Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 915: The Battle of the Sages

(Chapter 1! Ask for a PK ticket, the exciting moment is coming! Everyone, please help!)

Xuanyuan, in the midst of the raging Huamang, urged the "Wanhuashen Method" with all his strength, turned his own flesh and blood into nine incarnations, nourished by the supreme medicine, and was constantly being destroyed, reborn, and experienced. Endless pain and tempering lasted for three days and three nights.

Everyone can see that the shocking medicinal power emitted by the supreme magic medicine has become much weaker, just thinking about it, this is also a matter of course.

Because in these three days and three nights, I don't know how many times Xuanyuan's broken body has been reborn, which shows how amazing the power of the supreme medicine is.

At the same time, the two dragons collided non-stop, and all kinds of imprints on the avenue, and the pattern of the avenue were cracked, and Xuanyuan swallowed them one by one, turning them into his own, and taking every inch of his flesh and blood, every inch of his skin. Let him be thoroughly baptized, grow.

At this moment, Xuanyuan felt that he had become closer to the pattern of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and understood it better. He had mastered the pattern of depicting the pattern and how to give it life instead of being a dead thing. At this moment, Xuanyuan really understood Knowing the profound meaning of Mingshixian, only those who have truly survived the catastrophe can be regarded as Mingshixian.

Only those who have experienced the robbery and killing of Dao Shiwen can thoroughly understand the mystery contained in it. Although it is a catastrophe, it is not a great opportunity. Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. Everything has advantages and disadvantages , It's just that sometimes, when the disadvantages come, the panicked people can't see the advantages. As long as they stick to the past, there will inevitably be a different ending.

In the practice of fighting qi, Xuanyuan became closer to the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and the traces of the brand marks of the Dao made him understand how to mobilize the power of the Dao of Heaven and Earth and use it for himself, so that the supernatural powers he displayed would be more powerful. Fierce, even more powerful!

After three days and three nights of attacking and killing the two dragons, the nine incarnations derived from Xuanyuan were finally no longer shattered, but the power of the two dragons faded extremely. At this moment, there are only a few tens of feet left in his body. Although his aura is terrifying, it is no longer a great threat to Xuanyuan at this moment.

Under Xuanyuan's thoughts, he launched a fierce attack on the increasingly weak Jielong. All kinds of Dao brands and various Dao patterns were intertwined and slaughtered in the center of Sifangtai. Shi Bishen smashed the double-robbed dragons, and at the same time, devoured their broken parts and turned them into his own. In the end, the two double-robbed dragons were smashed to pieces, and countless people present were stunned. It indicates that Xuanyuan has survived this catastrophe and has truly stood firm in the realm of life immortals.

The constantly broken space healed itself, and nine identical Xuanyuans stepped out, each with long hair flying, all over the body, the body glowed, and the Taoist rhyme flowed. With the movement of his thoughts, the nine incarnations merged into one , and finally formed the appearance of his true self, Xuanyuan is tall and straight, heroic, like a king returning, ruling the world!

Xuanyuan looked down on Yixuan, looked down on the four directions, and didn't pay attention to him. Although he hadn't condensed the lead flower yet, Xuanyuan already felt that even if he didn't use the power technique, just relying on his own strength, he could compete with the immortals. The strength of a battle is over, but he also understands that the gap between himself and Yi Xuan is still one sky and one earth, even if there are 10,000 more himself, he is still not Yi Xuan's opponent.

"Why, Yi Xuan, didn't you say that I can't survive this catastrophe? Shouldn't I slap myself hard?" Xuanyuan smiled coldly, on the surface, but Xuanyuan still didn't dare to be careless in his heart, here is In the 'One Yuan Mountain', he was thinking about how to escape from here and fight in the enemy's supreme Taoist weapon. There are both advantages and disadvantages, but now he really has no ability to compete with the veteran figures like Yi Xuan. However, the pig-headed emperor was here again, which gave Xuanyuan a lot of confidence. Xuanyuan knew that this dog would definitely not come here without the slightest preparation.

Yi Xuan sighed softly, his eyes were full of pity, he smiled lightly and said:

"Xuanyuan, you really surprised me. It would be great if you were a descendant of my 'Nanzhou Dynasty', the younger generation. As far as I have seen so far, no one can surpass you. It's a pity. What's the pity?"

"It's a pity that I'm going to die in your 'Nanzhou Dynasty' today? Do you want to say that you love talents?" Xuanyuan sneered.

"Yes, Xuanyuan, you are really smart. If you can swear a blood oath to become the son and grandson of my 'Nanzhou Dynasty' and serve you forever, I, the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', can give you the best, train you, and even It is not impossible to let you become the emperor of my 'Nanzhou Dynasty' in the future!" Yi Xuan showed that it would really hurt Tianhe to obliterate such a heaven-defying saint child, so he wanted to win him over as much as possible.

"If you 'Nanzhou Dynasty' behave well and stand upright, I will naturally not refuse, but in the face of such a despicable power, full of filth and filth, bluffing and deceiving in the cloak of the descendants of the ancient great emperor, I really don't want to ruin my own reputation by deceiving the world and stealing my name."

Xuanyuan laughed, it is impossible for the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' to really treat him well, even if he swears a blood oath, they will still kill him, don't look at Yi Xuan's good words, in fact, they are just superficial articles wanting to monopolize him It's just the things on the body. On this point, Xuanyuan can guess it even if he doesn't use "killing life into reincarnation" to listen to his heart.

Yi Xuan, who originally wanted to sway Xuanyuan, was slapped back by Xuanyuan. This slap was extremely loud, and Yi Xuan's face was very ugly:

"Hmph, shame on your face. Today I will do it myself and turn you into a cripple. I want to see how much you can do."

Yi Xuan couldn't hold back his temper anymore. Even if he was said to be shameless, he would refine all the treasures on Xuanyuan's body, not for anything else, but for the future of the "Nanzhou Dynasty" To die here, he no longer cares about his personal face, and strengthening the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' is his greatest mission.

From Yi Xuan's body, a series of dragon-like avenues shot up into the sky, like the wrath of the sky, extremely terrifying, under his thought, they all rushed towards Xuanyuan, the terrifying power emanating from them , making people tremble all over, as long as they are entangled by these potential pattern dragons, I am afraid that everything Xuanyuan owns will be emptied!

Xuanyuan's expression was startled and angry, he didn't expect this old man to actually make a move, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he really didn't even want to face, just when Xuanyuan was about to fight back.

A figure appeared in front of Xuanyuan. It was an old man with immortal demeanor and dressed in a Taoist robe.

I saw him lightly raised his hand, Daoguang rolled into the sky, and the great power and anger contained in him directly smashed the Dao momentum pattern derived by Yi Xuan to pieces.

"Hehe, as a person of the older generation, is it too shameless to kill the younger generation? Where have all the ancestral precepts of the major forces gone? You are not allowed to attack the arrogance of the younger generation. The younger generation will be tortured by them Lian, you must know that the human race is always a human race, and it is only when you know where your enemy is, and now that the human race has finally produced such a proud figure, but you want to kill it, why is that?" The old man who made the move was exactly the same as The one with the pig-headed emperor had a calm expression and gentle words without a trace of anger.

Yi Xuan looked at this old man, and his expression changed. He never expected that someone who has the strength to step into the peak of the sages will stand out for Xuanyuan. Once a person reaches this level, he should not be easily offended.

"This is correct, but this son Xuanyuan is the root of all evil, he is a 'body of myriad transformations', he has no choice but to die, otherwise, if he grows up in the future with his character, he will definitely become a disaster for the world and cause endless harm. Brother Dao, please let me go, let me kill this son, even if there is a huge crime, I will bear it." Yi Xuan died generously, with awe-inspiring righteousness, and wanted to sacrifice his life to eliminate evil, which made Xuanyuan look My heart is extremely sick.

"Really? I think Xuanyuan's character is good, and he can even go through such a catastrophe. It can be seen that his character is extraordinary, tenacious, and intelligent. If he doesn't have a good heart, how can he survive it?" Such a catastrophe, but you, Yi Xuan, keep saying that others are the root of evil, and what you have done is really chilling. Is this the power of the human race today? It is far worse than it was in ancient times. It's too far away, without everyone's demeanor, it's really sad, the tomb of the 'Southern Desolation Emperor' is deep in the temple, I'm afraid that if he can be resurrected, he will slap you to death, you worthless descendants." The old man said While laughing, the cloud was calm, but what he said was undoubtedly slapping the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', which made Yi Xuan's face turn red.

"It seems that this Taoist brother must protect Xuanyuan, this little beast?" Yi Xuan pointed at Xuanyuan with a terrified expression.

"Hehe, don't scold people and beasts at every turn. You have to take a pee yourself to see what kind of thing you are. Today, the poor will kill you, an old dog. I want to see the current 'Nanzhou Dynasty' How capable is he?" This old man, who had received the favor of the "Emperor Devourer" that day, saved him and taught him supernatural powers, giving him a great fortune, and only then did he achieve what he is today He kept in mind the kindness of the 'Emperor Devourer'. Now that Xuanyuan is in trouble, as the successor of the 'Emperor Devourer', he will naturally not sit idly by. His name is Fengyu.

Feng Yu picked up a heavy ruler in his hand, on which the complicated avenue pattern was engraved, which was a semi-perfect Taoist weapon he had sacrificed for countless years, and slammed down on Yi Xuan's forehead, The space with a radius of one thousand zhang was shattered under the prestige of this one foot, and the terrible fighting spirit swept across, and Xuanyuan was directly thrown out, unable to even stand upright.

This is the power of the realm of the sages!

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