Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 917: The Power of the Supreme Dao Artifact!

The iron locks of the avenue pattern displayed by Yi Xuan are like dragons and snakes, winding and attacking, indestructible, wrapping around Xuanyuan's body, binding him tightly, and those "fires of transforming the way" that have just exploded and scattered in all directions are reborn Condensed together, attached to the pattern iron lock, burning blazingly, at this moment, the 'Flame of Transformation' completely manifested.

Xuanyuan's expression was solemn, and Yi Xuan made a move. He was like a baby against an adult, and he had no room to resist at all. for a moment.

Xuanyuan felt as if the treasure in his body was about to be refined, and he had no ability to stop it.

"Ah..." Xuanyuan raised his head to the sky and screamed wildly, and seven completely different visions manifested from his body, "All the emperors cry together", "The ancestors come to the past and the present", "The king comes to the emperor's court", "Bodhi saves all living beings" 'One gas transforms three cleanses', 'Psychic God's Domain', 'Qinglong travels to eight poles'.

Every kind of vision surrounds Xuanyuan's body, and each contains a great way, helping Xuanyuan resist the invasion of the "fire of transformation", which makes Xuanyuan feel better and has a little strength to struggle, although Xuanyuan has now stepped into it. It is still extremely difficult to combine these seven visions into one.

Looking at the power of the vision displayed by Xuanyuan, Yi Xuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"It's such a terrifying vision. If you can combine them into one, I'm afraid even celestial beings won't be able to resist them. It's a pity that there won't be such a day, and you don't have to do these dying struggles anymore."

As soon as the words fell, the 'Fire of Transformation' burned even more terrifyingly. Xuanyuan knew that this time, he really didn't have any hole cards. Even if he had, he couldn't move. He roared loudly:

"Pig Head Emperor, give me the Supreme Dao Weapon, give me a full blow, and then explode the Supreme Dao Weapon, and die with them."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of countless people present changed. Even Cang Yi became nervous at the first moment. The self-destruction of the Supreme Dao Artifact is no small matter, especially now that the 'One Yuan Mountain' is the battlefield Even with the power of faith that has gathered for countless years, it is still unable to resist the self-destruction of a supreme Taoist weapon. This is extremely terrifying. Xuanyuan really dared to die like this. Yes, the inheritance of the "Swallowing Emperor" There is nothing to dare!

Almost at the same time, Xuanyuan sent a voice transmission to Pengfei:

"Use your Supreme Dao Weapon to kill Yi Xuan, don't care about it."

"Okay, the condition is that you give me the scepter of the 'Eye of Reality', and immediately, otherwise, I will definitely not do it!" Peng Fei did not forget to blackmail Xuanyuan at this time, and he still wanted it ready-made of.

"Damn it, you bastard, I'll just lend you a loan, when is it, did I hesitate when I saved you?"

Xuanyuan cursed suddenly, and then a terrifying aura of supreme Taoism swept across the world. Between Pengfei's brows, the 'Yin-Yang Mirror' manifested, and he burned the infinite immortal coins on his body, In an instant, two thousand trillion celestial coins were burned, which was extremely terrifying, and all kinds of chaotic Dao patterns extended and intertwined, like the end of the world, Peng Fei cursed and said:

"Damn it, Master Dao, what I said is to give, not to borrow, let Dao Master blow this old bastard to death!"

The destructive breath invaded, and Yi Xuan's expression changed drastically. In the 'Yuan Mountain', various restricted terrains were activated in an instant, and an ancient city wall appeared from his body. This ancient city wall portrayed Looking at the emperor's pattern left by the ancient emperor, it has extremely terrifying protective power, protecting him to death, only to see the beam of light blasted out by the "Yin Yang mirror", hitting the wall of the emperor's pattern, Tore off the emperor pattern on it, and the strong force knocked that city wall away, and Yi Xuan's whole body was also knocked out. His old bones broke a dozen or so, and he spit out a big mouthful. Blood.

One can imagine the power of this blow with 2,000 trillion Celestial Coins, and people in the peak realm of the sages would also be hit hard. If it wasn't for being in this 'Yuan Mountain' and Yi Xuan's favorable location, I'm afraid it would be uglier.

A large group of guards from the "Nanzhou Dynasty" guarding the four directions were turned into flying ash under the blow of the "Yin-Yang Mirror", and they couldn't die any more. up.

At the moment Yi Xuan was wounded by Peng Fei with the 'Yin-Yang Mirror', the chains on Yu Xuanyuan's body pattern shattered.

Xuanyuan directly sacrificed the 'Cosmos Bag', using the 'Biluo Tianshui' to instantly force the out-of-control 'Flame of Transforming Dao' out of the body, and put it in the 'Cosmos Bag'. Seeing this scene, Yi Xuan Yaizu was about to burst, and the 'Fire of Transforming Dao' was actually burned by Xuanyuan just like that.

Xuanyuan took out the 'Eye of Reality', and threw the scepter directly at Pengfei. Pengfei was overjoyed, and put on the 'Yin-Yang Mirror' that had been hidden between his brows, as expected , and the supreme Dao Qi mechanism instantly revealed by the "Yin Yang Mirror" has become more and more terrifying, and various runes from the chaotic ancient times have manifested, and the power is even more powerful!

Everyone was stunned, no one thought that someone would dare to activate the Supreme Dao Weapon, and hit such a terrifying blow that almost wiped out Yi Xuan. At this moment, the pig-headed emperor roared The voice resounds through nine days:

"The Great Emperor has fought against you guys, Xuanyuan boy, if you die, you will die. To be able to bury so many people with you, you have the demeanor of 'swallowing the Great Emperor' back then..."

The pig-headed emperor yelled as if he was real, and Yi Xuan was so shocked that he hurriedly activated many protective and restrictive formations, but what he waited for was Xuanyuan who threw a big seal directly to the ugly human race and the ancient royal family. Kind of, at this moment, he understood that Xuanyuan was playing tricks on him, and there was no so-called supreme Tao weapon at all.

Just when he reflected, he saw that the big seal thrown by Xuanyuan turned into a seal the size of a hundred miles and hit Yi Xuan head-on. The power contained in it was no less than that of Peng Fei's "Yin Yang" Yi Xuan was furious with the blow from "Shen Jing", and activated the attack and killing ban with all his strength, manifested a giant hammer out of thin air, and blasted straight up, smashing together with the "Swallowing Celestial Seal", two forces The sound of the impact resounded through the sky, and the terrifying waves crushed in all directions. Countless people were so shaken that they vomited blood and ran away crazily, while several bones on Yi Xuan's body were broken.

"Damn it, I burned nearly a gigabyte of the Great Emperor's Celestial Coins to achieve this effect. The Great Emperor is so mad, it's all money!"

Hearing what the pig-headed emperor said, Yi Xuan spit out a mouthful of blood, this time he went completely crazy.

"Shame on your face, all of you can stay here for me today."

The power of faith in the 'Nanhuang Emperor Temple' was attracted by him, leading a ray into the 'One Yuan Mountain', and saw a beam of killing light converging, pointing directly at Xuanyuan. At this moment, Xuanyuan was stiff and unable to move. He had an extremely ominous premonition in his heart, as if in the next moment, he would completely disappear in the world, and saw that killing light accompanied by Yi Xuan's roar, directly smashing towards Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan didn't have time to reflect, but at this moment, a beautiful figure directly guarded Xuanyuan's face, Xuanyuan's mind was shaken, she was none other than Yuan'er, dressed in white clothes better than snow, she was graceful, unparalleled in the world, gentle The voice echoed in Xuanyuan's ears.

"Xuanyuan, you must live on, and live with Yuan'er's share."

The corners of Yuan'er's eyes raised a smile, and on her body, three ancient characters manifested, each ancient character has the magical effect of suppressing, suppressing all directions, but they couldn't resist Cang Yi's unsurpassed Taoism. With a crazy blow, three ancient characters were broken, Yuan'er's body was torn apart, and her white clothes were stained with blood. Even if she was protecting Xuanyuan in front of her, she still couldn't help Xuanyuan block the blow. , was pierced by that killing light, torn into pieces, and even the head was crushed.

Blood splashed across the sky, and Xuanyuan and Yuaner's bodies were shattered in an instant. Such a cruel scene appeared in front of everyone, and Shihou went crazy. She rolled in purple clothes, and for the first time, there was a terrifying murderous look in her eyes. Mang, she said word by word:

"Use all your strength to hit the 'Abi Demon Prison' and smash the entire 'One Yuan Mountain'. If you can't break it, you will explode the 'Abi Demon Prison'. Xuanyuan is dead. I don't want anything anymore. No matter what I do There is no point in anything anymore, just send me away, and the others, fight bloody battles with me to the end..."

While Shi Wan was talking, tears couldn't stop falling down. Shi Da and Shi Ba were taken away by the Imperial Forbidden Teleportation Formation in the 'Abi Demon Prison' before they could react.

At the same time, the 'Abi Demon Prison' surged with an incomparably terrifying aura, and with Shihou's order, a bloody light shot out, engulfing the entire world, which contained the endless tragedy of the 'Abi Demon Prison', This blow hit Yi Xuan directly, and where the blood light passed, all the soldiers of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' turned into a blood mist.

Yi Xuan's heart was shocked, and he said angrily:

"Fellow daoists, what are you still doing in a daze, quickly use the supreme dao weapon to help me!"

All of a sudden, the four supreme Dao artifacts of 'Xuanwu Immortal Mansion', 'Zhantian Immortal Mansion', 'Zi Mansion Immortal Sect', and 'Tianhuang Immortal Mansion' all rolled with extremely terrifying auras.

While speaking, Yi Xuan directly aroused a trace of the power of faith, and in front of him, a shield of the ancient emperor evolved to block the bloody light. After a moment, the shield of the ancient emperor collapsed Broken, Yi Xuan's whole body was directly thrown out, dripping with blood, his body was rubbed by the blood, or was pierced, or directly turned into fly ash, the original power from his body was running, and the fastest He was recovering from the wounds he had suffered at an extremely fast speed, and the power of the imperial ban and imperial power of the 'One Yuan Mountain' allowed him to recover extremely quickly. Even so, his face was indescribably pale.

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