan twisted his huge body and soared in the nine heavens. He was condescending, looking down at the 'Xuanwu Holy Son', and said coldly:

"Today, I will kill all the Tianjiao Shengzi who are dissatisfied with me in the world, and I will not let go of any powerful force who has chased and killed me. You will have to pay the price for what you have done."

The roar of the dragon swept across the sky, the avenue split into the sky, and Xuanyuan waved his terrifying dragon claws, attacking and killing the 'Sage Son of Xuanwu'.

At this moment, the aura of the 'Xuanwu Saint Son' was directly overwhelmed. He uttered a scream, and on the tortoise shell, the 'Xuanwu Seal' rose and fell. Under the urging of Zi', I saw that it evolved into a mountain in an instant, and directly hit Xuanyuan. This mountain is extremely thick, and there are various avenue runes in it, which can suppress and kill heavenly figures.

Xuanyuan didn't hesitate, the 'Renhuang Brush' danced, and a fixed character broke out of the air, fixing the mountain derived from the 'Xuanwu Seal' in mid-air, but with only two snaps of fingers, the fixed character was shattered , For Xuanyuan, these two snaps of the fingers were enough time, he avoided the 'Xuanwu Seal' and hit Xuanwu directly.

When Xuanyuan was close to the 'Xuanwu Shengzi', the 'Equality of All Beings' in his body was directly activated, and the 'Xuanwu Shengzi' who was originally in the half-step heavenly realm fell directly to the realm of seven ranks fighting immortals. For a moment, even in the sky, the power of the 'Xuanwu Seal' was greatly reduced in an instant, making it impossible to move.

"Despicable, Xuanyuan, you bastard, if you have the ability, don't use such means..." The 'Xuanwu Holy Son' was frightened and angry, and cursed Xuanyuan.

"It's not despicable, it's just to make everything fair. What is the 'equality of all living beings'? The four words of equality of all living beings are enough to explain everything. Although I dare not call the young generation the first person of the Tianjiao Shengzi, but At least in the realm of Rank Seven Fighting Immortals, there is no opponent in the entire Dou Qi world who knows me, let me try today how powerful you are in defending Xuanwu, which is the number one in the world."

Xuanyuan laughed wildly, and grabbed the tortoise shell of the 'Xuanwu Shengzi' directly with the dragon claws in his hand. Various avenue patterns intertwined and manifested on it, forming layers of protection, and the forbidden runes erupted with dazzling light, drawing out wind and thunder. Huo used all kinds of prohibitions to kill, and the dragon scales on Xuanyuan's body exploded into sparks, leaving traces of traces.

With pure violence, Xuanyuan directly tore through the protection of the avenue pattern, as well as the prohibition rune, which was killed on the tortoise shell of Xuanwu. The killing power contained in the terrifying dragon claw was beyond the reach of ordinary people. The Xuanwu tortoise shell was torn deep by Xuanyuan. The 'Xuanwu Saint Son' was furious, and suddenly stood upright, hitting Xuanyuan with the tortoise shell. This sudden momentum knocked Xuanyuan away. The dragon scales on Xuanyuan's body shattered in the impact. If he really wanted to fight for physical strength, Xuanyuan Ziwen was definitely not comparable to the 'Xuanwu Shengzi'.

At this moment, the 'Xuanwu Shengzi' broke away from the cover of the 'Avenue of Equality of All Beings'. He moved extremely quickly, turned around, and took a deep breath with his huge mouth. Clean and clean, from the deep hollow of his chest, his throat bulged, and terrifying power shot out from his mouth, directly blasting towards Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan didn't have time to dodge, the dragon's waist was directly hit, and the terrifying force directly sent Xuanyuan flying. With the dragon's waist as the center, countless dragon scales were shattered, the green dragon's flesh and blood splattered, and the fight between immortals and beasts, It has always been bloody. If Xuanwu could be easily suppressed, it would not be called Xuanwu.

A dragon howl soared into the sky, piercing the sky.

Xuanyuan's broken dragon body is recovering quickly, and the repairing ability of the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' is extremely amazing, not to mention that it directly devoured the blood of the 'White Tiger Son' just now, using his flesh and blood to swallow and recover, naturally faster, see Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

"The 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' is really terrifying. If Xuanyuan is allowed to grow, there will be few people in this world who can restrain him."

"Indeed, this self-recovery ability is really too strong. You must know that he has not stepped into the realm of life immortal, and he is simply immortal..."

Many people present were talking in whispers, at this moment, the mountain derived from the 'Xuanwu Seal' smashed towards Xuanyuan again, Xuanyuan did not dare to shake it forcefully, with a wave of the 'Human Emperor Pen', With the addition of the word disease, a blue shadow flashed in the sky, allowing Xuanyuan to narrowly avoid the blow.

Before everyone could react, Xuanyuan had already slashed at the 'Xuanwu Holy Son', overturning it face-to-face, and turned upside down, Xuanyuan's speed was too fast, the 'Xuanwu Holy Son' did not dodge at all It's not enough, it all depends on the word "disease".

The Xuanwu tortoise shell is extremely strong, but his body is relatively fragile. At this moment, the strength of the "Xuanwu Saint Son" has fallen to the strength of a seven-rank Douxian, and there are even fewer ways to protect himself Yes, this kind of strength recovers for a while, and the strength drops by two big realms for a while, which makes the "Xuanwu Saint Son" want to go crazy.

Xuanyuan's dragon claws flickered with cold light, like ten sharp swords, directly pierced into the cavity of the 'Xuanwu Saint Son', Xuanwu blood gushed out, and the black holes manifested all over Xuanyuan's body swallowed them all.

'Xuanwu Shengzi' was in pain, and the howling sound resounded. He hastily shrunk his body sharply. If he was later, he would be in danger. Seeing that he couldn't get rid of Xuanyuan, he finally turned into a human form, and Xuanyuan continued to attack and kill the 'Xuanwu Saint Son' in the form of a green dragon.

'Xuanwu Shengzi' couldn't dodge, and was directly stalked and killed by Xuanyuan. In an instant, the dragon scales on Xuanyuan's body turned into reverse scales, and turned into sharp knives. With Xuanyuan's entanglement, dense dragon scales To tear apart the body of the 'Xuanwu Shengzi', cut his flesh, cut off his blood, muscles and bones, cut him into pieces, and executed him lingeringly.

The 'Xuanwu Saint Son' felt desperate, Xuanyuan's physical body was too terrifying, this 'everything body' could be used to dissipate the killing power, it was too disgusting, it was impossible to cause fatal damage to Xuanyuan, and straighten it up Given the physical gap between the two, Xuanyuan's physical strength even surpassed his.

At this moment, the 'Xuanwu Saint Son' couldn't move at all, and could only endure Xuanyuan's lingering treatment of him.

Xuanyuan did not hesitate at all, swiped the dragon claws, and in full view of everyone, chopped off the head of the 'Xuanwu Shengzi', and swallowed it directly into the black hole, only to hear the crazy wailing of the 'Xuanwu Shengzi' soul .

"Xuanyuan, if I die, I will drag you to die with me."

'Xuanwu Shengzi' knew that he had come to a catastrophe, and he couldn't escape at all. He saw his headless body, an inner alchemy broke through directly, and hit Xuanyuan's dragon body directly. Xuanyuan was beaten into two pieces.

Xuanyuan was in pain, but he desperately tore apart the body of the 'Xuanwu Saint Son', sucked it into the black hole, and swallowed his soul together, only the Xuanwu inner alchemy seemed to have spiritual wisdom, and flew directly Back to the side of an old man in 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion'.

Killing the 'Xuanwu Shengzi' was not easy for Xuanyuan. The two-foot-long green dragon broke into two halves. The tail of the dragon was swinging and rolling on the ground, and the blood of the green dragon spurted out. This scene was shocking, and countless people present gasped. Taking a breath of air, this scene was too horrifying, as if it had returned to the ancient times.

With his strength, Xuanyuan once again proved Qinglong.

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