Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 907: The Fire of Transforming Dao

Xuanyuan was fixed directly in the center of Sifangtai by the force and restraint, unable to move.

There are too many secrets in his body, and the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' doesn't want to obliterate them. , if all the secrets are refined and kept as their own, then the "Nanzhou Dynasty" will be greatly improved. Among other things, those three ancient characters alone are enough to prove everything.

"Master." Fu Jingxuan was furious, grabbed 'Fu Daoyue''s 'Fudi Tiandao Monument' with one hand and prepared to push it with all his strength, the terrifying power of the supreme Taoist weapon swept the world, countless people trembled all over, Kneel and surrender.

Yi Xuan didn't care about it at all, and sneered:

"If you want Xuanyuan to die in front of you immediately, you can do it anyway. For your sake, after refining all the secrets of Xuanyuan, I can spare his life, otherwise , he can’t even save a dog’s life.”

Fu Jingxuan's expression was extremely ugly, no one had ever insulted his master in front of him like this, but at this moment, he really didn't dare to make a move, he was very cautious, if Xuanyuan died, he himself would be doomed redeemed.

"Let go of Xuanyuan!" behind Shihou, the "Abi Demon Prison" was ups and downs, and the terrifying aura of Abi Hell surged. We all know the power of this supreme Taoist weapon. At this moment, Shihou is very anxious, and it is absolutely impossible for her to see it with her own eyes. Seeing Xuanyuan suffer the pain, for her, it was more torture than killing her.

"Let my elder brother go, or I'll kill you all." Du Zi'e roared with anger on his face. The eight great demon kings were furious, and they greeted the beautiful women of the 180 generations of the ancestors of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' with all kinds of obscenities. , round over and over again.

"Haha, scold you, go ahead and scold him, because you all have the Supreme Dao Weapon, I will let him go, I said, as long as you calm down, I will spare his life, anyway, when the time comes He is also a waste, let him live but it is nothing, if you are too impulsive, he will die, tsk tsk, young man..."

Yi Xuan smiled proudly. During the time just now, he has been fully prepared. As long as he has the endless power of faith on the 'Nanhuang Emperor Temple', for him, no matter how big the battle breaks out, it will be impossible. dreaded.

"Don't do anything, leave right now." Xuanyuan roared with a frenzied expression on his face.

"Master!" Fu Jingxuan was shocked.

"Xuanyuan, what are you talking about?" Shiwan's heart ached so much that tears filled her eyes.

"Get out of here immediately, you are here, I will take care of it, today I want the entire 'Nanzhou Dynasty' to be buried with me." Xuanyuan looked grim, the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' was running all the time, Resisting the refinement of 'Burning Heavenly Terrain'.

As soon as Xuanyuan's words came out, even Yi Xuan's expression changed. He waved his hand, swaying the avenue of heaven and earth, setting up extremely terrifying restraints from all directions of the 'Yuanshan', and completely dispelling them all. blocked.

"Hmph, it's not that easy to leave, Xuanyuan, don't worry, I won't kill you, since the 'Human King Sacrament' of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' has such a strong mentor-student relationship with you, I' Nanzhou Dynasty' can't help giving him face, as long as you give away all the secrets of your body, it can save you from the pain of flesh and blood."

Yi Xuan's expression was very cold, he didn't believe that Xuanyuan had that ability, but he had to guard against it, unless someone used the Supreme Dao Artifact at this moment, otherwise, he would definitely not be able to break through the restriction set by himself by mobilizing the 'Yuan Mountain'.

I saw all kinds of momentum patterns intertwined, and the black flames rising from those strange momentum patterns under the Sifang stage burned blazingly on Xuanyuan's body, Xuanyuan only felt that his three souls and seven souls were about to be refined , Skin to skin, flesh to flesh, bone to bone, there are many things he doesn't understand.

This is a kind of flame that can transform people's memories and supernatural powers into invisible things. Xuanyuan's heart was shocked, and when he came back to his senses, he immediately understood what kind of flame it was, and it was ranked in the fighting fire list The thirteenth place, "Fire of Transforming Dao", can refine the enemy's Taoism and take it as his own. This "Fire of Transforming Dao" is introduced into the "Burning Heaven and Transforming Terrain" and becomes even more terrifying .

Xuanyuan looked at the momentum patterns that looked like living things, as if they had their own consciousness and wisdom, integrated into their own body, and evolved the supernatural powers that Xuanyuan cultivated layer by layer. Xuanyuan resisted desperately, but he couldn't do anything Resist, the greedy old man said coldly:

"Xuanyuan, since you can't resist it, you should feel the power of this 'Burning Heaven Transformation'. The supernatural powers you cultivated have already been assimilated by the "Swallowing Dao Jue", even if your supernatural powers have been stripped away, It doesn't do you any harm at all, but being able to peel off these imprints will be of some benefit to you!"

Hearing the words, Xuanyuan no longer resisted, but closed his eyes and entered a state of enlightenment. He felt those fine lines extending in his body like living creatures. The power and truth contained in them, when The moment Xuanyuan gave up resisting, he saw a golden light flickering, and Xuanyuan's first supernatural power had been refined.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Yi Xuan's brows stretched, and he introduced the golden light into his hands, and he smiled brightly:

"Hehe, this is the "Dragon Scale Refining Method" by the Yin family. It seems that the rumors are true. The young girl of the Yin family is indeed the guide who led Xuanyuan to practice. It is no wonder that this kid has always been fond of her."

As soon as Yi Xuan's words fell, another golden light flashed everywhere, and the "Tianlong Bone Refining Method" was refined.

In the blink of an eye, two golden rays of light burst out again, and the "Tianlong Alchemy Art" and "Tianlong Alchemy Art" continued to manifest...

"It seems that Xuanyuan is really going to perish here today." Ji Chen frowned, feeling helpless in his heart. Originally, he wanted to fight Xuanyuan, but he was afraid that he would never have the chance again.

"Hehe, brother Ji Chen, why should he be so emotional, like this kind of beast, if it dies, it's nothing." 'Dragon Fighting Son' had a bright smile on his face. Seeing this scene, he was obviously most willing to watch arrived.

"That's right, Xuanyuan, a little bastard, killed my junior sister. I only hate that I can't kill him with my own hands. Now this way of death is too cheap for him." The expression of "Dragon Saintess" was extremely cold, and Xuanyuan turned into "Ji Luori" 'Once beheaded the previous generation'Dragon Saintess'.

"Actually, not killing him will cause him more pain than killing him. If all his strength is exhausted, he will be a slave for life and let him suffer all kinds of humiliation. This is the best destination for him in this life, hehe," Han Tiansheng said. Girl, are you right?" The 'Sage of the Cold Sky' looked happy, and he looked at the 'Sage of the Cold Sky' with something to say.

"Sooner or later, there will be a day when you die." The 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' didn't say anything more, but stared at Xuanyuan intently. The 'Holy Son of the Cold Sky' was furious, but he was helpless. The person who is going to die, the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' is still treating him like this.

From Xuanyuan's body, supernatural powers kept flying out of the sky, "Yellow Emperor Golden Immortal Jue", "Red Emperor Fire Immortal Jue", "Black Emperor Narcissus Jue", "Xuandi Earth Immortal Jue", "Qingdi Wood Immortal Jue"...

Seeing this scene, many people were amazed.

"The 'Physical Body of Myriad Transformations' is really against the sky. Five kinds of magical powers are used to refine the five internal organs, corresponding to the five internal organs and five elements. No wonder this child's physical body is so powerful..."

"Yeah, if it were us, the five internal organs would have been broken long ago, how could they function as freely as he does?"

"Don't worry, there are still 'five elements' in his body, and they will be stripped out one by one later." Yi Xuan's smile became brighter and brighter, this time the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' really made a lot of money, although These supernatural powers are nothing, but the further you go, the more you will get, and now it is just the beginning.

As soon as Yi Xuan's words fell, two more supernatural powers flew out from Xuanyuan's body, and one of them was seen with a bloody aura soaring into the sky, Shura's faces manifested, and another supernatural power, mysterious and profound , corresponding to the stars in the sky, in the eyes of Zhang Bi from the 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion', a divine light flashed:

""Asura's Great Art of Refining Blood", "Azure Dragon's Whole Body Refining the Supreme Immortal Art"..."

Seeing this scene, Shihou Lihua burst into tears with rain on her face. She hated herself for being powerless to save Xuanyuan at this moment. She could only watch Xuanyuan suffer tremendous torture. She knelt in mid-air, sobbing and crying:

Mochou frowned slightly, comforting Shihou:

"Sister Shihou, don't worry, Brother Xuanyuan will be fine. This time, he will definitely survive this disaster. We must have confidence in him."

"It came out again, this time it is "Seven Profound Emperor Pills to Immortals", this kid really has amazing luck, the supernatural powers he cultivated are all supernatural powers that have the most advantages at every stage in the world." Mo Shuai sighed in his heart However, at this moment, his face is extremely relaxed, and it can be regarded as getting rid of a big enemy for himself in the future.

"It's a pity that I can't slaughter this beast with my own hands. If he falls into my hands, I will definitely make him regret why he lives in this world..." Shi Zhong's face was gloomy, full of murderous aura, and his smile was serious , making people feel horrified.

On the Sifang platform, Xuanyuan's body was penetrated by streaks of momentum patterns and merged into his body, making him unable to move. 'It was laid down by the emperor-level figures. There is no Xuanyuan at all, and the realm of the sages is constantly shaking, let alone Xuanyuan.

He calmed down his heart, and he had vaguely grasped where the threshold of stepping into the fate immortal was. He had been in the realm of fate immortal all along and could not be promoted. Now the "Nantian Great Emperor" came down The 'Burning Heavenly Terrain' gave him too much inspiration, of course, this was at the price of refining the supernatural powers on his body.

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