Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 912: Double Tribulation Dragon

Xuanyuan sat cross-legged, sticking to the square platform as if rooted, motionless, and saw small streaks of thunder from the immortal soldiers and the catastrophe of heaven and earth being drawn to the golden villain, this is Xuanyuan's soul , Seeing this scene, countless people were horrified.

"He actually used robbery and punishment to split his soul, isn't he afraid that his soul will fly away?"

"It's too ruthless. It turns out that Xuanyuan is so ruthless to me in cultivation. I can't do it forever. Although I heard that using robbery and punishment to temper the soul of life can make my strength stronger, but It is more likely that it will make me lose my soul, why he is so powerful, I know, there is no comparison at all, as much as you pay, you will get as much as you want."

Upon hearing this, Shi Zhong said coldly:

"If he has the ability, he will induce more calamities to split his soul, and from time to time induce one or two tempering, what is this?"

"Hehe, Mr. Shi's words are wrong. Everything goes from low to high, from shallow to deep, from weak to strong, from small to large, from small to large. There is no such thing as reaching the sky in one step. Could it be that your father put When you ejaculated, did you grow so big? I don’t think so?” Hua Xialiu’s painting fan depicting countless beauties naked was swinging, smiling coquettishly, teasing Shi Zhong.

Shi Zhong's face turned black, and he looked at Hua Xialiu with a murderous look. Du Zie's eyes widened, and he shouted at Shi Zhong:

"Damn it, why did the demons come out with such a bastard like you? Why do you want to try the power of the Supreme Dao Tool?"

Shi Zhong was not afraid at first, but at this moment, Shi Wan's faint words made Shi Zhong's face turn green all of a sudden.

"Brothers, if you want to make a move, just do it, I won't bother, everything about them has nothing to do with me." Shihou's meaning is obvious, she is afraid that some people will be jealous of her "Abi Demon Prison", now she said These words are to let them not worry.

"Master, you..." Shi Zhong looked at Shiwan, extremely angry.

"As the pride of the demon clan, being able to say such remarks will embarrass you completely. If you have the ability, you can try it in a catastrophe?" Shi Hou's expression turned cold. , the 'Ancient Demon Son' and the others, the level of patience in her heart has reached a certain limit.

Hearing this, Shi Zhong became dumb all of a sudden, unable to speak, Xiao Pianzi laughed loudly and said:

"Sister-in-law Shiwei is right. Don't use your mouth to babble. If you have the ability, you can go and have a look."

In Shiwan's "Abi Devil's Prison", Yuan'er looked extremely worried, and she burst into tears, feeling extremely distressed:

"Xuanyuan won't be able to bear it, and there will be even more terrible robbery and punishment in the future!"

Yuan'er is extremely sensitive in this regard, and when these words came out, Mo Chou, Yan Ziyun, and Shi Wan looked solemn and worried.

Lan Die frowned. Although she had known Xuanyuan not long ago, she admired him for his character, handling of affairs, and cultivation talent, and she didn't want anything to happen to Xuanyuan.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xuanyuan will be fine." Now, Lan Die can only use such words to comfort them, and her concern is chaotic, even if Mochou is starting to lose her composure now.

"I hope, if Xuanyuan really can't hold on anymore, don't stop me. He is the one who brought me into this world. He is Yuan'er's only relative in this world. I can't let him If something happens, you are all his closest people, and I will protect you for him..." Yuan'er wiped away her tears and looked in the direction where Xuanyuan was.

At this moment, Xuanyuan's physical body is surrounded by majestic life essence, and his body is undergoing the double calamity all the time. Everyone can clearly feel that Xuanyuan's physical body's ability to resist the calamity and punishment, became stronger and stronger.

The potential fire is burning on his body, and the potential pattern avenue runs through his body non-stop, but he is like an immortal body, with huge life essence to recover the wounds he has suffered, and from time to time there is that golden villain , that is, his soul of life, leading the source of life to hang down, making Xuanyuan seem to have eaten a top-quality earth-level elixir, broken bones and reorganized, and the white bones and raw flesh are many times stronger than ordinary life immortals.

It is in this kind of catastrophe and repeated torture that every time Xuanyuan's physical body is reorganized, every time his physical body is repaired, he will become stronger than before, because in the thunder of the immortal soldier and the momentum of the fate, there will be Let Xuanyuan use the physical body to absorb the power contained in them, and refine them in the "body of myriad transformations". Over time, the resistance will naturally become stronger, and Xuanyuan will become more and more powerful. strong.

The golden villain sitting on the lead flower lotus lamp is extremely powerful. It is Xuanyuan who has practiced seven completely different supreme Taoism, and uses seven kinds of treasures to guard the seven souls, and uses the five elements to warm him day and night. The result of cultivation is Xuanyuan's most powerful source of life, which gradually began to withstand more calcination and bombardment from the thunder of immortal soldiers and the pattern of the great way.

The double calamity continued without a single pause, and lasted for three days and three nights. Faced with such a terrifying catastrophe and punishment, even a supreme celestial being would die completely, but Xuanyuan was intact. Those scorched black dead skins fell off and turned into fly ash. At this moment, Xuanyuan's physical body had an essential leap compared to three days ago, and it was much stronger.

I saw that the thunder of the immortal soldier transformed into thousands of weapons and slashed at Xuanyuan's soul. After being honed to become stronger, the whole body is crystal clear, full of the rhythm of the Tao, and countless people are stunned to see it. The imprint of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, and the principle of the great way, are absorbed by Xuanyuan's soul...

Seeing this scene, many Tianjiao Shengzi felt terrified in their hearts, especially the "Hantian Shengzi", "Donglong Shengzi" Shi Zhong, Mo Shuai and others who were against Xuanyuan felt that Xuanyuan was simply too against the sky However, they didn't know that the price for these three days was that Xuanyuan consumed all the life essence of the "Xuanwu Holy Son" and "White Tiger Holy Son" that he swallowed. .

Zhang Bi frowned:

"This Xuanyuan is really not simple, and he can forcefully overwhelm him like this."

A sneer formed at the corner of Yi Xuan's mouth, and said:

"How could the robbery and punishment be so small? Looking at the time, it should be about the same. Just now, Xuanyuan triggered the beginning of the destiny immortal robbery. The next step is the real robbery. If he wants to go through it, I'm afraid It's impossible!"

As soon as Yi Xuan's voice fell, the whole sky changed, and the lead cloud became even lower. Above these lead clouds, there were many imprints of the Dao, which were extremely terrifying. From the imprints of these lead clouds, The dazzling thunder light rolled, followed the trajectory of the avenue, and began to gather...

"Here it comes. Next, it should be the Thunder of Immortals. Xuanyuan will definitely not be able to resist this time..."

"No, look, what's going on, it's not a human shape, but a dragon shape, what's going on?"

"No, it's too bad, oh my god, who did this kid offend? Immortal thunder jumped over it, directly triggering the most terrifying life and immortal thunder disaster. The dragon among people manifests in the shape of a dragon. Compared with immortals The thunder is much stronger, it is the thunder of the fairy dragon..." Peng Fei screamed on the spot, originally relying on Xuanyuan's current physical body, he could still resist the thunder of the fairy, but when he met the fairy dragon In Zhilei's case, I'm afraid he won't be able to die, what can Xuanyuan use to resist?

Before the people present came back to their senses, a big hole was torn apart in the lead cloud, and a giant dragon formed by intertwined patterns of the great way was seen, rushing towards Xuanyuan, lifelike, like a living thing, Fang Han Seeing this scene, his expression changed drastically:

"Fate and Power Tribulation Dragon, how many strange stones did Brother Xuanyuan cut to bring out the Fate and Power Tribulation Dragon, the Double Tribulation Dragon? His attainments in posture art will also make a complete leap. Fate is immortal, and fate is a tangible thing. He can give life to the posture patterns he has drawn. As for how deep he can comprehend, it depends on his personal perception. .”

"Hahaha, as I said earlier, the sky is going to kill this kid, so he can't die..." 'Dragon Fighting Saintess' laughed loudly.

Shi Zhong's face also became extremely ferocious, just now he thought Xuanyuan would be able to survive the catastrophe, but now it seems that Xuanyuan will not survive today.

"Okay, this brat Xuanyuan will definitely die!"

The strength of these two robbery dragons is extremely terrifying. They all have the imprints of various avenues, their power is boundless, and the power of many laws is extremely difficult for Xuanyuan to resist.

The 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact' in Xuanyuan's body was activated at this moment, and countless small whirlpools in the flesh and blood in his body were violently revolving. I deeply felt the horror of these two dragons, their killing power was comparable to a blow from a supreme angel.

Moreover, the speed of these two robbery dragons was extremely fast, Xuanyuan was accidentally brushed by the fairy thunder dragon, and the flesh and blood from his shoulder blades, including the broken bones, were blown out in an instant. The scene was extremely horrifying. It was also the result of his fully operating the "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations" to remove part of his killing power!

Enduring the severe pain, Xuanyuan swung the giant fist in his hand, using fighting energy to evolve the pattern of heaven and earth, and using momentum to kill the momentum, one turned over to avoid the attack of the fate robbery dragon on the other side, and punched it in the body. The collision of the avenue pattern made a shocking explosion, and Xuanyuan's whole body was directly blown out, his flesh and blood were shattered, and his entire fist disappeared in an instant, only a few blood vessels drooping, and the white bone... …

At this time, Xuanyuan understood that the two robbery dragons were not something he could resist...

Just when Xuanyuan was thinking about how to deal with this pair of calamity dragons, the Xianleilong swung its tail and attacked. Xuanyuan dodged sideways, but his left shoulder was rubbed, and his entire arm was under the power of the terrifying Xianleilong. Turned into fly ash...

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